Waiting for the Chance

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Waiting for the Chance Page 9

by Marie Cole

  "Dah hell?!" He turned his eyes on me. "I'm going to get that back."

  I took a bite and talked around my chewing. “Mmm, 'o 'ood!"

  Kent smirked. "I'm warning you. I’m going to get it back."

  I stuffed the donut in my mouth as quickly as I could.

  And I had most of it in my mouth when he pounced on me. An arm tucked around me and pulled me against him and he stood up so my feet dangled. His other hand was trying to get the rest of the donut out of my hand before I got all of it in my mouth. I screamed as best as I could and tried to keep the donut away from his hand, holding it out.


  "Gimme the donut, woman!"

  He grabbed my arm and tried to pull it down. I kicked at his knees lightly with my toes, not really wanting to hurt him and stretched upwards with all my might to keep the donut away from him.

  Finally having swallowed what was in my mouth I retorted, "Never! It’s my donut now!"

  "I don't think so!" The grip around my waist slipped and I slid down against him an odd number of inches so that my face was almost across from his.

  Because of what happened last night my composure started to slip as the memories of him pumping into me invaded my mind. I stilled in his grasp. I shoved the remaining bit of the donut in his mouth and then pushed at his chest so he'd release me.

  "Fine! Have my sloppy seconds, I don't care,” I retorted, trying to sound much more badass than I felt.

  He let me down quickly. There was a moment that his eyes weren't looking at me, but they shifted towards me as he smiled. “Vic’ory!" came from his full mouth.

  I rolled my eyes and then sat back down, I ate most of a donut so I wasn't going to get another one. I couldn’t clock an extra at the gym at the rate the studying was going. I sipped my coffee and picked my pencil back up.

  "Barely," I muttered to my notebook.

  Kent picked up his cup of coffee to help get the rest of the donut down. "I was going to win and you know it!" He reclaimed his seat next to me.

  "By cheating, of course, just like you always do." I sniffled once like I always did when I wanted to show that I was better than him.

  A smirk showed on his face as he picked up his highlighter. "Just remember who's helping you ace this final, Elly."

  "I haven't aced it yet."

  "But you're going to,” Kent started highlighting things again.

  I grabbed his highlighter and stuck it under my thigh. "I need to catch up. Hold on a minute."

  Kent's hand rested on his notebook as his eyebrow raised. His eyes shifted to where I sat and the leg his highlighter was under. His eyes closed as he got some more coffee.

  "Fine, fine."

  I wrote slower now that I was in control, a small smile of victory on my lips now. Kent took a sip of coffee and then smiled at my antics. I started to hum, waiting to see how long it would be until Kent said something about my new, much slower study approach.

  He let me write like that for a few minutes before he spoke up. "You know, today is the last day we have to cram stuff."

  "Mmmhmm. I'm well aware." I didn't look up from my turtle-slow pencil.

  The muscles of his jaw tightened. The fingers of his hand thumped on the table. His hand hesitated.

  I noted his body language and had hidden enough things from him over our lifetime that I knew he was about to reach for it. I grabbed the highlighter and sat on it, only the very end of it visible under the crotch of my sweatpants. I smirked, no way was he going to go for the vag.

  Kent watched me shift around and stared at my crotch. "You think it's safe there?" The muscles of his jaw tightened.

  I paused in my writing and studied his face, narrowing my eyes. My own jaw clenched. I grabbed the highlighter out, turned my back to him, shoved it up my shirt and under my bra, safely nuzzling it against my right breast. He'd have to touch it to get the marker back.

  "There. I think Jen would be pretty upset if I told her you groped my breast." I smiled smugly.

  His lip twitched which happened when he got agitated. "That's nice. Using the girlfriend against me. You know what. I don't think you will." His hand moved from the table as he went for the highlighter.

  I grabbed him by the wrist and held him back, two inches from my boobs and looked him in the eye. "You really think that's wise?"

  I knew I shouldn't stare him down this way and have the undertone of what happened last night be out in the open but he was playing with fire. My fire. And I didn't appreciate it. Sure, I’d kind of started it but he should be backing off, not trying to grope me.

