Waiting for the Chance

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Waiting for the Chance Page 10

by Marie Cole

  I kept my eyes forward on the TV as the credits started and then everything went black as a blanket was thrown on my head. I frowned, grabbed it and threw it back at him. He didn’t catch it because he was in the middle of spreading out the other blanket over him and his girlfriend.

  “If you want it back, let me know,” he said as Jen snuggled into his side, her hands hidden by the blanket.

  I grabbed the veggies and turned around again. Fifteen minutes into the movie and I heard Kent’s breath catch behind me. Seriously? I forced myself to keep staring at the TV. I would not turn around. I would not turn around. I would not—

  A zombie killer came out of nowhere leaving me and Jen screaming.

  I heard Kent chuckle and then some whispering from Jen and then another chuckle. There was snow and blood all over the screen and suddenly I was feeling very cold. I turned around and spotted Jen’s hand pumping up and down under the blanket. Eyes wide I quickly pointed to the blanket beside Kent. “Can I have that, please?”

  Kent shifted a little and the motion paused. “Yeah,” he said as he tossed me the blanket. I caught it and wrapped it around myself as I got back into position. I leaned forward and turned the TV up before settling in, munching celery as zombies snacked on human flesh.

  “Ewww,” I heard Jen’s annoying voice behind me. I rolled my eyes and tried to block her out for the remainder of the movie.

  As the credits started Jen excused herself to go to the bathroom and Kent remained carefully hidden under the blanket. I turned around after she left and got up onto my knees, grasping the coffee table in my shock, “Kent Matthew Lyle!” I whisper yelled, “Did you just let her…? Did she?…” I felt like my eyelids might stay stuck open forever if they went any wider.

  He shook his head. "I didn't let her get that far. " he said softly.

  "Liar," I continued to whisper as I got up and moved to the couch. No way was there that much noise and giggling and whispering without Kent getting his rocks off.

  Kent had the blanket over him still. "Not lying." I sat down next to him and pulled the blanket down so I could see. His pants were still zipped, the outline of his hard penis straining against his pants. He yanked the blanket back over himself with a blush. “Geez, Elly.”

  “Gross, Kent,” I scolded him again in a hushed voice as I moved away from him. Mad that I wasn’t the one who’d given it to him. Madder still that Jen had done it, in my house! While I was in the room! I snatched up the snacks and glared at it, “It’s Christmas for Christ’s sake,” I said over my shoulder as I took the snacks to the kitchen.

  By the time I came out of the kitchen Jen and Kent were at the front door, shrugging themselves into their coats.

  “Leaving already?” I tried to leave the disappointment out of my voice. I wasn’t sad for Jen to be leaving. But for Kent, my heart squeezed tightly.

  “Yeah,” Kent said as he avoided my eyes, “Jen’s mom invited us to dinner. So we’ve got to run.”

  He was lying. But I wasn’t going to call him out on it. If he wanted to leave, he could. I wasn’t going to force him to stay in my company for any longer than he wanted to…which didn’t seem to be very long at all.

  I nodded and waited for them to step through the door. “Cool. Well, Merry Christmas.” I watched as they stepped down to the sidewalk. Kent briefly waved, still avoiding my direct gaze. Jen, on the other hand, she waved and smiled cheerfully, almost as if rubbing it in.

  “Merry Christmas, Elly! Have a good night! Don’t forget to go to bed early so that Santa Claus can come!” She disappeared into Kent’s SUV after he shut the door. He glanced at me from a distance, held his hand up in parting and then disappeared from view himself.

  I felt the sting of tears in my eyes as I shut the door. Great. I was all alone. I wasn’t going to let myself wallow in my self-pity, however. I was going to a party. A grown-up party. With adults who probably wouldn’t be wanking each other off underneath their hosts’ blankets.

  Best case scenario there was another lonely soul there like myself. Worst case scenario, I’d get really, really drunk, for free.

  Chapter 15

  I stopped by Stacy’s house and picked her up. She would be my partner in crime tonight. The best case scenario was already under way as we stepped in, together, to Mrs. Frederick’s party.

