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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

Page 6

by Jillian Neal

  “You ready?” Logan gave Rainer his version of the signature Haydenshire smirk.

  “Yeah.” Rainer willed the sub he’d had after playing football to stay in his stomach.

  “Good, cause it’s about that time.” Garrett gestured his hand to the back door.

  Adeline and Fionna were on the deck pinning on all of the milky white rose boutonnieres.

  Dan chuckled as he took in Rainer who was certain that his pallor reflected his nerves. “Just wait ‘til that moment when you finally see her. That’s when I could breathe again.” He offered Rainer a pride filled gaze.

  Rainer nodded, praying that he and Will were both right as he assumed that he would need to be able to breathe to say his vows.

  “You have the ring right?” He panicked and all but shook Logan.

  “Right here.” Logan patted his jacket pocket. “And I have this.” He pulled out a piece of pink notebook paper folded in the intricate fold that Emily used to do when she gave him notes in school.

  Rainer took it and pulled it open. It was a page from Emily’s middle school binder. Doodled all over it in Emily’s adolescent handwriting was RL and EH inside of hearts. Emily Haydenshire Lawson was written along the sides and Rainer and Emily Lawson was drawn elaborately in the center of the paper. In one corner that had formerly been blank was an added note in Emily’s much more polished, adult handwriting.

  Today I get to make all of my lifelong dreams finally come true. Even at four years old I could see what an amazing man you are, Rainer. Thank you for loving me when I least deserved it, for always protecting me even from myself, for putting up with me when I was being impossible. Most of all thank you for being the man of my dreams. Love, the future Mrs. Lawson.

  “She gave it to me last night. Guess she thought it might help.” Logan slapped him on the back.

  Rainer refolded the note and placed it in the pocket of his own tux jacket very near his heart. “Thanks.” He met Logan’s eyes.

  A million memories, a thousand sworn secrets, skinned knees, whelps from paintballs, hundreds of football games, and cheeseburgers shared in his ‘Stang, more crude jokes than he could ever count, his entire life, his best friend since birth, stood before him. He’d never faltered, and he never would. “You got this, man. You always have. I’ll be right there beside you.”

  Several minutes later, Rainer stood off to the side of the seated guests and the platform altar. Music swelled from the orchestra, and Logan smiled. “You ready?”

  “I think.” Rainer’s mouth had taken on a Sahara-like dryness.

  “Good, because that’s our cue.” He gave Rainer a slight push and then followed him as they moved to stand at the front of the enormous crowd.

  Cameras clicked feverishly both from the hired photographers and the press with long range lenses from outside of the gates.

  The music faded and then bled into another song. Forcing air into his lungs and determined to remember everything about the day, Rainer studied the people staring back at him and the space around them.

  Emily had outdone herself. The backdrop and altar area were bedecked with beautiful flowers in every shade of purple and pink and cream. The long, pearl aisle runner was in place with the Lawson and Haydenshire crests stitched at the end in gold.

  Purple, lavender, and cream colored flower petals were scattered along either side of the runner. The light pink cherry trees in perfect April bloom stood reticent along side the guest chairs. Lanterns, waiting to be lit for the reception, hung from their limbs.

  Swallowing hard Rainer watched as Garrett and Chloe appeared and then smoothly glided down the aisle. Garrett walked her to her assigned location and then offered Rainer his hand before moving to his own.

  He slapped Rainer on the shoulder as they shook hands.

  Aida beamed at Rainer as she moved slowly down the aisle just like Emily had instructed her. She dropped pink and purple rose pedals as she made her way down.

  Dan and Fionna followed behind her gazing at her adoringly. Dan offered Rainer another slap on the back as he took his place beside him.

  Adeline appeared alone and walked down the aisle her eyes fixed on Logan’s. “It’s so worth it, man.” Logan whispered as he took in his own bride gazing at him sweetly as she took her place.

  Keaton made a dashing appearance in a tiny tuxedo grinning and giggling as he carried a small chalkboard that read: “Hey Rainer.” He raced down the aisle and then turned to show off the sign to the crowd before taking a seat near Aida.