  His eyes looked into mine as I held his wrist. The muscles of his jaw tightened and loosened and finally he spoke. "Whatever…” He pulled his wrist from my hand and stood. He moved towards the bathroom.

  I exhaled a held breath after he was gone from view. I pulled the highlighter out and hid it under his book and then I started writing at super speed again so that I would be caught up when he came back.

  Kent was gone for a little while. About fifteen minutes passed and he finally came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He moved towards Jen’s room to get a change of clothes.

  I caught sight of his towel clad body and heat stirred between my thighs. I pressed them together and cleared my throat loudly,

  "What the hell, Kent? Had to clean the image of you touching my boobs out of your mind?" As soon as I said it I knew it hadn't come out the self-degrading way I'd meant it to come out.

  Kent looked at me for a moment and stuck his tongue out at me. I felt my body relax, he had taken it the way I’d intended.

  "Not hardly. I needed a shower. I figured it would give you time to catch up."

  I nodded, "Carry on then."

  I looked down at my notes and put my pencil down. I was caught up and had even moved ahead a little, copying the things I knew for sure he'd highlight. I wasn't dumb. I didn't even really need to study with him I could've just borrowed his notes for a few hours. I got up and refilled my coffee. I wrinkled my nose at the taste and decided to brew a fresh pot.

  Kent came out a few minutes later with fresh clothes on. He raised his eyebrow at me, leaning against the counter. "I guess you caught up then."

  "And then some." I turned so my butt was pressed up against the counter behind me, "Want your highlighter back now?" I put my hands on the counter too and arched my back, my breasts, small as they were, puffed out.

  Kent’s eyes were drawn to my breasts which were poked out now. His eyes shifted away from them as his cheeks started to show a blush. "It's not there. I can see there's no outline like before."

  I looked down at my chest and then at him, frowning. "How can you make out the outline of anything under this huge sweatshirt?"

  "Because when you shoved it in there earlier you could see the way it was held under the strap of your bra." So he apparently was checking out my breasts.

  "You need your girlfriend to come back so you can get laid. You're a little pervy." I turned my back on him as I refilled my mug with fresh, hot coffee.

  I couldn’t believe I was shoving my boobs at him. He wasn’t the only one who needed to get laid. I was acting like a dog in heat. I needed to reign it in.

  He closed the distance between us after he emptied his mug in the sink and forced his way to the coffee pot with a bump of his hip. I jumped back as the coffee sloshed out of my mug.

  I held it out just in time to avoid a burn, "Jerk!”

  I went back to the table and on my way I grabbed a wooden spoon from the jar of utensils on the counter and slapped his ass with it. The sound of the spoon cracking against his pants echoed in the kitchen.

  Kent jumped. "OUCH!" He put the coffee cup down and his hand moved to rub the place I'd hit. I bit my lower lip, wondering if maybe I'd gone too far as I eyed him from the safety of the chair I’d run back to. Kent turned half his body and his hand pulled the back part of his shorts down. An red angry welt in the shape of a spoon stared at me.

surprised you can see it so well through all your ass hair." I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh.

  "What the hell are you talking about?" He said as he mooned me. "Look at that!"

  I couldn't help it, a chuckle burst out, "I see it! Now put that thing away!" I held out a hand, trying to block his ass from my view.

  Kent pulled his shorts back up as he grumbled on his way back to the table, coffee cup in his hand. He took a seat, wincing until he settled in.

  I glanced down at the front of his shorts, maybe Kent was into that kind of thing. Kent looked at my face and saw where my eyes were pointed. He looked down.

  "Is there something on my shorts?"

  "Er...um, no!" My cheeks turned pink at being caught staring at his crotch. My eyes turned back to his notebook. "I'm just gazing off waiting for you to highlight some more."

  Kent looked up at me as he saw my eyes shift. Kent shook his head and picked up the highlighter.

  Several more hours of intense studying went by and then the front door opened and Jen came in.

  "Hello?" She called as she closed the door behind her. She came towards the kitchen and smiled softly at the two of us, I knew I looked ragged and it probably pleased Jen to no end. "Still studying?"

