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02.Bad Moon Rising

Page 18

by David Bishop

  The entire sequence took less than five heartbeats.

  Billy-Bob found himself confronted by one of the freaks. Instinctively he lashed out with the laser blade, slicing the monster's head clean off in a single movement. As the creature collapsed to the floor three more of its kind began screaming, their strange alien noises scratching the inside of Billy-Bob's mind. "I got one!" he shouted delightedly. "I got me one of these freaks!"

  Two of the aliens ran off down the corridor but one stood over the still twitching body. It shouted something at Billy-Bob. The words were unknown but the meaning was clear - this little freak wanted to fight.

  "Now you're talking my language," Billy-Bob said, blue light from the laser blade illuminating his face. He stepped out of the turbolift and advanced on the alien child.

  Dredd was crouching by Summerbee when the SJS Judges burst into the luxury bungalow. Subsequent forensic investigation would prove the shot that killed the billionaire had been fired by the house droid. The internal security cams showed Summerbee being more than a little surprised when hit by the shot that ricocheted off Dredd's flying helmet. He had fallen backwards over his case and collapsed in a heap on the floor, blood pooling out from beneath him and soaking into an antique sheepskin rug.

  "Why?" Dredd hissed in the dying man's ear. "Why did you show Riley that report about his brother?"

  "Needed him... to help Stammers... The incendiary..."

  "But why torch those aliens? What did you hope to gain?"

  "Not the aliens... The building..." Summerbee gasped, then lay still.

  The SJS Judges swarmed into the building but their quarry had eluded them. "What did he say?" their leader demanded.

  Dredd put his helmet back on before replying. "What's it to you?"

  "Summerbee Industries has been worrying the Special Judicial Squad for some time," Jefferson told Miller in the interrogation room. "The many companies that make up the Summerbee empire have their tentacles into far too many areas of the Justice Department for our liking: weapons research and development, supplying crucial equipment, even taking over construction of new department buildings. We began to hear whispers about Summerbee's underlings using bribery and corruption to win contracts. After what happened with the Mark Elevens, we didn't want a rerun."

  Crime boss Nero Narcos had begun supplying the department with a new model of Lawgiver, through a legitimate company. The Mark Eleven had been a big improvement on the old handgun and thousands were issued to Street Judges as their standard issue weapon. But Narcos had installed a modification of his own. When he decided to seize control of the Big Meg, the crime boss sent a signal that meant each Mark Eleven would explode when fired. The result temporarily crippled many Street Judges and made the new Lawgivers unusable. It was a masterstroke and one the department was keen to avoid happening again.

  "So you launched an investigation into Summerbee Industries," Miller said. "But Dredd and I stumbled upon something you didn't know about."

  "We knew Summerbee was close to winning the contract to build a new Grand Hall of Justice. That's why he came back to Earth. He was due to sign the deal today. The new site is being announced at midday. Our sources suggest it was going to be here, in Sector 87."

  "But that's not possible," Miller replied. "There's nowhere central enough that could be used for such a large..." Her voice trailed off as realisation dawned on her face. "Of course - Robert Hatch!"

  Jefferson was one step behind her. "The alien ghetto that burned down?"

  "That's what the fire was about. It had nothing to do with anti-alien xenophobia. It was to clear a site big enough for the new building!"

  Jefferson nodded. "Yes, you're right. That must be it." The SJS Judge stopped, concentrating on a message being relayed to her helmet radio. "That's a roj - Jefferson out."

  "What is it? Is Dredd all right?" Miller asked.

  "Yes, just a flesh wound. Summerbee is dead." Jefferson took off her helmet and threw it against a wall in frustration. "Drokk it! Six months of investigative work down the drain!"

  "But if Summerbee is dead, isn't the threat dead too?"

  "Maybe," Jefferson told Miller. "But what about the corrupt Judges that were helping him? They're still hidden within the system!"

  Aldre and Selmak were huddled against a door, trying not to listen to the screams of Coya dying. A jumble of humans burst into the corridor from the emergency stairs. One of them spotted the two R'qeen children and shouted to the others. They surrounded Aldre and Selmak, a selection of weapons in their hands. Aldre hugged Selmak to her chest so he couldn't see what was coming and then closed her own eyes for the last time.