  Henry followed him looking more nervous than Keaton but carrying another chalkboard that read: “Here comes your girl.”

  Everyone chuckled as Rainer beamed. Mrs. Haydenshire was patting tears from her eyes as was Nana Anderson.

  And then suddenly, the trumpets blared. The six hundred guests stood, and here comes the bride swelled as the most beautiful woman in the world appeared blinking back tears and gazing into Rainer’s eyes.

  Trying not to tremble, Rainer drew a deep breath as Emily was escorted in on her father's arm.

  Tears sprang to his eyes. My God, she was ravishing. The dress was made entirely of antique lace with a satin underpinning. Small gathered lace straps came across her shoulders and the neck formed a deep V showing off her cleavage.

  The lace skirt billowed at her waist and trailed out behind her elegantly. The straps hooked just above her shoulder blades and the skirt attached just below her waist leaving her entire back exposed. Rainer had never seen anything so breathtaking.

  Her hair was fixed in loose curls most of them caught up in pins at the nape of her neck with a few loosened tendrils curled down the sides of her face. A milky white rose, matching the one on Rainer’s coat, was tucked loosely in the auburn tresses just behind her ear.

  She looked angelic, absolutely stunning, and Rainer couldn't halt the tears that escaped his eyes. She was trembling on her father's arm, and Governor Haydenshire was rapidly losing a war against tears of his own.

  Every step she took made Rainer love her more. He longed to touch her, to feel her hands in his. At that moment, it seemed impossible that she was even real, that he was lucky enough to be standing where he was, waiting on her.

  She was some magical dream he never wanted to awaken from, a drug he'd gladly take every single day of his life.

  Finally making her way there, Emily gazed deeply into Rainer’s eyes as he looked at hers both willing away their tears.

  “Who gives this woman to be married?” The minister smiled kindly at the Crown Governor. Choking and looking like he'd never uttered anything more difficult in his entire life, the Governor barely managed, “Her mother and I.”

  Beaming at her daddy with tears leaking down her cheeks, Emily swallowed harshly as he kissed her cheek and put her hands in Rainer’s.

  Letting her hands go for just a moment, Rainer reached and wiped away her tears as he whispered, “You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.” This only served to make her cry harder though it seemed.

  Taking her hands again they turned to the minister. They repeated the vows spoken by couples over and over throughout the centuries. Rainer promised to love her and to take care of her forever. She cried quietly as she made the same vows.

  At the appropriate time, Rainer forced himself to take his eyes off of her long enough to turn and take the ring from Logan who was blinking back tears of his own as he stared at his little sister. Smiling at her earnestly, he husked, “With this ring I thee wed.” Rainer raised the ring to show the engraving he’d had her Uncle Tad add to the wedding band.

  Her chin quivered. She shuddered out sobbing tears as she read the words, “My everything.”

  A moment later, Emily turned to Adeline who handed her Rainer’s wedding band. She repeated the vow and then turned the ring between her thumb and index finger showing Rainer the words, “My hero.”

  Closing his eyes, Rainer was overwhelmed. When he’d regained his slipping control on his emotions, he opened them ag
ain and gazed at her in udder adoration.

  A few moments later, the minister murmured, “Well, Mr. Lawson, you may kiss your bride.”

  Rainer cradled her face in his hands gazing at her before he leaned in and she whispered, “Betcha won’t kiss me!”

  Laughing, he dipped her back and devoured her mouth.” She threw her arms around his neck as he laved her lips with his own.

  The crowd hooted and wolf whistles echoed all around them from all of his groomsmen.

  After several long minutes, he released her. A brilliant smile lit her entire face as she wrapped her arm through his and they turned to face the crowd.

  Governor Haydenshire stood, cupped his hand, and amplified his voice.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct honor as the Crown Governor of the American Gifted Realm to announce to all of you, Mr. and Mrs. Rainer Emory Lawson.” The crowd cheered. “And he better take good care of my, baby girl.” He added as Rainer led Emily back down the aisle.

  Offers and Introductions

  The wedding bled seamlessly into the reception. The guests took their places at the candlelit tables and enjoyed the catered meal.

