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The Biker's Baby

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  John smiled. “My wife is sweet, Gunner. She was a virgin in every single way when I took her. When it comes to sex though, she’s …kinky as fuck. Scarlett will like it, especially if I want it too. I won’t be jealous. I can’t wait to get started.”

  Gunner nodded. “I’ve never been a third wheel.”

  “You won’t be now.”

  They were silent for several seconds. He watched John, seeing the arousal in the other man, and he felt one building inside him. Not just at the prospect of getting Scarlett, but also to see his friend in action once again. He’d not seen John fuck in ten years, and he’d loved watching his best friend.

  John loved to fuck. It was an art form for him, and the women they’d been with had been completely consumed by pleasure.

  Gunner loved every second of it, which was another reason why he wanted to fuck Scarlett. The chance to see John in all of his glory was too good to turn down.

  “Why couldn’t we discuss this at my home?” John asked. “Why here?”

  “Because I didn’t want the temptation for tonight. I only just came to my decision today. Scarlett doesn’t know what we’re doing. To her, I want it to seem like an accident, like something we had fun doing.”

  “You don’t want me to tell her?” John asked.

  “No. I don’t want her to think we’re cutting her out of decisions.”

  “We are.”

  “We’re going to make it fun for her. Do you really think she’d be able to handle me putting a baby in her after believing you could be having an affair?”

  “I’d never step out on my wife.”

  “I know that, but this has come between the two of you. You’ve let it affect you.”

  “Tell me, Gunner, would you be happy if the only woman you’ve ever loved can’t get pregnant because of you? How you’ve planned for years, talked about it often, and then at the last moment got told that there’s no chance of you ever having children. It’s impossible?”

  He saw the pain in John’s face, and wished he’d not said anything.

  “I’m sorry.” He’d never had that experience. In fact, he’d taken for granted knocking Cherry up, and now he felt an overwhelming guilt. He’d not cared about getting her pregnant or all the stages from the ultrasound to figuring out how the breast pumps worked. He’d left that up to Cherry, and she didn’t really care either. Up to the last minute she partied hard with the club.

  “You don’t need to be sorry.” John stood up and moved toward the window that looked outside onto the parking lot. “I’ve never felt like this before. I didn’t know what to do. Those results were not what I was expecting. There was no warning. It was bam, you can’t have kids, and with it … I felt helpless. Scarlett’s amazing. No doubt about that and I want to give her everything in this world that her heart desires. I can’t do everything by myself, and I know you want her.”

  “Any other man would have been beating the shit out of me for the feelings I have for your girl.”

  “I’ve never been like most men, Gunner. It’s weird, but the thought of any other man but you touching her, and I want to kill them. I’d make it painful too. You … maybe it’s the time we’ve served with each other or something, I don’t know. I just know I trust you, and I know that no matter what, you’d take care of her.”

  Gunner stared at his friend. “You’re not going anywhere?”

  “Hell no, I’m not going anywhere, but in my will, I’ve written a letter asking you to take care of her in the event that anything happens.”

  “Fuck, man, you’re so fucking miserable and got that whole doom on you shit going.” Gunner shook his head. “I’m the one with the MC. I’m the one that could die any minute.”

  “So it makes sense to do this right away. Or you can always spill your stuff in a cup, and I’ll put it in for you.”

  “That’s just nasty.” They were both chuckling as they knew none of that would happen. “I’ll help you, John.”

  “Thank you.”

  They didn’t linger on a conversation, and he saw him out. Gunner gave him a wave as he drove out of the clubhouse.

  “Is there anything you need to tell me?” Kent asked.

  “Not that I’m aware of, why? Anything you need to tell me?”

  “You’re spending a lot of time with the Williamses. Is something going on?”

  “I’m catching up with an old military buddy, and whatever the fuck I do, Kent, it’s none of your business.”

  “I’m your VP.”

  “That doesn’t make you my nanny or my keeper.” He stepped up close, staring into Kent’s eyes. Since the theft, he didn’t trust anyone. The club was his family. When that family had a traitor, he had no choice but to pull away from all of them, find the person responsible, and take them out.

  The club had rules, and anyone who hurt the club, their lives were forfeit. If it was a club member, then that shit got ugly really fucking fast. These were the rules that he’d put in place.

  “There’s a lot of talk.”

  “What about?” he asked.

  “About you. About the family.”

  Gunner smiled. “Then as your Prez, I say curb that fucking talk.”

  Stepping back, he headed into his office, closing the door. Dropping down into his seat, he rubbed at his eyes, feeling more tired than he had in a long time.

  Screwing Scarlett would be something he’d fantasized about doing for years. Cherry had even been pissed at him for the way he’d look at her or treat her. She was different from the women, but then John was also different as well. They were the two people outside of the club world that he’d refused to give up.

  He couldn’t not have them in his life.

  They were part of his family too.


  John walked into his bedroom and saw the light was on, but there was no sign of his wife. Heading to the bathroom, he heard the shower running, along with a feminine moan, which told him all he needed to hear. He’d been neglecting his wife. Stepping forward into the room, he made sure to be silent as he started to remove his clothes.

