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Billionaires Runaway Bride (A Standalone British Billionaire Romance Novel)

Page 54

by Claire Adams

  “Thanks. I mean, no. I’ll be fine in there. I’m not doing much sleeping anyway with all that’s going on.”

  “I can imagine. I guess that’s my way to deal.”

  He nodded. “That and reading novels.”

  When my phone interrupted us with a ring, he slipped into the bathroom. As I said hello to my dad, the shower came on.

  “Are you still waiting on the all clear?” Dad’s voice was strained, and I wondered how much the stress had been taking a toll on him.

  “Yes, it could be another few days. There is new evidence coming in daily, and I think they’re waiting on some surveillance to come in. I hope the boys aren’t dragging their feet knowing what it’s about. I don’t think any of his workers would want to be the one to turn over evidence against him, even if it isn’t anything solid.”

  Dad cleared his throat. “You still think he’s innocent?”

  “Yes, I do; and I’m sick of having this conversation. I know I can’t lie in court, but I don’t have to say I don’t remember, either. I want to help him.”

  “I know, but you have to understand that as your father, my instincts are to protect you.” I knew exactly how he felt. He was as protective of me as I was of him. It had been that way with us since my mother’s death and neither of us would change anytime soon.

  It was probably the reason I hadn’t gotten into any long-term relationships, especially not been with anyone on a sexual level. He’d be disappointed I didn’t wait until marriage. Sometimes I felt like I was never going to lose my virginity and not even all the alcohol in Vegas could destroy my v-card.

  I heard the shower go off and told my father goodbye so I could clear off the bed. I couldn’t allow Gabe to sleep on the hard sofa again, and I wondered why he hadn’t gotten a bigger room.

  As I moved most of my things to a chair in the corner of the room, he stepped out of the bathroom with his stubble still place, but his hair mussed and damp. Somehow, he still looked amazing, even in his hotel-issued bathrobe.

  “I was serious about what I said; the bed’s all yours.” I gestured to show how I’d moved my things and then scooped the other things into my arms and carried them out to the other room.

  “Sorry about the single. It was all that was available on such short notice, and it’s not exactly where anyone would assume I’d stay here at the High Roller.” He took the small towel from around his neck and rubbed it through his hair again.

  “What is it, the honeymoon suite?” I giggled at the thought, but his complexion turned pale.

  “Yeah, actually it is.” He averted his gaze, and I chuckled again. His head popped up and his eyes met mine. “Is it such a terrible idea being married to a successful billionaire, or is it me?” I stood there with my mouth hung open like a fool, realizing that he was serious. I had offended him.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine you married, especially to me.” The truth was I had always seen him as the eternal bachelor. I couldn’t even picture the kind of woman he’d settle down with.

  The few I’d met didn’t seem that domestic, but I supposed that’s where being a billionaire might help. He had money to hire staff for cooking, cleaning, and raising his children. I pulled my lips in tight, trying not to smile. “Would you want a big family?”

  “I wouldn’t mind being a father, but a big family, well, I’m not sure about that. Things were nice growing up with a brother, though, so I suppose if I had one, I’d have to have two.” He crossed the room and sat on the bed as I stood in the doorway. “What about you?”

  “I don’t know. I’d love to have children someday. Maybe I’ll even get married.” A soft chuckle escaped him as I yawned big.

  “Why don’t we share?

  “Kids?” I was aware he’d meant the bed, but I got a nice laugh and smile from him. It was the first genuine smile I’d seen since everything had happened.

  “The bed. I’ll behave, and I’ll even sleep on top of the covers if you like.” He stood and went around straightening the covers. “Come on, Luna. It’s not like we haven’t shared a bed and behaved before. I won’t even kiss you goodnight.”

  Suddenly, warmth flared up deep within me. “Why not? Am I not kissable?” I feigned insult, and he smiled. The expression was short lived as I shook my head. “No, you go ahead. I’ll see you in the morning.

  As bad as I wanted to sleep next to him, I couldn’t let myself do it. Disappointment blanketed his expression. “I wish you’d trust me.”

  “I do trust you, Gabriel.”

  “Then prove it.” He patted the bed beside him and lowered himself into the covers, facing the wall. He was impossible. I teetered on the edge of going to sleep on the hard sofa, but then figured what the hell.

  I shut the door and turned off the light before walking across the room to my side of the bed and slipping down under the covers. I didn’t feel a bit of body heat as he stayed on his own side of the bed and though I faced him, he faced the wall.

  “Is that so bad?” He stretched his arm and shut off the lamp, leaving us in the dark.

  “No, it’s fine. Thanks.” I had the urge to inch closer and put my arm around him, but I knew better. That small act of contact would make him think I was opening that door, and once it was entered, there was no going back.

  “I’m sorry, Luna, about the lap dance and the kissing and everything else, too. I need you to know that.” His voice was softer than normal as he said that, barely a whisper.

  I thought about my hand stinging from the smack I’d given him and felt terrible. “I know. It’s not your fault. I have to take responsibility for my own actions. It’s easy to blame you, though, and that’s what I’ve done this whole time. I’m sorry I slapped you. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “You’re stressed. To be honest, it was the most I’ve felt all week. Tomorrow when Mason gets here, we’re all going to have a long talk, and when we do, I have a feeling a lot of things will come back to you.”