  Kent looked up from the notebook, smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Been at it for hours. There's some coffee, but it's not too fresh. There's a few donuts left too. How was the move?" He put the highlighter down to give her his full attention.

  I stopped for the moment too, eyes on Jen. Jen looked flawless, as usual. She rolled her bag to the hallway that led the master bedroom and then removed her coat.

  "It was good. Therapeutic for mother, I think. Are you going to be studying for much longer? I was hoping we could go out to dinner with Courtney and Reed tonight."

  Kent looked down at the notebook. "We got a few more chapters to cover. You can maybe go out to meet them and I'll join you after we're done?"

  She smiled softly and nodded. "Sure, darling."

  She put her coat into the coat closet and then grabbed her bag and disappeared with it into the master bedroom. I hoped the blush didn't make me look suspicious. When I saw Jen my mind instantly went to the moments I'd shared with Kent last night and the guilt set in.

  Kent watched her go into the bedroom with a raise of his eyebrow. There was apparently something on his mind, but I had no idea what. I cleared my throat softly and looked back to my notebook, resuming copying the notes. "I can probably just do the last chapters by myself. I don't want to hold you up."

  He looked back down to the notebook and picked up the highlighter. "No. We started this, we're going to finish it."

  I couldn’t be in the same room with them. I couldn’t sit here and pretend that Jen wasn’t in the other room. The Elly and Kent bubble was broken. If I stayed any longer I was likely to burst into tears because of what we’d done - what I’d done. As far as I knew he thought it was a dream. And that’s how it would have to stay. A beautiful dream that would never be repeated.

  I silently packed up my books. "Kent, my energy is depleted, I'm going to go back to the dorm and nap for a little while and then pull an all-nighter. I'll see you tomorrow at the final, ok?" I didn't look at him, not wanting him to catch my glossy eyes.

  “But…" He tried to look at me but I kept moving so he couldn't catch my gaze. Kent sighed, shut his notebook and pushed it into the bag I was packing. "Take it. I highlighted the rest you'd need so you shouldn't have to pull an all-nighter."

  I took it because I didn't want to argue with him. "Thanks. I'll see you later. Sorry for being a pain in your ass, literally." I zipped up my bag and quickly left, not giving him much of a chance to respond.

  Chapter 14

  It was the first time in a long time that I was excited for Christmas. Kent had spent the past two Christmases somewhere warm with Jen’s family but this year he’d decided to stay and participate in his usual traditions. One of them was spending Christmas Eve doing puzzles, watching horror movies, and eating junk food with me while our moms went to their annual Christmas party at Mrs. Frederick’s house.

  Mrs. Frederick had been throwing the same Christmas Eve party for the past sixteen years. She hosted the first one when she was a newlywed nineteen year old and it had grown from a single couple into one of the most talked about events in my mother’s circle of friends throughout the years. My mother was upstairs getting dressed for the occasion, which she had been talking about ever since I got home on Christmas break, three days ago.

  I, on the other hand, was very much looking forward to snuggling under a blanket with Kent’s shoulder touching mine. I couldn’t wait to be so close that so that I could smell him again. I didn’t wash my hair for three days after we’d studied together just so that I could still smell him on my body, somewhere.

  I’d had visions that morning of him feeding me carrots, holding me to his chest, stroking my hair. And just as we’d finished the last movie we’d kiss, in the dim room, lit only by the twinkling Christmas lights and the rolling movie credits.

  “Mom! He’ll be here any minute!” I was standing in the kitchen, preparing a large tray of veggies and dip. My excitement was palpable and I could barely contain it.

  “Give me a minute, Elly! Geez. Why do you have such a bug up your butt?” she called from upstairs somewhere.

  I wanted to see Kent. That was the bug up my butt. I hadn’t seen him in almost a week and a half, since our final, and I’d been thinking about him non-stop since that night we’d shared together.

  I jumped as a knock sounded at the door and ran to answer it. I made sure my clothes were properly in place before opening the door. Kent was there, my heart skipped a beat as I stared at him.

