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Love On A Forbidden Planet

Page 4

by Unknown

  The people of Eden would not endure another attack by the Barbas upon their home world.

  Resurrecting the old books and examining the technology of the remains of the three Barbas starships, the people of Eden regained their knowledge of interstellar travel.

  "As you all know," the Captain continued, "the Carpenter is not a warship, but we are not defenseless. We are certainly able to defeat a Barbas ship in a one-on-one fight. However, if we should encounter a fleet, or a battleship, we will be forced to retreat—quite hastily. My first responsibility is to the security of this ship."

  The population of Eden had gathered the planet's supply of lanthanum and built four starships. A war between the two groups of humans ensued. From the first days, it had been clear that victory would go the side that built the most starships. But lanthanum for the star drives was rare. The supply of lanthanum was the secret to victory. Thus, the Carpenter was scouring the nearby planets for more lanthanum. This was the purpose of their mission.

  "Therefore, each member of a ground team must be a volunteer. You must know that there is a remote possibility that the Carpenter will be forced to abandon you. You have your survival training, and you will be on your own to survive until help returns. Be assured that you will not be forgotten. It may take some time to amass a strong enough force to return, but return we will." He swallowed and scanned the faces of the crowd. Gone was any hint of levity. Only somber expressions gazed up from the audience. "So, ground team leaders are to survey their team members and make adjustments as required."

  Amy knew that this was a perfunctory statement. All members of the crew knew the importance of their mission. They were all already volunteers.

  "Sir?" a voice projected from a young man with a raised hand. Amy recognized him as being the junior member of the biology team.


  "Sir, exactly why is the lanthanum so important?"

  "In a nutshell, the rare element is used in our star drives. When super-heated into plasma and bombarded with gamma rays, the lanthanum creates a gravity wave. This wave distorts normal space to create a bubble of hyperspace. As you know, within the hyperspace bubble created by the lanthanum's distortion of the space-time continuum, we can travel many times faster than the speed of light."

  The young man's eyes glazed over at the explanation, but he nodded and sat down.

  "So, you see," the Captain continued, "we must have more lanthanum than the Barbas so we can build more starships. This is the only way we can win the war and protect our families back on Eden."

  Stardate 3527.7.08 – Seven p.m. – The Mess Hall

  "Another dull planet," Robert said. He was Amy's A-shift boyfriend, and he didn't like being called Bob.

  Amy sighed. She had admitted to Robert long ago that she wanted to meet some aliens face to face. She wanted to visit a planet with advanced space flight so that the Carpenter could make itself known. Then she snorted as she suppressed her laughter. She recalled how ridiculous it was to imagine that observing any alien world, and any alien population, was anything less than exciting.

  "It will still be exciting," she said, and attacked her meatloaf with vigor. Her zeal was not because the fake meat was particularly tasty, but because she was hungry. Dr. Wilhelm was on the B-shift and had rotated away from her normal work hours. Only a few males, like the Ground Control Officer and the captain, remained on the D-shift with the women. As Dr. Wilhelm had surrendered much of his responsibility to her, Amy was doubly busy. Thus, she had been late for her dinner date with Robert.

  "For you, perhaps," Robert responded, and forked synthetic mashed potatoes into his mouth.

  "Sorry." Amy shrugged. She had momentarily forgotten that he would not be venturing to the surface of Corvus-3. Robert was a chemist, attached to the mineralogy ground team. He was a doctoral student intern, as was Amy. However, being male, he had to take his turn visiting the planets. The ground team leaders were selected from those whose shifts coincided with the D-shift at the time of the Carpenter's arrival. Being female, Amy was always on the D-shift.

  This was her third date of the week with Robert. Amy didn't see one of her boyfriends every night. As always happened, when a new shift rotated to coincide with D-shift, she and her newly rotated boyfriend had to become reacquainted. There was no requirement that Amy have three boyfriends, or that she keep the same ones month after month. Additionally, there were tense moments whenever each one thought about what the other had been doing while they had been separated. Presumably, Robert had been celibate for the past two weeks, while Amy had not. She never talked to Robert about her evenings with Mario. The perpetual conflict of having to build and tear down walls within her mind was a strain.

  This week, as it had always been since she had met Robert, her fondness of him had rekindled.

  "What did you want to do tonight?" she asked, and stretched her hand across the table to hold his.

  He looked up with a smile. She ran her fingers through his unkempt, blond hair in a useless effort to tame it. "I was thinking of either taking in a video, or maybe dancing and drinks. Which would you prefer?"

  "I think the video sounds nice."

  Amy had noticed that it was a romantic presentation, one he would probably not find overly enjoyable. Presuming that he had also read the video's brief summary, he was signaling with his suggestion that he was willing to make the sacrifice. She would reward him later.

  Stardate 3527.7.08 – Eleven p.m. – Amy's Cabin

  The romantic video had warmed Amy's emotions; she had even shed a tear when the hero arrived at the last moment to save the woman he loved. While Robert may not have enjoyed the movie to the extent that she had, he had enjoyed the darkness of the theater. Amy had allowed him to relax the seams of her jumpsuit. He had taken full advantage to enjoy the contours of her body and the softness of her skin.

