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The Biker's Baby

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m touching her pussy.”

  “That you already came inside?”

  Scarlett was too far gone to realize the question.


  “Good. Stroke her, get her all wet. She loves it when you fuck her with your fingers. Make her take it. She doesn’t mind a little rough, just so long as you make it real good.”

  Gunner fucked her with his fingers, driving inside her at the same time as he teased her clit, feeling the answering arousal in her cunt as he did.

  Gunner learned her body as she spoke to John. Everything that made her tick. Each little moan or gasp as he teased her. Every now and again, he’d take over talking to John, especially as he had her crying out from the pleasure, her responses driving his own arousal higher.

  “Fuck her, Gunner. Drive your cock so deep inside her.”

  He grabbed his dick, pressing it at the entrance of her cunt. Slowly, achingly slowly, he thrust inside her. Each pulse, each quiver he felt it inside her.

  John’s moans came over the line, letting them both know that he was finding his own kind of pleasure at the same time.

  It turned Gunner on, drove him harder inside Scarlett to think of his best friend playing with himself.

  Over and over, he pounded inside her, giving Scarlett every single inch of him at the same time wanting John there, to watch him, to touch him.

  Giving Scarlett a baby had awakened something inside him that he’d long thought was dead.

  The moment he came, he felt Scarlett shudder with her own release, and they heard John find his.

  “I love you, Scarlett. That was incredible.”

  The call ended, and Gunner held Scarlett in his arms, complete with the sweetest as fuck smile on her face.


  Scarlett opened her, eyes aware of the hard, muscular arm wrapped around her stomach. Last night’s events rushed through her, and she glanced behind her to see Gunner still sleeping. He looked … calm.

  After John ended the call, she’d been so exhausted. She hadn’t tried to go back to her own bed, and instead, stayed snuggled up against Gunner. Rolling over, she looked at him. At her movements, he opened his eyes.


  “You’re a light sleeper?”

  “Had to be. Always have to keep one eye open.”

  “That doesn’t sound very nice.”

  “I don’t live in a nice world.”

  She ran her hand up his arm, taking in all of his ink, and just the sheer force of the man. He reminded her of John. They’d served together and been brothers in arms.

  Thinking back to the past few weeks when she’d talked to both John and Gunner, she wondered if they even realized that they wanted each other. Was it their secret with each other? She didn’t know.

  She knew for certain that neither of them had acted on it, and she didn’t know if that made her sad or not.

  She wanted them to both have what they both needed and craved. What she didn’t want was it to cause them all pain.

  “The wheels are turning in your head.”

  “I’m just thinking.”

  “I’m trying not to be sexist.”

  She giggled. “But…”

  “When a woman thinks, it never works out for the guy.”

  “You pig.” She lightly slapped his side, and he chuckled, capturing her hands, and keeping them locked between them.

  “What do you have to do today?”

  “Not a lot. Today is my day off. I was going to prepare lunch for you and the boys, and then think about getting started on stocking up your fridge and freezer. I don’t like the thought of you guys living on takeout or those rancid ready meals.”

  “You’re going to take care of us?”

  “I’m going to try and take care of you all.”

  “Cherry never cooked.”

  She didn’t like the jolt of pain she felt at the mention of Cherry’s name. The other woman once had it all. Cherry had a husband, the kids, the house, everything, and she’d thrown it all away.

  Scarlett loved John more than anything, but she knew not being able to have kids was changing them. He wouldn’t even let her redecorate the nursery. They weren’t going to be able to use the damn room unless they actually talked about their options, but again, they couldn’t do that because he didn’t want to talk about it.

  “You’ve got that frowny face again. What’s up?” Gunner asked. “Come on, you can talk to me.”

  “I was just thinking about John and the nursery.”

  “What made you think about that?”

  Did he tense up? “Cherry. She had you and the kids, and she threw it all away.”

  “I wasn’t a very good husband.”

  “Not ever?”

  “No. She was just there, you know. I didn’t care about it. Probably because I knew half the club had gone for a turn inside her.”

  She stared at him amazed. “Why marry her then?”

  “Seemed like a good thing to do at the time. She was pregnant with my kid. I did make sure of that as well with both of them.” He shrugged. “It just kind of happened. I hated every second of it, but I got two amazing boys out of it.”

  “They seem really good kids.”

  He chuckled.

  “What?” she asked.

  “They’re good kids because I’ve got them to get their heads down. I’ve seen them. They’re not sweet, innocent teenagers, Scarlett. Don’t let them fool you into thinking that.”

  “They’re wonderful.”

  “I didn’t say they weren’t. They’re great kids. They’re my boys, so I don’t have a problem with them,” he said. He had that smirk on his face. “What is it about the nursery? Let’s not lose track.”

  She sighed. “I want to redecorate it. We don’t have any furniture there. It’s a blank room other than the yellow walls. I went with a neutral color just in case. Pink is for girls, blue for boys, but yellow, that’s different. That says it doesn’t matter. John and I, we’re not talking about what we can do to have a kid. We’re not talking about it at all. It’s like it didn’t exist, and … I don’t want that room to become a bad cloud over our marriage. We can’t have kids, and I’ve accepted that. He doesn’t want to talk about it, so I don’t want to just wait around.”

