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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

Page 9

by Jillian Neal

  Her body trembled deliciously. He huffed hot breath over her through the thin satin and lace that remained. She was waxed bare again. He felt his cock throb in anxious anticipation as he moved to the other side.

  She trembled from the hot breath caressing her side. He began brushing kisses up her right hip. Desperate to see her bare skinned lips, he tugged the ribbon again with his mouth. She spread her legs and let the panties fall to the floor.

  “So beautiful, baby.” He gently tempted her mound with teasing strokes of his index finger. She was swollen and soaking wet. The tender skin was fevered with a dark pink heat from her desire. She let her head fall back again as he caught her backside in his hands and tilted her pussy towards his hungry mouth.

  His tongue danced along her slit never entering her but still able to taste the wet heat emanating from her as she moaned loudly. He repeated the motion this time moving from front to back as she quaked and begged.

  “You taste so sweet, baby. So good.”

  “Please, please.” Her voice was deep and husky from need.

  “Tell me,” he instructed, “tell me what you want me to do, baby.”

  A gasping, evulsive, pleading moan filled air around him saturated with the heady scent of her arousal.

  “Lick me.” She leaned back against the bed and spread her legs offering him an undeniable invitation.

  Delving between her bare skinned lips with not one trace of a tender red curl to block his mouth from her swollen skin, he used two fingers to coax her clit to his tongue. It swelled and distended anxious for his mouth. He slowly devastated the tender bundle of nerves with his tongue.

  He added to the intensity and the pressure. She began to beg. Her body shuddered against him.

  He steadied her and then used his thumbs to open her wide. She laced her fingers in his hair and pushed him deeper. He drowned her clit with his mouth, stroking her constantly with his tongue as he sucked. She screamed out for him as he sent her spiraling over the edge again.

  Her nails dug into his scalp as it seared through her. He forced her to relent only to him. Her energy flooded his mouth as he sucked the heavenly liquid pouring from her body.

  Her legs trembled, and her body quaked. He stood and held her again. She couldn't quite get her footing, weak from all he'd done.

  In one quick movement, he scooped her up and cradled her in his arms. He scooted the soft silky sheets and blankets covered in a down throw down the bed until he could lay her gently on one of the pillows.

  Begrudgingly, he covered her and then made quick work of dispensing with everything he was wearing before he slid into the bed beside her.

  “Want to take a break, baby?” He cossetted her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

  “No.” Her face displayed a replete smile. Her blinks were heavy as she let him cuddle her closer. “I feel so safe in your arms.”

  The statement was absolutely intoxicating. The truthfulness that seemed to have evulsed from her soul and out of her lips made his heart beat disjointedly. His eyes closed as he reveled in her proclamation. She tapped into the core of his very being. He was a fierce Ioses Predilect. His desperation to protect her was all consuming.

  Suddenly, she worked down his body. With a sultry, luscious grin, she kissed his chest and lapped at his nipples with her tongue. She followed the trail of chest hair down his abs until she reached his cut lines. His breaths came in ragged pants. His eyes rolled back in the ecstasy of what she was doing.

  “But now I want to know what you want.” She brushed open-mouthed wet kisses on either side of his cock and traced her index finger down the line between his right hip and leg. A shuddering groan overtook him.

  She followed the same path with her tongue sweeping it back and forth down him. She was going to make him beg. He supposed that was only fair as he watched her work.

  Her hot breath teased his cock. She licked a pearl of desperate need, that had leaked from him and spilled on his stomach, and moaned her approval.

  With a ragged groan, he felt his hips rise of their own accord in a mimicked thrust. “You like that, baby? Cause I’m about to fill you full of it.”

  Upping the ante, she dropped her head between his legs spun her tongue over his sac and then sucked him. It was exquisite. Unable to take much more, he began to writhe.

  “Oh God, Em, please, baby!”

  “What?” She feathered her tongue from his hilt to his ridge as he moaned loudly.

  Leaning his head up to watch her tongue glide over him, he demanded, “Suck me now. Put my cock in your mouth and suck me.”

  He pulsed hot and heavy in her face. His body contorted as his muscles seized.

  With an eager moan, she surrounded him with her breasts and wrapped her fist around him tightly. She drew him into the heat of her mouth and sucked with ferocity. She swirled her tongue over his head.

  A moaned thundered from deep in his chest. She was exquisite. Her hair was splayed across him. She released him, traced back up him with her tongue, and then pulled him in her mouth deeper than before. He felt the bed, the room, the entire world spin away from his understanding.

  The only thing he was capable of feeling was her mouth surrounding him, her nipples grazing his thighs, and her hair brushing across him softly.

  He clenched his jaw. He didn't want her to stop, but he wasn't letting her do this, not tonight of all nights.

  She drew the erotic energy flooding his body straight from its source. He had to stop her. A shuddering groan escaped him. Their energies combined in her mouth.

  She released him and began kissing back up his abdomen and stomach dragging her fingers over him as he willed away the imminent explosion.

  Rainer grabbed Emily’s waist and jerked her underneath him. “Baby, I want you. I want to be inside of you. I need to make you mine.” He traced his fingers tenderly along her slit making her writhe.

