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The Biker's Baby

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Goldman was already there with two of his bodyguards.

  “You think he’s scared?” John asked.

  Gunner snorted. “Probably pissing his pants.” He parked the car abruptly. “There’s a gun in the glovebox.”

  Pulling it out, John removed the safety and placed the weapon in the back of his pants as he climbed out of the car. Following Gunner’s lead, he kept back, assessing the large men. They were security detail. From the way they were standing, they were not very well-trained.

  To John it looked like they were more bulk than brains.

  “What do you want?” Goldman asked.

  “I want your kid to lay off mine. Not only that, get the charges dropped.”

  This was news to John.

  “Your boy marked Finn’s face.”

  “Your son is a bully and a prick. I don’t care how you do it, just do it.”

  Goldman started laughing. “Oh, come on. You really think standing here with your pissy accountant and your attitude I’m going to give in? Please. I’ve got a bigger dick than either of you combined.”

  John winced.

  He knew that Gunner took it as a personal affront to be criticized about his cock. Anyone who questioned him would always end up with a bloody nose. It was weird considering Gunner had a big dick to begin with.

  Some insults were just a lot harder to swallow. Pun intended!

  Gunner opened the trunk of his car. A feminine scream filled the air, and John raised his gun just as the two security guards did. He couldn’t take them seriously. He doubted they could take him seriously dressed in a suit, next to a biker.

  “How about we settle this fair and square?” Gunner said. He had a gun poised at the woman’s temple. “I don’t give a fuck about this bitch, Goldman. I can see that you do. You want to start a war with me, go ahead. Your entire family line would be out before the end of the day and I’d have fun doing it.”

  “He really would,” John said.

  Being in the military had hardened Gunner in more ways than it had John. They had both fought for their country, but to Gunner that didn’t mean shit to every guy on the street. He fought to save his own land, not for anyone else.

  “You better pick, Goldman. My hand’s getting a little fucking twitchy.”

  “I’ll drop the charges. Everything will be fine. I’ll talk to Finn. He’ll stay the fuck away from your boy.”

  “Call them now.” He grabbed the girl harder, making her cry out louder.

  Goldman was already on the phone, dealing with the local sheriff. Once he was done, Gunner smirked.

  John raised his gun, shooting one of the men in the leg. “I’d get him to a hospital if I were you, or a doctor.”

  “Give her to me,” Goldman said.

  “As soon as your men go.”

  Goldman gave the two men the order, and they were gone.

  Gunner pushed the girl toward Goldman. “You better be careful of the people you step on, Goldman. If I could find her, it wouldn’t take long for another person who’s not so patient.”

  Gunner climbed behind the wheel, and John did the same. He glanced in the rearview mirror, watching as Goldman treated the woman in his arms like a delicate flower.

  “Did you have any intention of killing her?”

  “Fuck, no, but they didn’t need to know that. I don’t kill innocents unless I have no choice.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Thanks for taking out the security guards. I think one of them did piss himself. Damn, it was good to have you by my side. That VP badge is yours, you know. You’re never too old to become a club member.”

  “I’m sure Kent would love that.”

  “Kent’s a fucking pussy. You always got my back. Besides, I find what I need, his days are numbered.”

  And he always would have Gunner’s back.


  “Are you okay?” John asked, coming into the sitting room. Scarlett had already eaten dinner. John had called her to let her know that he wouldn’t be home. She didn’t know how to handle it. She’d gotten her period, and he’d been out most of the night.

  Feeling a lump in her throat, she looked toward her husband, wondering what was going on. He looked a little … tipsy.

  “Have you been drinking?”

  “A little bit. Don’t worry. I called a cab from Gunner’s place. It’s all good.”

  She nodded.

  “You look sad,” he said.

  “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not fine. I can tell that you’ve got that pissy voice. The one that’s still sexy as fuck but the one that also tells me I’ve made you sad.”

  She placed the book in her lap and stared at him. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I start my period, and you don’t come home. It’s really late, and you’re drunk.”

  He sat on the sofa beside her. “That’s not why I’ve been out. I had to help Gunner. Did you know Goldman, the bastard, actually tried to press charges against Bennie?”

  “He did?”

  “Yep. It’s okay though. We got it dealt with.” He dropped his head to her shoulder. “I’m not avoiding you, my baby. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much. All the time. You’re all I can think about.”

  She pressed her lips together, trying not to smile.

  John drunk was so adorable and so cute. He won her over each and every time.

  “It’s not going to work. I’m mad at you.”

  “I know, baby. I want us to have a baby so bad. I know you want it too. I feel like a total loser because I can’t give you what you want.” His hand pressed to her stomach. “We’ll get there though. I know we will.”

  She frowned. He didn’t make any sense.

  Scarlett didn’t see them getting anywhere purely because he didn’t want to use any of the other channels.

