No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2]

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No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2] Page 7

by Claire Adele

  She couldn’t tell her parents what had happened. They would want to come to her rescue. She needed to prove to them and to herself that she could handle her flower shop and payment of the loan.

  Her parents would also be shocked if they knew about her having two boyfriends actually staying with her at the same time, not to mention having sex with both of them at the same time. She doubted her parents would approve of her sexual experimenting. In spite of that, she was old enough and mature enough to make her own choices where men and sex were concerned.

  She looked forward to trying different ways with Beau and Ty to discover what she liked. While she was at it, she planned to support herself with her flower shop.

  Her cell rang. It was Darlene. “Hi, how are you?”

  “Great,” Darlene answered. “Can you take some time off for lunch and a little shopping tomorrow?”

  Chloe decided it wouldn’t hurt. “Sounds great.”

  “Wonderful. I’ll come by at noon. See you tomorrow.”

  “See you then.” Chloe ended the call just as Beau and Ty came back inside.

  “What did you find?” She could tell from their expressions that they’d found someone’s tracks. She’d feared as much.

  Beau took her arms in his gentle grip. “By the difference in size, it looked like more than one person’s tracks.”

  “We think you can solve the problem and discourage them by putting up thicker curtains, and we’ll help you do that,” Ty said.

  “Will you stay here at night with me? Both of you? I need you both.” She smiled a little. “I’ve gotten so I like your company a lot.”

  “We’ll stay,” they said together.

  Chloe smiled at them and released a sigh of relief. “I’ll feel safe with you here. Would you like a glass of wine or something? I think I could use a glass to relax.”

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Ty said.

  Beau nodded in agreement. “Same for me.”

  The guys followed her through the kitchen and into the pantry closet. “I keep the wine in here on the inside wall where it’s cooler. With these high ceilings, the warmer air stays up high above the shelves. They knew what they were doing when they built these houses in the old days.”

  “They sure did,” Beau said. He gave Ty one of those looks they used.

  Oh dear. Now what were they up to?

  “Let us give you a hand,” Ty said. “You could probably reach the wine glasses on that high shelf more easily if you stand on the lower shelf. We’ll help you.”

  It sounded like a plan, and she put her hands on their shoulders and stepped up on the shelves, one foot on each side of the U-shaped shelving. She steadied herself more with one hand on the top shelf before she reached for a glass.

  “Stay right like that, babe,” Beau said.

  “What? Is something wrong?” Had she created a problem?

  “Nope, everything is perfect,” Ty said.

  “I can’t help myself, hon,” Beau said. “I want you right now, in exactly that position.”

  “How…” she began to say.

  “Just let us do all the work, darlin’, while you keep your hands and feet where they are on the shelves,” Ty said. “Be sure to hold on tight.”

  “Don’t move,” Beau said as he and Ty unfastened her clothing and parted the closings. What were they going to do now? As if in answer, Beau unfastened her bra and Ty pulled her shorts down below her butt cheeks. They both took hold of her bikini panties and edged them down, too.

  She smiled and shook her head in disbelief. “What are you guys up to?”

  “You’ll see,” Ty said.

  “I think you’ll like this,” Beau said, as he pulled her clothes down lower in front with one hand and slid his big hand between her thighs. He parted her folds with his fingers and touched the outer lip of her now-wet opening. With gentle pressure, he slid his finger inside her.

  “Oh my,” she moaned.

  Ty held her steady with his hands at her waist.

  Beau slipped his finger deeper until his curled fingers butted up against her pussy. He kept his finger there and swirled it slowly.

  She shook from the sensations he created in her as she held on to the shelving and kept her feet firmly planted on the shelves.

  “Hold on tight now, darlin’.” Ty gave her little warning before he pulled her shorts down a little more beneath her butt cheeks. He blew on the dampened flesh of her slit.

  He drew a shivering moan from her.

