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Saving Suzy (New city Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Stefanie Simpson

  “I went to sleep very early.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yes.” She sounded surprised.

  “Come here then.” He held her close and hummed, but stilled as he rounded her arse. “Shit, is this okay?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He grinned as he resumed his feeling her up. It felt good, her nipples hardened against his chest.

  She lifted herself up his body and kissed his lips. “You want to snog me while I have morning breath?”

  “I don’t care.” He kissed her, her legs went round him, his hands were in her hair. They fell into a steady rhythm of tongues and lips.

  Her hands explored his body, when her hands met the waistband of his bottoms, he sucked in a breath, she moved over the fabric, and he caught her hand.


  “I want you.”

  “Oh fuck. Wait, wait. We’re not doing this at, what fucking time is it?”

  “Quarter to six.”

  “Jesus. No, not yet. I want you, but…”

  “I can feel that you want me, I want you too.”

  “We shouldn’t rush this, we can take our time. How about we go on a date tonight?”

  “A real life actual date like normal people?”

  He laughed. “Yes. Like normal people.”

  She made a face. “Normal is overrated.”

  “Good job we’re not normal. Let me take you out.” He tried not to be distracted by her half naked body.

  “I’m quite turned on, it’s weird, it’s the first time I’ve really wanted to.”

  He smiled. “Would you like to come?”


  “Like I said, anything you want.” He went back to kissing her, his tongue unhurried, and he could feel her need, he pushed down her cotton shorts, and rolled her onto her back.

  He held her gaze, watching her reaction, he felt round her breasts, down her front, her thighs. She whispered his name, and tried to hurry him. He grinned but didn’t rush, he wanted her to be ready, to want his touch, for it to outweigh her fear.

  He shifted down her body so he was eye to eye, as it were, with her breasts.

  “I’ve missed these, they’re so beautiful. I love your tits.” He nuzzled his head between them, and kissed round slowly making his way to a nipple. One hand traced back down to the top of her thighs and she made a needy little noise. He laughed as he pulled her shorts down further.

  When his palm cupped her, finding her wet and hot, she was panting and pressing into him. He ran his thumb over her clit, and circled it remembering the pressure she liked. Remembering the rhythm she used on herself. It was so good. He changed nipples as she began to move against him, her hands held him tightly. She made a little noise of want as he felt her thighs tense. “That’s it, let go, let me feel you come.”

  She cried out, the familiar rush of heat, build and release of intensity, her body’s reaction, all of it felt new but familiar.

  His hand cupped her again as she came down.

  “My turn.”

  “No.” He knew what she wanted, and in truth, he did too, but this wasn’t about him.

  “I need to.” He couldn’t resist anything she wanted. She pulled his bottoms down.

  She pushed him onto his back and she shifted downwards.

  “Oh no, it’s one thing to…”

  He pushed at her shoulders, but she wouldn’t budge. She took him in her mouth in a single stroke. She sucked and licked and held him tightly, it was exactly how she remembered it, and she loved it. He nearly lifted off the bed, he made a strangled noise, but he got himself under control.

  “Suzy you don’t need to do this.”

  But she wanted to, she really did. It was more intimate in some ways than sex, he had to let her work him, she had to set the pace for it. She trusted him wholly, and making him come like that, fed into something primal in her.

  He sat up, then fell back, her mouth was tight, and her tongue flat on the sensitive underside, making him suck in a breath. He didn’t want to come in her mouth, well that wasn’t entirely true, but not yet anyway.

  He went past the point of no return. “I’m going to come, sweetheart, stop please. Oh fuck, I really am, I can’t hold…”

  He came and shouted her name, she sucked and licked and swallowed it all.

  He was panting when she climbed back up his body, and curled up on him, she reminded him of a cat that just had the cream. She had really.

  He laughed.


  “You. You are amazing.”

  She nipped his pec then kissed it. “I think you’ll find I’m fucking spectacular. You’re not bad.”

