Waiting for the Chance

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Waiting for the Chance Page 19

by Marie Cole

  Kent returned to the table and took his seat once again. "Sorry. What did I miss?" He asked as Jen turned her face to look at him.

  "Oh, I told them your new shop was opening. Said you'd be busy."

  I noticed Kent's ears were turning a little red and shifted in my seat. His ears only did that when it was cold out or when he was getting angry. It wasn’t very cold in the restaurant.

  “I see. So not much of anything, then,” Kent said.

  I glanced at Dave who was looking just as uncomfortable as I was with the marital tension on the opposite side of the table.

  I cleared my throat and pointed to the speakers overhead, "Oh, I love this song. I wish I spoke Italian. You speak some, don't you, Dave?"

  Dave received my signal loud and clear and nodded, "A little. Jen, Kent, do you speak any languages?"

  The married couple glared at each other for a moment but then Dave’s question sunk in and the tension was gone. Jen was the first to answer, she kept her gaze pointed at Dave. "No, I don't speak anything other than English, and I'm bad at that most days. Kent speaks a few, but I don’t hear him speaking them much around the house anymore.”

  Kent cleared his throat as the coloring in his ears was starting to fade. "I speak C ++ and Basic.” He didn’t wait for the pause to his computer nerd joke, “I also speak French and a bit of Latin." Kent shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, as if he weren’t as amazing as I still knew him to be. As a person, not a man.

  "Kent is too smart for his britches. Always has been." I grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

  Dave laughed. "Yeah? I went into business because that computer stuff was too daunting."

  "For you and me, both." I nudged Dave with my elbow playfully.

  "Kent ended up with his Master’s in that computer stuff and a minor in Language Arts. I told him he should have been a teacher…I think he would have liked that better."

  Kent turned to Jen and smiled coldly. They had this argument before too. Kent saw the dollar signs in Jen’s eyes and made every effort to give them to her. Jen ate it up and kept asking for more. ”Maybe I should have. I don’t know. Some days are better than others, right?" He looked at us for support.

  I smiled, "I'm not sure anyone loves their job every minute of it." Dave's fingers captured some of my hair and combed it back over my shoulder, exposing my right ear.

  "Except you, right, Els?“ Dave asked.

  I looked at Dave after putting my shoulder to my ear to stop him from stroking it. “Even I have bad days at work.”

  Kent sipped his tea and then spoke up, “How is the singing treating you, Elly? We've…well, I've been so busy with the new store that we haven’t had much of a chance to talk."

  That much was true. Their wedding spurred a huge jump in my wedding singing career. I had thought, at the time, that it would be a great way to earn some extra money. Almost a decade later and I was still doing large events along with open mic nights when I wasn’t waiting tables, which was my day job. Between the two I had enough to pay the bills and very little time for a social life.

  "It’s going well. I wish more people would have weddings during the week, but,” I shrugged, chuckling softly. "I'll take what I can get. Excuse me, I have to use the ladies room."

  Chapter 32

  I stared at myself in the mirror and pulled out my phone. I groaned as I noted that we’d only been seated for twenty minutes. It felt more like eighty. I freshened up my face, checked my email, and shot Stacy a text.

  Me: Omg. These birthday dinners are the worst!

  Stacy: Are u texting at the table? Rude!

  Me: I’m in the ladies. Haha. Had to take a breather. Jen is already on her second cocktail.

  Stacy: It’s her birthday. Give her a break.

  Me: *rolls eyes* Whatevs. Do I have 2 go back?

  Stacy: Yes! Call me later! :-*

  When I came back there was an odd tension at the table. I sat down and was about to ask what I’d missed when the food arrived. We all ate dinner and made small talk.

  When it was time for dessert the waiter came to our table with a gang of wait staff behind him, the chocolate cake slice glittered on the plate, leading the way. They all sang “Happy Birthday” and clapped when it ended. Jen closed her eyes and blew out her candle.

