Waiting for the Chance

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Waiting for the Chance Page 23

by Marie Cole

  I forced my mind back into the present though Bryan was achingly slow, as if expecting me to stop him. He leaned forward slightly, put his hand on my cheek and then after several long seconds of staring in my eyes he touched his warm lips to mine. It was a gentle kiss at first and then it turned to a searing hot brand. His hand moved to my hair and his grip tightened there. He pulled my head closer as I put my hand on his thigh. Our lips mashed together and then broke apart, the milliseconds when they were apart made the tension that much greater and forced us to touch lips again and again.

  We made out in that booth for a solid ten minutes and then he pulled away. “Want to go back to my place?” he asked, sex in his blue eyes. I nodded, I wanted a rebound and I wanted it now. He smiled and then softly kissed my nose.

  In the car after our roll in his bed I realized just how hysterical he was. It was refreshing being around someone who had no qualms about singing at the top of his lungs. Belting out a song when smiling is the funniest thing ever. He even did some mean air guitar, barely missing several parked vehicles in his passionate air solos. My sides were aching by the time he stopped in front of my rundown apartment building. He ducked to get a good look at the place and shook his head, “Good God, Elly. You need to hit the big time, you deserve better than this place.”

  I smiled and squeezed his knee. “I’m working on it.” I leaned over to kiss him goodnight but he put his hands on my cheeks before our lips touched.

  “Night, Elly.”

  “Night, Bryan.” I whispered softly.

  As I walked to the front door of my building my mind replayed all that had happened that night. I smiled to myself. I kicked Kent’s ass this morning. I cleared $300 in tips at work. I had my first real gig in way too long. It had been a great day.

  Chapter 42

  My birthday was next weekend and I still had to secure a place. I’d contacted Bubbles and they assured me that my guests would all be allowed VIP access for the evening. I told them the party drink had to be pink. And made sure there were peanut M&Ms, my favorite, on every table.

  I multi-texted the guys and asked if they’d play the party and they agreed to rock the pants off all my friends. I sent out a massive e-vite and by the week’s end I had 62 yes’s and 35 maybe’s.

  My 30th birthday party was going to rock! I grabbed my phone and texted Kent. I hadn’t heard from him since that day we went running together a couple of weeks ago.

  Me: Hope you’re going to be able to make it tonight. Miss you. -E

  I stuffed my phone into my purse and headed out. The party was in full swing thanks to my late arrival. I slowly worked my way to the bar, greeting and thanking my friends as I moved through the crowded space. Bryan, Rio, and James were on the little stage in the corner doing an awesome job keeping everyone entertained. I was a little disappointed that I hadn’t run into Kent yet but I figured he would probably show up towards the end. He didn’t like parties or crowds. He usually only went when Jen or I made him go. Hers was one face I wasn’t going to missing this year.

  The boys took an intermission and the Pussycat Dolls ‘Buttons’ played over the house speakers. A few ladies from the gym grabbed my hands and pulled me onto the dance floor so we could do the dance routine. It was slightly racey and fun. At the end of the song we were laughing and ready for a drink. I didn’t have to go far because Bryan found me and handed me my special pink birthday drink. He leaned in close and spoke into my ear, “Happy Birthday.”

  I grinned as I took the drink and leaned back to get a look at him. He was wearing his sexy jeans and a black button down short sleeved shirt. He looked good enough to sink my teeth into. I leaned close so I could talk into his ear, “Thanks for keeping the crowd warm.”

  “Anything for you,” Bryan said.

  “How many Elly’s have you had tonight?” I turned so he could talk into my ear.

  “None. I only want one Elly and she’s here now.” He waggled his eyebrows and I chuckled. He was smooth, I had to give him that.

  A co-worker pulled at my arm and I winked at Bryan before being whisked away. I sipped my drink as I worked the room some more.

  Half an hour later I was standing by the bar when the boys took the stage again. There was a poofing sound as Bryan tapped on the mic. All eyes turned on him and slowly the crowd turned to a murmur. "Hey everybody! Thanks for coming out to celebrate the birth of our wonderful Elly..."

