Book Read Free

Guiding Lights

Page 5

by Jessica Florence

  “Got plans for the rest of the day?” he asked as I reached out and picked up the Kindle.

  “Now I do.” I ran my fingers over it gently. I would spend hours going through the library and picking what books I needed to read as soon as possible.

  “Mind if Ah join ye?” he asked with a shit-eating grin on his face. He knew I’d do whatever he wanted right now.

  “Sure, I can finish reading about Mr. Beautiful to you before we start a new one.”

  He just nodded

  “Sounds good. But first, Ah need some food,” he said and I agreed with him. We walked down toward the table together. Me toting my new favorite possession in my greedy hands. Wolfe had really outdone himself with this. How in the world was I ever going to stay away from him now?

  Chapter Ten

  Aggie had made another grand feast this morning. Everyone was happily chowing down when Wolfe and I entered.

  “There ye two are, Ah thought Ah would have tae send someone tae make sure ye were still alive. Nera, ye never miss biscuits and bacon,” Aggie teased me. She was right; I never missed her food. Wolfe chuckled next to me.

  “Wouldn’t want tae keep Nera from her food,” he teased me along with Aggie. With my Kindle in my hands, I huffed at them and went to eat the delicious food that was calling to me.

  I sat there scrolling through my eBook library while stuffing my face. Everyone was chatting about their adventures the past week, leaving me to my two loves. Food and books. Wolfe and Evan were going on about music and the bar. Wolfe seemed to know quite a bit about bars, and I wondered if he had worked in one at some point. It was moments like this I wished I knew more about him. Was he just a traveling musician that did nothing but play bars? I didn’t think so.

  “So Nera, I’ve found a Highland Game in Portree in a month. It’s the Big Sky Highland games,” Nelson spoke to me excitedly.


  “Yeah, I just wanted to tell you since I knew you were interested. It’s about a four and half hour drive, but it’s a big event.” He smiled. The idea of going to the games sounded like a blast; I would have to find a ride there, but I was sure I could work that out.

  “That sounds like fun; thanks for letting me know.” I smiled. My day was getting better and better. We went back to chatting about nothing and finished our food. I had an early shift today, but I still had a few hours to relax. Once I excused myself, I ran up to my room and threw myself on the bed, just staring at the ceiling.

  Wolfe had turned me completely around today. He hadn’t given up on me. He’d just waited me out. It was a deadly combination for me. He was willing to stick around; the problem was that I didn’t want him to. I was tempted to just lay it all out there. Tell him everything, and then he would finally see I was not worth waiting for and he would leave me and my poor broken heart alone.

  Laying there I rolled the thought over and over. Just rip the band aid off quickly, get it over and done with. But there was a small part of me that wanted to keep him. I was driving myself mad trying to decide when I heard footsteps passing by my curtain door. I turned my head just as Wolfe pushed past the curtain and strolled over to my bed.

  “You just make yourself right at home, don’t you?” I commented as he lay down on the bed next to me. I could see his big grin from the corner of my eye.

  “Yep. No need tae ask. Ye want tae see me.”

  I just shook my head. “Well, I could have been naked or something. You should knock first.” I tried another route, although as soon as the sentence left my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say.

  “What’s the problem again?”

  My mouth shut real quickly after his comment. There were no words.

  “Any new thoughts for day?”

  “Nope, probably still going to read for a bit, then I have to work at three for the early dinner shift until closing. You?” I turned toward him, taking him in. His ruggedness was really growing on me.

  “Well, Ah figured ye could read tae me, after that Ah’m not sure what the plan is. Ah have tae leave again on Wednesday. Mah maw wants tae see me.” I wanted to ask him about his life. So taking a risk, I did.

  “Do you have a home, or do you just travel around, like me?” His head turned toward me and looked at me for a few moments. He was looking for something; I just wish I knew what he was looking for.

  “Ah travel a lot, but Ah do have a home. In Portree.” He sounded leery of giving too much away.

  “Nelson was just telling me about a big highland game there in a month.” I said subtly trying to give him some more space.