  Ty parted her cheeks gently with his callused fingers as Beau removed his finger from her vagina. The sensations were incredible, and she almost cried out. Ty slid a finger through her fluids and spread them up and down her slit, finally circling her tight hole and adding to the aching pleasure. Her thighs shook, the tremor going all the way down her legs to her toes. He pushed his finger inside her pussy and moved it in and out as Beau cupped her breasts in his hands and brushed her nipples with his callused fingers. The burning aches along her slit swelled even more from the charges streaming there from where Beau stroked her nipples.

  Ty removed his finger before she was ready. She just needed a little more time before she reached her climax. “Guys! What you’re doing to me.”

  “Come down one shelf and stand on the first one above the floor,” Beau directed. “We’ll hold you.”

  They held her around her middle, and she carefully stepped down to the lowest shelves on either side of the room, her legs shaking and weak. “I need you inside me,” she whispered.

  “Soon,” Ty said gently, behind her. “Hold on to those shelves up there, and don’t let go.”

  She held onto the shelves above her. She heard Ty take out a condom from his wallet. He unfastened his jeans next, and she heard him unwrap the condom. She watched Beau in front of her do the same. He spread the opening of his jeans and lowered his cotton briefs, freeing his engorged cock. The head was dark rose, and the slit on the end released a pearl of pre-cum. His cock jutted toward her as he rolled the condom down the stiffened length of it. He was huge. She knew he would fit inside her, and yet she marveled that he did. More moisture gathered at her opening as she watched him.

  “Don’t move.” Beau’s voice came as a soft growl deep in his chest.

  She heard Ty move close behind her again. He parted her butt cheeks, slid his finger through her fluids, and circled her puckered ring. The sensual ache felt good. Her muscles clenched. She watched Beau as he positioned himself closer to her. With her legs spread wide and her feet on the shelves, she was open to him. He took hold of his cock and pressed the head against her opening. He pushed inside slowly as Ty pressed his fingers against her tight ring. They didn’t touch her anywhere else, and all the sensations centered between her thighs and butt cheeks. Beau slowly filled her with his stiffened cock all the way to her womb. The head touched her there giving her more titillation. She bucked and Beau moaned. Ty let up on the pressure on her tight hole and circled it again. Beau pulled out of her and pushed back in, over and over. He put one hand on her hip to hold her steady as he delved between her wet folds with his other hand and found her swollen clit. She gasped, and her hips bucked as he circled her clit and pressed down on it.

  “You feel so good, babe,” Beau said softly.

  Her body tightened, every muscle tingling. Beau took her nipple into his mouth and squeezed with his teeth. Heat struck her pussy, her back bowed, and she climaxed, her body bucking against Beau. She soared as her orgasm held her enthralled. His hand left her clit, and he circled her waist with his strong arms as he climaxed, his cock pumping inside her over and over. A low growl rose from deep in his chest. Her climax continued, her muscles contracting until the strong pulses ebbed.

  Ty removed his fingers from her tight ring. Beau released a long breath and eased his cock from her. She took a deep breath as they kept her from collapsing on the floor. The musky scent of sex surrounded her. She felt completely relaxed, almost limp.

n’t let go, darlin’,” Ty said, warning her. “Stay right where you are until we help you.”

  “Okay,” she said weakly. She felt Ty’s hands at her waist, supporting her.

  “I’ll be right back,” Beau said. He left the room and returned in less than a minute. He still had his jeans unfastened, but his briefs were pulled back up.

  “Now, babe, we’re going to let you stand on the floor, but keep your legs spread and bend over and grip the second shelf above the floor, on opposite sides of the room.”

  Oh my god, what now? “Are you sure…?”

  “Just do as we say. I think you’ll enjoy this as much as we will,” Beau said.

  She did as they instructed and stepped to the floor while they helped her. She bent over and gripped the next to the bottom shelves on either side of the room. Beau stood in front of her and steadied her with his hands on her shoulders. Ty moved close behind her. She knew that he had rolled on a condom. What did he intend to do to her?