  Taking his hand, she pressed a kiss to his fingers. “I’ve got you. That is all that matters.”



  “That’s what I thought when I saw you. I thought ‘mine.’ You’re mine. Always mine. She’s going to belong to me.”

  She burst out laughing. “Come on, you. I think it’s time for you to head to bed.”

  Putting her book down, he snatched it up. “Were you reading a dirty book?”

  She rolled her eyes, leaving him on the sofa to read her book as she checked on the house.

  His cell phone was on the counter, and she picked it up, finding Gunner’s name and sending him a quick text.

  She didn’t look at his cell phone again, placing it on the coffee table.

  “They both fucked her, taking her harder than ever before. Going deeper, fucking her with their rock-hard cocks. She wanted it, yearned for it, craved it. She wanted to be used, to be fucked, to be owned.” John finished reading and smiled. “Kinky.”

  “You’re pushing cute now.”

  “I like that my wife loves dirty things. It makes me so hot to think of you doing all those dirty things yourself.”

  She stepped toward him, and he placed a hand between her thighs.

  “Shit, sorry, it’s that time of the month.” He held his hands up in surrender.

  Unable to help herself, she cupped his face. “Let’s get you to bed.”

  “You know, me and Gunner could totally do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Fuck you. Take you at the same time. One in your ass, one in your pussy.”

  She ignored the heat that flooded her at the thought.

  John, however, ran a hand down her ass, cupping her cheeks. “So beautiful. I love it when I spread them wide, and you’re always so responsive to me. I want to give you everything your heart desires.”

  “You do.”

  She got him upstairs and decided against the shower. John was a large man, and she didn’t have the strength to get him to stand up, wash him, and then brin
g him back to the room.

  Removing his clothes, she left on his boxer briefs and tucked him in bed.

  “You’d like it, you know,” he said.

  She removed her gown and climbed into bed. He pulled her into his arms. “What would I like?”

  “Me and Gunner, taking you at the same time. We’d drive you crazy first. Make it so that you were begging for us.” He cupped her hip. “I’d take your ass and Gunner could take that pussy. So tight and hot. You make him so hard.”

  “Do you love seeing Gunner’s cock?”

  “Yeah, I do. Does it taste as good as it looks?”

  She gasped at his admission, but she didn’t say anything.

  “I bet it does. With the tip completely covered in his pre-cum. You lick that tip, and I bet it’s so soft and hard.”


  He was starting to get sleepy. His hand moved around her stomach, holding her. Seconds passed, and she heard his snores.

  The way he was talking, it sounded like John had never been with Gunner, had never sucked his cock.

  She thought about the two men in her life, the way they’d taken control of hers, and how one night had seemed to become more.

  What would it be like to have both Gunner and John in her bed but wanting each other as well as wanting her?

  She closed her eyes, thinking about Gunner touching her husband, stroking his body. John was a very handsome, sexy man. So was Gunner. She thought about them both holding each other, kissing, needing each other. More heat flooded her pussy.

  Did they both want each other? She didn’t know the answer to that question. Did she want them to be together? Her body was on fire at just the thought.

  Slowly, she fell asleep, thinking about Gunner, John, and herself. Could they work together? Could she give her husband what he so clearly craved but refused to put into words?

  It felt like she’d only closed her eyes for a minute and in the next it was morning. John was still out cold, and glancing at the clock, she saw it was a little after seven. Climbing out of bed, she was careful not to wake him.

  She went to the bathroom and did her business before making her way downstairs to start with some coffee and toast.

  She was buttering a slice, slathering it with some jam when John stumbled into the room.

  As she placed some painkillers on the side and a glass of water, she watched him collapse into a chair. “I feel like someone is banging my head from the inside trying to get out.”

  “Alcohol will do that to you.”

  “You’re happy about this,” he said.

  “I’m not. It’s kind of funny.”

  “Your husband being in pain is funny?”

  “Yes. What was it, whiskey, bourbon?”

  “Whiskey. I don’t even think it was expensive. I think it was the cheap shit.”

  “Well that cheap shit makes you look awful.” She placed a coffee and some toast in front of him. “I know you think you’re going to be sick, but you always feel better after a slice or two.”

  “What would I do without you?”

  “Starve and feel sorry for yourself. I texted Gunner last night in case you were too busy reading my book to notice.”

  “What did he say?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t check.”

  “Did you look at anything else?”

  “No, why?” She stared at him with a frown. “Did you not want me checking your phone?”

  “No, no, it’s fine. Ignore me. I’m just trying to make sure I’ve not thought of a present to get you or something. I don’t want to spoil any of my surprises.”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t check, and you don’t have to get me anything.” She took a bite out of her toast, watching him.


  “This thing going on between you, Gunner, and me, what does it all mean?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Well, we were together with you watching. Then I was with him, and then I was with you. I just … if I’m alone with him, are there any rules? I have no idea what to do.”

