No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2]

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No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2] Page 8

by Claire Adele

  She didn’t dare tell her parents. She could just imagine what they would say to her.

  Guilt plagued her over the fact that Beau and Ty had offered to help pay off Cinco first before she had talked to Darlene. She hoped they wouldn’t be hurt when she finally got the courage to tell them she’d accepted Darlene’s help.

  After they helped her hang her new, heavier curtains that no one would be able to see through, she decided an early lights-out would be exactly what she needed after everything that had happened the last couple days.

  “I think I’ll get ready for bed now,” she told Ty and Beau. Without waiting for their questions, she gathered her night clothes and robe and headed for the bathroom.

  She took a quick shower and readied for bed. When she opened the bathroom door, she saw that her guys were planning to shower. They’d undressed and now wore their robes which she kept for them in her closet. The white terry cloth looked great against their tans. Just gazing at their gorgeous bodies made her hot for them.

  She busied herself putting her clothes away and deciding what to wear the next day while Beau waited for Ty to finish with his shower.

  “How is everything at the ranch?” she asked, trying to make conversation.

  We’re doing pretty well considering Mark didn’t show up for work today.”

  Chloe spun from hanging up a shirt and stared at Beau. “Mark wasn’t there? I can’t imagine him not showing up to work.”

  Beau gazed at Chloe. “I’ve been thinking exactly what you just said. I can’t imagine why, either.”

  The bathroom door opened, and Ty joined them. “What happened? What in hell is going on with him? Isn’t he one of the steadiest hands you have on your spread?”

  “He is,” Beau agreed. “I finally had a chance this afternoon to ask Lance if he’d heard from him today, but he said he hadn’t. Lance thinks it might have something to do with last night.”

  “Last night?” Ty asked. “What happened? I saw them leave the steak house together.”

  Beau turned to Ty. “Just between us, evidently, from what Lance told me, Mark was put out with him for being too friendly at a bar with a couple cowboys later last night. Lance said the cowboys had joked that Mark was too pretty to be a real ranch hand.”

  Chloe gasped and frowned at the meanness of that idiot.

  Beau looked at her. “Evidently, Mark had said he’d get home on his own. Mark was so upset that Lance had been forced to leave him there by himself.”

  “That’s terrible. What an awful thing for those cowboys to make fun of him for being good looking. They caused that upset between Lance and Mark.”

  Ty shrugged. “Well, some stupid guy is always going to say something.” He sounded regretful. “It’s bound to happen sooner or later. He’s a nice-looking guy, so he’s been picked on every once in a while his whole life, at least in school.”

  “Enough about Mark.” Beau met Chloe’s gaze and gave her a lopsided smile. “Are you ready for a little lovin’?”

  “I think I could go for a little bit.” She smiled back.

  “Give me a few minutes to shower,” Beau said and left her bedroom.

  * * * *

  Tonight Beau wanted to ramp up the heat for Chloe. Ty knew exactly what to do, but Beau had a feeling Chloe would not. Beau knew he could count on Ty.

  When Beau returned to her bedroom, naked except for the towel around his hips, Ty was already involved in warming Chloe up. They kissed deeply, Ty’s arms around her, their legs entwined. Beau took a moment to watch the two of them. As he stood there, his cock hardened even more than it had been before, tenting the terry cloth. Beau continued to watch. Ty rolled to his back. Beau had a fairly good idea what Ty had in mind as Ty rolled a condom down the length of his cock.

  Ty urged Chloe to come on top of him. “Take me inside, darlin’.”

  Beau quietly observed, unable to take his eyes off Chloe. She rose with her knees on either side of Ty’s hips. She took Ty’s cock in one hand while bracing herself with her other hand on Ty’s tight abs. Leaning forward, she positioned the head of his penis at her hole. Beau had a perfect view of her cunt as she eased down over Ty’s jutting cock.

  Beau heard her deep moan of pleasure as she slid down all the way to the base of Ty’s cock. Ty groaned. “That’s perfect, sweetheart. Kiss me.” Ty gently urged her lower until she pressed her lips to his.