  Gunner’s hand ran across her stomach. He didn’t linger as he slowly stroked over to caress her hip.

  “He’ll talk about it when he’s ready.”

  “It just seems all weird. We can’t have kids, then he’s inviting you into our bed, not that it’s a big problem or anything. I like when we’re together. I just … something doesn’t feel right at times.”

  Gunner’s hand moved up to cup her face. “Everything is fine. You’ll both get through this.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “It’s John. I remember what he was like that first day he saw you. How happy he was. He told me that he’d found an angel and that he was going to marry her. John’s not going to go anywhere. I promise.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “Then why is it me in the bed with you, Gunner?”

  “Did he ever tell you about us sharing before?” he asked.

  “He told me everything. We don’t have any secrets from each other.”

  “Did he only tell you recently?”

  “No. He mentioned it before.” John would tell her tales about his time with Gunner in the force, about how close they were. When it came to his stories of sharing, she would always get aroused by the visual he’d give. She wanted that, wanted him.

  Gunner’s thumb went back and forth. “It’s just something we’ve done. The women, they meant nothing until you.”

  “Did you leave Cherry because of me?”

  “I left Cherry because she was a waste of space and I couldn’t stand her. You had nothing to do with it. Yes, I wanted you, Scarlett. I’m not going to deny that. I’ll never lie to you.” He pressed his lips to hers. “Please, believe that.”
r />   “I do.” She heard sounds of the boys waking up and looked at Gunner. “I better get ready to take them to school.”

  “Would you like to spend the day with me?”

  “I can?”

  “Yes. I’ll be at the club all day. You can come, see some of the guys, how it works. Would you like that?”

  She smiled. “Yes, I would.” John always told her to never go to the clubhouse unless she was there with him or with Gunner. The men were always sweet and polite to her. She didn’t see a problem, but John had warned her the men were always on their best behavior.

  Gunner kissed her one final time before letting her leave his bed. She made her way into the bathroom, taking a toilet break and other morning rituals.

  Entering her own room this time, she grabbed some jeans and a sweater before heading downstairs.

  The coffee pot was already on, and the boys were crowded around the toaster. She grabbed a pan and quickly made herself some oatmeal.

  No one spoke for the longest time.

  “I’m taking you in to school today,” Gunner said.

  Both boys groaned.

  “I’m not hearing it. I’m taking you and picking you up.”

  There was no argument, and she glanced at Gunner. “Do they behave this way when I have to pick them up?”

  “They’re boys. Everything is always ten times harder to do. Don’t take it personal,” he said.

  She chuckled. “I imagine I completely ruin their street cred.”

  “Nah, I bet you’re one of those milfs.”


  “Mom I’d like to fuck.”

  She pushed him away as he’d wrapped his arms around her. “Not happening. That’s gross.”

  “Didn’t you ever fall for a dad?”

  “A dilf? No, absolutely not.” She wrinkled her nose. “I really don’t need to hear about all this dirty talk.”

  They finished their breakfast, and it wasn’t long before they were in the car heading toward the high school.

  It was so busy. She noticed a group of people glaring at the car. Recognizing Finn Goldman in the center of the group, she squared her shoulders as the boys got out.

  “Stay safe, okay,” she said.

  “Yeah, we will.” Bennie bumped her fist, stepping away and heading into school, his brother by his side. She noticed a couple of the other MC brothers join up with him as they made it the entrance.

  “They’re all told to stay out of trouble,” Gunner said. “It makes life a lot easier if they do as they’re told.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “So, what’s on the agenda for the day?”

  “We’re heading to the clubhouse.”

  She leaned back in the seat watching the town go by. The drive wasn’t a long one, and she noticed several people already milling about. Quite a few scantily-clad women were hanging around, smoking.

  Tucking some of her hair behind her ear, she followed Gunner into the clubhouse. Compared to all the women there, she stuck out like a sore thumb.

  Several of the guys gave her a hug and said hello. She smiled at all of them, and in the corner, she was sure she spotted one man getting a blowjob. He’d pushed a woman’s head into his lap, and was groaning.

  Scarlett wasn’t a prude, but right now, it felt way out of her comfort zone.

  Gunner went straight to his office. She sat down on the sofa, watching as he opened up his office, and went through some items on his desk.

  “Why do I feel I’m here because you don’t trust me being alone at your house?” she asked.

  He glanced up. “I’ve got some things going down. Some people know that I care about you, and I don’t want you to become a target for that shit.”

  “So, I couldn’t stay at your house?”

  “No. You’re safe with me. I promised John I’d take care of you. This is the only way I know how.”

  “You care about me?” she asked, looking at him.

  “You know I do. I care a whole lot.”

  She looked away, not able to handle the intensity of his stare. “Is there anything you need me to do?”

