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Love On A Forbidden Planet

Page 9

by Unknown

  "Uk—UK!" she cried out, but Buk was relentless in his punishment.

  Her bottom was covered in purple bruises when he finally released the sobbing woman. Amy's hand trailed to rub her own rear end in sympathy.

  "Moe," Buk said, and pointed to the wall of the cavern.

  Una held her cheeks with both hands and stumbled to the wall. There, she folded her arms behind her back and leaned her forehead against the rock.

  Corner time!

  Una continued to sob as everyone watched her humiliation.

  That's why Professor Wilhelm threatened to spank me!

  Dr. Wilhelm had observed many primitive, alien societies. Amy reasoned that he had observed the practice of spanking among several of these. She reasoned that spanking, and the punishment of standing in the corner, must somehow be instinctual. He adopted the practice as a tried and proven technique for instructing his students. As testimony to the effectiveness, Amy's attentiveness to her duties had greatly increased following the afternoon that she had spent standing in the corner. As a result, he had given her expanded responsibility and authority.

  After a few minutes of staring at Una's bright red behind, everyone returned to their tasks. Buk took Amy to his elevated throne and cuddled her. Amy adopted a new respect for the need to please him. Being spanked by E-en while the women and children watched had been all the humiliation she could stand. Under no circumstances would she give Buk cause to wallop her bum while everyone watched her thrash and cry. Bad as a public punishment would be, the idea of standing in the corner with a blazing red bottom for everyone's inspection would be beyond endurance.

  As she sat in his lap, Buk's swollen member taunted her. He pressed his face into her hair and inhaled her scent. She wore no perfume; he received only the natural aroma of her sweat. Her pheromones transmitted her submissiveness and his cock throbbed against her privates. Unseen by those below, his hand reached down to her curly mons. He tugged on the hair, and plowed through it to her waiting slit. His finger found her swollen and moist.

  His finger circled her nub, spreading her moisture. He kissed the back of her neck. She moaned as he swirled his finger around her throbbing clit. His other hand patted her bottom. "Uk," she whispered, and rose up a few inches.

  No one working on the meal below noticed as he slipped inside her. She moaned again and forced her eyes to remain open. She didn't want to reveal what was really happening to her. His cock surged deep and came to rest pressing against her aroused G-spot. While she had become accustomed to making love while everyone watched, this experience—when no one knew what was happening—was excitingly erotic. His cock throbbed within her while his finger traced circles around her clit. Amy sat stony-faced. Buk softly chuckled at her plight. He patiently brought her to climax.

  He pressed his face into her back and kissed her neck as she shivered with the uncontrollable convulsions of pleasure. He did not climax himself, but held her impaled on his erection until the dinner was ready to be served.

  Days merged into weeks, and Amy became lulled into the relaxed, routine native life. She thought less frequently about her rescue.

  The primitive aliens were like all such cultures in that they were strictly habitual. They performed the same tasks over and over again, exactly the same each time. The children watched the adults, and through some unknown means, they would eventually assume an adult role. Only some external event, like a shift in the climate or war, would motivate them into changing. These changes would force them to explore alternatives, and this would lead to the learning process that would eventually propel them to dominance of the planet. However, neither of these two processes appeared to be in the near future of Corvus-3.

  One day, Buk began watching the stars after the dinner-orgies.

  What is he looking at?

  Wondering if he had seen evidence of the rescue ship, Amy joined him. As the two moons of Corvus-3 floated overhead, Buk pulled Amy down onto his fur pallet. He rolled her onto her belly and opened her legs. Amy sighed and raised her hips to facilitate his purpose. The aliens always made love in this rear-entry position. While it was her favorite, she was beginning to wish for some variation.

  Buk kissed her shoulders and neck.

  The aliens never kissed each other on the lips. The women kissed the children and the men on their foreheads. The men kissed the women on their backs, necks, and occasionally their cheeks. Additionally, Buk was a highly skilled lover. No matter what her mood, he always aroused her and brought her to orgasm before he released his own. Somehow, the males controlled their orgasms in a manner that human males could only dream of.

