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Cowboy Famous: Book 4 (Cowboy Justice Association)

Page 26

by Olivia Jaymes

  “I love you, Sheriff.”

  “I love you, Hollywood. I don’t suppose we can negotiate on the thermostat? It’s awfully warm in here, honey.”

  Shaking with laughter, she nodded and kissed his lips. “It’s about to get hotter. Hold on to your cowboy hat.”

  It was a long time before they got out of bed but Griffin did eventually get to lower the temperature. Jazz simply cuddled close and draped herself over his body, her head pillowed on his shoulder.

  Just the way they liked to sleep.


  Griffin entered the roadhouse, the smell of beer and cigarettes hanging in the air. It must have been quite a party crowd in the bar last night from the odors left behind this morning. Too bad he rarely went out these days. These last weeks with Jazz he’d found he had no reason to leave the house except to work. They spent a great deal of time in bed.

  “Where’s Logan? I thought I’d be the last to get here.”

  Griffin slid into a chair at the table and grabbed a soda, popping it open. Every spot at the table was filled except for one.

  “Trouble leaving paradise?” Reed taunted. “Do you and Jazz ever get out of bed and leave the damn house? Last time I stopped by it took you ten minutes to answer the door.”

  It had taken that long to find their clothes.

  “You’re just jealous.”

  Tanner almost spit out a mouthful of root beer. “Stop that shit. Don’t make me laugh. Reed is never happier than when he’s alone. Having only one woman might actually make him crazy.”

  “He’s crazier than shit now,” Dare said gruffly, his brows pulled together in a frown as usual. “Can’t get much worse.”

  “Famous last words.” Evan chuckled and took a big drink of ginger ale.

  “You guys getting settled in your new jobs?” Griffin asked the two men. “Anything we can do to help?”

  Evan shook his head. “It’s okay. Still figuring out some things but it’s nice to be in charge for a damn change. I’d forgotten what it was like not to be a cog in the wheel of the Federal government.”

  “I don’t have any complaints.” Dare shrugged but didn’t elaborate. Griffin wondered if the man’s family situation was any better but didn’t want to ask in front of everyone.

  “There’s Logan.” Seth nodded towards the door where Logan Wright was striding in. He sat down at the table with a sort of dazed expression.

  Jared looked at Logan and frowned. “Are you okay? Did you get in a car accident and the airbag hit you in the face or something?”

  Logan’s eyes had a faraway look to them. “I’m having a baby. I mean Ava’s having a baby.” He shook his head. “What I’m trying to say is we’re having a baby.”

  Seth and Tanner slapped Logan on the back and everyone gave their congratulations, although Logan simply nodded at the well wishes.

  “You look a little shell-shocked. Was the baby an accident?” Seth asked, his gaze darting from one sheriff to another.

  Logan sat back in his chair and accepted a soda from Tanner. He popped the lid and drank down about half in a few gulps.

  “Sex works,” he finally said, his voice sounding choked.

  Tanner looked like he wanted to bust out laughing but instead he patted Logan on the back again.

  “It does indeed, but I’m not sure what you mean by that specifically.”

  Logan scraped his hand down his face. “It wasn’t an accident. We were trying.”

  “Then why are you acting so shocked?” Reed asked, a puzzled look on his face. “Are you having buyer’s remorse? Too late now, man.”

  “It’s just—how do I say this? Sex makes a baby,” he said awkwardly. “You know in health class they say that an egg and a sperm make a baby but it’s not something you really think about. I mean, it’s not something you can see so it seems sort of, I don’t know, abstract. But then you have unprotected sex on purpose.” Logan took a deep breath. “And it happens.”

  “Luckily for mankind, not every damn time,” Jared laughed. “There’s just one question. Are you happy about it or not?”

  Logan didn’t answer for a moment and then his face split into that patented grin of his. “I’m happy. Hell, I’m going to be a dad.”

  This time Logan actually heard their congratulations and thanked them. The meeting continued quickly, their towns fairly quiet since the press had left. Jazz had given an interview and then one by one the reporters had left town. Now Hope Lake was as boring as it had been before the reality show.

  Thank the Lord.

  The meeting broke up and they all wandered out to their trucks. Reed was parked next to Griffin and they walked together.

  “In the mood to split a pizza?” Reed asked, patting his stomach. “I didn’t have breakfast.”

  “Wish I could but Jazz and I are headed to Billings today to pick up her friend Caitlin at the airport. She’s coming for a visit since she got fired from that soap she was on. She’s going to stay for a few weeks and then Jazz is traveling back with her to pack up her things.”

  “For good? She’s done with Hollywood?”

  Thinking about what had happened last night, Griffin smiled. “Forever. At least that’s what she promised me when I offered her a diamond ring and my last name.”

