Fated (Fated Mates Book 1)

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Fated (Fated Mates Book 1) Page 2

by Tami Payton

  It takes us two days in wolf form to make it to Maine from our home in Tennessee. We stop in the woods outside of a small town and change into some clothes that we carried in bookbags in our mouths. Stretching and adjusting to being back on two legs, I look around and take in our surroundings. “I really hope that this is the place, Cameron, I’m exhausted. I say we find a place to rest and eat and then make a plan from there.” I look at him and Sam to see if they agree and they both nod, so we head further into the town looking for a hotel. We settle into a hotel and find a small café and get some food. The waitress seems surprised at all the food we’ve ordered and Sam laughs. “Sorry sweetheart, we’ve been on the road all night and day and haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon. We may pay for this later but right now we’re gonna enjoy it.” The lady, whose name tag reads Jodi, laughs, “Oh well, in that case, dessert is on the house, so make sure you leave room. We make the best cheesecake, and it’s great to have you boys visiting our small little town!” She says with a cheerful smile and bounces away, we all look at each other and shake our heads. “So, what’s the plan from here. I mean, do you plan on just walking around until you find whatever it is your looking for?” I look at Cameron. He shakes his head, “I’m not sure. It’s not like I’m sure I even know what I’m looking for. I guess I will know when I find her.” He stops, and his eyes go wide and his head snaps to the right. His dad comes to attention as do I, “Cameron, dude what is it?” I’m starting to freak out thinking that someone is going to attack or something. “Do you smell that?” Cameron is on full alert, and Sam is tense. The look in his eyes is back while I’m confused as fuck. “Ok, now I’m confused. What the hell is going on? All I smell is food. What are you looking at?” I follow his line of sight and see an older lady at the take-out counter picking up some soup, she smiles and turns to leave. Cameron goes to get up and his dad grabs his arm, “Cameron wait, you can’t just rush after her until we know what is going on.” Cameron shrugs him off, “It’s not her, dad. She smells like who I need to find. She has the other scent all over her. She can lead us straight to where I need to be. Come on.” He books it out of the café, I throw down some cash and follow them out.

  We stay a good distance behind the lady as she enters an apartment complex and Sam takes note of the apartment number that she enters. Cameron is getting more anxious as the time passes and soon enough the lady comes back out and leaves. “Let’s go. I have to find out what is going on. I can’t stand this anymore.” Cameron heads towards the apartment and Sam and I follow. He stands in front of the door we saw the older lady exit and knocks. We all look at each other as we wait for whoever to answer, hoping that the answer Cameron is looking for is on the other side. We hear some shuffling and some mumbling and then a girl answers “Damn it, Anita, I told you I...” She stops mid-sentence and all of us are shocked still because I don’t think any of us expected to see what we saw. The girl who answered the door looks exactly like Cameron, only bite sized. I mean she’s gotta be 5 feet tall if that, and she’s got the most gorgeous pair of eyes that I’ve ever seen in my life. They’re a deep gold color with flecks of green in them. I’m trying to remember how to breath when I hear Sam whisper “Holy shit, I guess it really is happening.”


  I finally get Anita to leave and I’m relieved. Gage’s aunt has been coming by and checking in on me at least twice a day and it’s been driving me crazy! I know Gage means well. I can take care of myself, I’ve been doing it for a while. I’ve still been feeling kinda rough. My fever is still there, body aches are horrible, my headaches are coming and going, and I just don’t want to move. I told Anita that I’m feeling better just so she’d leave me alone and I sent a message to Gage telling him the doctors visit was fine, even though I didn’t go. I’m just settled on the couch and about to start my Netflix binge when there’s a banging on my door, I curse out loud. “God damn it, can’t I just be left the fuck alone!” I unlock the door and go to throw it open, “Damn it, Anita, I told you I.” I stop mid-sentence as I stare up at three guys standing in the doorway. The most shocking thing is the one standing right in front of me looks exactly like me, only a bigger version. The guy beside him is OMG. He’s the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. My body heats up hotter than I’ve ever felt. I think I stopped breathing. The older guy is almost a spitting image of the first guy and me, I guess? My brain is in overload and my head starts spinning. “Who are you and what do you want?” I manage to get before complete darkness takes over.