  He laughed, and snuggled closer. “That you are. Now we still have an hour before we absolutely have to get up. I need some top level cuddling.”

  “Top level?” she whistled. “I’ll get right on that.”

  Top level cuddling apparently involved Nathan making her come again. He was glad to oblige.

  Suzy had a glow that had been missing from her face for a long time. She felt good, she felt lighter than she had since waking up in intensive care, but it was more than that, even when she and Nathan were first together, she hadn’t felt this, whatever it was.

  She wasn’t weighted with worry and fear, of what awaited her, the inevitable thing that would happen, it had come and gone.

  She was left in the debris, but she was standing. They hadn’t even have sex yet, but she felt like they had, the intimacy of it was what he had tried to give her before, and she couldn’t take it, but she was ready now, she wanted it. She wanted everything.

  Seventeen. Naked Glory

  Townslee appeared unexpectedly at the office, he greeted people, seemingly in a good mood.

  He called both Suzy and Nathan, along with Toby into a meeting. Toby looked stressed.

  He outlined the progress into the investigation, and some of the money had been found. Davis and Malcolm were believed to both be involved.

  “I think Suzy coming back put their endeavour at risk, they wanted you out.”

  “They did, both of them were vile to me.”

  “People noticed you know, we were on your side. Malcolm tried to blame you for it.”

  “Well, you’re welcome to check my banking records, blimey, if they find that kind of money, they can let me know.”

  “Malcolm’s been arrested, Davis is nowhere to be found. I’m thinking Spain. He likes to golf out there.”

  Toby left the meeting, and Townslee sat back. “So, you’re abandoning us, Suzy.” He said with a wry smile.

  “Yes, I am sorry, you’ve been really good to me, considering, but I really want to do this, I think I can make a real difference. Count on me to pester for sponsors.”

  “Of course.” He looked between the two of them. “You seem happier in yourself Suzy, I’m glad to see it.” He gave her a wide grin, as she blushed. She left Nathan to his work, he was trying hard not to smile as she left.

  Townslee left a little while later. Nathan sat back in the chair and thought. It was a good package. Division manager. Not bad. He grinned.

  At lunch, he called Suzy into his office.

  “What can I do for you Mr Maxwell?”

  He suppressed a smile and gave her a pointed look. “Don’t say it like that, you’re making me think of other things.”

  “Whatever you say dimples.”

  “He offered me the job.” She grinned.

  “Of course he did. Nathan saved the day. I should get you a gift.” She bit her lip.

  “Stop it, merely your company this evening for dinner.”

  “I’ll be leaving at five on the dot Mr Maxwell.” She winked as she walked out.

  Nathan buzzed her flat at quarter to seven, and she buzzed him up. He handed a large bouquet as she opened the door and kissed her.

  “We best go, before we don’t.” She smirked at him.

  Nathan had managed to snag a nice table in a very nice restaurant. H
e looked very much at home, in his nice tie, and good haircut.

  The food was great. Dinner was great, it was a lovely way to celebrate Nathan’s job.

  “Do you want to come and look at houses with me; I need to find a place.”

  “Sure, rentals round here are…”

  “To buy, I need to start getting to know different areas, prices, what to expect.”

  “You’re going to buy, just like that?”

  “Why not? I have money sitting in the bank from my redundancy, might as well buy a place as not. I invested a wad with dad, he’s pretty good at that, so my savings are safe, but I have enough for a deposit. I want you to help me.”

  She nodded. She understood what he was asking. “I’d love to.”

  “In the meantime, I need to rent somewhere cheap.”

  “Stay with me.” She bit her lip when he didn’t answer. “I mean, we’re going to be together most of the time, it makes sense right, but don’t feel obliged, I mean we’ve only just…” Nathan took her hand.

  “I’d love to stay with you, but only if you want me in your space all the time.”

  “I want you there.” He grinned.

  Suzy was fidgety on the way home. “So, do you want to stay?”

  “I’m not going to stay tonight.”