  Dredd was returning to Sector House 87 after agreeing to keep details of the SJS's investigation secret for now. He was travelling via the Anton Diffring Overzoom when a call came through from Control. "Request you divert to Oswald Mosley. Deputy Sector Chief Temple is taking a dozen Judges there to quell a new disturbance and Caine wants you there as back-up."

  "I've had about enough of this," Dredd said. "Control, put me through to Sector Chief Caine. It's time I had words with her." Dredd pulled into a Judges-only stop while waiting for the Sector Chief to call him back.

  "Caine to Dredd - I understand you wish to speak with me?"

  "That's a roj."

  "Make it snappy. I haven't got all night to be dealing with the complaints of a single Street Judge."

  "Fine by me," Dredd replied. "What I have to say won't take long. Tell me this - what the hell is going on, Caine?"

  "Could you be more precise?"

  "You've had me running from pillar to post since I set foot in this sector, traipsing back and forth to Oswald Mosley."

  "Are you challenging my right to choose which Judges receive which assignments?"

  "No, but I-"

  "Perhaps you think the problems at Oswald Mosley are beneath you?"

  "No, that isn't-"

  "Then what the drokk is your problem, Dredd?" Caine snarled. "I said you'd be trouble and that's exactly what you are. You and Miller caused a riot on Anton Diffring, shutting that overzoom down for several hours."

  "It had already been closed by a multi-vehicle pile-up-"

  "You've flooded the holding cubes with a hundred religious kooks, all thanks to your grandstanding tactics!"

  "I was not-"

  "Rather than talk them down, you let them jump off Maurice Waldron and then you jumped off after them! If that isn't grandstanding, I don't know what is! You called the Chief Judge's office to lodge a complaint about me. When I asked you to defuse the situation at Oswald Mosley you bungled that too."

  "The Citi-Def squad was forced to stand down. It was a final warning that the whole block would be placed under curfew if trouble started again," Dredd replied, finally getting to finish a sentence. "What more was I supposed to do?"

  "Don't you try to deny your mistakes! We've got precogs saying there will be a riot in that block within an hour and a reporter called Riff Maltin's broadcasting inciteful footage from inside the building."

  "I said Maltin should be-"

  "Don't interrupt me either! I'm still your superior, despite your best efforts to steal my job! Last but by no means least I learn you've been involved in the killing of two of my Street Judges. Perhaps you'd care to explain that?"

  "Stammers and Riley were dirty badges," Dredd snarled. "You should have known that and acted against them sooner! But you've let your own paranoia and insecurities blind you to what's been going on under your nose!"

  "It's always somebody else's fault with you, isn't it, Dredd? Well, not anymore! I'm recommending the SJS launch a full investigation into your behaviour. I'm going to have them so far up your ass you'll need a teleporter to take a dump!"

  "My conscience is clear," Dredd maintained.

  "Really?" Caine said, laughing bitterly. "Well, since you helped Miller kill two of my best Street Judges, I suggest you go to Oswald Mosley and try to take their plac
es. Unless that's beneath you?"

  "No, but I-"

  "No buts, Dredd. Just do what you're told for once! Caine out!"

  Temple didn't know whether to be excited or terrified. It was years since he had seen active duty. A dozen Judges were now waiting for his order to move into Oswald Mosley. They had erected a cordon around the building so all the skedways and pedways nearby were empty - for now. Keeping bystanders out was easy at this time of the morning. When the sun rose and the city awoke it would get considerably more difficult.

  Jumbled reports were emerging from inside the building, with residents on the eighty-fifth calling the department about a bloody incident in the hallway. At least three aliens were dead, apparently butchered by vigilantes. More worrying were the pictures being broadcast by Channel 27.

  Reporter Riff Maltin had been chosen by the Oswald Mosley Citi-Def as its official war correspondent. Dressed in camouflage with his own flak jacket and helmet, Riff was now providing a running commentary on events within the block. While Tek-Division tried to jam the signal and prevent anti-alien violence from spreading to other parts of the city, Temple watched the live pictures in an H-Wagon parked outside the building.