  My head is killing me. I moan and go to roll over and open my eyes. I’m hit with the sight of the three guys that were standing in my doorway, I jump to a sitting position. “What the fuck are you doing in my house!” I basically scream, my blood is pumping, and I have no idea what is going on. “Calm down, you fainted I caught you before you hit the ground and brought you in here to lay down. We didn’t want to leave you alone in case something was wrong. My name is Cameron, this is Mason, and this is my father, Sam. What is your name?” He points to the really hot guy as Mason and I take in a deep breath as I look into the deepest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. It takes a moment before I break away to look at Sam, the older guy standing on the other side of the room looking at me with worry in his eyes. For some odd reason I don’t feel like I’m in any danger with these guys, so my body relaxes. “My name is Cammie. I’m sorry I fainted, I haven’t been feeling the greatest lately. I think it’s just finally all caught up with me.” I shake my head trying to clear the foggy feeling that I’m feeling all of a sudden. I look at all of the guys and notice that Mason still hasn’t taken his eyes off of me, Cameron is studying me, and Sam looks like he’s worried. “So, have you been sick, like a cold Cammie? By the way is Cammie short for something?” Sam finally talks. I nod, “yeah, I’ve had the flu. It’s starting to fade though so that’s good. Also, yes, my name is Camille, but everyone calls me Cammie, not to fond of the full name.” I shrug as if that explains it. Sam nods as if he understands, “How old are you Cammie? You don’t look old enough to be here by yourself sick without someone taking care of you. Where is your mother?” He looks really concerned and I must say I’m wondering why. I then go to explain about my mother and how I don’t live with her anymore and how I live with Gage. As I’m talking about Gage I notice that Mason’s jaw starts to tighten as do his fists, like he’s angry. I shrug it off. I explain how he’s my best friend and has always looked out for me but out of town. “I’ve pretty much been on my own my whole life, I’m ok with that.” I look at Sam to see if that satisfies him and I see the sadness in his eyes and something else, guilt maybe? But what would he have to feel guilty about? I have no idea.

  “Ok, so does someone want to tell me why you guys are here? Not that I haven’t enjoyed your company but there’s got to be a reason.” I look at each of them trying to get a read on them. Cameron clears his throat and runs his hand through his black hair and I still can’t get over how much we look alike. “This is going to sound really strange and weird, but I had to come and find you, there was something pulling me to you. I can’t figure out what it is, and even now I don’t know what it is. Damn it, seeing you was supposed to fix this!” He grabs his hair with both hands and sits down on the couch next to me. I don’t know what to say or do so I just look at Mason and Sam. “Cameron, calm down buddy we will figure this out. Do you still have all the same feelings as before? Is everything the same?” Mason ask him. Cameron shakes his head, “No, actually I’m not as anxious and that gaping hole that I was feeling before feels like it’s been filled. This is so weird. Dad what the hell is going on? I know it’s not a mate thing because it’s nothing like what I went through with Sarah. So, what the hell is this?” Cameron looks like he’s on the verge of a breakdown and I’m even starting to worry a little. Sam lets out a breath and moves over to the over sized chair next to the couch. “Mason have a seat, this may take a while.” Mason sits next to me and as his leg brushes mine I feel a shot of electricity shoot throu
gh me making me jump a little. I avoid looking at him and just curl my feet under me. “Ok, Cammie you said you haven’t been feeling well, lately right?” I just nod, “Let me guess fever, sweats, chills, body aches, migraines?” I look at him, shocked that he knows about the migraines. Before I can even answer, he continues. “Your migraines have gotten worse here lately, since you turned 17 am I correct? You turned 17 on May 10th am I correct?” My jaw dropped confused, scared, and completely shocked on how he knew all of this. “How did you know all of this? Have you been watching me? What is really going on?” I stand up but sit right back down because I’m dizzy and light headed still, Mason grabs my arm to steady me and I’m sent into over drive. My body freezes, my senses heighten and all I can sense is him, he has this distinct smell of woods, spice, and mint. It’s enough to make me wet between my thighs, I have to squeeze my legs together and it takes everything I have not to climb him. I shake my head, get it together I don’t know what’s wrong with me I’ve never reacted like this before around a guy. Why is he any different?

