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Page 18

by Kimberly Van Meter

  “No, seriously, I don’t mean it in a disrespectful way. I mean it as sometimes women, as the smarter sex, get lost in the details, too tripped up on the whys and hows instead of following their gut and just going for it. Does Hope look like the kind of woman who would give me a chance? Hell no. But we work. She’s the yin to my yang.”

  “I get it,” Teagan said, rolling his eyes. “You’re very happy together as complete opposites. Get to the real point.”

  “The real point is, sometimes you have to smash through all the distractions and just fill their scope with nothing but reasons why you work. Only then will they realize that the trees were in the way the whole time so they couldn’t see the ocean.”

  “You make absolutely no sense.”

  J.T. gestured impatiently. “You know what I mean...that saying...”

  “Can’t see the forest for the trees?” Teagan offered, wishing J.T. had spent a little more time with his education and a little less time messing around. “Yeah, I see what you’re saying. Maybe. But Harper’s unlike any woman I’ve ever met.”

  “That’s what makes her special. Hope was so far outside of my wheelhouse. Smart, sexy, funny, a friggin’ scientist, you know? But man, that redhead got me by the short hairs and I couldn’t imagine life without her. Is that how you feel about this Harper?”

  His little brother was giving him love advice.

  The irony was astounding.

  But Teagan had to admit, the kid made some sense.

  How did he truly feel about Harper?

  He missed the scent of her hair on the pillow, the feel of her against his body, the way she never passed up an opportunity to keep him on his toes...

  And that ache in the center of his chest seemed to grow with each passing day.

  Yeah, maybe he couldn’t imagine his life without her.

  But the problem remained...this wasn’t a one-way street.

  Harper had to be willing to travel the same road and she plainly wasn’t.

  Teagan smiled, grateful for his brother’s support, but he had to let Harper go. “I appreciate all you’ve said. I’ll give it some thought,” he said, knowing if he didn’t throw his brother a bone, he would worry at it forever. “But for now I gotta do what’s right for me and that’s calling Stuart to accept his offer.”

  J.T. jerked a nod of understanding before tipping his beer. “She must’ve been something else to turn your head like this. I hope you guys get things figured out.”

  Teagan rose and deposited his empty beer bottle in the recycle, murmuring, “Yeah, she was,” before heading out to the hangar to check out the new plane.

  * * *

  HARPER SMILED AT Vincent across from the elegant table, the ambient sounds of the upscale restaurant irritating her. The place was so pretentious. She minced her tiny salmon filet with dainty strokes, taking a demure bite as Vincent rambled on about—what the hell was he talking about?—and pretended to care.

  She looked flawless from her fingertips to her toes. Not a hair out of place.

  But she’d rather be anywhere but in that restaurant.

  The permanent smile on her face was likely to freeze that way, but things were progressing nicely with Vincent and she didn’t want to jeopardize all the progress she’d made.

  So far she’d been able to sidestep any sexual intimacy with him, but she knew that grace period was coming to a close. Vincent was going to expect something for his troubles at this point.

  Tonight was as good a time as any, she supposed.

  But the thought left her cold.

  If her vagina could’ve clamped shut and locked tight with a padlock, it would’ve.

  Vincent had already taken it upon himself to show her his manhood, wagging it around like it was a prize. Thankfully, he’d been too drunk to do anything after his show-and-tell, passing out, naked and snoring on the sofa. Counting her lucky stars, she’d been happy to ditch him without raising suspicion.

  However, she could only stall for so long.

  She would have to let the “Italian Stallion” have his night.

  As if that wasn’t enough of a distraction, Harper had visited her mother earlier that morning.

  Anna was deteriorating fast. There was really nothing that could be done. The doctors had assured her that her mom was not suffering, that she wasn’t in pain.

  But it killed Harper to know that it didn’t matter how expensive the care or how fine the facility, Anna was never going to get better.

  Her mother had lived a sad, desperate life, hoping to find someone who loved her and had been used and abused by every single man she’d brought home.

  Why did some women rise and some women fall when life tried to kick them down?

  Maybe if Anna had been more like Vanessa...

  Dangerous thinking, she reminded herself. It is what it is.

  She pressed the luxurious linen to the corners of her mouth and pretended to be full, even though that sliver of filet hadn’t been big enough to satisfy a child.

  Vincent, on the other hand, was already looking at dessert and leering at her as he said, “I could order something to go and lick it off your beautiful body.”

  Yes, I’ll take the bladder infection to go, thank you.

  The words burned on her tongue but she choked them back, answering with a sweet smile, “Darling, you spoil me.”

  Vincent beamed, pleased. He gestured to the server. “Bring me your finest chocolate mousse to go.”

  Then he returned to Harper with a spark in his eye. “I’ve been waiting for this night. I’m going to make love to you like no one ever has before.”

  Not likely.

  Harper pretended to blush but remained silent. She didn’t trust herself not to say something acidic or at the very least sarcastic.