  As her climax faded, she felt the euphoric effects of the oxytocin hormone that flooded her body. With so much sex, her body was constantly awash in the bonding hormone. Amy had reasoned that this was the evolutionary advantage of so much public lovemaking. The tribe's individuals were driven by their own body chemistry to bond with the population as a whole. This offset any animosity created by the three-to-one ratio of men to women. Amy considered that this was also the origin of the stability of the Carpenter's crew.

  Despite her knowledge of what her own body was doing to her, she was unable to resist the chemical's effects. She was bonding with Buk, and the tribe in general. While this was not exactly love, she found the difference to be insignificant.

  Stardate 3527.9.06 – After a Month on Corvus-3

  More than a month after Amy joined the tribe, Buk found what he had been searching for in the heavens. While Amy sat beside him on the outer ledge of the cave, he pointed toward Corvus-3's two moons. Amy knew that the farther, larger one was nearly a quarter of a million miles away and appeared to be a remnant of the material from which the planet was formed. The smaller one was a mere twenty thousand miles away, and was an asteroid which had been captured by the planet. Its orbit was unstable, and it would eventually escape the planet's gravitational grip, but that would not happen for another million years.

  What Buk was pointing toward was the conjunction of the two moons. As Amy watched, the smaller moon passed in front of the larger one, and eclipsed it. The orbital planes of the two moons were not perfectly aligned, thus this was a rare event. However, Amy had not paid attention to the astronomer's reports, and had no idea how frequently this conjunction occurred.

  Excited, Buk returned to the cave. He woke several of the men.

  "Grap," he said.

  "Grap," the men excitedly replied.

  Following this brief discussion, Buk took Amy to bed. Filled with excitement, he made frantic love with her. She gripped the animal fur bedding and held on tight as he rode her with excited energy.

  The moon alignment must be some sort of fertility symbol.

  She imagined that he was becoming concerned that she had not yet become pregnant.

  Stardate 3527.9.07 – Journey to the Grap

  The morning following the eclipse of the two moons, half of the men gathered into their hunting parties and left. Buk and the other half packed their sleeping furs and pouches of food. Following his guidance, Amy helped. Then half of those men, the three teenagers—Una, Tak and Sar—A-le, and Amy descended the rock stairs toward the river. The soles of Amy's feet had hardened and she no longer had difficulty walking on the rocks.

  When they reached the water's edge, Buk slowly entered the water. Each person in the caravan held their bundles high and waded across the river. Buk selected a path along large underwater rocks, but still they were submerged to their armpits.

  If I slip off the rocks into the deeper water, will anyone save me?

  After crossing the fifty-yard-wide river, they walked into the tall grass of the valley. Heading east, they could not see exactly where they were going over the six-foot tall grass. Buk led the way with his spear poised at the ready. Kar and another man followed, walking backwards. They also held their spears high, ready to defend the party from attack. When they occasionally topped a hill, Buk would point toward a small but prominent volcan
ic cone on the horizon.

  "Grap," he would say.

  "Grap," the men would repeat.

  When night came, they stomped the grass flat in a circle about twenty-five yards in diameter. They ate dried meat and gathered close together to sleep. Using some of the wood they had brought, they lit a small fire. The men took turns carrying their spears as they walked around, guarding the encampment. Everyone was tense. There was no sex.

  Stardate 3527.9.08 – Sunrise in the Grassland

  With the sunrise, they collected their belongings and continued eastward toward the small volcano.

  Not more than an hour into the day, one of the men yelled, "Rak!" and pointed his spear toward the south. Buk halted the group and huddled the females in the center while the men poised with their spears to protect them. A moment later, a huge animal lunged through the tall grass. The men held their ground, jabbing at it with their spears. A second carnivore attacked from the west, and two more could be seen circling the group.