  “It’s ok Cammie calm down, and the answer to your question is no, we have not been following you. The reason I know all of this is because I’m your father. Cameron you had this pull towards Cammie because she’s your sister and it seems that she’s on the verge of her first shift. But not only is Cammie your sister, she’s your twin sister.”


  Twin sister, first shift? I’m trying to wrap my head around what Sam just told us and I don’t know who’s in more shock, Cammie or Cameron. “No, that’s not possible. There’s no record of fraternal Alpha twins where both can shift, it just can’t happen dad.” Cameron is up and pacing back and forth now making me dizzy again. I’m trying to make sense of this and understand what Cameron is saying. He’s right, this is unheard of. Sam sighs, “You’re right, Cameron. There is no record of this. Hell, there’s only ever been two other sets of fraternal twins that I’ve ever heard of before and only the males shifted the females didn’t survive past the age of 12.” Cammie looks like she’s about to pass out again and Cameron is still trying to wrap his head around everything. I sit down next to Cammie, “Hey, are you ok?” I whisper to her. She turns to me and I’m taken back. Her eyes have changed to a light green and I’m memorized by them. She’s shaking and wraps her arms around herself, “No, I don’t think I am. What is he talking about, shifted? What the hell does that mean?” I look to Sam for the lead on how to answer, I mean he is her father after all, so he should be the one to explain all of this.

  “Cammie, when you and Cameron were born we didn’t know that your mother was carrying twins, it was a complete shock to all of us. After Cameron was delivered and it was announced that we had a son the pack started to celebrate that the next Alpha was born, then five minutes later your mother started labor again and you were born. Our pack healer did the assessment and you showed no signs of the wolf shifting gene, so everyone thought that it would be safer for both you and your mother if you came and lived in the human world away from any shifters.” Cammie is shaking her head, “What the hell do you mean, wolf shifting gene and human world? You just shipped me off like a fucking package to be forgotten?” Her voice is angry, and I really don’t blame her it does sound fucked up. Sam shakes his head and I can see the guilt in his eyes as he looks at her. “Cammie, I didn’t have a choice. The pack wouldn’t have accepted you because you didn’t have the shifter gene and with being the Alpha’s daughter, that would have been too big of a burden for you to carry. You would have been a huge target for every other pack. It was too dangerous. But it seems that you do carry the gene after all. I don’t know if it was just dormant, or if something brought it out. That is what you’ve been feeling Cameron, that pull was towards your twin, making sure that you made it towards her in time for her first shift. That’s the reason I’m here as well, so I can see her through it.” Cameron is still shaking his head, “Man I can’t believe this, I mean when she answered the door I was thrown off by how much we looked alike, but damn a twin sister. I guess anything’s possible, huh, lil sis?” He looks at Cammie and grins, she looks at him and gives him a small smile, it pulls at my heart and I hope that they can start a bonding friendship. “Well, I guess I can get used to this as long as you’re not one of those over bearing, over protective assholes. I already have a best friend like that.” She states as she rolls her eyes. Cameron laughs out loud, “Sorry, sis, there is one thing you’re gonna learn about us wolves. That is that we are very over protective.” Cammie just shakes her head and groans.

  “Ok, now that everyone has calmed down a little bit I think we need to talk about how Cammie is going to be experiencing her first shift here soon.” I address everyone as I start to worry how Cammie is going to react to her very first shift. My stomach starts to knot at the thought of her not making it through it and my jaw clenches. I feel her tense up beside me, “What do you mean my first shift? I’m still confused what all this means.” She bites her bottom lip as she looks at each of us. God, I want to capture that lip between my teeth and just tug on it, she’s bitten on it so much that it’s raw and red and I just want to suck on it. All I can think about is ripping her clothes off and running my hands over her delicious looking body. Ugh, focus Mason, we need to figure out getting her through this first. “What Mason means is that tomorrow night is the full moon, and you will experience your first full shift into a wolf. You’ve been experiencing all the symptoms and that’s what lead Cameron to you. So, he could help you. You’re part of the Hallow Pack. The daughter of the Alpha to be exact and you’re now showing signs of your first shift. Your 17 and this shift is going to be difficult so we’re gonna be here the whole way to help you. Do you understand what I’ve told you?” I haven’t left her side the whole time, I feel like if I do I might fall apart so I’m stuck to her like glue. I see her swallow and stare at her neck and wonder what it would be like to trace my tongue up and down her throat. I shake my head to try and clear my head, “Cammie, doing this means we can’t stay here it’s to dangerous. We would need to live away from people just in case there’s anything that goes wrong.” I look at her and she looks at Sam and Cameron.