  "Breaking news from inside strife-torn Oswald Mosley Block!" Riff announced. "The Citi-Def squad has accepted my credentials as a journalist and agreed to me being embedded with them. That means I will be able to provide live and exclusive coverage of this crisis as it unfolds. We already know the Justice Department has surrounded the building and is letting nobody in or out. I don't know how long these broadcasts can continue before they are jammed or censored, but everything that happens here will be recorded. Even if this signal is not escaping the building, my footage shall be released at a later date exclusively on Channel 27! Now, back to the studio."

  Temple switched off the tri-D and left the H-Wagon. His squad gathered around him. "What do you want us to do?" a black female Judge called Washington asked. She had travelled to the scene on her Lawmaster after being diverted there from other duties. "It'll be dawn soon. Once residents in the surrounding blocks wake up and discover what's happening, the trouble will only spread."

  "Tek-Division will soon have that signal jammed," Temple replied. He refused to countenance the use of immediate force. "If we could just gain access to the top floor and prove the missing girl isn't there; that would take the heat out of the situation."

  "And how do you suggest we do that, sir?" Washington said. "The aliens have sealed off the emergency stairs and all turbolift access."

  Temple realised the solution was just behind him. "Simple! I'll go up in the H-Wagon and talk some sense into these offworlders. Once they see I mean them no harm, they're bound to let me in."

  Washington shifted uneasily at this, glancing at some of the other Judges. "Are you sure about this, sir?"

  Temple nodded happily. "Yes, definitely. If we can resolve this situation peacefully, it will be quite a feather in my cap!" He got back into the H-Wagon, his uncertainties banished. "Washington, you'd best stay here and keep an eye on things from the ground. The rest of you are coming with me."

  The other Judges reluctantly clambered in after Temple. Washington closed the side door of the vehicle once they were inside. "I've got a bad feeling about this," she muttered under her breath.

  The H-Wagon lifted into the air as Dredd arrived on his Lawmaster. "Where are they going?" he asked.

  "On a fool's errand," Washington replied. "Temple thinks he can talk the aliens into surrendering."

  Dredd used his helmet radio to call the deputy Sector Chief. "I've just arrived as back-up. Where do you want me?"

  "Stay where you are and take no action," Temple replied. "That's a direct order, Dredd. Caine's told me what you're like. Temple out!"

  Riff was admiring himself in a mirror when the hunting party arrived with its trophy. The reporter decided he looked good in camouflage, and he adjusted his combat helmet to a jauntier angle. He was due back on air in a few minutes with an update. Yablonsky had been full of praise for Riff's work so far but reminded him that most viewers were still asleep. The big ratings would not kick in until after dawn when the slumbering citizens woke to what was happening at Oswald Mosley. Already the feed was that Channel 27 was being picked up on a dozen larger stations in other sectors. It was only a matter of time before the broadcast spread citywide. Riff smiled at that - only a matter of time.

  "Where's that dang fool with the hovercam?" a gruff voice demanded outside the bathroom. Riff emerged to find Conchita's con-apt filled with Citi-Def squad members. The person speaking was a thin, wiry man clutching a heavy carryall. "There he is! My name's Jolie, Billy-Bob Jolie. I'm head of the 76-100 team. Boy, have we got a story for you! Do you like hunting at all?"

  "Can't say I've ever-"

  "Get your hovercam rolling and feast your eyes on this little beauty," Billy-Bob said, digging his hands into the carryall. He struggled to get the contents out, shaking the bag vigorously until it fell free. Billy-Bob proudly help up the severed head of an R'qeen female. "Cut it off myself, only took one swipe. Used a laser blade, so that it cauterised the wound and stopped the blood getting everywhere. What do think? Is this newsworthy or what?"

  Riff could feel his insides pulsating. It had been hours since he last ate but what little remained in his stomach was in a sudden hurry to leave again. "Oh my Grud," he gurgled, clamping one hand over his mouth.