  The wild beasts growled and gnashed their fangs. Terrified, the women crouched on the ground as the men fought the attacking animals—each one twice the size of a man. Amy hid under the furs and could not see the ensuing battle between man and beast, but she could hear the screams of the men.

  While it seemed to last forever, the battle probably lasted no more than ten minutes. In the end, one of the men had been killed and his body carried off by the animals. Another man was wounded and A-le tended to his wounds. With her first aid training, Amy pushed A-le aside to help the man.

  "A-le," the older woman growled, when accosted by Amy.

  Amy balled her hands into fists by her sides, she screwed her face into a scowl, and shouted, "Amy!"

  The two women snarled at each other for a full minute. No one else attempted to intervene. Finally, Amy turned her back to the older woman and crouched beside the wounded man.

  "Amy," she said softly to the man lying on the ground. She knew his name, but had learned that these people always began an interaction with an exchange of names. Names—nouns in general—were the major component of their vocabulary. The meaning of a conversation was all in the voice inflection and facial expression.

  "Lar," he whispered painfully.

  He had a deep gash in his leg, but no arteries had been severed. She began to press the skin back together. Amy wished that she had skin glue, or at least some means to stitch the wound closed, but she could only squeeze the edges of the torn skin together and tightly bind the man's leg. A-le stood angrily behind her but did not interfere.

  With Lar's leg bound with a leather patch, the bleeding stopped. The women took turns helping him walk, and the group continued their westward trek.

  Late in the afternoon, they arrived at the volcano.

  The cinder cone was little more than a steeply sloping hill rising above the grassy plain on the eastern side of the valley. Approaching it, Amy saw that dozens of men and women were already there, climbing its sides.

  The other villagers: this is some sort of ritual gathering.

  Buk and his tribe were heartily greeted by the others. Many of the men knew each other. A-le made a show of greeting some of the women she knew. Amy was introduced to many of the men and women; she exchanged names with each of them, but remembered none of them. Everyone bathed in the creek that flowed around the base of the volcano.

  The top of the volcano was a bowl-shaped caldera fifty yards across. The various village groups set up their encampments along the inside slope. A huge fire burned in the bottom. Several large carcasses were already being roasted. The men and women of the various villages intermingled. They exchanged names and excited glances. Sometimes they touched and occasionally kissed each other's forehead. Amy was polite to the others, but she stuck as though glued to Buk's side.

  The men used pantomimes, finger drawings in the dirt, and vocal expressions to exchange ideas and new words.

  Ever so slowly, they are building their language.

  Amy watched as they interacted. Mostly they were discussing ideas about hunting. As expected, the number of women was a third the number of men. These also interacted, but Amy did not join them. Lar did not join the festivities, either. He lay on his fur in the warm sun. However, he was not alone. A steady stream of well-wishers attended him. Twice, Amy checked on his wound.

  As darkness fell, the nightly dinner-orgy began.

  Amy joined the wives of the four other chiefs as they were the first to cut meat from the roasted beasts. She took the food to Buk and sat in his lap. As they ate, the remaining women cut meat and served all of the men. Amy watched as the three teenagers her group had brought with them took on adult roles for the first time.

  This is a coming of age ritual. They are becoming adults.

  At this point, the ritual changed. Buk did not position Amy for their usual lovemaking ceremony. Instead, he left her and took Una by the hand. He led Una to the rocks surrounding the large fire pit. Buk placed a fur over the rock and Una lay across it. She held her butt high in the air. Amy watched as the other four chiefs did the same with young women from their tribes.

  Is this some sort of virgin sacrifice?

  The five chiefs began a crude dance as they circled the ring of five virgins. The population chanted, "Ka-Ru-Grap, Ka-Ru-Grap…"

  The cadence increased and they danced faster. Their erections grew and bobbed. Suddenly, the chanting stopped and the crowd began cheering and clapping. Each chief halted beside the nearest virgin. They began to spank the young women. They swatted their respective fannies in unison. The slapping sounds echoed around the caldera walls. When the bottoms were a bright pink, they stopped. They young women shouted, "Uk!" in unison. Amy watched, slack-jawed, as Buk took the maiden's virginity.

