Fated (Fated Mates Book 1)

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Fated (Fated Mates Book 1) Page 1

by Tami Payton


  The Fated Mates Series

  Tami Payton


  To my husband and kids who never let me give up, they always supported me and pushed me to always be the best that I could be. They dealt with me when I was frustrated, moody when I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to write next, when I was blocked, when I was too tired to cook and just plain worn out! They always encouraged me to keep my dreams going no matter what. I love you guys!

  My small circle of friends, especially Liz! You dealt with all my text messages and phone calls on if this works or does this sound right lol! You were a trooper and I love you for it! Definitely made BFF status!

  My sister for helping me get through what I needed to accomplish, thanks I love you! My Aunt for giving me one less teenager to distract me so I could get some writing done, you’re a lifesaver!

  Last but never least, my dad. You always encouraged me to never give up, always pushed me to the limits, and told me to follow my dreams. I remember those words and lessons every day. They’re what fuel me and give me the power to accomplish what I do. I miss you and love you!



  LOVE, TRUST, FATE, AND A HAPPY EVER AFTER? Yeah, not something this girl believes in.

  My life has shown me that love is just another thing that holds you down. That you need to be there for yourself and fate can screw you over faster than a used car salesman. I wouldn’t have survived my mother and her many men if it wasn’t for my best friend, Gage. The only person I have ever trusted and even that took a while to do. I was alone in the world, no family, just me and Gage, until they showed up. Turns out I have a twin brother and my dad’s alive, well f*ck me, and they’ve brought along a guy who I can’t seem to stay away from. Turns out they’re all shifters, werewolves, whatever you want to call them, and I’m one as well. This strange pull I’m having to this new mysterious hot guy? He’s not only my mate, he’s my fated mate, and that alone could kill us both. Yeah, whoever said love can conquer all can kiss my a**.


  A MATE, LOVE, BEING VUNERALBLE, Yeah, sorry not this guy. I’ve seen the destruction it can do and won’t let it pull me down.

  I’ve seen my friends and family in my pack become mated and it’s become their downfall. Hell, it’s the reason I became Alpha so young. So, wanting a mate and all that love bullshit, yeah, no thank you, don’t want it, don’t need it. Then my best friend Cameron finds his twin sister, and my wolf doesn’t give me a choice. No matter how hard I try to fight it. She pulls me in, we’re too much alike, neither one of us want this, but can’t stay away. She’s from one pack and I’m from another, it would be perfect, then we find out we’re fated. Well, there goes my theory that being mated will be my downfall, because now we’re screwed. A fated mate means being vulnerable in a way I’ve never been, and it could kill us both. I guess whoever asked the question ‘Is love worth dying for?’ was a fated mate. Thanks dude.


