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The Biker's Baby

Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  “Then I don’t want either of you to hold back,” she said. “When we’re together, I want you both to touch, to explore, to kiss, to fuck each other.”

  He couldn’t not look away from her. “You planned this.”

  She didn’t dispute it, and he turned to look at John.

  “I thought this was weird with the game, the alcohol, and stuff like that, but it was more than that, wasn’t it?”

  Scarlett looked at him. “I knew that both of you would deny the feelings you have for each other. I didn’t want either of you to deny anything. I don’t … I want this.”

  “You want your husband and his best friend to fuck?”


  This time he laughed. “You’re crazy.”

  Scarlett stood, putting her glass on the floor, as she stepped toward him. Gunner watched as she wriggled out of her jeans, then took his hand, placing it between her thighs. Her panties were damp, and as he slid his fingers across her pussy, moving beneath the band of her panties, he found her slick.

  “That’s what seeing the two of you did to me.”

  He slid a finger inside her pussy, finding her even more wet.

  John moved up behind her, cupping her tits, and he watched his friend remove her shirt and cup her tits.

  “You were a very naughty girl,” John said.

  She reached behind her. “And yet you’re hard as rock. I needed to be naughty for you both today.” She rested her head against his shoulder. “You wouldn’t have acted on it, and I wanted to see this. To be with you both.”

  Standing up, Gunner held his slick fingers out to John. “Taste her.”

  John looked at her, then at Gunner.

  “Taste me, John. Taste what you’ve both done to me.”

  Reaching out, he ran his fingers over John’s lips. His friend finally opened his mouth and sucked his digits inside.

  His cock pulsed in arousal, and he watched John. There was no reason to deny it.

  “It doesn’t have to leave this room,” Scarlett said. “All three of us together.”

  Flicking the catch of the bra, Gunner freed her tits, and John held them up.

  Leaning forward, Gunner took one nipple into his mouth, tasting her. He bit down on the hard bud before soothing out the sting with his tongue. She cried out his name.

  Cupping her naked pussy, he slipped a finger between her sweet folds, finding her clit. Round and over, down, and around, he played with her clit while sucking her tit.

  John held her body as he played with her.

  Suddenly, Scarlett pulled away, breaking all contact with her. “Get naked.”

  Her voice was a little shaky and so was her body. She pushed some of her hair out of her eyes, and she stared at them. “Both of you, completely naked.”

  Gunner’s nostrils flared. He wasn’t used to being the one that was ordered around. He liked doing the commanding.

  Removing his clothes, he stood, like John, completely naked, at her mercy.

  “Look at each other,” she said.

  Gunner’s eyes turned to John. His best friend, his secret yearning.

  “Touch each other.”

  It was like her words unlocked that barrier that had been holding them captive for so long.

  Reaching out, Gunner gripped the back of John’s neck, pulling him close to his body. He’d done this so many times with Scarlett. It felt only natural to do this with John. Pressing his nose against John’s neck, he breathed in the scent of his friend, finding his arousal once again.

  For so long he’d kept his distance, hiding what he really wanted, that it seemed strange to be acting on it now.

  With his other hand, he trailed his fingers down John’s back, cupping his ass. So firm, completely different from Scarlett’s soft flesh. Glancing over at her, he saw her smiling at him. She gave him a nod, and he saw something in her eyes—he didn’t know completely what, but it was something that struck him hard. She wanted this, wanted the two of them together.

  She wouldn’t make either of them choose.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Scarlett leaned back, her legs opening and her hand trailing down her body. He couldn’t look away even as he reached out, taking hold of John’s cock. Running his hand up and down his friend’s length, he watched as Scarlett teased her pussy.

  “Look at her,” he said. “She’s wanting to watch us fuck.”

  John’s head turned to look at his wife.

  “You don’t have to hide from me,” she said. “I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. I want you both to want each other.”

  “Slide a finger into your cunt,” John said, his voice firm as he gave her the order. “Add a second finger.”

  Scarlett pushed a second finger deep inside her cunt, and Gunner ran his thumb across John’s tip.

  “I think it’s time you did something as well,” Gunner said. He pressed down on his friend’s shoulder, and John didn’t put up a fight. With his mouth inches from Gunner’s cock, he gripped his flesh, running the tip across his lips. He’d thought about this moment for many years, so often, refusing to give himself the chance to go any further than just a thought or a secret fantasy.

  “You like seeing this, Scarlett? Your husband on the floor, worshiping my cock.”


  John wrapped his fingers around Gunner’s dick, working up and down the length before finally taking the tip into his mouth.

  Gunner groaned the moment John’s lips were on him. They were hard, firm, and he used just a little teeth to make it almost painful.

  The sound of movement had him looking toward Scarlett. She moved from the sofa and came to kneel down beside John.

  “Do you mind me joining in?”

  She was a little fucking minx. He couldn’t believe that she’d gotten them to this point, when neither of them had been able to do that.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he wrapped it around his fist, and guided her close. John came off his cock, and Scarlett took her turn. She bobbed her head onto his shaft, taking him as deep into her mouth as she could before gagging. She pulled off his cock, and with his dick between them, he watched as John and Scarlett both kissed. They did so even with his cock there, stopping them.

