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Page 6

by Kimberly Van Meter

  Teagan made a show of glancing around. “I don’t know, this rig seems pretty fancy. It’s even got a slide.”

  She giggled again. “You’re adorable. What are you doing for the rest of the day?”

  “I was thinking of trying out that slide. Want to come?”

  “I’d go anywhere with you, handsome, however,” she added coyly, “I can think of other ways to get wet that are far more fun.”

  “I can only imagine,” he said with a smile. “But I’ve got my eye on that slide right now.”

  “In that case, I’ll pass on the slide but I hope you’ll take a rain check on my offer.”

  Teagan watched Erin leave the breakfast deck and he questioned his sanity.

  Erin wasn’t hard on the eyes—hell, those breasts were practically a crime—but he wasn’t interested in a quick wick dip.

  But now that he had a clearer picture of what Harper was up to, he was quickly warming to the idea of messing with her game.

  So, the reason Harper was cozying up to the old man was money.

  No two ways to pretty that up.

  Harper was a gold digger.

  Thoughts already buzzing elsewhere, he headed for his room.

  Vanessa, the hot cougar who’d left on uncertain terms the other night, was exiting her room. Uncertainty slowed his step—she had looked ready to cry last night when she bailed—and he wasn’t sure if they were still on good terms.

  But surprisingly, Vanessa had nothing but smiles for him. “Don’t you look fresh as a daisy today,” she said, appreciating his body as openly as before. “You are a tall drink of water and I’m so incredibly thirsty.”

  He uttered a nervous laugh and asked, “Are we okay? I feel really bad about how things ended between us. I never meant to bring up bad memories for you.”

  “Oh, honey, it wasn’t you. I’ve got my own demons to slay. Sorry you got caught in the cross fire. Look, I know I’m not your type, so no hard feelings, but I do enjoy looking.”

  Relieved he hadn’t ruined a potential friendship, he assured her, “You can look all you want.” Then had the bright idea of inviting her along. “Hey, I was just about to check out that slide. Want to come?”

  “That sounds like more fun than what I had planned, which was to peruse the ship stores to buy more things I don’t need,” she answered with self-deprecating humor. “Let me get my suit. Give me five minutes?”

  “You got it,” he said, grinning before disappearing to change, as well.

  For the right person, Vanessa was going to be a catch. Teagan would have to keep an eye out for someone who might snag her eye.

  It was the least he could do.


  MAYBE HE WAS getting too old for these excursions, but his heart just wasn’t into this cruise. Stuart enjoyed the energy of people, loved how he always seemed to meet someone interesting, but he was beginning to think that finding another love like his Rachel was unlikely.

  Perhaps he was being greedy.

  One great love in a lifetime was more than some received.

  Lately, he’d become far more reflective than usual. He needed to shake things up—breathe life into the empty shell he was quickly becoming—because he was well aware that the sand in his hourglass was quickly slipping through that tiny hole.

  Not that he was trying to be maudlin or anything, but the realization that you weren’t immortal was a sobering one.

  He wanted to spend his final years with someone he could laugh with, enjoy more than carnal pleasures with, see the world and soak up the adventures he had left to him with.

  His secretary had secured him a full activity list but as he perused the itinerary, he just wanted to chuck it into the ocean.

  He didn’t want to live by lists any longer.

  Board meetings.

  Suck-up executives.

  Gold-digging women.

  He was tired of it all.

  Was there no one in this world who was simply happy to be alive?

  Stuart took a final look at the paper and purposefully crumpled it. No more itinerary. He was going to go wherever he fancied. Maybe he would just sit in the lounge or the upper deck and people watch.

  But as he walked onto the bright sunlit deck, the delighted squeals of people overhead drew his attention. The slide. A slow smile found his mouth. Damn, he hadn’t enjoyed something so reckless in a long time.

  His doctor would say, “Don’t even think about it,” but the young man who still lived inside his old body was saying, “Hell yes, let’s go!”

  Stuart picked up the pace and felt lighthearted for the first time in a while. This was what his life was missing: good old-fashioned fun.

  If he had a heart attack on the way down, well, hell, he’d enjoyed a good life, and the National Cancer Society was going to rejoice in the big sum of money he’d written to them in his will.

  Life was for the living, right?

  So let’s get to living.

  * * *

  ONE THING WAS for sure—the view was amaze-balls.

  The deep blue sea stretched endlessly as the liner churned through the water at a leisurely pace. The skies matched the blue of the water and the salty breeze was invigorating.

  If nothing else, he’d have to thank J.T. for this view because, yeah, it was pretty awe-inspiring.

  The giant slide curved in loops and long straightaways, encircling the ship before dumping them into a deep pool.

  “You ready for this?” Teagan teased Vanessa as they climbed the stairs to the entrance. “You can still back out.”

  “You can back out if you want. I won’t think any less of you,” Vanessa returned, her eyes sparkling with the adventure. “I’ve always wanted to do this, but my husband wasn’t a fan, so I missed out on all the things I would’ve done.”

  “Such as?”