  The crowd hooted and clapped. I blushed and rolled my eyes, my friends couldn’t help but to praise me, especially on my big day.

  "I um...I've had the pleasure of working with Elly for two years now and in those years I've seen her at her best, which as most of you probably know, is when she's on stage. There is an energy that flows from her when she's in her element. And I've seen her at her worst, like that time she puked all over my shoes and my guitar because she ate that terrible sushi at the Keller wedding." The crowd laughed and I covered my face with my hands in shame. "She's become a great friend and...well," the rest of the band was behind him and got ready to play, "This song is for her. Happy Birthday, Elly." He grabbed his guitar and strapped it on. He nodded to the drummer and the song started.

  The chords to my favorite Sister Hazel song, ‘All For You’, started playing and I let out a loud whoop.

  I was all smiles until my attention was drawn away by a tall man dressed in a dark silk suit who’d touched my elbow softly. It took me a minute to recognize that it was Kent. We exchanged smiles and he held a small box to me. He leaned in close so I could hear him over the band and my friends singing along.

  “Happy Birthday, Elly,” Kent said.

  I smiled and took the box, pulling Kent beside me, I hugged him to my side as my eyes went back to the stage.

  During the guitar break Bryan looked in my direction and spoke loudly in the mic, "Elly, I want you to be mine."

  My hands rushed to my mouth, the box Kent had given to me forgotten for the moment on the bar. I looked to my side to celebrate my new boyfriend with Kent when I discovered that he was gone. The light pink tie he’d been wearing, probably because it was my favorite color, was beside the box he’d given me. I grabbed them both and stood on tiptoes to see if I could spot him. I saw the back of his suit as he retreated into the darkness of night. My party was dampened but not for long.

  One of my co-workers came over and grabbed me, hugging me. “Bryan serenaded you! Ohmigod!” I coughed and tried to pry her arms from around my neck before they choked me.

  “Thanks, MaryAnn! I’m excited too! Come, have some drinks with me!” I pulled her the short distance to the bar and we shared drinks for the next half an hour while the band finished up their set.

  Bryan made his way over to me, it took a while because of all the back slaps and words of encouragement he received on his way. My friends really dug Bryan and it was obvious why. He was handsome, charming, down to earth. He was friendly and funny and he had a nerdy side. He was the complete package for me and I couldn’t wait to get him alone. I smiled as I felt his arm slide around my waist and pull me back against his chest.

  “Having a good birthday, Els?” I nodded and sipped my fifth drink. “That’s good. I hope when we leave I can make it the best birthday.” He nibbled on my earlobe and it sent my toes curling.

  He wanted to tease me? Two could play at that game. I bent over the bar, pretending to be grabbing something so that I could rub my ass against the front of his already tight jeans. I felt him shiver and heard his deep groan. I smiled with satisfaction as I turned to look at him. He shook his head at me. “You’re a naughty woman.”

  I chuckled, “You have no idea.” He nodded to the box and tie next to my drink.

  “Whose is that?”

  “My best friend was here. He dropped off the box and then left. I don’t know where he got to. He doesn’t really like crowds though. I think we might have to do a raincheck on the sexy stuff until tomorrow night.” He pouted and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him dow
n for a hot kiss. Our lips were heating up quickly but it was interrupted by yet another tap on the mic.

  “Excuse me everyone but I think we all know that it’s not a true party unless Elly sings us something.”

  I heard and felt Bryan groan as he slowly released me. I pat his chest and then made my way to the stage, cheering all the way. Bryan was right behind me and took his guitar in hand. The boys looked at me and I stared right back at them. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to sing. I hadn’t actually planned on singing anything. I turned the mic off briefly. “What should I sing?”

  Rio tilted his head back slightly to say his piece, “Give the people what they want. Lorde.”