  While she had hastily resealed her jumpsuit before the theater lights came on, she once again touched the metal stud under her collar to relax the seams as they entered her cabin.

  Holding her like a long lost lover, he kissed her. They broke for a breath, and he kissed her again. Their tongues danced. Amy relaxed in his arms as he first undressed her, and then himself. Together, they climbed into her bed.

  As he always was, Robert was slow and relaxed as he cuddled and caressed her. While the stiffness of his member was between them almost immediately, he did not rush her. Amy wondered how she might entice him into spanking her. She had attempted to interest Kevin, her C-shift boyfriend, into smacking her bum by saying, "I've been such a naughty girl this week." However, he had misinterpreted her words to mean that she was talking about Mario, and she spent the next two days persuading him away from this notion. Of course, it had been true; she had been thinking of Mario and her smacky bum.

  Why can't I just say the words—'bend me over your knee and spank me'?

  Unable to think of a way to broach the subject with Robert, she prepared to go another week without a spanking, and without a test of her spanking-orgasm connection theory.

  Robert waited until she lay back and opened her thighs. Starting at her knee, his fingers teasingly walked up her thigh. Reaching the apex, his thumb traced a tiny circle around her clit. She felt her nub swell and poke out from under its hood—wanting more attention. His fingers spread her moisture over her labia; he knew exactly how to touch her.

  Desiring more, her hips pulsed into his rhythm. Rewarding her, he slipped a finger inside her moist pussy. Massaging her interior, sensitive lining with one finger, his thumb advanced directly on her clit.

  "Ohh," she moaned as her diaphragm tightened.

  She took his erection into her hand, and gently pulled him towards her. He surrendered to his own desires and slid inside her. His controlled, rhythmic lovemaking stirred the heat in Amy's core. She could feel the building pressure of an orgasm.

  Am I going to come? Orgasm without being spanked?

  She wrapped her arms and legs around Robert
to absorb the full pleasure of his motion—back and forth, back and forth his body slid over hers. The excitement in her clit mounted. However, patient as he was, Amy sensed the increasing urgency in his motions before her own dam could fill.

  Robert had been supporting his weight on his elbows, but as his climax approached, he pressed his forehead over her shoulder and into the mattress. Supporting his weight with his head and neck freed his arms to slide down along her body. Reaching her hips, his hands pressed under her bottom. His fingers reached for her butt cheeks and gripped her flesh. She rotated and lifted her hips into his increasingly energetic thrusts.

  An image of being spanked leapt into Amy's mind.

  Suddenly, she was bent over Professor Wilhelm's desk. Her bottom was prominently positioned with her jumpsuit stretched taut. "Miss Toller, did I not tell you what would happen the next time you ignored your duties?" the professor said to her in her mind's eye. Amy imagined herself answering, "Yes, sir. You did tell me, and I did fail you. I deserve to be punished." In her fantasy, he began to paddle her. Remembering the sting of Mario's swats, she imagined the pain-pleasure of Dr. Wilhelm's paddle. Whack-whack… "Miss Toller, your behavior has earned you a most severe chastisement," whack… whack. "Ow, oh please, sir, be gentle."

  Almost immediately her orgasm broke free and filled her with waves of pleasure. Her channel tightened around Robert's member, and he elicited a satisfied groan.

  "Oh, please," Amy sighed into his ear, actually asking her imaginary Professor Wilhelm to spank her more.

  As they cuddled in the afterglow, she sensed that Robert was very pleased with his prowess. Amy drifted to sleep with thoughts that she had a serious spanking fetish—she could only come following a spanking.

  Chapter Three

  Stardate 3527.7.15 – Ten a.m. – Ground Control Center

  "Anthropology station is ready," Amy said into her microphone. Professor Wilhelm gave her shoulder a reassuring pat as she sat at their station console. He was continuing to give her more responsibility as he assigned her to guide the initial robotic examination of Corvus-3. She was not actually guiding the drones, she was examining the preliminary data as it appeared on her console.

  At the medium hold point there had been no indication of electromagnetic energy radiating from the planet, thus, the Carpenter had entered into orbit around the planet. Further visual and passive sensory examination had revealed no evidence of intelligent life. The captain had directed that they use only passive examination to prevent the Barbas from detecting stray electromagnetic energy created by the ship's communications. The captain had ordered that the ground crew continue to operate as stealthily as possible. He was no longer concerned with detection by the alien population on Corvus-3. Rather, he was concerned with possible detection by a nearby Barbas warship.

  The other ground exploration teams affirmed their readiness, and the drones were released. Hundreds of compact robotic spaceships swarmed from the Carpenter to circle the planet. In a matter of hours, the entire surface would be mapped. Geologically favorable sites for lanthanum deposits would be subjected to gamma rays. The atomic nuclei of the rare element would be excited by the impinging energy and subsequently release a tiny gravity wave. Sensors on the drones would detect this echo and identify the location of the lanthanum. The process was slowed by the captain's requirement that only the side of the planet facing away from the Barbas' planet, Caprus-2, be examined. While this would minimize the possibility that the Barbas would detect the examination of Corvus-3, it would take an entire planetary day to complete the reconnaissance. This precaution was no guarantee; there could be a Barbas warship located at a nearby location.