  The little pickle in Vincent’s pants wasn’t much to work with but she’d succeeded with worse. Besides, it wasn’t her pleasure she was after. As long as Vincent saw stars and would do anything to keep her happy, her vibrator would keep her satisfied.

  Along with memories of Teagan.

  This time the blush was real. Not a night had gone by that she hadn’t pleasured herself to the desperate memory of Teagan’s body on hers, the feeling of his cock filling and stretching her, that exquisite pain-pleasure of being impaled on a man like Teagan...oh, was enough to go from stone-cold to raging inferno in moments.

  Vincent mistook her reaction and chuckled. “My little sex kitten is impatient,” he said, further pleased. “I like your neediness for my cock.”


  Could she pull this off?

  She was starting to feel queasy.

  Just ride it through, no big deal. Think of the prize.

  But Teagan was in her head.

  She missed his smile.

  She missed the way he had a particular way of looking at her when he wanted to throw her to the bed and have his way with her.

  Hell, she missed the way he called her out on her own bullshit.

  Good grief, Vincent was still talking.

  “I dream about you, kitten. Deep, wet, hot dreams where I devour your lithesome body inch by inch.”

  Vincent was trying his hardest to be sexy. And maybe if she weren’t in such a bad state of mind, she might’ve bought it, but as it was she just wanted to scrub her face, throw her hair in a bun and watch Netflix with a bowl of popcorn.

  No, a damn loaded hamburger dripping with cheese, because her stomach was caving in from that tiny morsel passing itself off as a main entrée.

  Instead of responding, she faked a tiny shiver, which seemed to be enough for Vincent.

  He called for the check, which arrived along with a pretty box filled with their mousse to go, and Vincent rose to take her hand in
his. “Come, kitten. Tonight I will make your dreams come true.”



  God, open a hole beneath my feet and swallow me whole.

  But seeing as God wasn’t answering fervent prayers at the moment, she had no choice but to allow Vincent to whisk her away to his palatial—and gaudy—mansion for a night she’d rather forget.

  The ride was short and soon they were in the house. She’d been here before many times. Vincent enjoyed showing off his wealth. She’d been appropriately wowed, if not privately turned off by all the ridiculous opulence, and after playing to his ego enough, Vincent had rewarded her with a diamond tennis bracelet, which she was wearing tonight.

  “I’d love a glass of wine,” she said abruptly with a bright smile when he started to lead her upstairs to the bedroom. “Something red, perhaps?”

  “Of course, kitten. You have nerves,” Vincent allowed with an indulgent smile. “I shall be gentle our first time but you shall have your wine if you wish it. Await me in the sitting room.”

  “Thank you,” she said gratefully, letting out a breath as he disappeared, humming as he went in a deep baritone. She fished in her purse and pulled out a single Benadryl. It wouldn’t kill him but it would hopefully knock him out.

  Vincent reappeared with two glasses and she accepted hers with a sweet smile. He closed his eyes for a healthy sip and she stealthily opened the capsule to pour into her wineglass.

  Then, she swirled the wine with her finger, mixing it up before he reopened his eyes. She approached him with a sultry smile, dragging her wet finger along the rim of her glass. His eyes glazed immediately as she darted her tongue out to lick her lips.

  Harper crowded his personal space so that he could feel the softness of her breasts against his chest.

  “You know what I want?” she asked in a husky whisper in his ear. He gulped and she said, “I want to taste where your lips have been...”

  Then she took his glass and made a big deal out of sipping where his mouth had been. She ran her tongue along the rim as she had her finger, enjoying how easily the older man became a puppy dog in her hands.

  “You are sex incarnate,” he breathed and she laughed lightly, teasing him more.

  “Let me help you,” she said, lifting her own glass to his lips. “Drink, Vincent. Open your mouth and take it all in. I want to watch you swallow every drop.”

  She brought his original glass to her own lips and allowed a tiny sip to slide down her throat.

  “Anything you say,” he gasped, greedily gulping the wine so he could put his hands on her.

  Vincent finished the wine and eagerly reached for Harper but she danced out of his reach. “Not so fast... I want you to work for it.”

  Her coy request was just dominant enough to throw Vincent off guard, but still kittenish enough that he was willing to do whatever she asked.

  It was a delicate balance—one she’d mastered.

  “What do you desire?” Vincent asked, licking his lips, desperate, training his gaze on her chest. She could practically feel the lust shaking his body. “Anything, bella!”

  Gritting her teeth, she allowed her dress to fall to the floor in a slinky puddle, revealing her matching pink-and-black bra and panty set. She made sure to give him an eyeful before turning and saying, “I need a massage.”

  “I’ll call my masseuse right now,” he said feverishly but she stopped him with a petulant look.

  “I want your hands on my body, Vincent, not a stranger’s.”

  His face flushed with pleasure. “Yes, yes,” he said as she reclined on the plush leather chaise like a goddess ready to be fed grapes.

  She gestured to her prettily painted toes. “Start here,” she instructed.

  Hopefully, by the time he reached her thighs, he’d be out.