  “Yeah, mah lads and Ah were thinking about entering. Ye should come. Ah could take ye,” he said seriously. Did I want to ride with him for four hours? Just then an image of Wolfe in a kilt popped into my head.

  “Yes,” I blurted out a little too eagerly. I turned my head so that he couldn’t see the blush that stained my cheeks. I didn’t remember much from last night, but I knew Wolfe wasn’t wearing a shirt last night, and I remembered his ripped abs. Wearing his sweaters and jeans, you could see how attractive he was, but underneath all of that, he was even more unbelievable. The vision of him in a kilt morphed into him in his kilt shirtless. Lord, I prayed I never saw that in real life. I’d melt completely on the spot.

  “It’s a date.” His tone was mischievous. Like he knew what I was thinking.

  “It’s not a date,” I reprimanded.

  “Whatever ye say. Now let’s get back tae Buttercup and Mr. Bonnie.” He smiled and rolled over to grab the book off my nightstand and handed it to me.

  I flipped to the page where I had left off and continued to read aloud. It was amusing that Wolfe truly did like to lay there while I read. From what I’d seen, most men didn’t care about doing stuff like this. I had to take a few breaths to calm down during the sex scenes, but other than that, our morning went on without a hitch.

  I happened to look over at the clock only to find was it was almost time for me to get ready for work. “I need to get ready.”

  “Ahhh, we must be close tae the end,” he groaned. We were, and I knew the ending well. I wondered if he would be disappointed with how it ended. I hoped he had put the next book on this Kindle, because I didn’t have it.

  “We are, but I have to get ready for work, so scoot.” I lightly pushed him to get off the bed. He didn’t move. Really? He was going to act like a kid now? With a little more force than I thought, I pushed him right off the side of the bed. He fell with a big thunk to the floor. I scrambled over quickly to see if he was ok. I was just about to ask when a big burst of laughter sounded. I couldn’t contain my own laughter seeing him lying there.

  “I’m sorry,” I spoke through laughs. He was still all wide lips and teeth as he gripped his stomach and laughed harder.

  “Ah can’t believe ye pushed me, yer a vicious little lassie.” He slowly rose up to his feet. I looked up at him.

  “Thanks for the Kindle; you might not realize it, but that was the best gift you could ever give me.” I stood up and decided to wrap my arms around him. He was hesitant at first, but then wrapped his arms around me tightly, holding me against his strong body.

  At that very moment, I felt peace. Being in Wolfe’s arms was like being home. A real home. Safe. His hand on my lower back was splayed open and his thumb started moving over my shirt. The motion was soothing, and I wanted to stay here for as long as he would let me. My eyes closed, and I allowed myself to soak up his warmth and scent. He smelled like outdoors. As weird as it sounded, the smell reminded me of trees, grass, dirt, and rivers. He was wild and untamed like nature itself.

  Reluctantly, I was the one to part us. I looked at his face, I’m not sure why, but my breathing hitched when I saw him looking at me as if he wanted me. Not just my body, he wanted to claim all of me. I gave him a sad attempt at a smile.

  “I’ll see you later,” I spoke softly. His gaze lowered to my lips then back up to my eyes. He was barely holding himself back. I could
see it and it scared me. I turned and went to my closet to grab my work clothes.

  “Yeah, see ye later, Nera.” His voice was hoarse and low. I knew he wanted more from me. But I was a coward. I couldn’t tell him about me, and I couldn’t be with him. Just as he was leaving, I remembered I had never thanked him for last night. I hastily turned around and caught him before he left the room.

  “Wait!” He turned around and looked at me curiously.

  “Thank you, for last night, for being there.” I left it at that. He gave me a smile.

  “Always, Nera,” he stated with confidence. He reached his arm out to move the curtain so he could pass through.

  “Yer door will be fixed by the time ye get back.” With those parting words, he disappeared out of sight.

  Chapter Eleven

  Work was busy today; a tour bus came in the late afternoon. People from all over the world flooded the pub. It was fascinating to meet so many different people. It was one of the things about traveling.

