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Page 7

by Delphine Dryden

  Whatever he does…take whatever he does, she told herself. He made it easy.

  The next thing he did was cover her pussy with his mouth, a breathy tease that soon gave way to soft licks around her opening. Then nibbles, then an incursion of tongue. And then, finally, his lips closed around her clit and he sucked and she nearly came. Would have, if he hadn’t stopped abruptly and started the whole teasing process over again. Soon she was bucking against his mouth, wanting to beg, instead doing everything she could to show him how much she wanted to come. She’d never felt so honest in her life.

  “Not yet,” he said, so calmly she wanted to scream. He licked a heated path down her opening then continued farther to press the tip of his tongue against her ass. No, not a tongue, she realized. A finger, which seemed to be lubricated. He pushed it slowly inside her, while his sensual assault on her pussy continued.

  Tess froze, body and mind at war over the competing sensations. Looming bliss, frustration, the dark lure of the forbidden, a flicker of embarrassment. The steady encroachment of Jake’s finger was only a prelude, she knew enough to know that. She wasn’t sure how far she was willing to let him take it.

  His mouth went away, and she heard a click. More lube, applied directly this time, a cold shock against superheated flesh. She gasped, and her wriggle drove him deeper. He worked a second finger inside her with an approving hum. His other hand held her pelvis down, preventing her from moving. His thumb grazed lower, broad and firm, finding her clit and pressing out a beat.

  She was coasting at the edge of an orgasm, almost in pain with need. Jake seemed in no hurry to push her over. He was stretching her, she realized. Massaging the tight muscles of her ass to get them to relax, open up. There was only one reason she could imagine he’d do such a thing. She’d never done that, never been with anyone she even felt comfortable discussing it with. And for a second or two she panicked, because Jake didn’t know that and she couldn’t tell him, and—

  “So damn tight, kitten. Am I going to be the first? You sure about this?”

  Sure might not be the right word. Willing to give it the old college try might fit her thoughts better. But she wasn’t completely opposed to the idea. Not Wildcats opposed. What he was doing right now felt weird but great. Fantastic, in fact.

  She shook her head but wiggled her hips, writhing into the pressure of his fingers against the curve of her ass, pulling the two that were inside her deeper.

  “Mixed signals. Interesting. You remember your safeword, right?”

  Tess mouthed the word, reminding her lips how to form the sounds. Just in case.

  “You okay?” he whispered. A secret question. A mini time-out. She had to think a few seconds before nodding. Because she was okay. She was…better than okay. But she didn’t want to think about it too hard yet. And Jake’s fingers were still on her, in her, all over her, and she felt as if he wasn’t getting under her skin but had always been there, and had only now decided to make her aware of it.

  He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, and she heard and felt him take a deep breath. She could picture him, hair tousled, eyes keen, gathering himself for whatever came next. Making his wicked plans. The thought made her shiver and clench around his invading fingers.

  His lips brushed her skin again, forming words she couldn’t make out, then he was gone and she knew only coldness everywhere he’d been. She almost cried out, stopping herself at the last minute, turning her head from one side to the other to try to hear any clue as to his location.

  She was bound, helpless. Alone? Had he left her alone in here?

  Don’t leave me!

  “Just washing my hands, kitten.” The bathroom door creaked, water splashed in the sink and Tess’ heartbeat slowed to normal again as relief set in. “I’d never leave the room when you’re tied up, anything could happen. I knew a guy who almost suffocated once that way. You have to keep an eye on the sub at all times. And especially never tape somebody’s mouth during allergy season then leave the room.”

  She snorted, shaking her head in scorn. He seemed to get the message.

  “Common sense, right? But you’d be amazed.”

  Tess heard him moving as he talked and wished she could see him. Her shoulders relaxed when the bed sagged under his weight again.

  “One last piece of business here, then we’ll move on.”

  Something cool and wet pushed at the loosened ring of her asshole. Cool, wet and big, bigger than a finger, too cold to be skin. It felt enormous and it tugged on the way in, causing a flash of pain as it breached the tightest point, then sliding home easily. Jake’s fingers soothed her, stroking her thigh, drifting over her clit.