  Gripping the back of John’s head, he held them both. Glancing down, he saw that Scarlett was also touching John’s dick. They were all connected, all being pleasured.

  “That feels so fucking good,” he said, watching them both. “Suck her tits,” he ordered John. With Scarlett taking care of his cock, he was able to enjoy watching John play with her tits.

  Her moan vibrated up the length of his shaft, and he felt so fucking needy. So possessed by everything that she could give him. She wasn’t just giving her body to them, she’d brought them both together, and he didn’t want to lose that.

  Seeing and feeling John at his feet, loving his cock, and also touching their woman, he wanted so much more. He didn’t want this to be a one-time thing. The look in John’s eyes told him straight, this wasn’t one time. There were going to be many times.

  Tugging on Scarlett’s hair, she got to her feet, and he took possession of her mouth. John, needing no further instruction, took over sucking his cock.

  “Do you like that?” she asked. “Do you like having his mouth on you?”

  “You know I do. You’re the only person who has ever seen through all our bullshit.” Tilting her head back, he cupped her cheek. “You’re not jealous?”

  “No. You both get to share me, and now I get to watch and share the two of you.” She cupped his face. “You’ve both been wanting each other for a long time. I get it. I know how it feels to want. I can give this to you. To both of you.”

  He saw it in the eyes, the pain of not being able to have children, of wanting them.


  He knew that soon he’d fill her with his child.

  They could be happy with their life together, and he was more than ready to take a chance.
  He’d even give up his patch if that was what was needed.

  “Let’s move this to the bedroom,” he said.

  “I agree.” Scarlett pulled out of his arms, and he watched her ass as she walked away. John stood up, and Gunner caught him, holding him tight. “I had no idea you wanted this.”

  “I didn’t know you wanted it either. I’ve fought it for so long I kind of just figured it would never happen.”

  “Does it bother you that she knows?” Gunner asked. “That she was the one who did this for us?”

  “No. It bothers me that she doesn’t know what we’ve tried to do. I don’t want to tell her. Not yet.”

  “It’ll solve all of our problems.” Gunner didn’t like lying to her.

  “Or it could ruin what we’re about to share. Let us enjoy this, Gunner. If you’re not happy, start using condoms, but the end result is the same. I want her pregnant. I don’t want to keep going home to an empty nursery. I’m a bastard for wanting the things I want, but I’m doing it because I love her. I love her more than anything.” John kissed him hard, almost punishing. “Just like I love you, and I have for a long time.”

  Hearing those words, Gunner kissed him back, needing him unlike anyone else. “I love you too, and your wife.” He’d fallen for Scarlett hard, and he didn’t want to be without either of them.

  “She loves you too. She just doesn’t realize it.”


  John entered the bedroom and found his wife in a position that turned him on. Kneeling on the bed, he took her face between his hands, and kissed her hard. “How long did you know?”

  “I got a few clues when we first started. Then you were drunk and you said some things. I put two and two together and thought it would be best to see,” she said.

  “And you’re okay with it?”

  “John, you’ve been sharing me with your best friend. How can I not be okay with it?”

  “There’s no other woman in my life. No one else I’d ever want. I love you more than anything in the world.”

  She silenced him with a kiss. Gunner had yet to arrive, but that was fine. John knew he would.

  “You don’t have to worry about anything. This is … different, but we always promised each other when our needs changed or if we wanted something more, we’d get it. I want you to be with Gunner. I want to watch and see the two of you together. I don’t want you to be afraid. I’m going to be here. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.” She placed her hand over his heart. There were only two people he loved in this world, and one of them was right in front of him.

  In the back of his mind he knew he should tell her about his agreement with Gunner. She wanted kids so badly, and he couldn’t give them to her. Would she be hurt? He didn’t know. There was a chance of it, and right now, when he was about to get everything he ever dreamed of, he didn’t want to risk losing it.

  He was a selfish bastard, and he knew he’d regret this, but he didn’t see any other way.

  Gunner entered the room, and John turned to look at his friend. His cock stood hard and proud, the tip glistening with pre-cum. His mouth watered, recalling the taste of him. He wanted him again, and again.

  “This is my bedroom,” Gunner said. “This is my domain, and what I say, you do.”

  “Yes,” Scarlett said.

  John nodded, and then voiced his response.

  “Good. John, spread her legs and lick her pussy. I want you to get it nice and wet for me.”

  John eased Scarlett to the bed. Moving between her thighs, he opened her lips, sliding his tongue across her clit, then down to her pussy. Drawing it back up, he circled her clit. Gunner moved across the room and out of the corner of his eye, he watched his friend go to a drawer. He pulled out a tube of lubricant and came back to the bed. He also held a couple of condoms, placing them on the bed. John didn’t let up licking Scarlett even as Gunner moved between her thighs. He didn’t put a condom on either. With his face so close, John watched as Gunner filled his wife, making her take every single inch of his cock.