  A smile broke out on Reed’s face. “Shit, man, why didn’t you say anything? That’s great. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. I know it seems fast to some people but we’re sure of what we want.” Griffin nodded toward Logan who was backing out of the parking lot. “I was going to say something today but then it seemed wrong to steal Logan’s thunder. I’ll tell them next time.”

  “And you don’t like being the center of attention anyway.” Reed said what Griffin had been thinking.

  “That’s what got me into this mess.”

  “You don’t look too miserable to me. Makes a man almost wish for true love in his life.” Reed snorted with laughter. “Almost.”

  “Be careful. I thought I was immune to all this love and happiness. Bam. It comes out of nowhere.”

  Reed opened the door of his truck and swung into the driver’s seat. “The secret is to duck and weave. After all these years, I think I’m safe. Who’d want me anyway?”

  Reed started up the engine and waved as he pulled out of the parking lot. Griffin wondered if his friend had said the last part in jest or if perhaps he really believed it. It didn’t matter as Griffin would never know the truth. Reed played his cards much too close to his chest for anyone to see any deeper than he allowed.

  The vibration of Griffin’s phone had him reaching into his pocket. Jazz.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey, handsome. Caitlin’s flight has been delayed for a couple of hours. Smog or something. We’ll have some time to kill before we leave for the airport. We could go visit your family if you want.”

  Jazz’s parents may not have loved her but Griffin’s mom and dad had practically adopted her, showering her with all the parental love she’d been missing. But Griffin didn’t want to share her with them today.

  “I have something else in mind.”

  “Does that something else include clothes?” she asked, a playful tone in her voice. Griffin could picture her flirty smile.

  “Nope. Not a stitch.”

  “How about we play a game? I’ll ask a question and if you answer it right, I’ll take off a piece of clothing. First question. Do you love me, Sheriff?”

  “I love you,” he growled, frustrated that he wasn’t with her right now, this very minute.

  “You win.” Her voice was soft, almost a whisper and his heart contracted in his chest. He had won. Not a reality show or money. He’d won at love, and that was worth more than fame or fortune. Stardom was fleeting, but love was for a lifetime.

  The End


  Cowboy Command

  Cowboy Justice Association

  Book One

  Sometimes you have to die to be born.
  One minute Katie is eating lunch with her sister, the next she barely escapes a car bomb meant to kill her. If that wasn’t enough, someone sets fire to her home and burns it to the ground. Luckily, Federal agents are going to give her a new identity until she can testify against the man who wants her dead. They change her name to Presley, her hair color to brown, and her shorts and sandals to jeans and cowboy boots. She’s not thrilled about being sent to a small town in Montana to hide, but she wants to stay alive.

  Sheriff Seth Reilly is doing a favor for an old Army buddy. He’s promised to watch over a woman whose life is in danger, but he didn’t plan on her being so young and beautiful. He’s tempted, but she’s a bundle of trouble. Seth likes his women calm and sedate. Presley is the kind of woman who would keep him up at night and make him crazy. Too bad he’s starting to enjoy it.

  Passion flares between Seth and Presley, heating up the cold Montana nights. Knowing they only have a short time together, they vow not to fall in love. But when danger finds Presley, Seth will risk everything to keep her safe until she can testify. Will Presley get her old life back or start a new life with Seth instead?

  Buy Cowboy Command at Amazon

  Justice Healed

  Cowboy Justice Association

  Book Two

  You can’t go home again, but if you do, pretend you want to be there.

  Dr. Madison Shay has left Chicago and moved back to her small town roots to take over her father’s medical practice. She’s not the skinny, gawky red haired, four-eyed girl any longer but it sure feels that way. She still remembers the painful teasing from her classmates and always feeling like she didn’t belong. She wants this time to be different but deep down she knows she’ll never be part of the cool crowd.

  Sheriff Tanner Marks might have been the captain of the football team years ago but things aren’t as rosy now. He has a son who hates him, and an ex-wife who is about to marry a man Tanner thinks might be a criminal. He doesn’t really have time in his life for a woman. Considering the things he’s done in his past, he’s not sure he deserves one either. He can’t help but feel envious of his friend, Seth Reilly, though. He found the love of a good woman. Is it too much to ask that fate send him someone as well?

  Madison and Tanner aren’t looking for love but it feels like the town has other plans. They keep finding themselves thrown together and it’s not unpleasant in the least. In fact, they’re starting to enjoy themselves. There just might be a future for them after all.

  When a drug war between two cartels breaks out, their little town is caught in the crossfire. Tanner will call in every favor he can, from the five cowboy cops he trusts most in the world, to keep his town and the woman he loves safe. He’s going to show the bad guys what cowboy justice really means.

  Buy Justice Healed at Amazon

  Cowboy Truth

  Cowboy Justice Association

  Book Three

  People will do desperate things to keep the truth dead and buried.

  Sheriff Logan Wright might be the sexiest bad boy Ava Hayworth has ever seen but she’s not interested in the least. He can have every other woman in town and probably already has. All she wants is to help him solve the murder of a prominent local citizen by a mysterious vigilante serial killer. A fling with a smokin’ hot cowboy cop isn’t in her plans.