  Amy's job was to observe the visual and infrared inspection of the planet's surface. She and the biology team were looking for evidence of animal life. Amy was additionally looking for evidence of villages. This process was also dramatically slowed as the drones were programmed to only report their results via tight laser beam communication links. They could not broadcast radio waves in directions where the electromagnetic energy could be detected by the Barbas.

  As the hours passed, Dr. Wilhelm quietly left Amy to operate alone.

  "Lanthanum gravity wave echo detected." The mineralogy team leader announced that lanthanum near the planet's surface had been located. This alone did not indicate that the deposit could be mined, but it would ensure a more detailed examination of the planet.

  Amy had observed several herd-like concentrations of animals of sufficient size to be considered for intelligence evaluation. She entered instructions for the drones to approach these locations for additional examination. However, the drones did not immediately respond to her commands—the mineralogist had priority.

  The main image of the planetary map began to fill with details as the drones reported their observations. The locations where lanthanum had been detected were highlighted. Amy began to take particular interest in several animal herds near one of these locations. Their position was in the warm temperate climate with ample fresh water sources, an ideal environment for the development of an intelligent species. Professor Wilhelm's hand gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze; Amy had not noticed that he had returned. She glanced up and saw that he had seen the disturbing indication on her display terminal. Amy marked the spot for an examination with her highest priority, and spoke into her microphone. "Apparent intelligent use of fire."

  The location of an apparent cooking fire thirty miles south of the lanthanum deposit was echoed onto the main map. If this assumption proved correct, it would provide the necessary evidence of an intelligent alien population and preclude the mining of the lanthanum. The Ground Control Officer observed Amy's instructions to the drones and elevated her priority. A drone was diverted from a location further to the north to make visual observations of the site.

  Stardate 3527.7.16 – Seven p.m. – Amy's Cabin

  Amy curled up in her bed with Mario. She was thrilled that his rotating shift was once again aligned with her D-shift. She was looking forward to another spanking experience, and a test of her fetish theory.

  Mario pulled her close as they spooned. She had suggested they return to her cabin immediately after dinner. He had not been disinclined to acquiesce to her proposal. Though they were still fully dressed, the firmness of his codpiece pressed against her backside. He wrapped his arm around her hips and shifted her body, allowing his codpiece to drift under her bottom and to press into her lady bits.

  "Have you been a naughty young lady?" he whispered.

  Amy mewed, sighed, and answered, "Yes."

  "Mmm, you know what happens to naughty girls?"

  She released a short giggle, and then sighed, "Yes." His breath raised goose bumps on the back of her neck. He kissed and then lightly bit her neck.

  "What happens to naughty girls?"

  "They–they get their bottoms… spanked."

  She surrendered her index finger to him, and he used it to release her jumpsuit. As the fabric relaxed, he stood and pulled her to her feet. Her wobbly knees barely held her up as he opened the seams and pulled the fabric down. He left her jumpsuit bunched around her knees. While she remained standing, he sat back down on the bed. Positioning her between his knees, he began to use his fingers to explore her womanly features. He kissed her. His mouth took possession of hers. His kisses trailed to her nipples as his fingers lightly pinched her clit.

  Amy's core tingled with anticipation.

  Will he kiss me lower down?

  However, Mario displayed a different agenda as he guided her across his lap. His cool hand lingeringly caressed her bottom. After a slight warm up, his hand began slow, stinging swats. Again… four… five swats—Amy had no need of her imagination as the firm smacks morphed into pleasure. Groaning, she pulled the pillow to her face to muffle her squeals and raised her bottom higher. She had never heard the lovemaking of her neighbors, but was unsure just how soundproofed the walls were. Mario increased his intensity. She shrieked int
o the pillow as her backside burned with hot bliss.

  He had left her jumpsuit around her knees and this acted as a binding to confine her kicks as she thrashed across his lap. When she begged for mercy, he walloped her sit-spots.

  "Your ass is so beautiful in this shade of red," he said admiringly.

  The excitement in Amy's belly mushroomed. Her womanhood itched and swelled.

  When she tried to push away from him, he pinned her tight and smacked her four more times—two on each of her rosy globes. Finished with her spanking, his warm hand once again caressed her. His touch sent her into near madness with desire.

  Oh, Mario, I love you!

  Thankfully, she had not spoken the words aloud.

  He rolled her onto the bed. First, he positioned her on her back as he completed the removal of her jumpsuit. Once she was entirely nude, he stood over her and undressed himself. Her eyes followed his jumpsuit fabric down until his cock leapt free. Her eyes remained glued to his swollen member as he completed undressing.

  Twisting her ankles, he rolled her onto her belly.

  This was actually her favorite position. Most of her lovemaking experiences had been in the missionary position, and she did enjoy wrapping her arms and legs around the taut muscles of her partner as he pounded her pussy. Her two orgasms had been in that position. However, she liked the relaxed pose on her belly better—as her man entered her from behind. She adored the sensation of his belly rubbing back and forth over her bottom as he thrust deeper and deeper.


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