  When the five men had completed their purpose, Buk brought the young woman to his pallet. He did not look Amy in the eye as he gently pushed her aside, and sat with his new bride in his lap.

  That's why A-le despises me. I replaced her as Buk's wife.

  Holding back her tears, Amy stepped aside. Lar motioned to her and she went to sit beside him. She kept her face down. He gently stroked her back. Amy mourned her loss. She had not loved Buk, but she had been fond of him. He had been kind to her and she had enjoyed the status of being his wife. She had never experienced such a rejection.

  After considerable cheering and another helping of food from their new wives, the five chiefs began the chant, "Ka-Ru-Grap, Ka-Ru-Grap…"

  Lar prodded Amy, and she looked up. She looked up straight into A-le's face. The woman snarled at her before saying, "A-le." She softened her expression and held out her hand.

  "Amy." She took A-le's hand and the older woman helped her up.

  Buk's two past wives walked down the slope with the other women to take their places around the fire pit. Amy spread out her fur over the rock. She draped herself atop it. This would be her first experience servicing several men. She heard the chants of the men as they made their way down the slope to the women. Amy looked down, not wanting to see who approached her; who would take her first.

  A calloused hand gently caressed her bare bottom. Amy sucked in a breath.

  "Kar," a soft voice said.

  Amy turned and saw the elder man, the first alien that she had seen, standing behind her. "Amy," she whispered. She eyed his rigid member. She watched him lift his hand. As her initiating spanking began, she turned away and closed her eyes. Kar was firm with his stinging swats. However, he was building excitement within her, not pain.

  He's been waiting for this opportunity.

  When she was ready, she said, "Uk." Kar opened her thighs and entered her. Very slowly, he brought her to a glorious orgasm. Only then did he finish with his own.

  Three men followed Kar. They each introduced themselves and spanked her. They each waited until she came first before releasing their seed. Amy dearly wanted a bath when it was over, but there was no water pool in the caldera. While there was the stream at the base of th
e mountain, she didn't relish the thought of walking there in the dark.

  A-le approached, carrying a bundle. She gave Amy a wet scrap of leather. Apparently, she had been to the Grap before and knew how to be prepared. With surprisingly cheery face, she handed out several more wet scraps to other first-timers.

  "Thank you," Amy said, though she knew it would be only her tone of voice that the woman would understand.

  Once clean, Amy surveyed the slope filled with men reclining on their pallets of fur. She saw Kar staring at her. She gave him a wave, as though to say, "Next time, big guy." She walked up the slope to Lar. He had not partaken in the orgy.


  "Lar." She held his face and kissed his forehead.

  Mindful of his injured leg, she lay down beside him. He wrapped his fur around her and nuzzled against her neck. He kissed her cheek.

  Chapter Seven

  Stardate 3527.9.09 – The Grap

  The second day of the Grap ritual was like the first. Amy realized that the Corvus-3 population was equal in intelligence to humans, even if they weren't actually humans. They were frustrated with their slow progress toward building a language. Amy considered inserting herself and trying to teach them. In an hour, she could show them so much, but instead she stuck to the Interplanetary Council's directive as best she could.

  Several cliques gathered and interacted. The five chiefs spent most of the afternoon in a private gathering. Amy could only imagine the long, hard effort they experienced as they shared ideas and probably tried to plot the direction the population would take in their evolution.

  Of course they don't know that is what they are doing.

  Some of the men set out for the open grassland, and returned hours later with two huge herbivores. Amy joined the women from other villages to prepare their meal. She wondered if any of them were from the village where the anthropology hut was located. Its energy source would have expired long ago. If it was still there, it would be visible. If the three engineers were still there, they might have tried to assimilate into the village as she had done. While it was easy to see why the men would welcome a new female to the tribe, they might not be so open to new males. However, Amy could think of no way to have such a conversation with the other women.


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