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Finn's Shot (Eden's Odyssey Book 1)

Page 11

by Tiffani Lynn

  Forty-five minutes after the end of the game, a security guard escorts us to the lowest level of the arena and down a tunnel marked Do Not Enter where we wait on Finn. He comes strolling out in his sexy-grey suit and white button-up shirt with damp hair and a shit-eating grin. He hugs his mother and gives her a chaste kiss on the cheek, then does the man-hug back-pat thing with his dad. He wraps his long arms around both of his sisters and lifts as he hugs them, taking their feet off the floor. Celeste laughs while Jasmine squeals. He kisses the top of both of their heads, and then, to my embarrassment, goes right in for the kiss on the mouth with me. I try to push him off, but that makes him hold tighter. I smack his chest in rebuke, and he pulls away smiling.

  His father clears his throat and offers, “Good game, Son. You played well.”

  Jasmine laughs. “Um, Dad, I think two goals and an assist is better than well.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is.”

  “I’m hungry. I reserved a table at Sal’s, so let’s get going. Did you come in a cab or rental car?” he asks his father.


  “Okay, follow me. We’ll drive over. There’s a garage less than a block from there we can use.”

  We arrive at the mom and pop Italian restaurant a little over twenty minutes later. The man at the door, whom I’m assuming is Sal, greets Finn by name and ushers us to a private seating area toward the back.

  “I love this place,” Finn remarks. “It’s amazing. One of the guys told me about it, and now I can’t seem to get enough of it. Sal has the best ziti in town, amongst other things.”

  We all get seated and place our drink orders with the waitress. Finn’s arm stretches across the back of my chair and runs soft fingers up and down over my shoulder. It helps to put me at ease. Although I’ve gotten along good with his sisters I can still feel the arctic breeze coming from his parents. I just can’t figure out what I did to warrant the attitude I’m getting. Finn seems oblivious. How is he missing this? The atmosphere between us is so uncomfortable I can barely breathe. At one point, Finn kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, “Are you okay? You’re very quiet.”

  I give him a non-committal smile and nod.

  By the end of dinner, I know I’m doomed with the parents. They don’t like me at all. My chest aches a little at the realization. This could be a deal breaker for us. He’s tight with his family, and I can’t stand the thought of spending time around anyone who so clearly dislikes me.

  At the end of the night, Finn talks with his dad about plans for tomorrow, and then we say goodbye. Once we’re back in the truck and headed to his place, I stay very quiet. I’m hoping he’ll realize they don’t like me, so I don’t have to point it out to him. And I will point it out to him, because I cannot spend the next three nights they are in town pretending not to notice they don’t like me. I’ll have a nervous breakdown. I’m already feeling sick about it. Everything has been going so good lately. We’ve been to the club a few times together, and it went well. If I’m honest, it went better than well.

  We christened my desk after a spectacular floor show and had crazy monkey sex in one of the private rooms after we watched BDSM play in the dungeon one night. Another night we got all fired up after viewing three different room scenes but decided to hold off until we got home. He literally exploded in my hands getting the condom on. I haven’t taken care of myself in front of anyone or been in any of the scene rooms since we started dating. I haven’t missed it. The only thing I’ve missed is him when he’s out of town.

  As we ride the elevator up to his apartment, he holds my little hand in his big one. I’m so afraid of what he’s going to say. He had to have noticed his folks didn’t like me. It was so obvious. I felt bad for his sisters. Because they spent so much of their dinner trying to make up for how their parents were acting, they didn’t get to spend much time talking to Finn.

  Once we’re inside I carry my bag into the bathroom, pull on my PJ’s, and wash my face. I remove my earrings and necklace and set them on the counter, and then I step out of the bathroom to find Finn stretched out on the bed reading a book. His long legs are covered in cotton pajama pants and stretched out down the bed, feet crossed at the ankle. He’s shirtless and has a pair of black framed hipster glasses on. The ends of his hair are curling around his neck and ears and the sight of him takes my breath away. What if I lose this man, because I can’t find a way to charm his parents? I’m not sure I’ll survive it if I have to let him go for good.