  The sight of her pretty little ass and rosy slit made Beau’s feral beast rage with the need to take her. He tossed his towel over the chair in the corner and squeezed lubricant from the tube on his fingers. He stepped close to the foot of the bed. “Scoot to the end of the bed, Ty.”

  Ty wrapped Chloe in his arms, dug his heels into the bedding, and raised his hips to move to the foot of the bed without dislodging her. They never broke their kiss.

  Fuck. She was one hot lady. When Ty reached the foot of the bed and dangled his lower legs over the edge, Beau stepped up close to the end of the bed between Ty’s knees. Ty smoothed his hands down Chloe’s sides and over her hips until he cupped her butt cheeks and spread them a little.

  “Ty,” Chloe breathed as she broke their kiss.

  “Kiss me again, darlin’, and let us make you feel good.”

  She lowered her head to kiss Ty again.

  Beau gently lubed her puckered ring as Ty held her butt cheeks spread apart. She moaned and wiggled her hips a little.

  “God, sweetheart, you’re driving me crazy.” Ty cupped her hips.

  Beau swallowed, determined to control his animal urge to fuck her. She lifted her hips, sliding almost all the way off Ty’s cock, and Beau knew it was the perfect moment. He circled her tight hole and held her steady with one hand on her hip. With every shred of control Beau had left, he gently pushed one finger inside her tight ring.

  She moaned and slid her pussy down to the base of Ty’s cock. “That feels good,” she said.

  As she worked Ty’s cock, moving up and down, Ty caressed her breasts, continuing to kiss her.

  Beau moved with her motions so he wouldn’t hurt her and carefully pressed his finger deeper into her rectal passage. “I love the way you feel, babe.” He pushed again and stroked inside her channel. He found what he was searching for, her sweet spot. He massaged her there.

  Her hips bucked. “Oh God!” she cried and moaned, her back arching as she shivered.

  Beau felt the buck of her orgasm as it radiated through her pussy.

  A deep growl rose from Ty’s chest as he climaxed.

  Beau steadied Chloe’s hips with his hand, gently gripping her until the contractions of her release ebbed. He eased his finger from her tight hole.

  She collapsed, sprawling on top of Ty. “That was amazing, guys.” She released a big sigh.

  Beau smiled to himself, enjoying her satisfaction.

  When Ty’s cock slid from her vagina, he rolled her to her side. “Be back in a minute, hon.”

  Beau followed him and returned to Chloe before Ty finished cleaning up.

  Chloe lifted her eyelids slowly and gazed at Beau with her gorgeous eyes. Her gaze lowered to his raging hard-on. He hardened even more.

  “You didn’t find your release.” Concern filled her voice.

  “Not yet.” Beau grinned at her, praying she was game for more sex play.

  She turned onto her back and spread her legs. “Come here,” she said softly. She held her arms out to him.

  Beau didn’t hesitate. He grabbed a condom, rolled it onto his eager cock, and climbed onto the bed between her long, curvy legs. He lowered himself to rest on his forearms on either side of her. She put one hand on his waist and closed the fingers of her other hand around his cock. Tilting her hips upward, she guided his stiffened penis to her slick hole. He pushed gently and slid partway inside her warm, slick passage. She gripped his butt cheeks, making him groan as his cock hardened even more, and his balls drew tight. He pulled out partway and pushed back inside deeper.

  “That feels so good, Be
au.” She undulated her hips.

  He wouldn’t last long at this rate. He slid deep, pulled almost all the way out, and pushed inside again, deeper. She wrapped her long legs around him. In and out he slid through her hot, wet velvet. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He pushed all the way to her womb, lowered his head, and took her nipple into his mouth, drawing hard until he heard her sharp moan. Her hips bucked against him as her fingers dug into his back, her nails leaving a burning trail, arousing him even more. He squeezed her nipple between his teeth.

  “Beau!” she cried.

  Her orgasm kicked in as her body bowed beneath his torso. Her contractions stroked his cock. The familiar tingling from the base of his spine streamed through him, and he climaxed. A growl from deep in his chest rose with the force of it. His cock pumped into her until he had nothing left. He lowered his head to the curve in her shoulder and kissed her soft, fragrant skin. Her hands caressed his back. She pressed a warm kiss to his ear. It made him shiver, and he chuckled. “God, babe, I wish we could stay like this all night.”