  “No. You can just relax. Take it easy.”

  “That’s boring.”

  She lay down on her back, staring up at the ceiling. It had been a long time since she just lay around doing nothing. It felt odd to be doing it now.

  It wasn’t long before her eyelids started to droop and sleep claimed her.


  The week passed in a blur. By the time he arrived at Gunner’s house on Sunday, John was more than ready to see his wife. The moment he parked, the door was open, and she was out of the house rushing toward him. He noticed her wearing one of Gunner’s shirts with several buttons secured in the middle, along with a pair of her jeans. Her long brown tresses were flying free.

  The moment she was in his arms, he didn’t care. Breathing in her scent, the smell of home, he just wanted her in his arms.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  She chuckled. “Missed you too.”

  He gripped the back of her neck like he’d done many times before, locking his lips with hers. “I want you,” he said. “Are you wet for me?”

  “More than anything.”

  Even though he’d been away, they’d talked all the time on the phone, and he’d been there at nighttime when Gunner had been fucking her. He wondered if his friend had finally done what he needed him to do. Cupping her cheek, he smiled down at her. “I’m not leaving you home again.”

  She ran her hands up his chest. “Did it get lonely?”

  “So lonely.” He pushed some hair off her face, smiling down at her. “I thought about you constantly.”

  “How about you stop letting out all the hot air and let’s take this inside,” Gunner said, calling out to them.

  “Dinner is ready,” she said.

  “It is. I’m starved.”

  She kept hold of his hand, and he passed Gunner, aware of the easy way he watched them. He’d thought often about what Gunner was doing for them, and seeing him now, how relaxed and ready he was, John felt that swirling pit of need begin to build within him. He usually had it under control, but right now, it felt like a fire had started where before it was just embers.

  Gunner gripped his hand, pulling him in close, and slapping him on the back. “It’s good to have you back.”

  He nodded at his friend.

  “I better go and serve up.” Scarlett gave him one final kiss before moving away toward the kitchen. He watched her go, admiring the lush curves of her ass. He’d missed her so much.

  “How is everything?” John asked.

  “Let’s talk in my office.”

  Gunner led the way in the opposite direction. He heard Scarlett talking and figured it was Gunner’s two boys.

  “Did you have a good week?” John asked.

  “Did you get everything you needed to do done?”

  John stared at his friend. “Yeah, I did.” He watched Gunner. “Did you do what I asked you to do?”

  “I fucked your wife every single chance I got. I took her at night, during the day, in my clubhouse. I rode her pussy and filled her cunt with my cum. Is that what you wanted to hear?” Gunner ran a hand down his face.

  “Does she suspect something?” John asked.

  “She talked about the nursery and stuff like that. Asked me questions about the boys, and she just wants to be your wife, John. To be honest, I don’t know if I can go through with this.”

  He stared at his friend. Gunner was a hard man. It had taken a lot of people to bring this motherfucker to his knees, but from the look on his face, something else was eating him up. “What is it?”

  “It’ll be mine,” Gunner said.

  “I know.”

  “That baby will be mine, and she’ll belong to you. I can’t … I care about her,” Gunner said.

  “You love her,” John said.

  His best friend stared at him with a frown. “I tell you that I
care about your wife and you take it to the next level?”

  “I’m being realistic. You love my wife, Gunner, admit it. You love her, and you want her.”

  Gunner stepped away from him, running a hand down his face.

  “She’s too young.”

  “You and I are the same fucking age. Her age doesn’t have anything to do with this. That’s a bullshit reason. You know it, and so do I.”

  “I know if you don’t want to do this anymore. I get it, I do. She could already be pregnant.”

  “What do you think is going to happen after? There’s a shitload of problems we’ve opened up right now.”

  “You’ve taken care of the nurse, and you’re dealing with your wife.”

  “Shit, John. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to be with her, but I didn’t want this.”

  There was a knock at the door, and John gritted his teeth. He counted to ten inside his head. He was arguing with his best friend, but what made this even more complicated was the fact he was aroused. His cock was rock fucking hard.

  He loved Gunner’s aggression, his passion. It always aroused him, and mixed with the thought that he loved Scarlett, it just completed their little circle.

  They were not the everyday, average normal couple. With Gunner this could bring something to his marriage with Scarlett that he didn’t even know was missing.

  “We can make this work,” he said, gripping Gunner’s arm as he passed. The feel of Gunner’s arm beneath his fingers had him tightening his hold.

  His friend pulled away first, going to the door.

  Running fingers through his already messy hair, John spun to see that Bennie was there.

  Dinner was ready.

  His wife sat on one side of the table while he and Gunner sat on either end. Carlos and Bennie took the other side.

  Conversation was light, but he kept catching Scarlett’s gaze. She’d look at him then back at Gunner, then back again.

  Before the meal was over, Gunner let them all know that he had to go to the club for some last-minute business.

  He wasn’t an idiot. The fucker was running, but that was fine.

  “You want us to watch your boys?” Scarlett asked.


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