  The cacophony of voices was overwhelming and bodies were everywhere. She was standing by the door and smiled at us as we entered, “Elly, dear. You’ve finally come to my Christmas Eve Bash!” She touched my shoulder lightly.

  I smiled politely and nodded, “Yes, ma’am. And I brought a friend too, I hope you don’t mind.”

  She wrinkled her nose and shook her head, her smile still on her lips. “Oh, no, of course not. Make yourselves at home. There are a few other younger people here. I think they’re downstairs with the karaoke. Go ahead and put your coats in the laundry room and then head on down there.”

  I looked behind me to Stacy, who nodded, and then turned back to Mrs. Frederick and smiled. A shrug of my shoulders and we were off. We left our coats on the rack and then proceeded downstairs after a doing a loop and finding nothing else interesting.

  We were greeted immediately to the overwhelming smell of pot and the soft thumping of bass-heavy dance music. I coughed and waved my hand in front of my nose as we made our descent. Stacy leaned down and whispered into my ear, “You’ve never smoked before?” She sounded almost giddy at the realization.

  “No! And I don’t plan on starting now, either.”

  There was a group of five sitting on the couch. A blonde guy on the end was taking a hit off a green bong while the others watched. I wondered if karaoke was code for getting high. If it was I wasn’t sure I was wanting to participate.

  I recognized one of the girls. She was a close friend of Jen’s and as soon as my eyes locked on her I felt my stomach clench. She recognized me too and pointed her candy red nail directly at me, “Hey! I know that girl! Hey, girl! Come on over here!” She smacked the boy who was sitting next to her, “Make some room!”

  “Watch it, Sadie,” he warned before moving over. A couple got off the couch too, to make room. I walked over slowly and sat down next to Sadie with an apprehensive smile. I felt like this was a trick.

  “Hey… Sadie.”

  “How do I know you?” She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close.

  “Um… Jen, I think.” I looked at Stacy, who had sat down beside me, but she was busy staring at the bong and asking twenty questions about the pot inside of it.

  Sadie yanked on me, causing me to give her my full attention. “Oh yeah! You’re the girl who is always trying to steal her boyfriend.” She laughed and I smiled, though I didn’t think that was very funny.

  “I’m not really trying to steal him. We are just friends.”

  She laughed again, “Oh, sure, sure. I tried to steal him too until I realized what a geek he was, no worries.”

  I laughed mirthlessly and pulled away, “Yeah…” I turned my attention to the coffee table. It was a smorgasbord of junk food and the only thing that looked even slightly appealing were the brownies. I shook my head, I wasn’t going waste my calories on some stupid brownies, and looked up just in time to see Jen’s long legs coming into view as she came down the stairs.

  Sadie looked too and gasped with excitement when she saw Jen. “Hey, girl!!” She jumped up and ran to her, wrapping her up in her weirdly strong embrace. Kent was behind her and I looked away before he could meet my gaze. Maybe if I just chilled here and looked away he wouldn’t notice me. Maybe I could camouflage myself into the couch.

  Nope. No, I wasn’t that lucky. “Hey, Elly.” I saw Stacy look up at Kent because I was looking at her. She looked at me and cocked her head towards Kent to try to get me to say hi.

  I looked up and gasped in surprise. “Kent! Wow! Crazy seeing you here since you said you were going to be with Jen’s mom all night tonight.” I heard the blonde guy bust out in laughter.
When I replayed what I’d said it had definitely come out wrong.

  Kent cleared his throat, and his shoulders were rigid, probably because he thought the blonde guy was making fun of him. “Crazy seeing you here too, since I thought you’d be at home playing with yourself tonight,” the corner of his lips kicked up just a bit.

  I glared at him as the blonde guy all but rolled on the floor in his joy. Stacy chuckled too for a few seconds, but quickly cleared her throat to stop herself. She grabbed the bong and took a big hit.

  “I’ll be right back,” I stood up and moved past the couple making out on the couch. The boy had his hand way up her shirt and I couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit jealous. It should’ve been me and Kent on a couch making out. But no. He was here with her.

  The bar was tucked back in the corner and I looked over the bottles as I tried to devise a plan to get Kent to realize he had feelings for me. If nothing else I could declare my love for him. But what if he rejected me? What was I saying? He probably would reject me. He definitely participated in the sleep sex. Your body doesn’t just do that and grope people when you’re unconscious.