  Finn’s gaze rises from the pages of his book to meet mine, and whatever he sees there must concern him, because he removes his glasses and sets them with his book next to the bed on the nightstand. The only light in the room is coming from the lamp on his side of the bed.

  His abs contract as he sits up and pats the spot next to him.

  “What’s wrong, sweetie? You’ve been quiet most of the night.”

  I hesitate, not wanting to tell him. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “I wish I could say okay, but silence is not an option. If we want this to work, we have to talk.”

  I crawl under the covers and curl up on my side facing away from him; their lack of acceptance has left me feeling vulnerable. The bed dips behind me and the covers rise as he moves in between the sheets. His strong body curls into mine while his left arm slides under my pillow and his right arm wraps around my waist, pulling me tight against his warmth.

  Like a giant bear he leans over and licks my neck in the sensitive spot behind my ear and places a little kiss next to it.

  “Talk to me, baby. Tell me what you’re feeling, please.”

  A single tear leaks out of my left eye and my body trembles a little. I fight it. I don’t want him to know what a mess I am inside right now, but my body is a traitor, giving away all my secrets. He kisses my hair this time and squeezes my middle.

  “Your parents hate me. I know how much you love them. How close you are. They hate me, and I can’t do anything about it. I know that means you won’t want me anymore and I can’t stand it. I tried really hard.” I sob out the last word, unable to control my emotions anymore.

  “They don’t hate you.”

  “Yeah, they do. They wouldn’t talk to me at all. I tried. I tried everything and they wouldn’t even look me in the eye.”

  He props himself on his elbow. I turn my head to see his face. His brow furrows as he looks down at me.

  “What about my sisters?” His voice is deeper, more serious suddenly.

  “They were sweet. They tried to make up for how awkward it was. It was obvious. It made me feel guilty that they didn’t get to talk to you as much, because they were trying to make things okay for me.”

  “What did my parents say to you?” his voice drops an octave and I recognize the tone from our last big fight.

  “Nothing. They spoke maybe five or six sentences the entire night. I tried to engage them in conversation, but all I got were one word answers or they flat out ignored me on some. I’m sorry. I tried,” I sob, unable to hold back my feelings.

  My crying is out of control. I’m borderline hysterical when he pulls my shoulder to roll me to my back.

  “Hey, look at me,” he commands as his hand cups my jaw.

  I turn watery eyes to him.

  “I don’t know what happened with my parents, but this isn’t the first time they were assholes to a date of mine. I’ll get to the bottom of it tomorrow, okay? Don’t worry. I don’t care if they don’t like you. They don’t get to dictate that for me. If they did, Mary Jane Dickerson, who grew up three houses down from me, who by the way, ended up being the town slut, would be my wife. I never liked Mary Jane, ever, but they loved her. They tried more than once to set us up. So they don’t get to make those choices for me. We’ll see how things go tomorrow when we’re with them, and if it’s not better, I’ll have a talk with them.”

  “Oh, no.” I shake my head like a little kid declining spinach at dinner. “I’m not going with you tomorrow. Yo
ur sisters won’t get any of your attention, because they’ll be trying to cover for your parents and things will feel awkward. I can’t do it. You go ahead and spend the time with them. I’ll just see you when they leave.”

  “I go back on the road for a week the day they leave.” His voice rises, his anger is evident.

  “I know, but me taking your time from them won’t make things any better, and I don’t want to be crying in the bathroom in the middle of all of it. It’s okay. Please spend the time with them.”

  “Fine. I won’t push you to join me, but I will be at your place when they go back to the hotel. I’m not spending nights away from you when I’m not on the road. Okay?”

  I nod and sniffle feeling a little better for now. I’m nervous about how that conversation is going to go tomorrow. What if they convince him I’m not good enough for him or I’m a horrible person? I never had to deal with parents before. James’ parents died when he was young, and I never made it to that stage with the other guy I dated.