  “Me, too. That was amazing, Beau.”

  Ty rejoined them on the bed. He kissed her cheek and stroked her arm. “You’re the amazing one, sweetheart.”

  Beau moved off her, his cock sliding from her incredibly sweet, hot pussy. “That’s for damn sure. I’ll be right back.” He headed to the bathroom, disposed of the condom, and washed up before returning to her bedroom with a warm, wet washcloth.

  With Ty on one side of her, his arm below her breasts, Beau urged her to spread her legs open. He wiped away any residue of their lovemaking. “What are you planning for tomorrow? Will you be working at your shop all day?”

  “Yes, most of the day. I have to run an errand.”

  Beau returned the washcloth to the bathroom and rejoined Ty and Chloe on the bed. Beau stroked her arm with his palm. “Have you given more thought to our offer to help with a loan to pay off Cinco?”

  “Actually, I took care of it today,” she answered quickly.

  “You did?” Ty asked, surprise in his voice.

  Beau was surprised, too. Why hadn’t she let him help her? “What did you do, if you don’t mind telling me?”

  “Well, I got to talking about the situation while I shopped with Darlene. She offered a loan to me right away and took me to her bank to take care of it during the afternoon.”

  Beau looked at Ty.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I certainly don’t want you to be upset by my decision to take Darlene’s offer.”

  Beau held his hands out to her. “No problem, but please don’t take the money to Cinco tomorrow until we can get away from the ranch and go with you. Let us provide an escort and our protection for you.” It terrified Beau that Cinco and his hoods could hurt her. Beau couldn’t let that happen to Chloe.

  “I’ll leave the ranch early,” Ty said. “Rafe will understand. I can meet up with Beau and be there for you, too.”

  “I’ll wait for you, if I can,” she said. “But I want to be free of Cinco as soon as possible. What’s that strange scratching sound on the front door? It sounds like an animal or something clawing at the wood. What is that?”

  Chapter Eight

  Beau and Ty both listened to the strange scratching noise.

  “What is it?” Chloe sounded uneasy to Beau.

  “We’ll check it out,” Beau said. She grabbed her robe from the chair in the corner of the bedroom as he and Ty pulled on their jeans and shirts. They all strode swiftly from her bedroom, heading for the living room.

  It was after midnight. Beau noticed Chloe followed right behind him and Ty and quickly flipped on the hall light. Beau and Ty stopped near the front door. Both of them held a hand out to keep her back.

  “We’ll go outside and check around,” Beau said. “You stay inside. Lock the door behind us. Stay away from the windows.”

  She nodded.

  Beau opened the door, and they slipped outside. Beau heard her lock the door. The sound of panting, growling canines surrounded them. Beau had a feeling that they faced a fight. He noticed Chloe pulled the curtain aside on the closest front window, enough so she could survey the front yard. The night was so dark that he knew she couldn’t see anyone or anything.

  The loud snarling of the big animals broke the brief silence. It sounded like a terrible dog fight, but he and Ty knew what it was really all about. There was no way they could avoid this fight. They were bound to get slashed, bitten, or mauled, or all three. What would Chloe think when she saw them afterward?

  There were so many different snarls all at the same time that Beau decided it must be a whole pack of werewolves taking aggressive positions for attack. The noise level was terrible.

  Beau noticed from the corner of one eye that the curtain moved aside even more. He hoped Chloe wasn’t horrified if she could see what was about to take place.

  The snarling became almost deafening. Suddenly the outlines of three werewolves streaked across the front yard. Beau watched as the wolves separated. They circled and stalked, waiting for Beau and Ty. The wolves had to be the biggest Beau had ever seen. He suspected there were more staying back in the shadows.

  In the meager light from the window, with only the hall light turned on, their coats reflected different shades from white to gray and black. The animals charged toward Beau and Ty, their huge bodies slamming into each other as they spun away. One of them gave a sharp bark. It must be injured. Beau didn’t know what was the best course. What if he and Ty were seriously injured? Would these wolves go after Chloe? He couldn’t let that happen. He must protect Chloe. Her safety came first before anything else.