  “What did you wish for, Jen?” Kent grinned as he sat back, rubbing his stomach as if he were full, which seemed odd because he’d barely eaten anything. Jen sucked the chocolate from the candle and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was trying to seduce Kent or Dave. Neither would surprise me and I resisted the strong urge to roll my eyes.

  “You know Jen can’t tell you or her wish won’t come true. I think it’s present time!” I nodded to the large purple present which I’d wanted to open since I’d seen it.

  Jen apparently didn’t need further prodding. She grabbed the present and ripped the paper open despite Kent’s attempt at speaking up to say something about the gift. He smiled at her excitement of opening the present, purple paper flew everywhere.

  Peeking from the box was a slight sparkle. She pulled the dress out and held it up to her chest. The low-cut v-neck was embellished with hundreds of tiny diamonds. Kent was smiling as he watched her.

  "Happy Birthday, Jen! It's from Elly and I."

  I was about to speak up but held my tongue. I had nothing to do with that gift to Jen and the one in my purse seemed severely inadequate after Kent’s extravagant purchase.

  Dave whistled, “That’s quite a dress.”

  She examined it and nodded slowly, “Yes...it’s uh...something!” I could clearly see the false smile as she looked at me, “What do you think, Elly? Does it look good?”

  I nodded with an approving smile, “Yes, it’s beautiful.” I glanced at Kent whose lips fell slightly at Jen’s less than enthusiastic reply.

  Jen looked between us, “Thanks, Elly and Kent. Maybe I’ll wear it around town tomorrow!” She laughed and then put the dress back into the box, daintily tapping the top once it was secured.

  Kent nodded at his wife, “You’re welcome. Well. If you guys want to hang out a little more, you can. I need to get home since I have an early start to the day tomorrow. It was really nice of you guys to come out on such short notice." Kent was pretty much just talking to me. I smiled softly and then turned my glance to Jen.

  "I wouldn't have missed it for the world." I looked at Dave who nodded at me that he wanted to leave and we stood.

  "Happy Birthday again. I hope you have a good night,” I said as I walked around the table and hugged Jen one last time to seal the friendly relationship for another year.

  Dave held his hand out to Kent for a shake, "Nice to meet you, Kent."

  “Nice to meet you too, Dave." Kent returned the handshake.

  Jen squeezed me tightly for a moment and kissed me on the cheek. She whispered softly into my ear so that only I could hear. "Have fun tonight."

  After those words she picked up the box and moved to stand by Kent. Kent moved around and put his arms around me, surrounding me with his warmth.

  "Good to see you as always, sweetheart. Maybe we can do lunch later in the week. That is, if you bring it by work." His words weren't too loud because Jen still turned green if Kent and I spent time alone without her. Although she no longer had anything to fear from me.

  The whole year after their marriage I kept my distance, trying to get myself together after the heartache. It took me a long time to be able to be in the same room with him without wanting to burst into tears.

  Kent had never pushed for a reason why, but I had made myself scarce with work which was good enough for him as a newlywed man and a brand new entrepreneur.

  As their second anniversary rolled around I had finally come to terms with the fact that Kent was a friend. Just a friend. And that’s all he would ever be. By their fifth anniversary I finally made him into a eunuch in my mind, and it was so much easier to be around him. After I started waiting tables downtown near Kent’
s new computer store I brought him lunch. It gave us time to rekindle our friendship in the safe environment of his business.

  I grinned and pulled away after a brief two seconds of contact. "If you're lucky. Make me proud, Kent. Be extra nice to your wife.”

  I winked at Kent and then stepped back beside Dave and waved goodbye. With our goodbyes said we parted ways at the door. Kent walked with Jen towards the SUV and opened the door for her. He gave one last wave to me and then disappeared from view.

  I turned my attention back to Dave. “I think I’m going to have to ask for a raincheck for dessert tonight.” I pressed a kiss to his lips and then stepped back, taking in his playful pout.