  “Good girl.”


  “We wouldn’t want you to close back up yet.”


  His hands distracted her again, petting and squeezing. Exploring, moving from one place to another seemingly at random. Learning her, it felt like. She never knew where the next touch would come, and Jake had clammed up so he wasn’t keeping her informed. All she could do was wait to find out what he’d do next, what experience he would decide to give her.

  Around the time Tess realized the randomness was the point, Jake nipped at her thigh, the same tender spot he’d kissed minutes earlier. Not sharp enough to draw blood, but enough to make her yelp. More fondling then, until the next nip fell on her belly. Then pinches, his hands moving in symmetrical paths up her inner arms from elbow to armpit. Pinch, and pinch, and twist, and pinch, until tears prickled behind her eyelids and her cheeks grew hot. And then those same brutal, torturing fingers found their way back to her clit and circled there with affectionate gentleness. Rewarding her for taking what he’d dished out.

  “Clothespins work even better for that,” he remarked. “Then I could leave them there and play with your clit at the same time. We’ll have to try that some time.”

  The imagery of that shot through her, a jolt of hot need, forcing a groan from her and a fresh rush of liquid between her legs. Jake trailed a finger down her slit then drew a chilly line across the back of one thigh.

  “The cane marks are still there but the rest of the pink is fading. We need to fix that.”

  He unclipped her cuffs and rolled her onto all fours, ignoring her groan of protest as he fastened her ankles back together with some slack between. With the blindfold still in place, Tess had no way to know what he would use on her next, whether it would be the flogger, the cane, something new.

  She trembled as he moved around her, made whatever preparations he needed to make. The plug in her ass felt immense, prominent, shameful. But delicious too. Decadent and strangely satisfying. She wondered what it would feel like if he hit it by accident. Would he hit it on purpose? Did she want him to?

  Jake’s hand smacked her ass, hard and fast. No buildup this time, he laid into her on one side then the other until she was crying out with each blow. He was thorough, merciless, a man on a mission. At one point she tried to scramble away but he caught her, held fast to the strap securing her ankles and never even lost his rhythm.

  “Oh yeah. That’s better.” He stopped and squeezed her butt, one cheek in each hand, fingers sinking into the tortured flesh. “That’s looking very pretty now. And it should last awhile.”

  She thought he was through but he wasn’t. He kept one hand on her, a tight grip on brutalized skin, and tapped the plug. She’d all but forgotten it, but now she was horribly aware of it again. Jake twisted it slowly, nudging it in and out, his gentle handling and the shivers of novel pleasure a sharp contrast to the pain his other hand still caused.

  When he finally loosened his grip it was only to shift his fingers, spread her wider, perhaps for a better view of what he was doing. What did it look like to him? Did he see whatever he hoped to?


  A paddle next, it felt like. He kept the ankle tether firmly in hand, precluding escape, though Tess tried to yank away. She screamed at the first strike, the second and t
hird. It wasn’t just burning, it was agony, the leather smacking on skin that felt raw already, broken. She couldn’t take any more, she couldn’t. She had to say the safeword.

  But even as she opened her mouth, determination to succeed overwhelmed her impulse and she leaned on her elbows, pressing both hands to her mouth to keep the word in. That accomplishment itself mattered more, infinitely more than the pain, because achieving things was how she knew herself—Tess, the girl who stepped into the breach and started making plans for herself and everyone else, and followed through even if she had to drag people with her kicking and screaming.

  Tess, the girl who couldn’t back down from a dare. Jake had challenged her, she had challenged herself and she would see it through no matter what the cost. If she didn’t, who was she?

  Her teeth bore down on the meat below one thumb, scoring the surface until she tasted blood. But the pain in her hand was nothing, nothing at all to the knowledge that she’d succeeded in stifling herself. A sweet buzz took over in her brain, swept over her body, and for a heartbeat or two she felt invincible, like she could go on forever under Jake’s blows.