  “We can’t let them get near Chloe,” Beau said in a low growl only for Ty’s ears.

  “We won’t,” Ty agreed. “We’d better shift!”

  They stripped their clothes off. As the biggest wolf charged, Beau and Ty shifted in an instant of extreme pain as light whipped around them like a golden lariat. Their bodies changed shape. The shifting completed, with a roaring growl, they met their adversaries. They tore at one another with their sharp canines. Fighting viciously, they spun, first in one direction and then in another. They slammed against their opponents, and slashed at their throats. It was one of the worst fights Beau had been part of in a long time.

  The beasts within him and Ty ripped at their attackers with their razor-sharp claws. One of the wolves took Ty down. Beau broke away from the wolf he fought and hit full force against the wolf standing over Ty. The wolf knocked away, Ty rolled to his feet and shook himself, staggering a little. Beau turned toward the charging werewolf coming at him and bounded forward, going for the raging wolf’s neck.

  “Beau! Ty! Come inside!” Chloe yelled from the front door.

  The wolves all stopped fighting and raced away down the street. As Beau and Ty gave chase, Beau heard the door slam closed.

  Beau slowed in the race after the outlaw wolves. With the threatening pack far down the street now, Beau shifted through the bright burst of light back to his human form. He looked for Ty. He was well behind him. He’d also changed. Something was wrong with Ty. He must have been hurt. Beau ran back to him, and they returned to Chloe’s place in their human shapes. He and Ty dressed and crossed the front porch to the door. It was locked now.

  “It’s us, Chloe,” Ty called out.

  She opened the door for them. They went inside. She would see right away that Beau and Ty had some cuts. Beau’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw the amount of blood covering Ty’s chest.

  “What happened?” Chloe asked. “Were you bitten? That could be serious.”

  “We tripped over some barbed wire in the dark while we were chasing that fighting pack of wolves away from your yard.”

  “Let’s get you cleaned up fast.” She pushed them toward the hall and into the bathroom. “It’s important to clean and disinfect wounds like that right away. Barbed wire is dangerous.” Her eyes were wide with concern.

  Her hands shook as sh
e cleaned the wounds and doused them with antiseptic. “This cut on your chest is bad, Ty. Maybe it should be stitched.”

  “We’ll be fine, Chloe, honestly,” Ty said when he had a chance. “We get cut all the time in our ranch work.”

  After she put bandages on the worst of the cuts over Ty’s chest, they all three headed for bed to get some much-needed sleep.

  Beau feared he wouldn’t be able to relax and sleep now. But with their arms around Chloe, cradling her, and her hands touching Ty and him, he drifted to sleep.

  The next morning, when Beau and Ty dressed for work, Chloe insisted on checking their wounds. She sounded amazed that the cuts looked much better, some almost healed. That was one bonus about being a werewolf, but he couldn’t explain that to her. He didn’t want to lose her.

  His cell rang. The message was brief. When he ended the call, he looked at Chloe and Ty. “That was Lance. He’s worried that Mark hasn’t shown up again. It’s not like Mark to take off for so many days from the ranch, especially when we have so much work to do right now. If he was angry at Lance, he should have gotten over it by now.”

  “Yeah, he should have,” Ty agreed.

  “We’ll see you at closing time,” Beau said and gave Chloe a quick kiss.

  “Wait for us,” Ty said, and he kissed her, too.

  “I’ll see you then,” she said, smiling, and closed the front door after them.

  * * * *

  The morning had gone by quickly with a few customers buying flowers and assorted plant supplies. Chloe had managed to water all the plants and orchids in the greenhouse, and now she was ready for a lunch break.

  She wanted dearly to pay off Cinco and be done with him. It seemed like the evening was a long time to wait in order to take the check she’d written on her account to him. She tamped down her impatience.

  Beau and Ty wanted her to wait for them to escort her to Cinco’s place. She knew that was the best way to finish her business with Cinco, but she was anxious for it to happen soon.


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