  I looked at the other two who nodded their agreement. “Okay.” I flipped the mic back on and pointed at the crowd, who happened to be all of my friends. “If you know the song, I know you do, I wanna hear you sing it with me.” I gave the signal to my band and then I sang Lorde’s ‘Royals’ with a rock influence, really power-housing the chorus.

  The rest of the party was me on stage, where I love being, singing to and with my friends. It was a great time but by 2am I was beat and my throat was sore. Too much screaming. I’d drunk enough water to stifle the alcohol I’d consumed earlier in the evening. As friends left I said my goodbyes and when it was mostly cleared out I started to pick things up. Bryan and Rio were behind me, tsking.

  “It’s your party, we can clean up for you.”

  I smiled at them both and I was sure they could see the gratitude on my face.

  “Thank God! Have either of you seen…”

  Before I could finish the question Bryan pulled the little box and the light pink tie from his jeans. How he’d gotten them in there I don’t know. I sighed in relief as I took them and then hugged him. “Oh what would I do without you?”

  He chuckled, “You’d be frantically trying to find your shit. Go home and get some rest. We’ll take care of things. Don’t worry.”

  Rio scoffed. “You two together? I still can’t picture it. It’s kind of gross. Like my brother and my sister hooking up. Fucking blech.” We laughed, Bryan shook his head.

  Chapter 43

  “Thanks guys. I’m headed home.” As I left the bar I checked my phone for text messages. There were quite a few but nothing from Kent. I sighed softly wondering if he was upset. As I rounded the corner I saw Kent’s SUV parked across the street. My heels clicked as I jogged over. It was empty. I frowned and dialed Kent’s number. His phone was inside and lit up.

  I knew where he was. Unless he changed his hiding spot because he didn’t want to see me. There was only one way to find out. I hailed the next cab I saw and gave him directions to the old abandoned tower. Within fifteen minutes I was getting out of the cab and heading up the ladder in my tight dress and heels, purse in hand. The things I did for my best friend.

  I saw his outline against the sky and I walked slowly towards him. “Don’t jump…” I wrapped my arms around myself because the breeze was quite nippy up there.

  “That was a great party, Elly. That Bryan is a great singer. I guess congratulations are in order.”

  “You were at my party for all of two minutes. Are you okay?” I knelt down behind him, careful not to sit back too far lest my heels dig into my ass.

  “Oh, you noticed when I left? I didn’t think you would. I wanted you to have a happy birthday and it seemed like you did.” He didn’t sound right. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “It would’ve been happier if you’d have stayed with me. He’s a good guy, a really good guy. We’ve been on a couple of dates and I was pretty sure he wanted to make it serious but I didn’t know it was going to be tonight. Aren’t you happy for me?” I leaned forward to try to get a look at his face.

  He had a little smile and turned his face to look at me. “Yeah… Happy Birthday, Elly. I’m sorry I was being a big jerk about it.”

  I held the box that he’d given me on his shoulder. “I didn’t open it yet. I figured you’d want to witness me opening it since seeing it happen is half the fun.” I could see the tension radiating from his body but I wasn’t sure why he was feeling that way or why he was suddenly acting like a jealous ex-boyfriend.

  He took the box and carefully stood up, pushing me back away from the edge because he knew I was afraid of heights. “Well then, Elly,” he held out the small box, “are you going to open it?”

  I smiled and took the box. "I have a feeling it’s not a diamond encrusted dress. The box is a little too small for that..." I glanced between him and the box.

  He shook his head. “There's a story behind that gift and why I wanted to give it to you. I'm not sure it's right to give it now though under these circumstances. It is still a nice gift if I don't tell the story though.” I opened the box slowly. Inside the box was a silver charm bracelet. There were already charms personalized for me and they sparkled in the moonlight. Kent shifted his eyes back towards the city as he spoke. "It's pretty so I thought you might like it, hoped you'd like it and not just pretend."