  She gasped, let out a long, shuddering breath…

  And some part of her gave in.

  Not the part that had wanted to call an end to this. Something deeper, older, unconcerned with the moment she and Jake were having. As the air left her body she heard a sound, keening, a wail or a sob, and then more and more. The pain shifted and moved inside her, to her belly and her chest, suffocating her.

  Only then did she realize the screaming, sobbing sound was her own, and this new pain was hers too. Not Jake’s doing, but hers. Her face was pressed into the bed, and the mask had shifted at some point. She could see a band of light under one side, too bright, another source of agony. Then a tug and release on her nipples as the clamps were removed, and a fresh jolt of misery as those nerve endings too sang out in pain.

  Warm hands moved her body, coaxing her to lie on her side. Big, gentle hands. Soft lips pressing into her hair, against her shoulders, as those hands pulled her into a careful embrace.


  She hadn’t cried in years. Not at movies, weddings or funerals, definitely not over breakups. Hadn’t been able to, though she’d turned it into a point of pride in her mind. Decided it was simply her inclination, her predilection. Not sentimental, not that kind of girl, not Tess. She called it weakness, to give in to tears.

  But this was something past strength and weakness, something she couldn’t even understand. Pain, pure and horrible, far worse than anything Jake had done to her body.

  But it was pain pouring out of her, she realized gradually. As though Jake had lanced some soul-deep, festering wound she’d learned to ignore.

  After a span of time, during which she thought she was probably going to die if she didn’t stop, her sobs finally hitched, then eased. She became aware of other things. The wet, itchy mask over her face, the patch of tears and probably worse soaking into the bed beneath the uncovered portion of her cheek. Jake’s body, spooned around her tightly, his arms wrapping hers, his hands enclosing her fists. His cheek resting against her hair.

  She felt sick but curiously light at the same time. Clean, but also aching. Empty.

  Pressing another kiss to her shoulder, Jake moved off the bed. “I’m going for some tissue. I’ll be right back.”

  His voice sounded funny. Tight, and full of some emotion Tess couldn’t identify. And losing his touch, even for a moment, was too much to bear. He sounded full of something he needed to free himself of. And she was so empty. A perfect vessel.

  With a soft moan at the pain, Tess rolled to her stomach again and pushed her hips back into the air, shaky but determined. She heard Jake’s sharp breath, his footsteps halting. Returning.

  She thought he would talk to her, try to talk sense into her, refuse her. But he only brushed one hand over her burning skin, a delicate, torturous caress. From one hip to the other then down the back of one thigh. It hurt, but it aroused her too, turning her yearning into an all-encompassing need for him to finish what he’d started.

  He took the straps off her ankles and moved away, and for a moment Tess’ heart sank. She nearly started crying again at the thought that it was over. But then he came back to her and pressed his hands between her thighs, spreading her wider. Moved up and spread her cheeks, making her wince as he pressed against her beaten backside. And then onward, to twist the plug free.

  When Jake’s other hand found her clit, stroking gently against the swollen flesh, Tess’ desire rushed back to remind her of Jake’s earlier teasing. She felt flush with it, instantly ripe and ready. A vacancy that only Jake could fill. Pussy, ass, she no longer cared. The pain was irrelevant. She needed him inside her, all over her, violating her boundaries until they merged. Making her his.

  The crinkle of the condom wrapper and another cool swipe of lube over her ass were his only statements of intent. The head of his cock pressed for entry and all Tess could think as he pushed past her resistance was yes, yes, yes even though it felt like nothing she’d ever imagined. A burn, a hum, every jangled nerve in her body being strummed, Jake playing her like a guitar, in some tune only he knew.

  His fingers found her clit again, and she bucked as pleasure shot through her. Her ass ached, inside and out, her legs were shaking, the whole thing was madness. But Jake was moving now, fucking her in slow, steady strokes, and even if she had been talking she would have had no words for what this felt like. She was at the edge, straining for the orgasm she could almost reach, lacking the strength to move close enough to grasp it.