  “Alright, that’s two desserts that you owe me. I’m very good at keeping records,” he said. I smiled and let my hands drop from his as I took slow, careful steps backwards so my black heels wouldn’t catch on anything.

  “So am I.” I winked at him and then slowly walked away, leaving him without a goodbye. Every man loved a little hard-to-get.

  Chapter 33

  I cursed myself for the third time as the cold wind bit at my exposed goose-fleshed arms. I ate a little too much at dinner and decided to walk back to my apartment instead of taking a cab. I had learned mid-way through college that the key to having a hot body was through moderation and keeping the calorie count down. And the only two ways to reduce the calories were to starve or exercise. I found that I preferred the exercise but as the wind hit me again I was rethinking my decision. Surely skipping breakfast tomorrow would be less painful than this.

  I was halfway home when I spotted Kent’s SUV parked on the curb in front of Bella, the upscale dress shop that Kent had probably purchased that extravagant dress from. I almost passed by Jen without noticing that she was sitting outside on the black wrought iron bench because I was busily looking for them inside the store.

  I heard Jen whisper, “Elly?” I whipped my head around and then came back to sit beside Jen, whose mascara was running, her eyes slightly puffy from crying.

  “Jen, hey, why are you crying? What happened?”

  I looked over her depleted form, she looked every bit like a human being at that moment and much less like the rich untouchable socialite that she always projected. My hand rubbed over her back to comfort her and I wondered what the hell had happened in the past forty-five minutes to make her look so gutted. And I also wondered where the hell Kent was.

  She had a tissue to her nose and mouth and made a little quivering sob, “Ken and I, we’re just so miserable. I don’t make him happy anymore and I don’t know what I can do. He’s so distant, he works all the time. I was actually surprised that he even bothered to show up for my birthday dinner this year. We used to have so much fun together. He used to be funny, carefree...”

  I just listened, letting her get it all out. There was no use trying to defend Kent, it would appear that I was on his side and honestly, I didn’t want to be on anyone’s side. This was their marriage, not mine. My aim had always been to be a listening ear.

  “And that dress was just ridiculous. Where would I even wear something like that? I’ve been hinting for months that what I wanted was a vacation, a second honeymoon. And instead he blows our money on a gaudy diamond encrusted dress. He said he wanted me to have something that would match my beauty and worth to him but that was just his cover up. He doesn’t want to go away with me. He doesn’t want to be alone with me.” She started to sob again and I held back a sigh.

  This was not the first time I’d heard this complaint from Jen. She didn’t seem to understand that Kent was working his ass off for her. She was used to living a certain way and he was trying his damnedest to live up to her expectations. Jen was a smart woman, always had been, and I truly felt she needed something else in her life to distract her so she didn’t hold her magnifying glass over Kent and her marriage 24/7.

  She’d clung to Kent and made her life revolve around acquiring and keeping him. She used to have school to fill in the times when she wasn’t with him. But after college and marriage she just stayed home claiming she wanted to make a nice house for Kent and that she didn’t want to quit her career midyear when she finally got pregnant again. The pregnancy never happened and nine years later here we were. Both of them seemed miserable. But as Switzerland I kept my opinions to myself.

  I continued to rub her back and looked over my shoulder into the store once more. “Where did he go? Is he inside?”

  She let a humorless laugh escape her throat. “No, he ran off, like a coward. Even after bulking up and getting rid of the geeky glasses he still hasn’t lost that trait. He still runs away from confrontation.”

  “He probably just needed some time to cool off. He’ll come back for you.”

  “Maybe he will, maybe he won’t. I won’t be here to find out. I’m going to spend the rest of my birthday doing something fun.”

  She straightened up and pushed her long blonde hair over her slim shoulder. I couldn’t help but smile. She was an expert at bouncing back.

  “That a girl!” I put my hands flat on the bench on either side of me and sat up straight too. She was still about half a foot taller than I was. She turned my way as she dabbed away the runny mascara.

  “Elly, why didn’t you fight for Kenny?”