  He slipped them inside of the slick, wet heat and felt her shudder from the heady sensation. He knew right where to go. The tightly ridged nerve endings coiled and begged for his touch. He watched her body pitch and toss as she ground against his hand.

  He groaned in heated passion as he watched the liquid form of her energy flow around his fingers and seep into his soul.

  Rainer rushed his lips back to hers. He devoured her mouth ravenously keeping his strokes deep and driving.

  She hissed his name as she bucked underneath him. Her breath began to stutter again as she flushed pink for him. Her body slowly began to give him what he was after.

  “That feels good doesn’t it, baby? Makes you want to come, doesn’t it?”

  Emily’s breath washed from her body her energy arced high. She was swollen and throbbing. Her energy twisted in desperate arcs until her breath caught, and her body contorted. She screamed out for him.

  Releasing everything, taking it all for himself, his body tensed as he watched her come. Her hair was splayed across the white pillows. Her gorgeous body curved and arched as she gasped for breath. The waves seared though her as she convulsed.

  She quieted after several minutes. He held her to him wrapping her up in his arms until her breath steadied, and she clung to him.

  He knew she was tender. He caressed her back and backside hoping to give her a few minutes.

  As he traced her cheek with his hand tenderly and brushed whispered kisses in her hair, she pled, “Rainer, please.”

  Perfectly willing to give her anything in the world, he soothed, “What, baby?”

  “I've waited almost my whole life for this night. Please don't make me wait anymore. Please.”

  Unable to help himself, his hands travelled back to her breasts with magnetizing force. He massaged as she continued.

  “Please make me yours, really yours, really your wife.”

  Insatiable yearning desire flooded through him as he growled voraciously.

  “You are really mine.” He braced his body against hers feeling her spread her legs
under his. He pinned her hands over her head.

  “Oh God, yes!” She quivered as his body tightened against hers. Their heated flesh melded together.

  He paused for one moment more. Gazing deeply into her eyes and watching their fiery depths fill with his love and adoration, he pushed inside of her claiming all of her as she bucked under his deep thrust.

  He halted momentarily. It was different; he could feel it. It was so much more than it had ever been. He kept his gaze locked on her eyes. She felt it too; he knew.

  It was indescribable. He lost himself in her as he began to thrust to the rhythm of her pulse. The past melted away. The future was tied solely up in her. The energy their bodies possessed was nothing compared to what they were creating together this night.

  He'd never felt anything so astounding. As many times as he'd been with her like this before, it couldn't have prepared him for what it was like to know she was his forever.

  This. This he knew was what heaven must be like. He was unable to imagine anything more amazing.

  He felt his body loose all of the horrors of his past. They seemed to fall from his grasp like sand through his open hands. It all drowned in the ecstasy of being one with her.

  The very air around them vibrated and pulsed with their united energy flowing with utter dedication and a love so deep it was unfathomable to him as he made her his.

  The glint of his ring caught his eye as he held her captive under his body pinning her to the bed. A deep, yearning propensity coursed through his blood running thick and hot with utter devotion.

  He pushed her harder. His thrusts were unrelenting as she closed her eyes in the ecstasy of what he was doing to her body. Her breath caught. Her skin seemed to pulsate under his grasp. She writhed and lifted her body as he pounded into her listening to her call out his name begging and pleading for release.

  He forced her body to form around him until she'd taken him to his hilt, and she cried out. She swelled around him. She drowned him, and he moaned as she bound him tighter in the hot wet space that he permeated fully.

  “I'm… coming,” stuttered from her in broken syllables. She was unable to catch her breath as the climax began to claim her.

  Her warning had him hot-wired. Every nerve ending in his body was set to detonate. Unable to fight it any longer, he buried himself deeply inside of her as she cried out screaming and convulsing as he filled her with all of him.

  Their releases mixed inside of her, and he could feel them combine around him as he gasped for breath. He was unable to withdraw as she continued to writhe.

  When her body collapsed under his, he pulled away still trying to catch his breath. He kept her tucked tightly against him. He didn't speak. He didn't know what to say. It was overwhelming, so he just held her not allowing any space between them as the intoxicating energy spiraled and wound its way around them.

  “You are amazing.” He finally managed.

  “Did it feel different to you?” Her body gave a slight shiver.

  “Yeah,” Rainer assured her. “It was the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt, Em. It was astounding.”

  She burrowed down in his embrace making him smile. She was relieved that he’d felt it as well.

  “Please don’t let me go.” She pled suddenly.

  Making certain every part of her touched some part of him, Rainer gently mated their mouths again before assuring, “Never, baby. I’ll never let you go.” He whispered kisses across her forehead willing calm into her. “I’m right here, Em. Right beside you. That’s all that matters. I’m never going anywhere. I never want to be anywhere unless you’re there with me.”

  Drawing a deep breath, she kissed his chest before relaxing completely in his embrace. “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too. Go to sleep, baby. I’ve got you.” He ran his fingers through her hair and surrounded the two of them in his shield until she was sound asleep.

  Closing his eyes, he gave a prayer of fervent thankfulness for all that he held in his arms and all that he’d been given. It was so much more than had ever been taken away.