  But Rainer suddenly found himself quite finished with the festivities. He backed Emily up to the side of the farmhouse desperate for just a moment alone.

  “So, Mrs. Lawson, can I get another kiss?” His heated breath caressed over her neck and the hungry fire that he felt burn in his eyes seemed to drive her wild.

  Her eyes danced deliciously as he caged her body between his and the white plank board siding. With both of his hands on either side of her head, he consumed her. They broke apart after several long minutes both gasping for breath.

  “Can’t we just go on our honeymoon now?” Emily whimpered.

  Rainer kissed his way up her cheek and then nipped her earlobe. “I think we’re supposed to make an appearance at this shin dig your parents are throwing today, baby, but don’t worry. I’ll make it worth your wait.”

  They made their way back into the tented reception area to cheers from the crowd. Being slapped on the back and having his hand shaken constantly, Rainer followed Emily’s lead and tried to speak to each of their guests.

  Suddenly Emily gasped. Rainer spun effectively ending a conversation with Chancellor Wilshire. “What’s wrong?”

  “Rainer! Look at what they did!” She pointed to the cake table. Rainer bit his lips together and shook his head while trying very hard not to laugh. On top of the elegant five-tiered cake complete with fondant icing made to appear that it had been draped over each layer and then bedecked with tiny purple flowers and pearls, that Emily had designed and Mr. Styler had created, sat a cake topper.

  Rainer knew Emily hadn’t wanted a cake topper at all, but she certainly hadn’t picked out a topper that displayed the groom with his tux pants down around his ankles, holding the bride with her legs open wide and wrapped around his waist, with her gown pushed all the way up making it appear that they were having sex against a wall.

  All of Emily’s brothers were howling with laughter as Emily turned the color of her hair. The groom’s cake, which was supposed to be an exact model of Rainer’s Porsche, had been altered as well. On the windshield someone, Levi, Rainer assumed as he was certainly creative enough to have pulled it off, had cut an outline out of black paper of a woman laying back against what would be the passenger side door and window with her legs spread and her dress flared out. The groom was holding her legs apart and appeared to be in the process of leaning his head down to fit between her legs.

  Rainer headed towards the cakes to remove the additions, but the crowds booed. Giving Emily a shrug, he pulled her in for a kiss as the crowd cheered once again.

  After everyone ate the elaborate meal, Rainer guided Emily to the dance floor for the first dance. “Hey there, baby,” he whispered as he wrapped her up in his arms.

  She beamed as she laid her head on his shoulder tucking her face next to his neck. Cameras clicked feverishly as he swayed her and whispered how much he loved and adored her in her ear.

  She lifted her head and suddenly they were barely moving as they kissed passionately for the crowd.

  Just as the song was ending, Governor Haydenshire pretended to shove Rainer away as he cut in. The crowd laughed and applauded raucously.

  “I can’t help falling in love,” by Elvis spun from the DJ booth, the first song Mr. and Mrs. Haydenshire had danced to at their wedding, and the Governor’s request for his dance with Emily.

  ~Dan Vindico~

  “They need you there, Daniel. You should never have left Iodex, but after everything I’ve seen, I think you’re the man for the job. Wilshire’s going to offer it to you. Take it.”

  “Sir, I’m honored that you thought of me,” Dan was taken aback by Mentor Sullivan’s, the head of Ioses order at Venton Academy, insistence that he replace him. What on earth was going on at Venton? Why was Sullivan suddenly willing to retire? He was certainly of age, but he’d never expressed any interest in giving up his position.

  Just as Sullivan had promised, Chancellor Wilshire headed Dan’s way. He took the seat beside him. They chatted for several minutes. Dan noted that Wilshire didn’t seem as thrilled about Dan accepting an offer to teach as Sullivan had been.

  “Let’s cut to the chase. Sullivan insists that you’re the man for this job. We’d be happy to match your previous salary at Iodex as a start.” The Chancellor sighed.

  Never having worked anywhere but Iodex where your pay was set by your rank and years of service, Dan wasn’t certain how to proceed. This was happened quickly and the level of urgency was odd. “Thank you for the offer… sir. I need to discuss this with my wife and think it over. I’ll let you know soon.” Dan assured him.