  “Your butt cheeks make up the prettiest little ass I’ve ever seen, darlin’.” Ty caressed her cheeks with his big callused hands. “They’re so soft and smooth and such a creamy color.”

  His touch made her pussy ache and drip with her fluids.

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes.” He smoothed his hands down her cheeks to her thighs as he slid her clothes down and off, lifting each of her knees as he did so. He stroked the backs of her thighs, and his fingers touched her labia. He parted her folds and slowly slid a long finger deep inside her pussy. After removing his finger, he positioned the blunt head of his hard cock there. The pressure of his cock stretched and titillated her opening as he pushed and entered her passage. She was so slick that he slid deeply until she felt his balls against her folds. He held her hips between his hands and started to move, in and out, oh so gently. The sensations built, her need gripped her again.

  Beau knelt in front of her. “Don’t let go, hon. Kiss me.” He put his hands on the sides of her face and brushed his lips over hers. He delved between her lips and inside her mouth, stroking every surface inside and tangling at last with her tongue. Ty continued to slide in and out of her as Beau stroked deep, tangling with her tongue, and fucking her mouth as Ty fucked her pussy. She could do nothing but feel, spread-eagled as she was with her orders to grip the shelves and keep her legs open wide. She clung to Beau’s mouth, and Ty built the shivery sensation in her nerves again with his cock plunging deep inside her. The pressures built all over her body.

  Ty reached one hand under her belly and found her clit. He circled that sensitive nub around and around, never stopping from sliding in and out of her passage. Beau cupped her breasts and stroked and squeezed her nipples. A moan escaped her throat as hot pleasure struck as fast as lightning to her pussy. She climaxed. Beau released her mouth. Her neck arched as her hips bucked against Ty’s hard, muscular thighs. He climaxed, tantalizing her more, and held her hips tight against him as his cock pumped over and over, seeming to go on longer than usual, making her contractions continue longer and harder.

  At last they both breathed again as their muscles eased and the pulses lessened in strength gradually until they ebbed and pulsed only slightly. She moaned and sighed, her body completely relaxed and threatening to collapse on the floor.

  Ty pulled gently out of her, giving her more sweet sensations, and Beau wrapped his arms around her.

  “Let go of the shelves, babe,” Beau said.

  She opened her eyes and found him smiling at her. “That was amazing, you guys.”

  “I’ll be back in a sec,” Ty said, heading for the hall.

  As Beau held her, he helped her back into her panties and shorts easing them back up in place. He lifted her into his arms, and she put her arms around his neck, almost too weak to do so. He carried her to the couch and lowered her onto it carefully. She reclined on the cushions with her bra hanging open at her sides and her shirt spread open and revealing her swollen breasts. She felt thoroughly satisfied.

  “I’ll get the wine,” Ty said as he returned from the bathroom. He grinned at her, looking rather proud of himself.

  They had turned most of the lights off inside the house, and now Beau and Ty turned the front and back porch lights on to discourage whoever had been sneaking around looking in her windows.

  They joined her on the couch and sipped their wine in the low light from the front porch. After a little while, she fastened her bra and her shirt.

  “I have something I want to suggest,” Beau said.

  Chapter Seven

  She turned to look at him. “What?”

  “I’d like to help you get Cinco out of your business. I have some money I can give you to pay off your loan from him.”

  “Oh!” She was surprised at first and then realized that was just like Beau.

  “Say yes,” Ty said. “I have some put away, too, and I’d be glad to help.”

  She looked from Beau to Ty and smiled at them. “You’re both so wonderful to offer, but I need to handle this loan by paying for it with earnings from my business. Thank you, but I need to do this myself to prove I can run a successful business.”

  Beau looked at her earnestly. “I wish you’d accept our help. You can pay me back if that would work better for you.”

  She shook her head slightly. “Thanks, but I’m determined to handle my business on my own if I can. I’ll see how things go, and if it looks like I can’t, I’ll let you know right away.”

  Beau grimaced. “Okay, but remember we’re happy to help you.” He squeezed her arm.