  “I’ll say whatever you need me to say, Gabriel. I want to make sure that no matter what they say, we let them know we’re certain of your whereabouts. You were with me all night.”

  “Thank you.” His voice lifted as if the statement surprised him.

  “Yeah, I’m afraid with that asshole, Mason, you might need all the help you can get.” I laughed, letting him know that I was only kidding.

  “He is an asshole, but he’s also the best attorney money can buy.”

  I nestled down with my pillow. “It’s a shame you don’t get more for your money.”

  A rolling laugh shook the bed beneath us. “You’re too much.”

  “Sorry. I’ll let you get some sleep.”

  The bed moved again as he turned over to face me. “Don’t apologize, Luna. I like talking to you. I’m surprised you don’t have men all over you.”

  Hearing the statement, I almost laughed out loud. I’d never been the type of woman who had men flocking to her, but knowing he thought otherwise was enough to make me blush. I’d given up on finding Mr. Right a long time ago and had no future hopes of a relationship.

  “No one’s ever been turned on by me.”

  Gabriel cleared his throat. “I beg to differ.”

  Chapter Ten


  Waking up next to Luna was even more amazing than the last time. She’d rolled over close to me and the soft purr of her breathing was a major turn on. Our discussion had me thinking all night, long after her mind had shut down and taken its nightly trip to dream town.

  I had kept it from her long enough and now that I knew Mason was coming by early for breakfast, it was the perfect time to spring the information on both of them.

  I could imagine she was going to be very upset, but I held on to the hope that she’d still feel the same about wanting to help me.

  An hour after I sat down to check my messages and return a few calls, Luna walked into the room with her hair wrapped up in a towel. She went to the coffee pot in the small kitc
henette and brewed a fresh pot.

  I craned my neck to catch a glimpse of her in her short, silky robe. The lavender fabric draped perfectly around her form, and I found myself adjusting my cock. She turned and smiled before coming around to sit across from me.

  “You’re up early. Did you sleep well?” Her eyes were filled with concern, and that was a kick in the pants. I knew I couldn’t put off telling her a moment longer. I’d wanted to wait for Mason, but she deserved to know. I took the opportunity for segue.

  “I slept better than I have in months. I guess sleeping near you suits me.” The blush in her cheeks deepened and she stood and crossed the room to pour herself a cup of the fresh brew.

  “I’m not used to sleeping with anyone either, but yeah, it was nice. Sorry if I crossed the halfway mark, I guess I’m a bed hog.” She carried her cup into the bedroom and shut the door.

  I hadn’t minded her hogging the bed at all, and I hoped that she’d come back into the room. After another minute, she returned dressed in jeans and a white tank top, with her damp hair hanging down her shoulders. “Hope you don’t mind me staying casual.” She sat on the couch and pulled on a pair of white cotton socks.

  “It’s nice; almost like we’re married.” I watched her expression, which surprised me. She wasn’t put off by the thought – and in fact, she seemed more than pleased.

  “Have you ever been engaged?” She took a sip of her coffee and lounged back against the soft cushion.

  I could answer that question honestly: she and I hadn’t been engaged. In fact, our marriage was such a whim that there was not even a courtship. “Nope. I’ve never been engaged. I’ve thought about it, but it never felt right. What about you?” She was following in line right where I wanted her to. I’d ease her into it, and hopefully she wouldn’t freak out on me.

  “No. I’ve never had a boyfriend other than in high school.” Her cheeks were red now and the color suited her well, but I couldn’t believe what I heard.

  “You’re kidding. How does a gorgeous woman like you not ever have a relationship?”

  It didn’t make sense. It couldn’t have been because no one was interested, and I wondered if perhaps her overprotective father had anything to do with it. Maybe he was the kind of man that liked to run everyone off. If that were true, I’d have my work cut out for me, especially when he learned of the marriage.

  “No. I used to be a big nerd in high school. It took me a while to grow into my big teeth and to fill out in the right places.” That was hard to believe, too, considering her right places were just right.

  “I think you look perfect.”

  She brushed her hair back from her face and gripped her coffee cup in both hands. “You’re making my cheeks hurt from smiling.” She didn’t seem to be too comfortable with compliments, and I hadn’t ever seen this side of her. Her smile was ear to ear, though, and she looked gorgeous with the extra color in her cheeks and lips. Her eyes even brightened when she smiled.

  “It suits you.”

  “Thanks.” She sipped from the mug before tilting her head back stare at the ceiling. “I did plan my wedding, though. My mom and I used to talk about it before she passed away. I always dreamed of my dad walking me down the aisle, and now that he’s a pastor, I’d like for him to perform the ceremony. I remember back when I was little, I wanted everything to be pink and blue, and I wanted to arrive on the back of a unicorn.”

  “Tall order.” I laughed, imagining her on the back of the magical beast.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s changed over the years to omit mythological creatures, but I do hope that someday I can have a gorgeous wedding with all of the traditions. I guess I’m old-fashioned that way.”