  “Hey,” I said casually. I hoped he wouldn’t notice that I was nervous and giddy.

  He flashed me a smile as he held up a couple of plastic bags, “Brought some stuff.”

  “Great,” I stepped back to let him in and just as I was about to shut the door behind him I felt resistance on the other side.

  “Not so fast, Elly. Don’t forget about me.” Jen smiled sweetly as she stuck her hands in the back of Kent’s pockets. As they walked through the foyer she pressed a few loud kisses to the back of his neck.

  I felt my heart drop in my chest and jealousy color my face. What the hell was she doing here? “Uh…” I shut the door and racked my brain for words, any words, as I stared at them.

  My mom came down the stairs, all dressed up, and frowned at me before grabbing her own coat from the closet. "Elly! Don't be rude. Take their coats and offer them something to drink. Don’t just leave them standing there.” She kissed my cheek, grabbed her keys and left us there, alone.

  I shook the shock from my face and pasted on a polite smile. "Yeah, sorry. Let me take your coats, I'll hang them up for you."

  Kent sat the bags down, and offered his coat to me. Jen took a minute before she removed hers. She was wearing a low cut v-neck sweater, showing off her perfect cleavage. Kent smiled as I took it. "Thanks. " His eyes passed from Jen to me before he picked the bags up. "I'll go put this in the kitchen. "

  I nodded as I watched him disappear into the kitchen. Jen had no problem letting me serve her, she held it out to me with a grin. Once he was gone Jen looked me over slowly, "You look...nice." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

  Had I known that Jen was going to be here and flashing everyone maybe I would've worn something flashy too. But no, I thought, probably not. It was a lounge around night. I was dressed for comfort, not to impress. If I had her boobs maybe I'd wear a deep v-neck too. I squeezed my contempt and stuffed it deep down as I turned around, hanging up their coats in the closet.

  "Thanks," I managed to get out. I think it even sounded slightly polite.

  Kent returned from the kitchen, clapping his hands and then rubbing them together as he looked between us. “We’re set with drinks, snacks and board games. Did you get some puzzles, Els?”

  Jen sh
rugged her shoulders happily as she slid next to Kent and wrapped her arms around his middle, hugging him to her side. “It’s going to be a fun night!”

  I smiled coldly, “I did. But maybe since Jen is here she’d like to do something less nerdy. What board game did you bring? Candyland?”

  A playful smirk moved along Jen's glossy lips. She shook her head which caused her breasts to press against Kent. "I was thinking we could do something else. Maybe strip poker. "

  He ran his hand through his short hair, his other arm around her, holding her against him as he tried to break the tension between us. “We can watch a movie now and figure out the rest later.”

  "Great. It's settled. You guys go get comfortable in the living room. I'll bring in the snacks for the movie." My back was stiff as I walked away from them. I heard her giggling as they walking into the living room. The cabinets were banging a little louder than normal as I tried to work off some of my frustration.

  I had to make a couple of trips back and forth to the kitchen. The first trip back, I saw Kent and Jen snuggled up together on the couch I let the snacks fall loudly on the coffee table. When I came back again I had water bottles. I tossed two roughly at Kent's crotch and held onto the third. The first bottle was caught but the second connected with his thigh, making Kent jump.

  "Do you want to watch The Zombie Who Stole Christmas or Miracle on 34th Street?" I asked.

  He coughed from the close call and frowned at me. “The Zombie Who Stole Christmas,” he said.

  Jen spoke softly, giving him the little girl talk again, "But Ken..." I clenched my jaw at her nickname as I waited. "It’s going to be scary."

  "Don't worry, I won't let any zombies get you." The arm around Jen snuggled her in closer as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  I clenched my jaw as I turned around and put the DVD into the player. I set my bottle of water down on the floor and went to the recliner where the blankets were waiting to be used.

  I grabbed both of them and shook them out a little. Two blankets, three people. Damnit. I heard my mother's voice in my head scolding me for not giving my guests their own blankets. I tossed them both onto the couch next to Kent and then sat down on the floor in front of the coffee table, ostracizing myself.


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