  He pulled into the carpark. “It’s not that I don’t want to, because, believe me, I do. The moment I get in your flat, we’re going to have sex, and we are not doing it yet.”

  “You don’t want to?” she suddenly felt small and pathetic, and confused.

  “I do, you know I do.”

  “Then come in, in both senses.” She smiled, and he laughed.

  “You’re not ready.”

  “I am ready, I think I demonstrated how ready I am thank you.”

  “You are in some ways. I get the feeling that you want to because you can.”


  “You don’t see it?”

  “See what exactly?”

  “Fooling around is one thing, but this isn’t some affair, where we’re just shagging for fun. This, what’s between us is important. I don’t want us to fuck. When we’re both ready, we can be together, it’s about more than the sex itself.”

  “We’re ready, what do you mean?”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready.”


  “I’m still processing what happened, I’m still getting my head round it. I meant everything I have said, but, I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t want you to freak out, I don’t want any fear or worry in this. From both of us.”

  “I’m fine, I’m still the same. You’re not going to hurt me, and I am ready.” She was getting annoyed.

  “I’m not.” His voice was sharp. He took a deep breath in the silence. “I will be, but we don’t have to rush, I want this to be right.”

  “It’s okay.” She wanted to cry. She got out the car. “Night.” And she was gone. Nathan thumped his head back. That could have gone better. He went back to the hotel.

  Suzy undressed, she had picked her nicest lacy underwear, she had tried to make herself as desirable as possible, but what for? What did it matter?

  Nathan did love her, but maybe he wasn’t as attracted to her anymore, she traced her hand over her scar as she looked in the mirror. She couldn’t blame him.

  She thought about the morning, he seemed keen enough. Maybe it was the idea of being inside her he didn’t like. Again, she couldn’t blame him.

  She slept like shit thinking about it.

  “You’re leaving? It’s not because of him is it?” Mia asked her in the kitchen at lunch on Friday.

  “No, I’ve been offered another job, at the organisation that helped me. I really want to do it.”

  “Oh, well that’s great.”

  “Yeah.” She smiled.

  “Then why do you look like someone kicked your puppy?”

  “Nathan and I are sort of, maybe, going to try and you know, but I don’t think he’s as keen as he said. Ugly scar, barren woman. It’s a big change from sex hungry fuck buddy.”

  “He hasn’t known long. Did you tell him everything?”

  “Yes, and I wouldn’t want me either.” She shrugged.

  “What’s this?” Poppy joined them.

  “Nathan and Suzy.” Mia mouthed it.

  Poppy grinned. “I knew it.” She snagged a biscuit from the tin Suzy was holding and shoved it in her mouth.

  “Yeah well don’t hold your breath, sexy dimples is processing. I think he might back out.”

  “No chance, he loves you.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He sends you these long lingering looks, you can read him like a book.” Poppy put her hands to her heart and did her best impression. Mia and Suzy laughed as the door opened.

  They went quiet as Technical Paul went about grabbing his lunch. Technical Paul did the layouts, and was a bit of a hottie, not Suzy’s taste, he sported a neat beard, but he was very stern and serious, quiet.

  Poppy blushed and Suzy gave her a look.

  “Ladies.” He nodded.

  The replied in unison, “Paul.” They were quiet until he left.

  “Spill.” Mia and Suzy turned to Poppy.

  “Yeah okay, he thinks I’m an idiot. Like a dumb blond moron. I can see it.”

  “He’s going to get accounts manager.”

  “No, who’s going into technical?”

  “Gupta from processing. Paul put in for Malcolm’s position, but he’ll get mine now. We’re going to need someone else Poppy, and you’re better than admin. You should go for it. Show Technical Paul what you’re made of.”

  She grinned at her and Poppy laughed.

  Suzy snagged ate a biscuit, as Mia pushed.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “What, leaving or the man?”