  I felt like shit. Here she was going on about her wedding, and little did she know she’d already had one – and it was probably nothing like anything she’d have ever wanted.

  “What would you think about a Vegas wedding?” Her eyes narrowed, and she got quiet. For a moment, I thought that I’d sparked a memory, but then she shrugged and curled her lip in disgust.

  “No, that’s not my style. I mean, I guess it’s okay for some people, but I find it a bit tacky. I mean, it’s your wedding day, which is like the most important day ever. I think it should be more special.”

  “I know a few people who have tied the knot here. They were hardly tacky.” My parents had married in Vegas, and while that didn’t last forever, we’d been a happy family all through my youth.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you. Again, it’s something I’d never do. To each his own, I suppose.” She made a face that was clearly laced with distaste.

  “I can understand if you don’t prefer it, but to act as though you’re too good for it, I can’t help but find that a bit judgmental.” I opened up the briefcase and thumbed through the stack of papers where I’d placed our marriage license. Locating it, I slipped it out and placed it on the table between us.

  “Luna, when I said we needed to talk today, I meant that I had something to tell you. I’m hoping that you meant what you said last night.”

  “I hope it’s something that can help. I mean, I hope it isn’t anything terrible, but I want it to help your case. It’s not something terrible is it?” She searched my face as if trying to gauge if the information was good or bad.

  “I’m sorry. I should have told you about this, but I didn’t know how or when, and I guess I kept hoping you’d remember or the police would say something, but I can’t let you go on not knowing.”

  “You didn’t do it, did you?” She placed her hand on her throat and then as her chest rose and fell in panic, I shook my head.

  “God, no. Read this.” I pushed the paper closer and she looked down, her eyes widening as the words on the page registered.

  She covered her mouth as her eyes widened and darted to mine. “You’re not serious. This is a joke.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry? Are you kidding me? This is what we went to the chapel for? That’s what the detective said, that we went to a chapel. I figured we went to check it out, not get married. How did this happen? How could you keep this from me?” She wrapped her arms around her waist, as if holding herself together.

  I waited to make sure her rant was over before I held up a hand defensively. “Like you said last night, this isn’t only my fault, and we made this decision together. You wanted it as much as I did.”

  “And how much was that? We were drunk, and obviously you were just as bad off as I was if you went through with this.” Tears were welling up in her eyes as she shook her head, like doing so would make it all be a lie.

  “I might have been drunk, and I might not want this marriage in hindsight as much as I did at the time, but I do remember why we got married and I do remember wanting it. I hoped your feelings were as genuine, but I have to admit the fact that you forgot all about it did leave me some hope of having the whole thing annulled quickly.”

  “That’s what we have to do, Gabriel. We have to get this undone, like it was never done.”

  “That shouldn’t be hard since we haven’t consummated the marriage and it hasn’t been that long. Honestly, it was my intention to get the ball rolling in that direction, but then I got dragged in for questioning.

  “But I can’t help thinking that if we go through with the annulment, it could make things worse. It could make it look like you don’t trust me, especially since you’ve already told them that you didn’t remember.”

  “You don’t understand: I can’t tell a soul about this. If my father finds out, he’ll kill us both. You don’t understand what a terrible decision this was for me.”

  “I’m sure it was as terrible as me marrying you. No offense, but I have a whole lot more to lose than you do. I have my company and my reputation, which has taken a harsher beating the past week than your father could or would ever dish out. So excuse me if I don’t give a shit about your daddy.”

  I hated to be mean considering I’d been the one to
keep this from her, but I didn’t need her freaking out about things we couldn’t control.

  She picked the certificate up and studied it like the thing could be a fake. “Oh, suddenly I’m not good enough?” That’s not at all what I’d meant, but it was also beside the point.

  I took the set of rings out of the case and pushed hers toward her. “Does this ring a bell?” She picked the thing up and closed her eyes.

  “Yeah, we got these out of a machine, didn’t we? God, I remember the room. The place smelled like cheap air freshener, and there were these two men there…and they were blind?”

  “That was the Blues Brothers. They performed the ceremony. It was either them or a Pee-Wee Herman look-alike, and you were afraid of him.”

  “Yeah, Pee-Wee has always given me the creeps.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe this. We’re married, and you didn’t tell me.”

  I reached across to take the ring from her hand and slipped the small band on her ring finger. With horror in her eyes, she let me.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Luna. Can’t you see why I was afraid to? You think I don’t know what a huge mess we’re in? I know it’s a fucking disaster, but I need you to play the part.” I moved around the table and sat next to her, keeping her hand in my grip. “Luna, please help me.”

  “I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.”

  “Damned for me could mean prison, Luna. I don’t know what kind of evidence is mounting, where they are looking, if there are any signs pointing to someone else, but I know I didn’t do it. If you don’t help me, there’s a chance I could go away. Please, Luna. Say you’ll help me.”

  “Do the police know?” She pulled her hand away, and I released a deep breath and covered my eyes.

  “I don’t know. I’m assuming they will before too long. We’ll need to go down and make a statement and explain. We’ll have to figure out an excuse explaining why I didn’t tell them.”


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