  “Where the fuck are the hot Scotsmen?” a woman who was sitting at the bar bellowed. She had been very amusing for the past hour, the things that came out of this British woman’s mouth were pure gold. Her name was Hannah, and she was on a mission to find a Scottish lover. She’d become obsessed with a show called Outlander, and had been on the hunt ever since. I laughed when she said it, but she was completely serious. She had blonde hair and bright red lipstick on her big lips. She looked beautiful, but she had a mouth on her.

  Everyone in the bar tonight were tourists; she should have come alone and not on a bus. All of the locals had been scared away tonight.

  “Oh, fuck! Now that’s a Scotsman! Hell, I think I might run off to the bathroom and wank one off.” Her brash comment made me turn toward the door. Of course, Wolfe had just walked in, but this time he was wearing a beanie type hat that covered his long hair, and he had sunglasses on, even in the pub. It was very bizarre of him to be hiding like this. When I knew he was looking at me, I gave him a “what the hell are you wearing that crap for” look.

  I saw his lips form a line tightly before he sat next to Hannah, who was staring at Wolfe with hearts in her eyes. Or maybe it would be something dirtier than hearts. Probably.

  “Gless o’ whiskey, please.” He looked around and huddled back against the bar. I made him his drink and then had to ask him what was up.

  “What’s with the get up?” He looked up and I gestured toward the glasses and hat. He took a sip of his drink before he spoke.


  Ah, that explained it. I didn’t get migraines often, but at times when I’d been badly dehydrated, those migraines sucked. Light and noise was definitely not your friend.

  “Wolfe, you should be at the B&B, not at a bar.” I wanted to drag him back to his room and make him stay in bed and relax.

  “I just wanted to get out. I’ll leave soon.” On a huff, I turned around to take care of a couple other customers. When I came back to Wolfe, I saw Hannah was chatting him up. A nervous feeling settled in my stomach when I saw her touch his shoulder. Was he the lucky Scotsman that would be warming her bed tonight? As I got closer, I heard her laugh. She had a pretty laugh. Wolfe’s head turned toward me as I came to a stop in front of them. Hannah reached out and gripped my hand excitedly.

  “I’m so fucking excited, Nera, I’m gonna piss my knickers! Wolfe just told me about the highland games in a month in Portree! I’m so going to hike up some kilts and choke on some cocks!”

  Wolfe’s whiskey was now all over the bar. He must not have been listening to her talk. I found it hilarious. I grabbed the towel I had tucked into the back of my pants and wiped off the counter.

  “Yeah, we are going, too. It’s going to be awesome.” I wouldn’t be choking on cocks, but I would still enjoy myself.

  “Alright twats, I’m going to bed. I’ve got a hot dream calling my name tonight. If you hear screams, it’s just me, knocking one out.” She threw a twenty on the counter and walked off. I just shook my head and put the money in the drawer.

  “Interesting lassie, Ah told her about the B&B, so ye might actually hear the screams.” His amusement was palpable.

  “Great,” I mused. I sort of hoped that didn’t happen, I didn’t need to envision that woman going at it with herself. I hoped I didn’t envision anything at all tonight. I really wanted a nice peaceful night. I was going to be here until closing, and I was already tired.

  “Well, Ah better git outta here.” Wolfe handed me some money and gave me a sweet smile before turning to leave.

  After Wolfe left, my night became dull. At least before, I had Hannah to keep me occupied; now there were some bands playing and everyone was settled with their drinks. I was just cleaning up, trying to get everything done so when it was time to go, I could just head out.

  Emma tried a couple of times to ask me about Wolfe, trying to figure out how to make her play for him. I almost told her he was gay, just so she would stop trying. But I held back. He wasn’t mine and I shouldn’t hold him back if that’s what he wanted. I was not going to be one of those women who thought if I couldn’t have him then no one could. It might leave me feeling like shit, and my heart hurt at the thought. I would do what was best for him.

  As soon as Evan said we could head home, I was out the door and making a beeline toward my bed. All was quiet when I walked into the B&B. I tried to be extra quiet as I climbed the stairs and stopped at my door. I smiled when I saw my new door. Wolfe had kept his word. It was here before I got home. I wondered if he’ done it himself, or if Evan had put it up for me. Either way, I was grateful for them both. I opened my door, shocked at what I found.