  I felt my cheeks color. I really didn’t want to discuss what I considered to be the most embarrassing time of my life.

  I shrugged my shoulders and pasted on a smile, “He didn’t want me, Jen. He wanted you. He picked you, over and over again.”

  I made sure I emphasized that for both our sakes. It was easy to romanticize the past, and think back and remember things that weren’t truthful.

  “I always thought he wanted you. Sometimes I still wonder if he does.” She stuffed the used tissue into her large designer purse and stood up.

  I stood up too, “You’re just hurt. You’ll see things clearly tomorrow. Kent loves you. He adores you. How could he not?” I smiled again and reached out, squeezing her elbow affectionately.

  She smiled back and sighed softly, looking at the ground in shame. “I’m sorry, Elly. You’re right. You’re such a good friend.”

  She hugged me, tail between her legs so to speak. I smiled for her sake as she pulled back and straightened up, the rich bitch face back on.

  “Now for my fun. Do you want to come with?”

  “I’d love to but I have to be up early for work in the morning. Drink a Long Island for me.” I grinned as I watched her walk around the SUV.

  She opened the driver’s side and paused, “Will do! Thanks for coming tonight, Elly. I hope to see more of you and Dave. You two look really great together.”

  She smiled a little, waved and then got in and closed the door. I watched as she pulled away from the curb and sighed heavily. I had one more stop to make and it was going to be too long to walk. When she was out of sight I hailed a cab.

  Chapter 34

  I paid the taxi driver and got out into the dark evening, shutting the door softly behind me. I looked up, tilting my head back, and stared up at the darkened dilapidated tower that I liked to call Kent’s brooding place.

  Whatever had gone down with Jen was surely what had brought him here, if he was even up there. I'd bet tomorrow's breakfast that he was. I slowly made my way up the metal ladder to the top of the tower. I stared into the darkness when I reached the top, trying to make Kent's shape out from the rest of the shadows. The breeze that made the trees sway washed over me, and I shivered.

  After my eyes adjusted I caught sight of his form. Right on the edge of the tower he sat with his legs dangling over the side. His tie was loose around his neck and his jacket was balled up and resting not far from him looking like a sleeping, disheveled cat. This is where he always came to clear his head. This was where he came to make his decisions and let his anger and frustrations out. The first time I found him up here was after we had a big fight about Jen in high school.

  I stepped forward, coming up be
hind him slowly. My heels were the only sound aside from the wind which was still blowing past my ears.

  “Don’t jump. I would be devastated.” I hoped my joke would land and sighed when I was unable to get a chuckle from him.

  "Jumping is not the hard part, it's the landing at the bottom that sucks. Seconds of freedom and flying, and for what? Pain for the rest of your life? Shouldn't you be off having fun somewhere with Dave?” Kent hadn't looked back at me yet. “Why are you here?"

  I sighed softly when I was unable to get a chuckle from him. I sat down beside him carefully. After a fall off a stripper pole a couple of years ago I developed a fear of heights. I dangled my legs over the edge too. I put my hands in my lap and stared at him, my head turned to the side.

  "I ran into Jen. So I couldn't possibly have fun knowing that my best friend was probably very hurt because his wife returned his gift."

  "If she would have bought that dress herself, she would have loved it." He shook his head and let out a defeated sigh. "I bought it for her and she decided it was too much. I should be able to buy my own wife a gift with the money I work so hard for." The muscles in his jaw worked as his teeth clenched together, a bit of anger showing through his usually calm facade.

  "I think maybe she just wants your time,” I clasped and unclasped my hands in my lap, unsure of how he would receive my feedback.

  Kent nodded his head. "I know that's what she wants. We tried that already. I put one of the guys in charge of each place and I took time off. Without me being there though business was lacking and was dropping off. No people equals no money. Soon she was telling me I needed to be there. Now you can see why I'm such a fucking mess, Elly." Again his head shook back and forth. "We're not doing well, Elly. Not at all."


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