  “Hey, I didn’t die did I? Which is a miracle, so fuck it, why waste a second chance living in fear. I might be a fucking Sally doll, but I’m here. I have to try to have a life right? I’m entitled to that just like anyone else.”

  “Damn fucking straight.” They laughed at Poppy. Nathan came in and pinched a biscuit, he caught Suzy’s eye.

  “Ladies, get back to work, and stop hogging the kitchen, I know what you’re up to.”

  “What’s that?” Suzy aimed for calm, she manged pointed.

  “Biscuit hoarding.” He snagged a coveted chocolate digestive to take with him and left.

  “He seems fine to me.” Poppy looked through the glass as he went.


  Nathan checked the floor was clear as Suzy continued working.

  “Everyone’s gone, and it’s Friday night. Do you want to go out tonight?”

  “Um, no, I’m just killing time until gym time.”

  Nathan fiddled with her pot plant. “Are you angry with me?”

  She sighed and put her glasses down. “I’m busy, I’m confused, and I’m really tired. What is it Nathan? What do you want me to say? I’m doing my best.”

  “So am I.”

  “I know, I’m sorry.”

  “You’re pushing yourself ahead of where we need to be right now, and that’s simply getting used to our new reality, and that isn’t a bad thing. I haven’t been to the gym for a bit, I’ll go too. Drinks later?”

  “I didn’t sleep last night, I just want to rest after the gym.”

  “Do you want me to join you?”

  “That’s your choice.” She gave him a little smile and finished her work. He stood awkwardly for a bit and went down to the gym.

  She didn’t see him when she went down to join him. Ray was waiting for her. He apologised, she apologised, and they just got on with their session.

  Suzy ran a bath when she got home, the flat was empty and quiet. She wondered if he still wanted to move in. Probably not. Perhaps he wouldn’t call her in the morning and a
sk her to go with him house hunting.

  Maybe that life wasn’t hers to have. She put her music on and lay in the bath, chugging wine. She allegedly had a boyfriend, and this was her Friday night. Wasn’t that her fault though? Her door buzzed. She hoped to God that it was Nathan. She wrapped a towel round her and pressed the intercom.

  “It’s me.” He sounded flat. Shit, he was going to break up with her. Of course, because fuck her life.

  His mouth was set when she opened the door to him, still in her towel. He looked her up and down. He went to her and kissed her, they were a mess of lips and tongues, she pulled his top up and off.

  He pulled her towel off and picked her up, her legs went round his waist.

  “Nathan.” She whispered his name, there was so much she wanted to say.

  “Tell me you want this, tell me you need me inside you. Tell me you’re not afraid.”

  She grinned. “I don’t need to tell you, let me show.”

  He took her to the bedroom, she knelt on the bed as he put her down, still kissing her, she undid his jeans and pushed them down.

  He pressed his forehead to hers and held her hands.

  “What are you actually afraid of?”

  “Hurting you, like actual pain.” He put a hand across her scar.

  “Ooh. I still have my vagina, it has not changed, I still have my cervix. You won’t be able to tell I don’t have a womb. I was given some aftercare and living with your hysterectomy literature that was very helpful. I can have sex. Come on, lie down, I’ll show you.” She pulled his bottom lip through her teeth, and he made a needy noise.

  He finished undressing and lay on the bed. She lay next to him. He ran his hand across her scar.

  “I can cover up if it makes you feel better.”

  He frowned. “No, it’s not that, never think that. You’re beautiful.”

  “How about, you just get to know me again? Why don’t you go say hello?” she grinned. “And, why don’t you let me say hello to you while we’re at it?”

  He turned round as they shifted onto their sides. They set about exploring each other, her hands went to his balls, her mouth kissed his tip, he moaned as he opened his mouth over her, and French kissed her clit. He ran his hands over her bottom, and slowly teased a finger at her entrance. She pressed onto it, her heat, her tightness, was perfect. His mouth covered as much of her as he could get, his free hand pressed her closer, his head buried between her thighs. He gently caressed her inside with two fingers.


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