  Billy-Bob jerked a thumb towards the door. "We got the rest of the body outside if you'd like to film that too. I'm thinking of getting this one stuffed and mounted when all this is over. You know any good taxidermists?"

  Riff couldn't hold back any longer. He ran back into the bathroom, vomit already spilling out between his fingers. "Excuse me!" he shouted.

  "That's all right, we can wait," Billy-Bob said. "I'd have shown you the three little alien critters we killed too, but the boys got over-excited and made a real mess of them. Not much left to see, if you know what I mean. Besides, they were so small we should have just thrown them back."

  Riff wretched again and again.

  Billy-Bob grabbed hold of the hovercam. "Say, this red light just came on. Does that mean I'm on the air?"

  Nyon was leaning against the doorway to the emergency stairs, listening intently. He had sealed it like the turbolift doors but still feared the humans would find a way through. Most of the other aliens were asleep and unaware of what was happening. Nyon did not like to think what their reaction would be to his actions, but he would deal with them when the time came. For now he was more worried about the safety of Lleccas and Misch.

  His pairling called from the doorway of their con-apt. "Come away from there, Nyon! You need to sleep - we all do."

  She was right, of course. Nyon couldn't recall the last time he had rested or eaten. The fire at Robert Hatch seemed like a lifetime ago instead of just a few hours. He returned to the con-apt. The first glints of dawn had begun to lighten the skyline outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. But there was something else out there, a dark shape moving towards them...

  "My name is Deputy Sector Chief Temple!" an amplified voice bellowed from beyond the window. A spotlight swung round to illuminate the interior of the con-apt from outside, dazzling Nyon and Lleccas. "I need to talk to you!" the voice continued in Allspeak. "Can you understand me?"

  Nyon peered between gaps in his fingers, trying to see what was outside the window. He could just discern the shape of an H-Wagon, hovering near the top of the building. The R'qeen leader went to the glasseen wall and opened one of the windows. "Get that light away from us!" he bellowed, raising his voice to be heard above the H-Wagon's engines.

  "Move that light!" the voice outside commanded. The dazzling spotlight shifted sideways, enabling Nyon to see who was speaking. A human in the uniform of a Judge was clinging to a walkway extended from the H-Wagon.

  "What do you want?" Nyon asked.

  "We need access to the top floor of your building. A girl is miss
ing and we need to prove to the other residents she is not in there with you."

  Nyon almost laughed. "The humans have searched here already. Once was enough. No more!"

  "I understand you have barricaded yourselves inside."

  "That was for our own safety. Two humans set fire to Robert Hatch; my broodling saw it in their minds. Hundreds of our own kind died in that fire but no more will die this night."

  "If you let us in, we can protect you," Temple offered.

  Nyon heard Lleccas gasp behind him. She was watching the con-apt's tri-D set, a luxury their previous home had not afforded them. Nyon looked at the images being broadcast. The same human who had threatened him earlier was appearing on the tri-D now, proudly holding up the severed head of Keno.

  Nyon flew into a rage, hurling objects at the tri-D until it exploded. Lleccas tried to comfort him but Nyon pushed her away. Instead he returned to the open window and screamed at the H-Wagon about what he had just seen. "No human sets foot on this floor while we still have life!" Nyon vowed.

  "You are being foolish!" Temple retorted. "What if there is another fire?"

  "Then we will burn and it will be on your conscience, human!" Nyon pulled the window shut and locked it. He found Lleccas standing beside him, sadness and regret in her eyes. Neither of them noticed Misch watching them from the doorway of her room.

  "They killed Keno, butchered her," Nyon snarled, his face risen with anger and sorrow. "What have those monsters done to her brood?"

  Misch closed the door quietly and realised Kasey was standing nearby. "I thought you were asleep," the R'qeen girl whispered.

  "Loud voices outside woke me. What did they say?"

  "The humans want to search the top floor again." Her voice trailed off.

  "For me?" Kasey asked. "Then I must go back."

  "You can't."

  "I know my mom will hit me again, but that's-"

  "No, I mean you can't go back, even if you wanted to. My father has barricaded us all in on the top floor. We're stuck here."


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