  I chuckled, the thought of Jen’s reaction to her birthday present seemed like so long ago now. It would forever be an inside joke between us. I reached up and put my fingers on his cheek. I pushed it to the side so he’d look at me. I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes. For more than half my life I’d wanted a gift like this from Kent and I finally had it. “I love it.” I let my fingers fall from his face so I could pull out the bracelet. I held it out. “Will you put it on me? Please?”

  He fumbled with the lock for a minute before it finally clasped. I turned my wrist and admired the shimmer for a minute before looking up to meet his eyes. I hugged him, the first luxurious hug in too long. He was almost divorced and I was securely attached to someone else. It was safe to hug him. I didn’t have to hold back any repressed feelings or worry that the hug might spark other feelings in me. Kent was my friend and he always would be.

  “I love it. I’ll never take it off.”

  “I’m glad you like it, Elly.” He broke the hug and stared down at me. It looked like he was struggling to get something out.

  “I love it.” I smiled and then the bombshell came.

  “Elly, I love you and I’ve loved you for a long time. I was just too stupid to realize it.”

  I blinked at him, digesting what he said. He was rebounding, trying to rebound with me. I shook my head slowly and spoke softly, “Kent...you don't...I don't think...I think you're just hurting from Jen..."

  "I've been waiting for a long time to do something. Something that I always wanted to do but I was too chicken shit to do it.” His hand went to my cheek and he moved forward and pressed his lips against mine.

  It made sense that I’d waited so long for a kiss from him that when it finally happened, Kent would do it so fast that I wouldn’t see it coming. I was too stunned to react immediately but when I realized what he was doing I put my hands on his chest and pulled back.

  “Kent, don’t. You’re very emotional right now… it’s a tough time for you. I’ll be here for you but I can’t be here for you in that way.” I watched as his face fell. He nodded in defeat.

  “No...yeah, you’re right. God, I’m an idiot. I’m sorry, Elly.” He ran his hands through his hair, frustrated, probably with himself.

  “Hey,” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. "It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay." My poor friend was hurting, most likely still crushed from the Jen cheating blow and also probably because he’d kissed me, possibly thinking it might affect our friendship and it wouldn’t. I wouldn’t let it. I’d let those feelings go.

  "Sorry I kind of rushed out of your party. I've just had a lot of things on my mind." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

  "I know you do and I'm sorry I haven't been there for you like I should have been." I sighed softly and pressed my cheek against his chest. "I've been kind of a terrible friend."

  "No, Elly. You've always been a great fr
iend. You've got choices that you have to make in your life. Some that might take you away from me. Just know that I love you and always will, no matter what." I’d told him I’d loved him before, but I was pretty sure he took it in the friend way. And right now I had to do the same because even if he thought he was having deeper feelings for me he had to be wrong.

  “I love you too, Kent. Always.” I pulled my head back to look up at him. “Are you going to be okay?”

  He rubbed a hand over his face slowly and nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me, Elly."

  "You know that's not possible." I smiled as I pinched his cheek and then stepped back to put space between us. I was maybe still a little drunk...or horny...or both. I pushed those feelings away. I had to focus.

  He smiled and then nodded to the ladder. “Can I walk you home?” I nodded and he led the way.

  I grinned to myself as he started down. When he was halfway I started down too. “Don’t look up!”

  “Don’t worry. After last time I learned my lesson.”

  I doubted it. I grinned as I reached down and loosened my heel. I kicked it off and it went falling down, hitting him on his shoulder before falling the rest of the way to the ground. “My shoe!” The combo of my exclamation and the shoe hitting him was enough to get him to look straight up. When he realized it was just a ploy he shook his head and grumbled.

  “Dammit, Elly!”

  I giggled softly. “You’re such a sucker.”

  “And you’re such a tease.” His feet hit the ground and he took a step back for my modesty, waiting for me to finish climbing.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” I bent down on my one shoe and grabbed the other before putting it back on. I wrapped my arm around his and walked with him in the direction of my apartment.

  He looked down at my shoes and shook his head. “You’re gonna kill yourself in those things.”


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