  “We both are.” Ty curled his hand around hers.

  She smiled at Ty and took a deep breath. “I’m ready for bed,” she said. “I plan to keep my bedroom lights turned off tonight, just in case there’s a Peeping Tom out there.”

  “I’m ready for bed, too,” Ty said.

  “So am I,” Beau agreed. “You get in bed first, and we’ll join you. Are you up for a little snuggling?”

  She grinned at Beau. “Yes, I am. That sounds perfect.”

  “We’ll turn out these lights for you,” Ty said.

  Chloe headed for the bathroom and quickly readied herself for bed. She climbed into the middle and didn’t have to wait long at all before Beau and Ty joined her.

  * * * *

  Chloe left the small, cheery sandwich shop with Darlene, and they turned down the sidewalk toward the gift shop Darlene had in mind.

  “It’s one of my favorite places to shop,” Darlene said. “The owner stocks the cutest things. She also carries gifts for men, and that’s a big help to me.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing what’s there. Maybe I can find more inspiration for my own shop.”

  Chloe glanced to her side as a big, black off-road vehicle pulled up in the street beside them as they walked along the sidewalk. She saw with disgust that Cinco and his men were in the seats. Cinco lowered the front window beside him on the passenger’s side.

  She looked away, but the vehicle kept up with them as they continued walking along the sidewalk.

  “Hey,” Cinco said. “Don’t forget to send me your payment on the loan. It’s due now. I look forward to getting together with you soon. Have a nice day.” He smiled at her.

  Chloe glanced at him and then ignored him. His vehicle pulled ahead of them and continued down the street. His obnoxious behavior angered her.

  “I apologize, Darlene, for that irritating interruption. I foolishly took a loan from him to start my business. As a result, I’m dealing with constant harassment from him and his so-called bill collectors.”

  “That’s awful. I could help you with that. I’d be happy to loan you the money to pay him off. I certainly wouldn’t harass you.” She grinned at Chloe.

  Chloe chuckled with Darlene. “I’m sure you wouldn’t be anything like Cinco and his men. I’m tempted to take you up on your offer, but it was a rather large sum needed to set up my flower shop.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Darlene assured
her. “I’m sure I can help you.”

  “It would be such a huge relief, to get Cinco out of my business.”

  “With him paid off,” Darlene said, “you’ll have more energy to give to your shop.”

  “I believe I would,” Chloe agreed. She had turned down help from Beau and Ty last night, thinking that she could handle the loan and Cinco on her own, and that she should do exactly that. But with him driving up beside her and harassing her just now, she wouldn’t be adverse to anyone’s help right this minute to help her be rid of dealing with Cinco. Instead of calling Beau and Ty and interrupting them while they were at work on their ranches, she decided it might be prudent to take Darlene up on her offer and pay Cinco off at once. She doubted that Beau and Ty were the sort of people who would be insulted by her not taking them up on their offer. She’d explain to them tonight why she’d decided to go with Darlene’s offer. She was sure they’d understand, at least she hoped they would. “I accept.”

  “Wonderful. I can transfer the amount you need to your bank account as soon as you want. Today, in fact.”

  “Thank you.” Chloe could hardly wait to be rid of Cinco. “Would this afternoon be too soon?”

  “Not at all. Let’s go over to the bank and take care of this right now.”

  Chloe regretted that she needed help to handle the loan from Cinco. At the same time, she believed in her heart that taking Darlene’s offer was the quickest way at the moment to handle the problem.

  * * * *

  That evening Chloe couldn’t bring herself to tell Ty and Beau that she had accepted the help of a loan from Darlene to pay off Cinco. The bank had said the money would not be available to her until tomorrow when the funds would be placed in her account. Frustrated that she couldn’t take care of the loan today, she would definitely take care of it tomorrow when she had time to leave the flower shop. She felt embarrassed over not being able to deal with the loan shark on her own, on top of not finding out about his shady operation beforehand and taking the money from him in her impatience to set up her flower shop.


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