  Running his tongue down her slit, he licked Gunner’s cock as he entered her. Everything came naturally to him, how to touch, to lick, to draw more of an arousal out of Gunner. They’d been sharing women for years, and he didn’t see anything wrong with using his skills and knowledge of their time together to his advantage.

  Gunner pulled out of her pussy, and John was there, licking his cock, sucking it, working the length, moaning as he filled his throat with both of their tastes. He pulled out, and Gunner fucked Scarlett. John used either his fingers or tongue to get him off.

  “Fuck, you feel so good,” Gunner said. “I can’t wait anymore.”

  He pulled out of Scarlett, leaving her whimpering.

  “John, I want you to fuck your wife, to take her hard, and make her beg for it.”

  Grabbing his cock, John stood between her legs. Finding her entrance, he slid in deep. He moaned at the feel of her tight cunt wrapped around him. He didn’t want to move as her pussy pulsed around him, each little ripple turning him on even more.

  Gunner took one of the condoms, tearing into it.

  Part of him wanted to change places to have Gunner fucking Scarlett so that they had a higher chance of getting her pregnant, but he didn’t want to ruin this moment.

  So much he wanted to do and say and he couldn’t. This was all because of his own actions. Gritting his teeth, he slammed to the hilt inside her, watching her tits bounce. Damn, he loved this woman. He’d loved her from the first moment he’d seen her.

  He’d craved her more than anything else.

  Gunner touched his back, and he stopped. Fingers stroked across the puckered hole of his ass, and he closed his eyes.

  “Is he touching you?” she asked.


  “It feels a little weird, doesn’t it? Like you want him to stop but then continue.”

  He saw the wicked smile in her eyes, and knew she was having fun with this. When they first tried anal sex, she’d been nervous, and he’d told her everything would feel fine. “You’re getting your own back?”

  “Just a little.”

  He slammed inside her, and she groaned.

  John stopped as the tip of Gunner’s cock pressed against his ass. He’d never done this before, and even as he was unsure, he needed it.

  So many different feelings were rushing through him, and not all of them entirely certain. He wanted it so much.

  Slowly, Gunner pushed against his ass, and he gritted his teeth.

  Scarlett moved up, taking hold of his ass and spreading the cheeks. She kissed his chest. “Don’t forget to push out and to relax, baby. It’s supposed to fit, and you’ll love it. Those first inches are always the worst.”

  “Using my own words against me is not cool.”

  She chuckled. “But it’s a lot of fun.”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pulled her head back, taking possession of her lips. He groaned as Gunner worked his cock inside him, and they both gasped as they were suddenly all together.

  Scarlett would be able to feel it as Gunner’s body touched her fingers. He felt them around him.

  Fuck, it was the best feeling in the world, and he didn’t want it to end. He didn’t know it could be like this.

  Closing his eyes, he felt everything. Scarlett’s cunt on his dick, Gunner’s cock pulsing in his ass. Everything was on fire, but it was the good kind of fire. The kind that he didn’t want to put out.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” Gunner said, his hands going to John’s hips.

  Pulling out of Scarlett’s pussy, John drove inside again. He held still as Gunner started to work his ass, going in and out, testing him, driving him wild as his cock seemed to stroke a part of him that made him ache.

  “Touch yourself,” Gunner said. “I want him to feel your tight cunt wrapped around his dick as you come. You’re always so tight and feel so fucking good.”

  Scarlett touched her pussy,
and John felt as her cunt started to clench around him. His own release wasn’t far, and he wanted to come so badly. To fill her pussy with his cum, to make her pregnant. Together he and Gunner could do anything and had done everything and now he wanted her.

  “You want to come,” Gunner asked, thrusting in deep.


  “You get to wait until our lady comes. She looks so pretty when she does.”

  “Please,” she said.

  Her body was getting tighter as he fucked her. She came hard, her cunt so incredibly tight as he filled her. Her pussy milked him, but he held back. Gunner was the one in charge. He made the rules, not him.

  Gunner held perfectly still within him. They both watched Scarlett as she came.

  “Now you can come,” Gunner said.

  Together he and Gunner fucked, John driving his cock into her pussy while Gunner owned his ass.

  Both of them were together, fucking harder than ever before, and he took it. He took everything his friend had to give him and relishing the bite of pain as it came.

  When his release came, he did so with a shout, slamming inside her, filling her with his cum as he felt Gunner do the same. Each pulse was like a brand within him, telling him who owned his body.

  Gunner owned him.

  Scarlett owned him.

  Just like he owned them.

  Collapsing over her, he rested his head on her breasts, exhausted, sated, and just fucking happy.

  Scarlett stroked her fingers through his hair just the way he loved.

  Afterward, Gunner pulled out of him and left to go and run a bath. He heard the sounds coming from the bathroom, and Gunner had a pretty big bathtub that would easily fit all three of them inside.

  Pushing some of his wife’s brown hair out of the way, he stared down at her, seeing her smile.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Are you?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m on cloud nine right now.”

  “That’s good to know. I was so worried that you’d hate me,” she said.

  “What for?”

  “For manipulating you both. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew you needed each other, and if there was anything I could do to bring you both together I wanted to. I didn’t want either of you to go without.” She was still stroking his hair.


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