  The glass had steamed up, but there was no doubt about what she was doing behind that glass. One of her hands was stretched out against the wall, holding onto the tile. The other was between her thighs, moving against her clit.

  His cock hardened at the sight, and he wanted her more than anything. They hadn’t had sex in a couple of months, and that was on him. He’d gotten a knock, and it was only tonight where he’d been sitting opposite Gunner that he felt a real hope for the future. Gunner was his lifeline in giving his woman what she wanted.

  He didn’t think for a second that getting Scarlett to agree would be easy. When they’d first started having sex, she’d been nervous, but being a virgin, he’d expected it. After they’d been screwing for a few months, and she still liked to fuck with the light off, or keep some of her clothes on, he’d gotten pissed.

  When he finally confronted her about it, she’d nearly broken his heart. She didn’t want him to be repulsed by her size. She’d always been bigger, curvier, and years of being bullied had messed with her with regards to her size. From that moment, he’d been so fucking pissed, enraged, heartbroken. So many different feelings, but he’d taken Scarlett to bed, stripped away every single layer of clothing, and kissed her body until he was sure that she knew he fucking loved her. Not only did he love her, but he wanted her all the time. Her body turned him on.

  He wanted her more than any other woman in the world, and he wanted her exactly the way he could get her.

  “Oh, John,” she said, moaning.

  With the last of his clothes now on the floor, he wrapped his fingers around his cock. Working up and down the length, he saw the pre-cum spilling out of the tip.

  Stepping up to the door, he opened it, and Scarlett let out a scream, spinning around to face him.

  “John, you scared me.”

  He stepped into the stall and closed the door. “I want to watch you.”<
br />

  “I want to watch you. Continue playing with your pussy.”

  “John?” She nibbled her lip.

  “I know you want this, and I know I’ve been a bastard to you, pushing you away.” He closed the distance between them, cupping her face. Running his thumb across her lip, he smiled into her eyes. “That stops now. I won’t push you away. This is no one’s fault, baby. No one’s. I want to watch you come by your own hand, and then I want to feel you come all over my cock.”

  Her pupils dilated, and he stepped back, watching her. The water ran down her body, making her all slick.

  “You see this,” he said, holding his dick once more. “This is all for you. No one else. All yours. It’s got your name written on it.”

  She chuckled.

  “Show me what you were doing.”

  She ran her hand down her body, sliding between her thighs. He watched her stroke back and forth across her pussy.

  “You’re not doing it right. Push those fingers inside you, get them nice and wet, just like I know you will be.”

  She did as he asked and moaned at the pleasure. He groaned, watching her, unable to take his gaze away.

  Up and down he moved on his shaft, feeling his balls tighten at the sight. He slowed down his movements, not wanting to come yet. He was so far from wanting to end this right now.

  Scarlett drew her fingers up and began to circle her clit, slowly at first, but then as the pleasure became too much, she sped up, and then he ordered her to stop.

  She instantly did as he asked.

  With his hands on her hips, he spun her around so that she was facing away from him. “Don’t rush everything, baby. You’ve always been so impatient for more.” Sliding a finger down between her thighs, he found her clit.

  It was already swollen, and he nibbled at her neck. He didn’t give her what she wanted though. Down he went, plunging a finger deep inside her cunt. She was so soft and tight, and wet. He fucking loved her like this. When it didn’t matter what he did, she seemed to be aroused by him.

  With his other hand, he cupped one of her tits, squeezing the flesh. He heard her moan, and the sound echoed around the room.

  His cock pressed against her back, hard and ready for more.

  “Please,” she said.

  “You want to come?”


  “I’ll let you come when I’ve touched you and I’ve felt how ready you are for more.” Adding a second finger into her pussy, he pumped in and out, feeling her tighten around him. Drawing those fingers up, he teased her clit, feeling her body tighten. “Were you thinking about me?”


  “Did you want me to touch you?” he asked.

  “Yes, so much.”

  “Have you missed me?”

  “More than anything, John. I hate it when you don’t touch me. When you don’t make love to me.”

  “What about when I fuck you?”

  “Yes. I’m so greedy. I want everything you can give me.”

  “You want my cock inside your pussy right now?” he asked.

  “Yes, yes.”

  He released her pussy, moving her forward just a little so that she could place her hands against the tile. She opened her thighs, and he gripped his cock. He found her entrance and pressed his cock against her. He felt her gasp, then cry out as he slammed to the hilt inside her. Holding onto her hips, he closed his eyes, basking in the feel of her cunt wrapped around his cock.

  In that second, he realized he could save a fortune on condoms and it was such a weird thing to think about, which led him into his next one. The sight of her pussy, filled with his cum as he drove it inside her, making her take every single inch and every drop of his cum.

  Pulling her back against him, he kept his dick deep inside her, loving the feel of her ass nestled against his dick. Sliding back and forth over her clit, he felt her body quiver and she moaned, thrusting against him, riding his cock and his hand to find her own release.