  His beefy hands were neither gentle nor intuitive, which told her he’d likely be a bumbling boar in bed, but that wasn’t happening tonight.

  Next time, she’d come prepared with a Xanax so she could get through sex without drugging him to get out of it.

  She pretended to moan with pleasure as he ground on her feet, privately wincing as he tried to rub a hole in the sole of her foot until she gestured for him to move to her legs.

  His gaze widened as he slid his hands up her legs, trying to creep up her thighs to her lady parts but she shook her finger at him with a playful “no, no, naughty boy” and he returned to her legs with a chastised expression.

  At least he wasn’t digging into her legs as he had her feet. It was almost pleasant but her thoughts were filled with too much regret to enjoy even the smallest pleasure.

  Had she run from Teagan because she was afraid of being hurt or had she run because she was afraid of being used?

  Either explanation worked.

  But she knew in her heart that Teagan would never hurt her.

  Or did she?

  Surely her mom had felt that way about Rex, too.

  Love messed with the brain.

  There was no way she could be trusted to know the right path with all those love hormones playing ping-pong with her mind.

  Vincent edged closer to her inner thigh and she forced a giggle. When was that damn Benadryl going to kick in?

  Not soon enough.

  But just as she thought she was going to have to let him play with her breasts or something, his eyelids started to drag.

  “Vincent...are you okay?” she asked with pretend concern. “Are you feeling all right? You look very pale.”

  “I am suddenly very tired,” he answered, rocking back on his heels and rubbing his forehead. Distress colored his voice as he said, “I will power through for you, my love. I will not disappoint you again.”

  “You could never disappoint me,” she said, smoothing his cheeks with her hands.

  He launched at her face, smothering her with a kiss that made her want to vomit.

  His tongue darted into her mouth like a heat-seeking missile and she could do nothing but try to accommodate his sloppy attempts.

  But he pulled away with a groan, rubbing his eyes. “I am suddenly exhausted.”

  “Darling, you need to rest, then,” she said, jumping off the chaise to help him stand. “Your health is more important to me than my own pleasure. Please...let me help you to bed.”

  “Yes, my kitten. That is best,” he said, weary. “I promise...tomorrow I will make it up to you. I will make love to you until you cannot walk.”

  Not with that tiny pickle, she wanted to quip but just smiled.

  “I will make you climax many times,” Vincent continued as they walked upstairs to his bedroom. “I will make you scream my name.”

  “Of course you will. I look forward to it,” she lied, helping him into his bed. He patted the place beside him but she shook her head regretfully. “I would never dream of disturbing your rest. You need uninterrupted sleep and I can’t guarantee that I will be able to keep my hands to myself.”

  He chuckled weakly as if that were a completely plausible reason and nodded. “My driver will take you home, my kitten. You are a good girl. I will deck you out in sapphires and rubies for your sweetness.”

  Ordinarily, that promise would’ve thrilled her to pieces but she felt nothing.

  She didn’t want jewels anymore.

  She didn’t want anything Vincent could offer.

  She wanted Teagan.

  But after everything, she was probably the last person Teagan ever wanted to see again.


  TEAGAN MET STUART at his office in downtown Los Angeles and quietly marveled at how the building matched Stuart’s down-to-earth style.

  In his limited experience, those with money tended to go for a modern industrial look but Stuart’s office was almost
cozy, and he said almost because nothing as big as his building could actually qualify as anything close to cozy.

  But it was comfortable.

  Stuart broke into a big smile as Teagan walked in and he immediately rose to greet him as if they were old friends, instead of potential employer and employee.

  “How are you?” Stuart asked, gesturing for Teagan to take a seat opposite him on the sofa set instead of across the desk. “It’s been weeks since the cruise. I was very happy to receive your call. I was a little afraid my offer wasn’t quite exciting enough for someone like you.”

  “Exciting enough?” Teagan repeated with a quizzical smile, prompting Stuart to explain.

  “Well, with your history in the military and then that daring rescue from Mexican nationals to save your brother, I figured you might need something a little more thrilling than squiring my old behind around.”

  “Nothing could be further from the truth,” he admitted. “I’m ready for stability. I’m ready to build something that I can retire with. My military pension isn’t bad but I’d like to have a little more breathing room.”

  “Of course, of course,” Stuart agreed. “So, I already know your qualifications and I like you a helluva lot so all that remains is to ask, are you interested?”

  Teagan didn’t know how to delicately ask what the salary would be but Stuart had already thought of everything. He pulled a folded piece of paper from his interior jacket and slid it over to Teagan.

  “What’s this?”

  “Your starting salary.”

  Teagan stared at the number.

  So many zeroes.

  His gaze flew to Stuart. “That’s too much,” he managed to say, though his lips suddenly felt numb. “Hell, that’s...that’s just kind of ridiculous money to offer me.”

  “I pride myself on knowing when I see talent. I see it in you. And I’ll be truthful, I have friends in high places, I’ve read more than what most people can see from your military history. You’re an amazing pilot. I would consider it an honor to call you a friend and my personal pilot.”


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