  Turning back to my side I close my eyes and breathe deep in an attempt to relax. Soft lips brush my cheek.

  “You were worried you’d lose me?” his gruff voice asks.

  “Yes, I’m so happy with you. I thought for sure that was the kiss of death for me. I’m still not one hundred percent it’s not, but at least for tonight it’s okay.”

  A trail of his sweet kisses moves along my jawline and down my neck, his beard is ticklish causing me to giggle and squirm a little. I feel a little lighter after our conversation. Maybe it will be okay.

  He stops what he’s doing and flops his head on his pillow as he blurts out, “I’m going to kill my parents. They can be such assholes.” And just like that my gut clenches. Nothing good ever comes from being the girlfriend who divides a family.

  Chapter Eleven: Finn

  My parents being assholes to my girlfriend is not a new development. I had a similar situation with the one girl I dated since my engagement ended, and it didn’t end well, so I can understand why Darcy is so upset. I never told her about it completely, because I didn’t want to scare her. In fact, I was hoping that they just didn’t like Cami, but it appears they are equal opportunity assholes to anyone I date.

  Now, I need to spend the next couple of hours cheering Darcy back up. Not that it’s a problem. I always enjoy getting physical with her, but the tears lingering in her eyes and the occasional sniffle pisses me off. Knowing my parents caused that makes me crazy.

  I nibble my way down her neck taking note of the happy sounds that sneak out of her throat as I do. By now I know all of her special locations for optimum excitement, but I still like to try new areas, hoping to discover something I haven’t before. She’s such a responsive lover.

  “Take off your pajamas, baby. I need to see all of you.”

  My second favorite part of sex with her is her high level of compliance. She rips off her top and shuffles out of her bottoms. Apparently she was commando under them. That knowledge sends the blood from all other parts of my body straight to my dick.

  “Slide your hands over your tits, slow, down over your belly and into your sweet cunt. I want your fingers working your clit while I suck on those perfect rosy nipples.”

  As soon as her fingers make contact, her back arches and she lets out the most delicious moan.

  “That’s it, honey. I want to hear how it feels with my lips wrapped around you.”

  I flick her tips with my tongue and draw one into my mouth with my teeth lightly. She loves when I use my teeth. In fact, she likes it rougher than anyone else I’ve been with. Her legs are restless beneath me, so I trap one with mine and hold her down. She whines, “Finn…”

  “Give me your fingers,” I demand.

  She lifts the glistening digits up, and I suck them into my mouth, giving her a moan of satisfaction.

  “Back to work with those,” I command and turn my attention to her other breast. My fingers locate and pinch the other nipple while my teeth graze this one. I spend a good ten minutes with breast play alone. My cock is harder than Plymouth Rock by the time her free hand finds it and gives a few tugs. My body shudders with each slide of her hand. It’s obvious I can’t contain my reactions when I’m with her.

  I run my tongue over the shell of her ear. “Give me your sweet pussy, baby. Turn your body around and straddle my face while you wrap your luscious lips around my cock.”

  Sixty-nine. My favorite. Can’t believe this is the first time I’m doing this with her. Her smooth thighs are spread on either side of my head and the bare lips of her sex touch my mouth. I don’t give her a chance to get settled before I take my first swipe from top to bottom. She’s drenched already. Her thighs on either side are damp and the scent of her sex has my pulse jumping. It’s like she was made for me. I’ve never smelled anything better, never had a tastier dessert. As I’m going for my second pass, her luscious mouth wraps around the head of my dick while she licks the underside, and the level of desire I felt a few seconds ago shoots up another ten notches. I bury my tongue between her legs and allow my chin to rub continuously over her sex-bud. The harder I work her, the faster her head bobs. The looming orgasmic buzz starts at the bottom of my spine, and I know if I don’t slow her down I’ll blow in her mouth within seconds. To distract her a little, I wet a finger in her velvet heat and slide it across the tight rosette at her backside with a gentle stroke.