  I poured whiskey into a red plastic cup and took a big gulp. It burned on its way down and caused me to cough. I felt a warm hand slapping me gently on my back. The tingles and prickles I felt going through my body told me it was Kent before I even turned around.

  “Easy, Elly. Whiskey is risky.” He grinned at his own rhyme. Upon seeing my grimace his lips turned down in a frown. “Fine. Don’t think I’m cute tonight. But this is a mistake,” he took the plastic cup from me and set it down on the bar behind me.

  I turned around and picked it up. I gulped it down and then slammed the plastic cup down on the bar. I met his gaze and there was silence between us as I tried to keep my whiskey down. “The only mistake was…” I pressed my lips together to keep from saying it. If he didn’t know then he’d probably think I was being jealous or spiteful. If he did know then my heart would be crushed when he confirmed it was a mistake.

  “Was what?”

  “Was inviting you over for Christmas Eve.”

  He looked as if he’d been slapped and I left him that way. I realized halfway back to the couch that I forgot the whiskey. Kent had moved back Jen, his face still pale. I huffed to myself. I was glad he was feeling some of the pain I’d felt earlier. Served him right for ruining our tradition. I tipped my cup off and then joined Stacy on the couch.

  “Want some?” I held my cup under her nose so she could smell it. She turned away with disgust.

  “God, no! Why would anyone want that? I want Schnapps.” She looked over one shoulder and then the other and then back to me, “Did they have Schnapps?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I have no idea. I just picked up the prettiest bottle.”

  Stacy gave me an odd look and then shrugged. “Ah well, I’ll have something later.” She settled back against the couch and sighed happily, “I have a good buzz going right now.”

  “Why do you smoke pot? It smells like shit,” I said. “Like, literally, shit.”

  “So does that shit.” She pointed to my cup.

  I held it to my nose. It burned but it certainly didn’t smell like poop. “It does not!”

  She grinned, “To each their own.”

  Kent and Jen slowly made their way over to the couches. Jen took a hit off the bong and Kent stayed next to her, rubbing her back as he stared off into space. Every once in a while she’d pull him into the conversation but he was somewhere else.

  I finished off my second cupful of whiskey and was headed back to get more when Sadie yelled, “Truth or Dare time!” I tripped over myself and caught onto the bar with both hands. I whipped my head around and stared at the little group. Really?

  Chapter 16

  It didn’t matter that I’d tried to hide behind the bar, Stacy found me anyway, cup in hand. “Come on, Elly. It’s your turn to get even with that bitch,” she snickered in my ear as she pulled me back towards the group. “Elly wants to go first!”

  My eyes were wide as I looked at the grinning faces. I shook my head, “Oh, no, I was just suggesting that we um, spin like a…” The alcohol was making my brain fuzzy and I struggled to find the word for the long glass thing that beers came in.

  Kent, with his straight-laced self, came to the rescue, “Bottle?”

  I pointed at him and nodded so hard I felt like I might fall over. “Yes! A bottle.”

  Sadie giggled, “I love that idea! Nerdy guy…” She was speaking to Kent, “Jen’s boyfriend? Go get us an empty beer bottle.”

  He was tense again but he obliged. He disappeared for a minute before coming back with a bottle. He took stuff off the coffee table and put the bottle on its side in the center.

  “I think Sadie should spin first,” he said, calmly. I sat down on the floor across from Jen and Kent with Stacy by my side.

  Sadie shrugged, “Okay! Rules are that if someone refuses a dare or a truth then they have to do the punishment that we, as a group, decide on.” She spun and it pointed at the blonde guy. Sadie grinned.

  “Truth or dare?” she asked.

  “Dare,” he said, without any consideration.

  “I dare you to french kiss Jen!” She giggled as the blonde guy got up and crossed in front of Kent and kissed Jen. Jen seemed to be enjoying it. Kent, however, did not. His jaw twitched and his hands were balled up in his lap.

  I almost felt bad for him as Jen fanned her face with her hand as the blonde guy sat back down, winking in her direction playfully.