  ~Dan Vindico~

  Fionna was pretending to still be asleep curled up on her stomach with her hands buried under her pillow. Dan gazed at her still unable to believe what he would always consider to be utterly unbelievable, she was somehow his. She and she alone had pulled him from the terrifying and drowning depths of hell and even after all he’d put her through, she’d somehow made his life everything he’d been too afraid to dream that it ever could be.

  Carefully, he surrounded her keeping his weight on the mattress as he wrapped his arms over hers and kissed her cheek. Her back melded with his hardened chest.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Vindico.” He watched a broad smile spread across her face as he traced his hand down her back and grabbed a handful of her exposed ass. He squeezed tightly and braced his morning wood between her cheeks. She gave him a luscious moan.

  “Would my gorgeous wife like some coffee before our little girl gets up and I watch in awe as you accomplish everything that you decided we were going to get done today?”

  Fionna wiggled until he moved enough that she could roll over. Dan pulled her onto his chest.

  “We can do it. I just need a little help.” Her words drowned in a heavy yawn.

  Dan kissed the top of her head. “I’m all yours, baby, but if I need to build a sand pit in our backyard for a pig roasting then I might need to get started on that now.”

  She laughed, a sound that Dan was quite certain could bring about world peace. “I think we’ll just have chicken for this particular luau.”

  “We don’t have to do all of this. We could just go out.” Dan pointed out yet again. He felt badly that Fionna was going to all of the trouble of cooking traditional luau foods for his entire family.

  “No.” Fionna’s right hand glided up his chest and caressed Dan’s face making his heart beat disjointedly. “This will be fun, and maybe your parents won’t feel like they completely missed out on our wedding, and Aida and Olivia can play. Of course, she needs some toys besides Sophie if they’re going to play, and we need to get the stuff for her room.”

  “Why don’t you do the food, and I’ll take her toy shopping?” Dan was rather excited by the thought of spending the day bonding with Aida.

  Fionna giggled. “Because, if I let you take her toy shopping, she would either come home with every single toy in the entire girls side of the toy store or she would come back with Matchbox police cars, army men, and tanks.”

  “Are you saying I have no restraint?”

  “Well I kind of like that you have no restraint when it comes to me.”

  His left eyebrow arched. His hands grasped her tits. “That’s because you, Mrs. Vindico, are entirely irresistible.”

  “Plus, I want to spend the whole day with both of you.” Her breaths came up short as he rolled her nipples under this thumbs.

  Nodding his understanding, Dan brushed kisses along Fionna’s jaw line until he was laving her mouth with his own.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  She braided her fingers in his hair and pulled his mouth back to hers until they were consuming each other, and Dan wondered just how long they had before Aida was awake.

  ~Rainer Lawson~

  Letting his eyes peak hesitantly open, Rainer squeezed them shut tight again. He realized immediately what the hangings on the bed were for. Easing from the bed, carefully keeping Emily covered, he pulled the hangings shut tightly and then reheating the sheets and blankets with his hand before he slid back into bed with his wife.

  Emily moved back to his chest immediately. He took several long minutes to let his hands tenderly explore her naked body pressed against his. He let their wedding night replay slowly in his mind.

  Smiling at her adoringly, he was thankful the early sunrise hadn't disturbed her slumber. His head fell back on the pillow in the now darkened bed. He felt his soul fill with
replete satisfaction. She was his. All his, and no one else’s, not ever. He would never take that for granted.

  Glancing down at his left hand, he smiled at the sight of his ring against her bare shoulder. Love and devotion overwhelmed him. He tucked her closer to him and fell back into a peaceful sleep.

  Several hours later, he felt Emily return to the bed. She slipped quickly though the curtains with a deep yawn as she crawled back under the covers.

  He slid his hand down her back and scooted her closer to him. “Hey there, Mrs. Lawson.”

  She granted him with a broad grin as she planted a kiss on his cheek. “I didn't know how late it was. When did you close the hangings?”

  “When the sun shone right in my eyes at about 5:30 this morning, and I didn't want it to wake you. You were up kinda late last night. Seemed a little worn out.”

  “I know. Someone just wouldn't let me sleep.”

  Laughing, he kissed her forehead. “Yeah, well, don't plan on getting too much sleep for the next two weeks, baby, cause I'm just getting started.”

  The intrigued grin that formed on her beautiful pink lips made him throb. His cock was awake and more than ready for more honeymooning.

  “It's almost noon here.” She informed him.

  “Wow!” He’d had no idea how exhausted they really were. He’d been teasing her, but the past few months had worn them thoroughly.

  He stood and opened the hangings to reveal the brightly lit shoreline. “Are you hungry?”

  Biting her lip apologetically, she nodded.

  “Em, baby, why didn’t you wake me up?” Nice job taking care of her, Lawson.

  “I just woke up, remember?”

  Rainer headed to the kitchenette while attempting to pull on his boxers as he went. He nearly fell flat on his face from trying to do the two things at the same time. She laughed hysterically at him.

  He quickly started a pot of coffee, once he’d determined how the maker functioned. He headed back to the bed and handed Emily the menu.


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