  “I said get the fuck away from me you piece of shit!” My head is pounding, and I can feel my migraine getting worse as one of my mother’s many revolving boyfriends tries to grab my arm as I try to make my way to my room. I’m barely here so I’m able to avoid them and this guy is new, so I have no idea who he is and am ready to pounce when he grabs my wrist. “Come on sweetheart, I just want to play. Why don’t you come and play with your Uncle Jerry for a little while?” He’s got me pulled up close to him and I can smell the whiskey on his breath and my stomach curls. Uncle, that’s what my mother has called her boyfriend since I was little. It’s insulting like I never knew what they were. I grit my teeth and prepare to defend myself like my best friend Gage has taught me to over the years when I hear the front door crash open. “You sorry mother fucker, I’m gonna kill you!” I’d know that voice anywhere, Gage, my best friend, and the only guy I’ve ever trusted, because let’s face it growing up with the way my mom lives her life with drugs, alcohol, and men in and out I kind of have an issue with that. Jerry is caught off guard and it gives me a chance to slip out of his grasp, and Gage is on the attack swinging his knock out punch, only he doesn’t let him slip into unconsciousness so quickly like he would the guys he fights in the ring, or street. Gage is a street MMA fighter. He does underground fights and is undefeated as of now. So, yeah Jerry is in a whole lot of trouble, even more so that it was me that he had his hands on, there’s no one that Gage is more protective of than me. I look towards Gage and his dark brown eyes flicker a honey gold, they only do that when he’s angry or before a fight, he lets out a growl “Cammie go finish getting your stuff, so we can get the hell out of here.” I go to step towards him to try to calm him down knowing that if he doesn’t calm down he could end up killing this guy. “NOW!” He yells. I scramble up to my room and finish throwing what clothes I own into my duffle bags, I had started packing yesterday when I had snuck in when my mother was gone. I go to leave and run into her, the woman who has made my life hell everyday of my life, my mother. For as long as I can remember she has had a bottle in her hand, been high on something, and there’s been a different man in and out of her bedroom. It’s a surprise that CPS never intervened and I’m still here, but hey it’s a small town and everyone stays to themselves not wanting to get involved with everyone else. “Why is your boyfriend beating up Jerry! Get him out of here!” She yells at me, I roll my eyes at her as I pull my duffle bags higher on my shoulder and move past her. She eyes my bags and goes to stop me, “Where are you going? You can’t leave.” I laugh because it’s finally hit her, I’m leaving which means her meal ticket is as well. She receives money every month as a welfare payment from the state as well as food stamps because I’m a minor. Well I just graduated high school a year early, I worked my ass off to do that and have been working double shifts as much as I could to save up as much as I could, so I can get the hell out of here as soon as I could. So now I’ve just turned 17 and can legally leave and she loses everything she gets from the state and I have no regrets about it. I smile at her, “Gage is beating the shit out of Jerry because that Bastard tried to touch me and he’s getting what he deserves. As for leaving, yes, I am. I am legally able to since I graduated yesterday, Mother. So as of today, you are on your own.” I smile and turn and head toward Gage who has Jerry pinned on the ground. “Gage, I’m done. Let’s go.” As I head towards the door, I hear a cracking sound and a scream as Gage growls out, “Maybe that will teach you to keep your hands to yourself.” I knew Gage had just broken Jerry’s hand.

  I keep walking and get to Gage’s car before he finally catches up to me, “you ok Cammie?” Gage is searching my face for any indication that I’m not. I nod, “I’m fine Gage that wasn’t the first time one of her assholes approached me, but it will be the last. I’m so glad to be out of there.” I sigh and think about where to go from here. I’m gonna be staying with Gage for a month because the apartment I’m going to be renting won’t be available until next month and I’m lucky to be able to get that with only being 17. “Ok short stuff let’s get out of here and go home.” I narrow my eyes at him, he knows I hate it when he calls me short stuff, I mean yes, I’m short but he doesn’t have to call me out on it.

  Gage is the only person who has ever been there for me in my fucked-up life, but I’ve never looked at him in any other way other than a brotherly best friend kind of way. I mean don’t get me wrong, Gage is hot. He’s got light brown hair, is 6ft 2, and has these dark brown eyes that turn a honey gold color when his emotions get out of control, and a smoking hot body covered in tattoos. I’m talking muscles everywhere. It’s just there’s no physical feeling anywhere between us. I’ve never had that with anyone, and I blame that
on my upbringing and the way my mother lived her life around me. We met when I was in the 6th grade, Gage was in the 8th grade. I had showed up at school with a bruise on my jaw, a departing gift from one of my “Uncles” and I was the target of another 8th grader that knew my mom’s reputation. He thought it would be funny to try to see if I was anything like my mom and tried to proposition me. I started freaking out and when he went to grab me I lashed out and broke his nose. Gage had run over to defend me, and I started to fight him as well. He managed to calm me, there was something about him that soothed me, to this day I can’t figure out what it is. He started laughing at me, “That’s one hell of a right hook you got there short stuff, damn well broke his nose.” I had scowled at him, “My name is Cammie, don’t call me that, and he shouldn’t have put his hands on me.” He shook his head his eyes hardened and turned that honey gold color. “No, he shouldn’t have, and you gave him what he deserved. What happened to your jaw, short stuff?” I puffed out a sigh, having a feeling that I’d been given a nickname that wasn’t going anywhere. “Just another loser that doesn’t understand the concept of keeping their hands to themselves. It’s been dealt with.” We did introductions and he pretty much stuck to my side ever since. I learned that he did training in a gym daily. He started having me workout at the gym with him, so I learned to defend myself even more. I would stay at his house most nights once he learned what was happening around my house. He and his aunt insisted on it. Gage had a weird family life like me. He lived with his aunt, but once a month he had to go visit his dad. He would be gone for 3-4 days and I wouldn’t hear from him or see him.