  “Right, my turn,” he said with a chuckle. He spun the bottle and it landed on Stacy. He grinned at her, the pot had already solidified them as buddies. “Truth or dare, Red?”

  She grinned at the nickname as she tossed her bright red hair over her shoulder. “Truth.” She was a safe player, like I was.

  “Who was the last guy you thought about fucking?”

  I gulped. Okay. Maybe truth wasn’t the safest way to go with this crowd. Stacy rolled her eyes, “Ummm….” She pointed at blondie and he grinned.

  “Right on!”

  It was my turn to roll my eyes. I drank a little more whiskey as I waited for it to get interesting. When Stacy spun it landed on Kent.

  “Truth or Dare?” she asked of him.

  He honestly looked like he wanted to kill someone, maybe himself. He took too long to answer and got a nudge in his ribs from Jen. “Wake up, babe.”

  His jaw flickered. “Dare.”

  Stacy flashed a shit-eating grin at me before declaring, “I dare you to spend seven minutes in heaven,” she pointed to a tiny bedroom off in one corner, “alone. With…” She bit her lip and paused for anticipation purposes. I wanted to slap her for it. Who was she going to say? Herself? Jen? Sadie?! “Elly.”

  I blinked, stunned for the second time that evening.

  His eyes shifted from Stacy, to the offending door and then to me. I felt shivers move through my body. Me?

  He looked at Jen, “Alright.”

  Jen frowned at him briefly and then pasted on a smile, “You could always just decline, I’m sure the punishment wouldn’t be as bad.” Her hand moved to his wrist, gripping it.

  I was still in shock. Me? I felt my cup tipping and I looked down to see Stacy’s hand pushing it upwards. It had been dangerously close to spilling on the carpet.

  My eyes moved back to Kent as he stood, and dislodged Jen’s fingers from his wrist. “What are you worried about?” he asked as he moved towards me. I shrank back slightly. He wasn’t really going to do it. Seven minutes alone with me? Before I knew what was happening he grabbed my cup and finished off the contents.

  “But…” I tried to protest as he sat it down on the coffee table behind him and grabbed my hand, pulling me to a standing position. “But…” I glanced at Stacy and then at Kent, “But…”

  My feet were moving but my brain wasn’t the one making them do it. He pulled me into the dark room and shut the door behind us. I couldn’t
see him in the darkness but I could feel his warm hand around mine. I wondered what he was going to do to me. I wondered who he was going to pretend I was to get through it.

  When he didn’t make any moves I tried to break the tension, “This isn’t exactly my idea of heaven.” I heard his body moving but I couldn’t see him. I tried to loosen our grip on each other but he held my hand tight. My eyes struggled to make anything out in the darkness but they failed.

  A knock on the door behind me made me gasp and Stacy’s voice filled the room, “Hey! You only have six more minutes left! We want to hear some noises or see some hickies! It’s Seven Minutes in Heaven, not Seven Minutes of Quiet Time!”

  It was as if that was all he needed to get into action. His hands rested on my hips and I could hear the smile in his voice, “Six minutes. Who is getting the hicky?”

  Goosebumps rose on my flesh at his words and his closeness. I panicked and pushed him away. “Oh Kent…Oh yes! Oh my God, yes!” Kent didn’t join in so I continued. I could drunkenly pretend to be getting some for six minutes if I needed to. “Yes, Kent! Lick it! Ohhh yes… just like that,” my drunk mind really liked the sounds the pretend Kent was bringing out of me.

  Jen’s voice drifted through the door, they must’ve been just on the other side listening, “Pft. She’s totally faking it.”

  So maybe I wasn’t as believable as I’d imagined I was. “Push me up against the door,” I whispered to Kent. He did so quickly, his strong hands grabbing my arms. He pulled me against him, our chests melded together. I held my breath and it left with with an “Oh!” as he pressed me against the door again with a thud.

  I couldn’t see him but I felt him, his body still pressed against mine. My heart was beating wildly in my chest and I was sure he could feel it too. “Do you like being bossed around in bed?” my voice was still just a whisper. The grunt that came from him spread through me, making me wet. I could feel his breath on my lips and smell the whiskey. “Push me against the wall again. Harder.”


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