  “Zip lining in Bali, river rafting down the Colorado, horseback riding in many things,” she answered wistfully before adding with a bright smile, “But not anymore. I’m going to do whatever I want from now on. Want to come with me?”

  He laughed at her persistence. “You’re too much woman for me, Vanessa. I would never be able to keep up and then I’d have to turn in my man card.”

  She laughed. “Oh, honey, I won’t tell if you won’t.”

  He liked the easy banter with the older woman.

  Suddenly, something caught Vanessa’s eye. “Look at that. My friend from the upper deck.” Vanessa gestured and Teagan saw none other than Stuart Buck, the man Harper had her eye on.

  “You know him?” he asked.

  “Oh, no, we just talked a little. He seems like a good guy. Very handsome, too.”

  Yes, indeed.

  A thought began to germinate. Teagan had never professed to be a matchmaker, but he was staring at low-hanging fruit. Vanessa was a hot tamale of a woman and Stuart looked as if he could use a dose of spice in his life. And if Stuart was busy with Vanessa, that would certainly put a wrinkle in Harper’s game, which pleased him more than it should.


  No more so than what Harper was doing chasing the old man.

  And you know, he felt zero guilt.



  Someone had to look out for the guy. And that someone was going to be Teagan.

  “He looks like he could use a friend,” Teagan suggested. “Go ahead and tell him to come up with us.”

  “Are you sure?” Vanessa asked, but she was clearly pleased with his offer.

  “Why not?” Teagan shrugged. “He doesn’t seem to be here with anyone. What’s the harm?”

  Vanessa was definitely open to the idea but she hesitated just the same. “Goodness, I don’t even know his name. He
could be an ax murderer or something.”

  “I have it on good authority, ax murderers were excluded from this particular cruise,” Teagan answered. “I think you’re good.”

  “You don’t think it’s weird for me to just wave him down?”

  “Naw. I can’t imagine anyone who could show him what fun looks like more than you.”

  Vanessa’s eyes sparkled at his flattery. “You are a silver-tongued devil but I love it. You’re right, I’ll just ask him and see what he says. All he can say is no, right?”

  “That’s the spirit.”

  “Stop being so damn adorable,” she told him as she walked away.

  Vanessa returned with Stuart in tow, already making introductions. “This is my friend Teagan. He’s the sweetheart who suggested we grab you and bring you up with us.”

  “Thank you,” Stuart said with a good-natured smile. “Nice to meet you.” Then he turned to Vanessa and said, “You know, it dawned on me that we never actually introduced ourselves last night. I’m Stuart Buck.”

  “Vanessa Vermuelen,” she replied with a mild blush and a covert glance Teagan’s way. “Very nice to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is mine, I assure you.”

  Oh, this is already playing out perfectly.

  Teagan grinned. “Man to man, I ought to warn you, Stuart, Vanessa is addictive. She’s too much fun for one person to handle.”

  Stuart smiled with interest, the expression on his face both charming and intrigued—damn, Stuart has skills—and said, “That’s where experience comes in handy, young man. Experience and wisdom.”

  “I don’t know,” Vanessa played along. “I’m not sure if you’re up to this challenge. I’m in my sexual prime, if you know what I mean, and I have a voracious appetite.”

  Stuart’s laughter reached his eyes. “Duly noted. If my ticker can handle this slide, I think I can handle just about anything. Shall we?” He gestured and Vanessa giggled as she stepped up to the tube.

  “Want to go together?” Vanessa asked, and Stuart didn’t need to be asked twice.

  Except, being the gentleman, he turned to Teagan first. “Do you mind if I steal your girl?”

  “Only if you promise to show her a good time,” Teagan warned playfully. Stuart grinned and maneuvered himself behind Vanessa, gingerly clasping around her waist, hugging the curvy woman to his chest.



  They were down the slick tube of water, squealing like schoolkids. Vanessa’s echoing laughter faded as they disappeared.

  Teagan grinned, feeling pretty good about his intervention. He didn’t know Vanessa at all but there was something about her that he just liked.

  But now that Vanessa was busy with Stuart, he was going to find Harper.

  Maybe he could persuade her to go on a ride down the tube, too.

  The waterslide tube, of course.



  Today had not gone as planned.

  Everything had been played to perfection at first. Stuart had taken the bait and they’d strolled around the shops.

  Idle small talk.

  Subtle flirting.

  Shy smiles.

  Just when Harper had been sure that a dinner invitation was forthcoming, Stuart politely excused himself with a You’re delightful company but I’ll leave you to your shopping and left.

  Had she lost her touch?

  What a horrifying thought.

  No. It couldn’t be that.

  Maybe Stuart had digestive issues.


  Or maybe he...was interested in someone else?


  Harper chewed her bottom lip, deep in worrisome thought. This could not be happening.

  Men fell over themselves for her.

  Especially older men.

  She had alternate targets if Stuart fell through, but they weren’t nearly as palatable as the kindly billionaire.

  There was George Nealon—a short, bald, peacock of a man who liked his arm candy young and stupid, and playing that part would be excruciating.