  Over the years Gage and I got closer and became the best of friends, I didn’t trust people. I went on a couple of dates here and there, but because of my issues with men I didn’t make it past the first date. I was comfortable being by myself, and I was working hard to graduate early so I could get out of my mother’s house. I got a lot of attention in school and that made Gage even more protective. I didn’t pay any mind to it. I stood at 5’1”, so yeah, the nickname short stuff had its meaning. I had long, thick black hair that hangs down to my ass, which by the way is to big for my short frame. I was cursed in the ass, hips and boobs, for someone of my height I wore a 38 DD, had a flat stomach most girls would pay for, wide hips and then what guys often call a ‘apple bottom ass’ now why they call it that is still a mystery to me. My eyes are the thing that get everyone, and I’m constantly accused of wearing contacts although I have perfect vision. I consider them hazel, but they change colors, Gage calls them my mood ring eyes. He says they change colors depending on my mood, they change from brown, green, gray, blue, and they will turn a deep gold color. Strangest thing in the world. But Gage has been the only constant in my life and the only person I have trusted and will trust all my life.

  We arrive at Gage’s apartment. He moved out of his aunt’s house last year when he graduated, “come on short stuff, lets get you settled.” I sigh and get out grabbing my bags knowing that I’m gonna need some medication when I get inside. My migraine is getting worse. I make it to the door and a pain unlike anything I’ve ever felt shoots through my head, making me drop my bags and grab my head. “Shit Cammie, what the hell! What’s wrong?” Gage is on me in an instant, “Holy fuck, my head.” I can’t breathe, the only thing I can concentrate on is the pain shooting through my head. He picks me up and takes me to my room, pushes a button and curtains close, as he lays me on the bed like I’m fragile cargo. I hear him head into the bathroom and come back with a glass of water and my medication for my migraines. “Here swallow these, slow sips.” He angles my head, so I can sip and swallow the pills and then rest my head in his lap. I start to drift off into darkness as Gage rubs my head.

  I wake up, the pounding in my head has dulled and it’s barely there anymore. The headaches have gotten even worse over the last couple of months, maybe I need to go back to the doctor. The room is pitch black and I start to wonder how long I was out until I realize that Gage installed black out curtains in the room and that they are closed. I smile, he’s always so protective and probably thought of that after he found me in the closet after my last migraine. I shift in the bed and realize that Gage is also in the bed when I hear him groan, I try to move without waking him, but he senses that I’m awake. “How’s your head? Are you still in pain?” I shake my head, “No, it’s much better thank you. I just noticed the blackout curtains. They really are great, thanks.” He sighs and runs his hand over his face, “My God Cammie that scared the shit out of me, I mean that was bad. You dropped to the ground screaming for fucks sake! Have you been getting them more often lately?” He’s looking at me with a worried face and I can tell that he’s really concerned, and I don’t want him to be, I know he’s leaving for his time with his dad soon. “No, I haven’t calm down. They don’t come that often but when I do get them sometimes they are bad. I have an appointment with the doctor in a few days to go over everything with him just in case.” He sighs a sigh of relief, I made sure to slip the appointment in the time frame that he’d be gone with his dad since he said he’d be gone a few extra days this time around. “Ok, that makes me feel a little better, a lot better actually. I know that you can never reach me when I’m gone, the service is always shitty. I want you to at least call and leave me a message please. Tell me what happened and let me know your ok, I will do my best to get somewhere I can check it.” I nod and agree, trying to figure out how I’m gonna do this I don’t want to worry him. The next day Gage gets ready to leave and I’m starting to feel like I’m coming down with the flu. I’ve got the sweats, cold chills, fever, ugh I feel like shit. “I don’t like leaving you like this. I’ve called my aunt she’s gonna come and check on you.” I laugh, “Gage I’m fine, it’s just the flu. I can take care of myself, go have fun with your family.” He looks at me and I look down and shake my head. He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my forehead, “Ok short stuff, I will see you next week.” When he leaves a weird feeling settles over me. It feels like Gage may be wanting more than friendship.