  Her lip-lock on my dick releases immediately and it makes a wet smacking sound as it lands on my stomach. A mewl slips from her lips, covering the general silence of the room, followed by a strangled, “Finn.”

  I push a little deeper and her hips rock back into the pressure. Although she hasn’t said it and we’ve never tried this, it’s obvious she likes this; her body language gives that away.

  Her head lowers between my legs again and the warm wet feeling of her mouth engulfs my balls. She swipes her tongue over the captured skin and hums her pleasure. My thighs lock up tight and my finger pushes deeper. She adjusts her hold to get as much of my tender skin into her mouth as possible, and I can’t control the panting or the guttural sounds escaping my lips. She releases the sack gently and turns her energies on to my pulsating cock. I remove my finger and flick my tongue across her clit. She rides my mouth, as I thrust into hers. I’m hitting the back of her throat; she’s got me so deep, and I lose track of what I’m doing, unable to hold back as I come across her tongue and down her throat.

  After a full body shiver and a deep breath, I circle the little bundle of nerves fast and hard with the flattened part of my tongue with renewed fervor. Her knees squeeze my head so tight I’m about to have to flip her to keep conscious as her whole body quakes above me.

  “Yes, baby, yes, baby, yes!” She screams right as my mouth is flooded with her wetness. She’s still for a long pause before she drops her hip beside my head on the bed and swings her legs over so she doesn’t smack me. Her eyes close as she flops her arms across her stomach.

  I twist my body and crawl over the top of hers.

  Grinning like an idiot I tell her, “No one has ever sucked me off that good. No one has ever made me feel it all the way to my toes. You’re a damn genius with that mouth. Now give it here. I need more.”

  She giggles a split second before I fuse our mouths together with renewed energy. My tongue stabs and rolls against hers, coaxing hers out and into my mouth. It only takes a minute before I’m hard again. This time I reach to the night stand and grab a condom, rolling it on as quickly as I can. Then I move her feet to my shoulders and brace myself on my hands by her shoulders. She’s folded in half and instead of looking uncomfortable, she looks ready for whatever I’m about to give her.

  I lower myself until we’re aligned, and I shift my hips so that the head of my cock rubs over her sensitive clit several times. As her breathing pattern changes, I adjust again and slam inside of her. The position allows me to go deeper than I’ve probably ever been. She screams out, and I pause, waiting to see if
I need to stop. She claws at my sides, trying to pull me closer, so I pull out and push in harder each time. Her screams continue with each fully completed thrust. I work her until tears roll out of her eyes, and then I twist her hips and lay both of her legs to the side. I rest my hands on her hip to pull her against me. Her tits bounce with the impact of my thrusts.

  “Tweak your nipples baby, now.” She doesn’t waste a second. She trusses up her perfect mounds and pinches with her thumb and forefinger as I continue my assault. Her cries grow louder until I feel her inner walls clamp down on me like a vice. Her whole body shakes while her eyes roll back in her head. The sight of her coming spreads tingles throughout my limbs, while the heat crawls up my balls as my orgasm takes over. I collapse on the bed next to her and close my eyes.

  She scoots over to me and lays her head on my chest. A contented sigh comes from deep within me as I run my fingers through her hair and pull her closer to me. There is no one else I want to be with, nowhere else I’d rather be, and if my parents can’t figure out how to like her, too damn bad. I’m over their bullshit. Without a doubt this is the woman I’m going to marry. I’m crazy in love with her and nothing is going to change that, especially not their ridiculous concerns.

  We must have passed out in that position because I wake late the next morning when my alarm goes off with my head toward the footboard and Darcy wrapped around me like a starfish again. I love this position. Her skin is cool to the touch so I shift her under the covers while I get up and shower before morning skate.

  I leave her a note on the counter that says:


  Gone to morning skate and won’t be home till somewhere around one. I’m meeting my family at two for lunch. You are more than welcome to join us but if you choose not to I will meet you at the club tonight after I send them back to the hotel. I’ll be late since I have a game first, but I promise to be there. Hope you slept as good as I did. Help yourself to anything you want.


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