  There was Josef Levenson—tall, gangly, thick mustache and a stern expression permanently etched on his face. Intellectually, she would have to step up her game but he was worth the added effort.

  Or, there was always Paul Delaque, a French businessman who had flirted with her endlessly when she’d been with someone else in common circles. Paul was easy on the eyes but light in the pocketbook and she’d rather not waste her time on a small fish.

  No, it was too early to admit defeat. She just had to find the right bait.

  Perhaps Stuart needed to remember that he was a hot-blooded man, still able to appreciate a fine woman on his arm.

  Harper found herself in one of the upscale boutiques, considering a white skintight dress when a voice behind her said, “I don’t know, that seems a little desperate.”

  Harper turned to find Teagan lounging against one of the displays, a subtle teasing grin on his rugged face. “Desperate?” she repeated, raising her brow. “Do tell.”

  Teagan pushed off to gently take the dress and replace it on the rack. “Catching a man’s attention isn’t that hard, but if you’re looking to catch the right attention, you have to stop looking so thirsty.”

  Her heartbeat fluttered but she managed a cool smile. “I’m all ears.”

  Teagan selected a pretty sundress and held it up to her, nodding with approval. “Yes. This right here. Paired with cute sandals, hair in a ponytail, no makeup, this says to me, this girl knows how to enjoy life and I want to meet her.”

  Sounded like bliss. She couldn’t remember the last time she didn’t have to spend two hours getting ready.

  Makeup contouring, facials to keep her skin fresh, Botox for those tiny, faint lines beginning to crease her brow, waxing and massage to keep her skin supple and soft.

  In a word: exhausting.

  But rich men didn’t want the girl next door.

  They wanted the walking waxed vagina with the bleached asshole, someone who dressed up their arm and made their lives seem so enviable.

  They wanted a sex kitten, and sometimes they wanted everyone to know that they had ownership over the woman most men would give their left nut to touch.

  Harper cast Teagan a patronizing look and returned to the original dress. She didn’t know why she was playing with fire but it felt sinfully good to dabble. “You can’t tell much from the rack. It’s always good to try it on before making judgments.”

  “If you insist, but I think my opinion will stand.”

  “We’ll see.” With a saucy smile, she disappeared into the changing room and shimmied into the tight dress.

  It was club wear—meant to draw attention to a woman’s most obvious assets—tits and ass.

  And damn, it was almost obscene.

  She knew right away, a dress like this wouldn’t appeal to Stuart, but she wanted to see Teagan’s reaction when she emerged.

  We’ll see who seems desperate.

  Fluffing her hair, Harper emerged from the dressing room and modeled the dress for Teagan.

  His expression was worth framing.

  He didn’t try to hide his amazement. If his jaw could’ve dropped farther, it would’ve landed on the floor.

  Teagan’s gaze clouded with desire and Harper knew she had him by the short hairs.

  This was more fun than she’d anticipated.

  Harper did a small turn, stopping with a coy smile thrown over her shoulder and she thought the poor man might swallow his tongue. “Still seem desperate?” she teased.

  As if remembering his original statement, Teagan swallowed and shrugged, finally finding his voice. �
��Well, it’s beautiful for sure. I mean, you know you’re hot. But I think sexy is also leaving something to the imagination.”

  “Are you saying I’m not sexy?”

  “You know that’s not what I meant. But shouldn’t you make a man work for what he wants? If you put everything out there, what is there to chase after?”

  Harper didn’t have the luxury of being the coy, demure, hard-to-get woman.

  She was her mother’s sole support and her savings would not fund both her lifestyle and her mother’s care.

  But, Harper couldn’t lie—she was enjoying Teagan’s banter, even if she was dipping her toe in choppy waters.

  “Let’s put your theory to the test. You pick out the dress and I will see which one looks better.”

  Teagan smiled and immediately returned to the sundress, handing it to her. “Deal.”

  Harper smiled and took the dress into the dressing room. Getting out of the other dress was a challenge as it had molded to her skin, and once it was off, she breathed a private sigh of relief. She wouldn’t admit it, but the sundress looked far more comfortable.

  But Harper was proving a point. Not looking for comfort.

  She exited the dressing room and modeled the sundress.

  If Teagan had thought the slinky dress was sexy, he nearly lost his composure when she stepped out in the sundress.

  Harper thrilled at the unspoken compliment. Cocking one brow, she asked, “Well? What’s the verdict?”

  “If I saw you from across a crowded room, wearing that dress, looking like you do right now, nothing would stand in my way from getting to know you.”

  The honesty in his answer stole her ability to breathe for a moment. Teagan wasn’t playing a game. Unlike her, he was shooting straight from the hip.

  Damn, she liked that about him.

  She liked a lot of things about him.

  Which was why, if she were smart, she’d return the dress, thank him for his opinion and leave him behind.

  But Harper didn’t want to do that.

  She wanted to get to know Teagan better. What made those dimples pop out? Was he ticklish? What pissed him off? All those small, intimate details that were reserved for those who knew someone best... Harper wanted access.


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