  “Dude will you please stop pacing? You’re wearing a hole in the floor.” I’m laughing at my best friend and fellow Alpha, Cameron, he’s been going crazy for the past couple of weeks and hasn’t been able to figure out why. I mean he’s in training to take over for his dad, Sam, for Alpha, sure that’s a lot of pressure but I don’t think that’s what’s got him all worked up. “Mason, something’s not right I feel it. I can’t explain it, but something is coming and it’s big.” He shakes his head like he’s trying to clear it. “Ok, try to tell me what you’re feeling, and I will try to help. You know I will help anyway I can. Just please sit down.” I tell him and I mean it. Cameron is my best friend. He may be 2 years younger than me, but we’ve been through a lot together. He was there for me when my dad was killed, and I had to step up and take over as Alpha of my pack at the age of 16. His dad Sam is like a second father to me, and their pack is our brother pack, one of our only ally packs. He sighs as he sits next to me, “I don’t know how to explain it. It’s almost the same feeling I had when I met Sarah but not the same.” I look at him with wide eyes, Sarah is his mate and if that’s the case all hell is gonna break loose. “Um so you think you may be having another mating pull?” I ask with hesitation. “Cameron shakes his head, “God no! I love Sarah and would never do that, she’s it for me. This is a pulling feeling, like I must go and find out what it is. I don’t know what it is, but my instinct is telling me that we have to go.” I look at him confused, “We?” I ask. “He nods, “Yup, me, dad, and you.”

  Sam walks into the room and listens to everything that Cameron has just told me. He’s got this far away look in his eyes as he looks at his son. “So, this feeling, it’s similar to the mate call but not the same?” Cameron nods, “Yeah dad, it’s like there’s this hole in me and the only way it’s gonna be filled is if I follow whatever is pulling me. Not to mention I’ve been having these weird dreams and you and Mas
on were with me when I went searching for whatever I was looking for, so I know that you’re supposed to be there with me. I know it sounds crazy and I probably am, but I don’t know what else to do.” Sam sighs, he looks troubled “well it looks like we don’t have a choice. Mason, get your affairs in order. It looks like we’re going away for a bit.” He stands and leaves the room, leaving me shocked and confused. Cameron looks at me with sad eyes, “Mason I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to do. My wolf is going crazy. It’s like he’s a caged animal and tearing me apart from the inside out.” I shake my head and pat him on the back, “It’s ok bro, we will figure it out and hopefully it will all work out. Let’s get everything ready so we can get this over with.” We both leave. Me going to talk to my Beta Jacob so he can take care of anything that needs to be done in my absence and Cameron to talk to Sarah.

  We all meet up at Sam’s house two hours later ready to head out. “Cameron, do you have any idea on we’re were headed?” I ask him, wondering if we’re just going to be running around or if he has some kinda GPS in his gut. I’ve never been close to having the mating feeling and don’t want to so I wouldn’t have a clue on how he’s feeling. He nods, “we’re heading towards Maine. I’ve been up there a few times and checked out the area but haven’t found what’s been pulling me yet. It’s really confusing me, but this time the pull is so strong that it feels like my insides are being ripped apart.” Sam shakes his head, “This isn’t the call of another mate, so I’m glad that Mason and I are going with you. I’m not sure about this but let’s go and see what we find.” We shift, Sam stands tall as a dark chocolate brown wolf with honey highlights and blue eyes, Cameron stands just as tall. Cameron’s color is a little lighter brown and solid with brown eyes, I’m the outcast of our group. I stand taller than both of them, my wolf is black as night with one white spot on my right paw, and my eyes are bright blue. We each let out a deep howl and head North towards Maine.


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