  “You’re so close, kitten. I can feel it. Your ass is squeezing even tighter on my cock. It’s gonna feel so fucking good when you come for me.” He leaned forward and scooped her hair into his free hand, tugging her head up as he increased the pressure of his fingers below. “Do it. Now. Come for me, Tess.”

  She let herself fall over the edge, shattering, the climax ripping her to shreds, breaking her down until nothing was left but pleasure and pain and Jake’s relentless motion. And then, as she thought she was reassembling herself, another peak pulled from her by his fingers and cock, like dark magic. Tearing away whatever was left of her sanity and drowning it in bliss.

  Jake cursed, swelling and shuddering and fucking into her harder until finally, finally, they were both wrung dry.

  Chapter Seven

  Tess slept, and he let her, though he worried she might sleep straight through dinner if he didn’t wake her up at some point. She hadn’t seemed shocky, just exhausted. She’d barely roused when he’d cleaned her up, even when he’d disinfected and bandaged the bite on her hand. Jake wondered if she’d been missing sleep too, along with meals. She needed food and to rehydrate, at the very least.

  He flicked the oven light on, checking the progress of his lasagna. Tried not to let himself think too hard. But it slammed back into him when he moved to the cabinet, planning to set the table. He had to press his palms to the counter, take a deep breath to steady himself.

  She was already cracked, and you picked up a hammer and shattered her.

  All these years, fantasizing about the Tess he wanted, watching the Tess he knew grow less and less like that girl. He’d always reined himself in, because that was what he was all about. Jake might be the master of discipline, but it had always started with—been primarily about—self-discipline.

  When he’d lost that, he’d lost it spectacularly. Letting one of his oldest friends get under his skin, bringing an inexperienced, vanilla girl home for a scene on the basis of a dare. Pushing her so hard, convincing himself she could take more and more because it was just so damn sweet to see Tess bend to his hand like the submissive he’d always wanted her to be.

  Like a dream come true.

  Like a damn middle-school kid trying to get to second base. That much finesse.

  When she broke, nearly choking on sobs, he’d panicked at the intensity. Unexpected—though he should h
ave expected it, he saw now in the clear light of post-coital self-recrimination—and unlike any subspace-triggered catharsis he’d ever seen. So much worse, so horrible, like the pain would tear her apart. And not even the pain he’d meant to bring. It hadn’t been his intent to drive her to that. It had all gotten out of his control.

  Even the most experienced Dom knew that things happen, mistakes are made, events don’t always go according to plan. Knowing that stuff was the point of all that experience, learning the things that might happen despite your best efforts. But he’d never had something go so far beyond his expected parameters before.

  It was never Tess before.

  What had he done to her? What made him think she was ready for something like this? Something intense, painful, emotional. As if Tess didn’t already have enough of that going on. And why hadn’t he been able to resist her when she’d rolled back over and offered herself again? He’d already decided to quit the scene at that point. Not even consciously decided, so much as he simply knew it had to be over, needed to end because she was suffering in all the wrong ways. He knew that stopping was the right thing to do.

  But the sight of that virgin ass presented for his use, still reddened from his hand and more, bruises starting to rise here and there…already marked, and ready to be claimed as his. Offered to him like a challenge. A counter-dare, almost. A plea, that needy sound she’d made. And it was Tess.

  Jake’s cock stirred at the memory, and he pushed away from the counter with an angry growl, disgusted with himself.

  The way he’d acted today, he had no business claiming anybody. No business trying to be anybody’s Master. He’d let his dick make the decisions, Tess had paid the price, and he had no idea how he would make it right.

  A creaking floorboard alerted him, and he turned to see Tess in the archway between the kitchen and the living room. Her eyes were still red and her hair was a disaster. Pale, fraught hands twined together in front of her belly. On her naked skin, Jake could see the marks he’d left earlier, a story of their scene recorded in faint bruises and the scarlet rash of broken capillaries.


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