  “The rule is if you both want to, then do it.”

  “That feels a lot like cheating.”

  “I disagree. I’d want to know every single detail.”

  “You don’t want to share me, but with Gunner it’s okay.”

  “I trust him with you. He’s my best friend.” He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “I have no jealousy when it comes to him. Of course, I’d love to be there to watch. You know I love to watch.”

  “I know. You’re kinky.” She winked at him, and he smiled. This was what she’d been missing. Their time together where everything seemed to be normal. The way he looked at her, touched her. “Do you get off on thinking about Gunner touching me?”

  “Yes. It makes me horny to know he wants you so much.” He cupped her cheeks. “How are you feeling?”

  His hand moved toward her stomach. With the counter between them it made it rather awkward.

  She’d suffered with bad periods a lot in her life. Sometimes she’d had to call in work to take time off because they were so bad.

  “It’s fine at the moment. Manageable.”

  “I’m sorry I left you last night.”

  “You really should stop apologizing. It’s fine. I’m fine.” She kissed him again. “Stop stressing. You’ve still got work today, and so do I. I’m going to go and get ready.”

  “I meant what I said, baby,” John said, making her stop at the doorway.


  “You want it with Gunner, I want to know about it. Every single little detail. I want you to enjoy it as well, and to know that there’s no way you’re divorcing me.”

  “You’re way too kinky.” She blew him a kiss and made her way upstairs.

  He wanted her to be with Gunner and that was fine, but what about what he wanted?

  Chapter Seven

  Bennie returned to school, and all charges were dropped. Gunner focused on the traitor within the club, the one that wanted to take his role away from him. There was no time to spend with John or Scarlett, as that took his primary focus as well as his ex-wife constantly showing up demanding money.

  “I’m used to a lifestyle. You need to pay me, Gunner. I mean it. I’m not leaving here without it.”

  Billy and Ford were there, watching the scene, as she stood at his desk looking like death warmed over. She’d lost even more weight in the past few weeks, and that was saying something seeing as she was already deathly thin to begin with.

  “I’m not paying you another dime, Cherry. The only reason you got that other money was for the boys.”

  “Then I want them back.”

  “You were never there for them. You were a fucking shit wife and terrible mother. They’re mine now. They’re staying with me.”

  “You think that married whore is better than me, is that it? You think they’ve got something better with her.”

  He glared at her, wanting nothing more than to shoot her and bury her.

  She was still his two boys’ mother, and that made him hold back.

  Sitting back, he stared at his ex-wife. She’d always been jealous of Scarlett, and he knew it was for a good reason as well. His feelings for Scarlett were always strong, and they were never going away.

  “Billy, Ford, leave,” he said.

  He waited for them to go. The door closed behind them, and he stared at Cherry.

  “Come on, Gunner. I know you like it a little rough. You always liked it when we fought.”

  “You’re fucking insane. I don’t want your used-up pussy.”

  Cherry smirked. “You know … a little birdie told me that Scarlett can’t have kids, or should I say, John.”

  This made him tense up. He looked at his ex, and waited for whatever it was she wanted to say.

  “It’s strange, but aren’t you visiting them a lot more now than when you used to.” She tilted her head to the side. He knew she was having fun, but
he let her. “I wonder if you’re going to be the one to knock her up. I can see it now, John takes claim of the baby you put inside her.”

  “How do you know their medical issues?” he asked.

  “People talk, Gunner. I happen to know a couple of women who like to get close to the club, and, being as I was a former old lady to the Prez, they were more than happy to give me the information that I needed.”

  “They broke the law.”

  “So. Give me what I want and I won’t tell a soul that you’re working to putting your baby into your best friend’s wife.” She chuckled. “It must hurt John something bad knowing that he can’t give her what you so easily can.”

  “You think I give a shit about you knowing about this?” he asked.

  “No. But I think Scarlett and John would.”

  He gritted his teeth. He couldn’t kill her, not yet at least, but the threat she posed was there and he didn’t like dealing with threats.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “The same as you’ve been paying for the boys plus a thousand. I want this to keep going for a long time. I’m going to need to remember to keep quiet.”

  He opened his wallet, pulling out the notes she needed.

  “Until next month.” She blew a kiss, and he watched her disappear.

  He leaned back in his chair, his anger bubbling beneath the surface. First, he’d deal with his wife, and then he’d deal with the woman that couldn’t keep personal information to herself. Either way, Cherry had started something that he was going to make sure he ended.

  Picking up his cell phone, he dialed John’s number.

  “I hate you still. You shouldn’t have let me drink,” John said.

  “I want to know who your doctor is and the nurse that saw you and Scarlett.”


  Gunner let him know what had just happened. John didn’t sound happy at all. “I know who it was. She asked about the club. I think she’s even been around the club.”

  He made a note of the woman in question.

  “What are you going to do?” John asked.


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