  “You’re always so responsive to me, baby. I love fucking you so much,” he said.

  “Yes, yes, yes, John, I’ve missed this.”

  “I want to watch you, baby.”


  “I want to watch you be fucked. Damn, it gets me so hard thinking about it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She wasn’t pulling away from him, and he smiled. She was so aroused, and he often spoke dirty to her because she loved it when he did. He loved the way she responded to him, her body always needing more, and he loved to play with her.

  “Watching another man play with you. To see how fucking beautiful you are and wild. To watch you come apart as another cock is driving inside you.” He saw Gunner and only him. The way that man watched Scarlett, John knew that the moment he got his hands on her, it was going to be fucking explosive, and he couldn’t wait.

  He couldn’t wait to have his friend in his bed, to watch him once again. It had been a long time, too long, and he missed Gunner. He missed so many things.

  Her cunt tightened around his cock, and she gasped as he held her tightly to him, driving inside her as he fingered her pussy.

  “I’d get to watch, or I could join in, Scarlett. Having two sets of hands on you, touching your pussy and tits, playing with your ass or your pussy.”

  She cried out as he fucked her hard. Just thinking about it had him wanting to call Gunner up and tell him to head on over.

  Scarlett came, crying out his name, and he continued to stroke her as he fucked her, finding his own release, and pushing his cock deep inside her, and groaning at the pleasure.

  He saw stars and knew in the back of his mind that he’d made the right decision.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he spun her around, cupped her face, and smiled at her. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me, Scarlett. I love you more than anything.”

  “I’ve been so scared,” she said.

  “Don’t be. I won’t do this to you again, I promise.”

  “I don’t care about anything else, John. I love you so much. I’m so sorry. I thought you were having an affair, and I was so stupid.”

  “I could never cheat on you, Scarlett. Never. I promise you.”

  “I know. It was so stupid of me to even think it.”

  He held her close as her tears started to fall, not wanting to let her go. He’d pushed her too far, and that was on him.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’m not going to let you go. I just went a bit crazy for a second there.”

  She held him tightly, and the water cascaded down the two of them. When the tears finally ebbed away, he washed her body, taking care of her, loving her.

  Afterward, he dried them both, and helped her into bed. Pulling her against him, he kissed her neck.

  “Do you really want that?” she asked.

  “Want what?”

  “Another man touching me? You seemed to be really into it.”

  “Would you want it?” he asked.

  “I’ve never thought of another man.”

  “You don’t have to keep secrets from me.”

  She turned her head and stared at him. “I’ve not, John.” She cupped his cheek. “There’s only ever been you.”

  He smiled at her, kissing her palm. “I love you.”

  There was a risk, he knew, that when Gunner touched her, Scarlett’s affections might turn. She may hate him afterward or fall in love with Gunner.

  Either way, he hoped she fell in love with him because John was hoping that this arrangement could be permanent.

  Right now, they were taking baby steps.

  Always fucking baby steps.


  No matter what Scarlett did to distract herself, she couldn’t get John’s sexy talk out of her mind. It was the first time he talked about another man being with them. She didn’t mind so much, but something felt different, and the difference was with John.

  Stepping into the lingerie
shop, she decided to buy something nice and sexy. It was Friday night, and with John back to his old self, she wanted to celebrate, and of course to drive him crazy. She saw the delicate lace, the soft silk, and everything that was sensual on display.

  Stepping around some of the sexier lingerie she paused as she came face to face with Cherry.

  Gunner’s ex-wife hadn’t liked her. She didn’t know why, and she never tried to figure it out. Some women just hated each other.

  “Hi, Cherry, how are you?”

  She knew Bennie and Carlos were with Gunner now, and things had settled for him and his boys. Speaking of settled in the back of her mind she made a quick note to make a pot roast for the boys.

  “As if you care.” Cherry sneered at her. “I can’t believe you’d come here. They don’t do plus size. We all know what that means, right? Fatty size.”

  After years of being called fat and other words, Scarlett just smiled at her and stepped away. “I’m sorry.”

  Why are you apologizing?

  “You know I never saw what Gunner saw in you, or John. They’re good-looking men, and they can do so much better than a fat bitch like you.”

  She pushed some hair off her face and stared at Cherry. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, Cherry. I’m married to John.”

  “Oh, please, cut the bullshit. The way Gunner looks at you, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re fucking them both.”

  The thought of being around this woman in this shop, with onlookers, no longer appealed, so she did no more than step out of the shop with Cherry’s spite following her. The moment the door closed, and she stepped onto the sidewalk she came smack dab into a hard body, who instantly held her.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Gunner asked.

  “Of course.” She hadn’t responded to his question just that the very man that Cherry was going all spiteful over was now here. She pulled away from him, aware that his ex was watching. “I’m fine.”

  He looked toward the shop and then at her. “No, you’re not. What’s going on?”

  “It’s nothing. I wanted to buy some things, but Cherry’s in there and she seems to think—” She was cut off by him walking away from her, heading toward the shop. “No. No. Please, don’t do that.” She grabbed his arm. “No!”


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