  Wolfe was asleep in my bed. I stood there just staring at him. Was he really in my bed? Had I died on my walk over and this was some weird alternate reality?

  Briskly, I walked over and poked him. My finger met a hard body. He was really passed out in my bed, thankfully, on top of the covers and in clothes. Putting my hand on him, I gave him a light shove.

  “Wolfe,” I whispered, not wanting to wake anyone else by yelling at him. He didn’t wake up.

  “Wolfe, what the hell are you doing in my bed?” I whispered a little louder and pushed him harder. He groaned and rolled over. I leaned down over him and started rocking him back and forth. He groaned again.

  “Alexis, no.”

  Alexis? What the hell? A fucking boulder settled inside me. So many questions exploded in my mind. Who was Alexis? Was she his girlfriend? A lost love? I was once again reminded that I knew nothing about him and his life. And he knew nothing about mine. Fuck, I was so confused. One thing I was sure about was he needed to get the hell out of my bed.

  “Wolfe! Wake up.” I spoke much louder, he woke up startled and shot up to a sitting position.

  “Jesus, Nera.” He rubbed his face and fell back onto the bed. Oh no, I don’t think so. I reached over and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him off the bed.

  “Get out of my bed, Wolfe,” I huffed while failing to move him.

  “Yer going to hurt yerself.” His husky sleepy voice was making my insides tingle, which made me turn vicious. He was in my bed, groaning Alexis’ name; I was not going to let myself feel tingles. I shook his arm and pulled hard. Finally, I let go, climbed on the bed, and started poking him in the most annoying way I could.

  “Alright, ye bloody bastard.” He rolled over and sat up. “Ah just wanted tae make sure ye got home alright, but then yer bed looked so appealing.” He shrugged, not realizing I was shooting daggers at him.

  “Get out, Wolfe.” I demanded.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He stretched his arms over his head, showing off his ripped stomach.

  “I’m fucking tired, and you are stopping me from going to sleep.” I told him flat. I was tired of his shit. I was pissed, tired, and felt like a fool. I just needed him gone.

  “Alright, git yer panties out of yer arse. I’m leaving, ye grumpy lass.” He slowly shuffled his feet toward the door and
left. Finally. As I lay back on my bed, I let out an exhausted sigh. Why was he groaning out Alexis? Who was Alexis? I probably didn’t want to know, and I should take it as a warning to tread lightly around him.

  Chapter Twelve

  A knock on my door, quickly followed by its opening, made me jolt out of bed with a shriek. Wolfe was standing there with a blasted smile on his face.

  “What the fuck, Wolfe?” I cursed as I fell back on my bed and snuggled myself against the covers. They were suddenly ripped from my grasp. I turned around and glared at the stupid Scot.

  “Now, Ah know ye want tae just lie in bed all day. But Ah simply won’t allow it. Come on, ye’ve got tae get ready. Ye have a game tae go tae today.” He smiled brighter, obviously getting enjoyment out of annoying me. A game?

  “What are you talking about?” I muttered.

  “Ah set up a small highland game for the town today. Called some laddies and it starts in three hours. So git yer sweet arse out of bed, and let’s help Aggie and Evan prepare.” He knew exactly how to get me to do something. Of course, I would help Evan and Aggie with anything. I was a sucker. On a very small side of my mind, I was excited about seeing a game. But then a thought hit me.

  “Wait, are you going to compete too?” I prayed he said no.

  “Of course Ah am. Got tae make ol’ William Wallace proud.” He winked and left the room, but not before reminding me to get a move on. I just lay there stunned at how the morning had started. Wolfe hadn’t even given me a chance to be pissy with him; he’d just turned my day upside down.

  I heard the clatter of pots downstairs and decided I needed to get moving and help them. I quickly took a shower, getting rid of last night’s work. Out of the two sweaters I owned, the long blue one was the most comfortable. It was a dark blue and felt like baby bunnies against my skin. I tugged my jeans on, pulled my long hair into a bun at the top of my head, grabbed some shoes, and headed downstairs.


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