  Holy shit! I mean I’m a wolf shifter, I have a twin brother, and apparently my father is alive and here to help me learn how to become a wolf. Ok, I think I may have hit my head when I passed out earlier and this is all a dream, it’s time to wake up. I stand up slowly, so I don’t get dizzy and once I’m away from Mason I realize I can think a little clearer, strange, “Ok, I think I may have hit my head a little harder than I thought. I mean this can’t be real right? All this talk about people changing into wolves? That’s just crazy! Now you are showing up, stating that you’re my father and I have a twin that I can go with because let’s face it we all look so much a like and a DNA test can prove that. But shifters, really?” I finally take a breath and Mason stands up to walk towards me and I put up a hand to stop him, “hold up I need you to stay back. For some reason I can’t seem to think straight when you’re close to me and I don’t like that feeling with everything going on right now.” He raises an eyebrow at me and I notice the looks that Sam and Cameron give each other as well. “Look Cammie, I know it’s hard to believe and I know it’s a lot to take in but it’s all true. We don’t have much time because we have to leave soon so we can prepare you’re so your ready. We need you to go pack a bag please.” Cameron is pleading with me and I look at him and he looks like he’s ready to break down, like he’s really trying to help me. I’m ready to tell them that ok, I’m going to go with them when a sharp pain hits my head making me drop to my knees in horrible pain. I let out a scream, grabbing my head. “Shit, Cammie, what the fuck is going on! Sam what the hell is wrong with her?” I hear Mason yelling and the next thing I know he’s swept me up in his arms and he’s holding me tight to his chest. “She’s going to shift soon, we have to get going. Cameron find her room and pack up some of her clothes, just the basics anything
she doesn’t have we can get.” I hear Sam giving out orders as I’m drifting in and out

  I’m having the weirdest dream and I really don’t want to wake up. I’m standing in a field and Mason is there, he’s wearing nothing, but a pair of low hanging sweat pants and my God his body is making my mouth water. Every one of his muscles is on display and he has tattoos that cover his chest and arms, there’s one on his left upper arm that catches my eye. It’s a black tribal band that wraps around his shoulder, it has some elaborate details in it and its beautiful. I walk towards him and can’t take my eyes off him, he wraps me up in his arms and as I look into his blue eyes it’s like I’m lost in time. He sweeps me up and locks his lips to mine, I feel his tongue sweep across my bottom lip, demanding entry and I open up and it’s like our mouths are battling against each other. Our hands are everywhere, and then my clothes are gone and we’re laying in the field and he’s over me looking down on me, his eyes glowing even bluer. He kisses and bites his way down my throat, stopping at each breast giving each of my nipple’s ample attention. I gasp and arch into him my body is on fire and I can feel my juices dripping down my thighs, he makes his way down my body kissing the inside of my thighs. “God Camille, you smell so fucking good.” I gasp and scream out as he inserts two fingers inside me, stretching me wide. “My sweet Camille, you’re so wet for me, tell me do you taste as good as you smell?” My legs fall even further apart as he starts to kiss everywhere but where my body really needs and wants him to. The next thing I know he’s licking and sucking at my clit, and my body has shot up to a thousand degrees. He’s attacking me like I’m the last thing he’s ever going to eat, and the sounds that are coming out of my mouth are foreign to me. He laps up everything that I have to give and then some and then holds me as I come down from the most amazing orgasm from my life. “Oh my god, Mason please, please.” I can’t even get anything else out, all I want to do is feel him inside me, I want to have him fill me with everything that he has and make me his. “My Cammie, you are mine, and mine alone.” Mason whispers in my ear.


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