  The Chancellor all but rolled his eyes. “I’m offering to make you the Mentor over Ioses Order, Daniel. That’s a very prestigious position.”

  “I’m not telling you no, Chancellor, but I’m also not accepting any position until I talk with my wife. I’ve also promised her that we’ll spend the summer on her family’s farm in Kauai, so I wouldn’t be able to start until the school year resumes.”

  Chancellor Wilshire suddenly looked slightly more enthusiastic about his offer. “I understand. Talk it over with Fionna. I would like to hear from you before this year’s graduation.”

  “I’ll let you know.” Dan agreed as Aida raced towards him on the verge of tears.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Dan panicked as Aida crawled up in his lap and laid her head on his shoulder. “That little boy over there pinched my arm very hard.” She rubbed an angry red mark on her forearm. Her voice trembled.

  Fury lit through Dan like he’d never felt before. “Which little boy?” He demanded as he stood, while keeping Aida caught up in the safety of his arms.

  “Dan.” Fionna raced to them quickly. “Calm down. Wes is taking care of it.”

  Dan scanned the crowd. His blood was boiling. His eyes landed on Wes Willow and his father, Governor Willow, scolding the little boy in question. The little brat looked remarkably like Wes had when he was eight.

  Dan started to march over, but Fionna caught his bicep. “Dan, she’s all right, and they’re going to make Kendrick apologize.”

  “Kendrick?” Dan huffed. The kid deserved to be beaten up for his name alone.

  “Dan!” Fionna quipped. “That is Wes’s wife’s maiden name. Please calm down.”

  Suddenly, Kendrick was upon them followed by a very sheepish looking Wes Willow. “What do you tell her?” Wes demanded.

  “I’m sorry I pinched your arm.” Kendrick sneered. He defiantly rolled his eyes as Dan glared at him hatefully.

  “Dan,” Fionna elbowed him voicing his name through her teeth.

  Aida turned and stared down at Kendrick. “It’s okay, but it isn’t nice to pinch people because it hurts them and it makes them sad.”

  “Oh my gosh, Dan, she’s adorable.” Wes tried.

  “Obviously!” Da
n turned his glare on the demon’s father.

  “Dan!” Fionna shot him a look that said for him to tone it down.

  “Uh, come on, Kendrick. Let’s go get some more punch.” Wes grasped his son’s shoulders and steered him away.

  Fionna shook her head. “Later we will discuss appropriate responses when people that we’ve been friends with since elementary school tell you that your child is adorable, but right now we really need to introduce our daughter to your parents.”

  Dan sat Aida down but kept a close eye on Kendrick Willow as he guided her towards his parents who were talking with several members of the Senteon.

  Timing their arrival well, Dan, Fionna, and Aida arrived just as their conversation drowned out.

  “Daniel, Fionna, nice to finally see you.” Governor Vindico sniped. Mrs. Vindico’s face bore her preferred mask of martyrdom as she glared at Fionna.

  Dan sighed. “Mom, Dad, there’s someone I’d like you to meet. This is Aida.” He fought the desperate urge to put his body and his shield between his daughter and his mother. “Fi and I adopted her yesterday.”

  The Governor’s mouth hung open as Mrs. Vindico began fanning herself and gasping for breath.

  “Son, do you have some kind of terminal illness you haven’t told us about?” The Governor huffed.

  This made Dan laugh heartily. “Uh, no, Dad. I’m fine.”

  “Aida, why don’t you go play, and you can have another juice box if you want.” Fionna urged sweetly.

  “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.” Aida turned towards the children’s table that Rainer and Emily had thoughtfully provided for their many younger guests.

  “You come and get me if that Kendrick kid comes anywhere near you again.” Dan commanded. Fionna rubbed her temples.

  “Yes, sir. I will.”

  The Crown Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire raced towards them having figured out what was being discussed. “Isn’t it wonderful!” Mrs. Haydenshire insisted as she instinctively edged Fionna away from Mrs. Vindico. “I mean it certainly takes very, very special people to adopt especially after all Dan and Fionna have been through lately.”


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