  Logan doesn’t need a mystery writer who thinks she’s a detective, trailing after him while he tries to do his job. She’s smart and cute, but he doesn’t want her to get hurt. By him or the investigation. He enjoys the pleasures of women – many women – and that’s not going to change.

  But as painful secrets are revealed, Logan begins to depend on Ava for more than just friendship. She’s the first woman he’s known who has kept her promises. It shakes him to his very core, challenging long held beliefs.

  Everything Logan wants, but never thought he could have, is within his grasp. With the help of Ava and his friends, he’s going to have to fight the past if he wants any kind of a future.

  Buy Cowboy Truth at Amazon

  Cowboy Famous

  Cowboy Justice Association

  Book Four

  Sheriff Griffin Sawyer likes his town quiet and his life uncomplicated. Fishing – alone – on a serene and sunny afternoon is one of his favorite things to do. So is coming home to a place that isn’t littered with cosmetics, clothes, and panties. After growing up one of ten children, sharing his bathroom, his closet, or his thermostat is not high on his to-do list. Women have their place. Just not his place.

  Jazz Oliver wants to be a star. Unfortunately, Hollywood hasn’t been kind. The day she loses out on the part of a lifetime is also the day she gets fired from her crappy waitress job. Down and out and deep in debt, she’s desperate for money and a big break. It’s the only reason she’s allowed herself to be signed up as a contestant on a reality show in some backwater town in Montana.

  From their first meeting, the attraction simmers between the sheriff and the Hollywood starlet. Jazz knows Griffin needs his space, and he knows she will only be in town a short while. The one thing they both want? More of the hot, sultry nights they’ve been sharing. When they’re together their differences don’t seem to be any problem at all.

  But when casual, naughty fun turns into something more, Griffin is stumped as to what to do. Having spent most of his adult life keeping women at arm’s length, he doesn’t know how to get one to stay. He needs to find a way to convince her – and himself – that he’s finally ready to share everything. Even the remote control.

  The Deputies

  Cowboy Justice Association

  Second chances. Unrequited crushes. Brand new love.

  Deputy Hank Dixon:

  When Hank’s estranged wife shows up ready to mend their broken marriage, he has a hard time believing she’s sincere. She’s hurt him badly in the past and he’s not sure he’s ready to let her stomp on his heart all over again.

  Alyssa has learned from her mistakes and is ready to do whatever it takes to get her husband back. She wants to spend the rest of her life showing Hank that he’ll always come first for her.

  But this stubborn cowboy cop isn’t going to trust so easily. He wants more time but fate has other plans. When tragedy strikes, can Hank put the past behind him and embrace a future with the woman he loves?

  Deputy Sam Taylor:

  Sam’s been alone a long time and that suits him just fine. On a night he plucks a scared woman from a car accident during a snowstorm, he finally realizes he’s been missing out. Tabby is everything he’s ever wanted in a woman. Too bad she’s just passing through town.

  Tabby’s life is busy and complicated. The last thing she has time for is a sexier than hell cop that makes her weak at the knees just by smiling. She shouldn’t get involved with him but she can’t help herself. He’s just so damn perfect.

  When it comes time for Tabby to leave, Sam knows she’s changed his life forever. And forever is a long time. Can this handsome deputy convince Tabby that he’s worth changing her life for?

  Deputy Drake James:

  Tori Saunders has been in love with Drake forever. At least it feels that way. Now she’s back in her hometown and she’s determined to make the hotter than sin deputy her man. She’s got it all planned. All she needs is a little cooperation from Drake.

  Drake takes one look at Tori and decides some steamy nights between the sheets sound like just what the doctor ordered. The sexy pastry chef seduces him with her sweet desserts and sweeter curves. Together they really cook in the kitchen.

  But when Drake finds out that Tori’s planned out their entire lives together right down to the names of their kids, he ends the relationship then and there. It’s not like he’d fallen for Tori. Or thought she was wonderful, and smart, and sexy. Nope, this cop is just fine without Tori Saunders. Except he’s not. Looks like Drake has some work to do to win back the love of his life.

  Publisher’s warning: This book contains sexy scenes includin
g some hot lovin’ on the kitchen counter, up against a tree, and in front of a roaring fire.

  Note – While these novellas are part of the Cowboy Justice Association series, the stories stand alone and may be read out of order.

  Buy The Deputies at Amazon

  About the Author

  Olivia Jaymes is a wife, mother, lover of sexy romance, and caffeine addict. She lives with her husband and son in central Florida and spends her days with handsome alpha males and spunky heroines.

  She is currently working on a series of full length novels called The Cowboy Justice Association. It’s a contemporary erotic romance series about six lawmen in southern Montana who work to keep the peace but can’t seem to find it in their own lives.

  Visit Olivia Jaymes at




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