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The Krinar's Obsession

Page 7

by Melody Dawn

  Ralen’s lips quirked, then he answered. “There’s only one bedroom. This is called the Love Shack.”

  Jessie’s breath left her lungs in a whoosh. “You’re not sleeping in here, Ralen. There’s a perfectly good sofa in the living room.”

  She waited for him to get angry, yet he answered mildly. “That sofa wasn’t made for someone 6’4”.

  Hearing him say the word “sofa” brought everything rushing back. “Maybe you wouldn’t have to worry about that if you hadn’t kidnapped me and left my boyfriend for dead in my apartment.”

  Venom spilled out as she spoke the words, but she couldn’t rein it back in.

  Ralen moved like lightning. Pulling her in a vice grip, he said through gritted teeth, “I don’t want to ever hear you refer to him as your boyfriend again and he’s not dead, but he can be if you persist. Remember, it only takes a few minutes for me to get back to New York.”

  Afraid for Edgar’s life, she nodded, then yanked herself away from him. “Fine. I won’t mention him again. However, you need to know something. You gave up your career for nothing and the second I can get away from you, I will. Now, get out, I’m going to sleep.”

  White lines of tension bracketed Ralen’s mouth, and it was evident by his clamped jaw, he was trying to keep from antagonizing her any further.

  Jessie waited until the bedroom door slammed before climbing into the mammoth bed and bursting into tears. The problem was she did have feelings for Ralen. She was extremely attracted to him, yet Jessie hated what he had done to Edgar. She would never ever forgive him.


  Ralen was exhausted, and although he wouldn’t admit it to anyone except under extreme torture, he was afraid. Had he given up his entire life for someone who hates him and probably always would?

  He needed to talk to Tarek. Their friendship predated the Guardians, and Ralen knew he would protect him if he could.

  Cloaking his location, Ralen contacted Tarek through his wrist computer.

  Before he could say anything, Tarek exploded, “Where the fuck are you, Ralen? And where is Jessie Lin?”

  Ralen wasn’t sure if he should reveal his location. If Tarek didn’t know, then he wouldn’t be lying if asked where Ralen had taken Jessie.

  “Don’t worry about that. Everything is fine. We just decided to take a trip.”

  “Everything is NOT fine. Jakar is on the rampage, and if he finds you, you’re facing severe disciplinary action. How did this happen?”

  Ralen shut his eyes in frustration. How could he explain his obsession with Jessie?”

  “It’s her, isn’t it. I knew she was going to be trouble, Ralen. I saw your face in Jakar’s office when her image came up. Where is she?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Tarek. She isn’t ‘trouble.’ This is all on me. I got Jakar’s order the mission was over, and I merely wanted to spend a little more time with her.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell that to Jakar and Councilor Korum? Shit, Ralen, they’re going rip your balls from your body and feed you your dick. All because you want to fuck some human girl who means nothing!”

  The red haze Ralen had become so familiar with took over.

  “If you were here, I would kick your ass until you begged me to stop. I don’t care what they do to me. Jessie’s not just some human I want to fuck. I, I care for her.”

  An overwhelming silence made Ralen think the transmission had ended.

  Finally, Tarek spoke, “Well, if you care for her that much, I’m assuming you’re going to need your parts in working order.”

  Ralen couldn’t help but laugh. He knew Tarek would understand, well, at least somewhat.

  “What are you going to do, Ralen?”

  “I’ve got a plan, ok? When we received our orders from Korum, he indicated he would not be adverse if there were an ‘attraction’ between me and Jessie, as long as she felt the same.”

  “Ok, that’s your answer. Call Korum or better yet, get your woman to call her best friend so she can soothe things over with him and then Korum can take care of Jakar.”

  Ralen didn’t know how to answer without incriminating himself. He should have known Tarek would see right through him.

  “She’s not into you, is she?”

  Bristling at Tarek’s question, he exploded, “Yes, she is ‘into me.’ We’re having a disagreement about something. It will be resolved quickly, then I’ll call Korum.”

  Tarek burst into laughter. “I don’t envy you at all. I think I would rather take my chances with Jakar’s wrath than with a girl I kidnapped, especially one who doesn’t want me.”

  “You’re enjoying this way too much, Tarek.”

  “That’s what best friends are for, asshole. I’ll try to keep Jakar from issuing a death warrant for you. You better work fast, my friend.”

  Although Ralen knew he was right, he wasn’t giving his friend any satisfaction.

  “Goodbye, Tarek. I’m going to get in bed with Jessie now. Talk to you later.”

  He shut the transmission off before he heard any more smartass replies and headed back to the love shack, hoping its name was a good omen.

  Although the sun was still high in the sky, Ralen was exhausted, both mentally and physically.

  Walking into the bedroom, he found Jessie burrowed under the covers, fast asleep. He remembered her demand for him to sleep on the sofa and muttered under his breath, “No way in hell.”

  Kicking off his boots, he dropped his jeans and underwear, pulled off his t-shirt and socks, then carefully climbed into bed.

  He intended to stay on his side, but Jessie rolled over, cuddling into his body. Feeling her wrapped around him made it all worthwhile. Peace, like he had never known, swept over him and within minutes, he was fast asleep.


  Korum went to his living room while Mia still slept. Commander Jakar had requested a virtual meeting with him, and although he hadn’t been given a reason, he knew who and what the subject would be about.

  There wasn’t much Korum wasn’t privy to due to his designs of master tracking devices, recorders, etc. He used every one of them without apology especially when Mia’s safety had anything to do with it.

  Without Ralen’s knowledge, he had planted listening devices in both his and Jessie’s apartments and tracking devices on their persons.

  Through his designs, he knew exactly what had occurred between Jessie and Ralen as well as their location on a secluded beach in Kauai.

  Jakar had warned him of Ralen’s strange behavior in the meeting, especially about Mia’s best friend. And when he spoke with Ralen himself, his suspicions were confirmed, which was why he gave him a nudge concerning his attraction to Jessie.

  If Jakar or anyone had known, they might think he was going soft.

  Korum laughed sardonically. The only person he had gone soft toward was his beloved, Mia. No, he had a plan. He knew Mia missed Jessie and if she and Ralen became involved, it would bring Mia that much closer to her best friend.

  He had another plan in the works: getting Mia to Krina. She might be more inclined to go if Jessie was there with Ralen.

  So, he would let Ralen keep Jessie in Kauai for a while for their natural chemistry to work. Then, he would act. Unfortunately, Ralen would have to face disciplinary action. After all, he had disobeyed a direct order and left a human male with part of his memories erased in Jessie’s apartment.

  What neither Jessie or Ralen knew was Korum had sent men he employed without anyone’s knowledge to retrieve Edgar and take him home. He would wake up in his own bed with no memory of Jessie, Ralen, or anything Krinar related.

  Having thought it through, he closed his eyes and appeared in Jakar’s office, ready to soothe the beast.

  His description was correct. A red-faced Jakar began yelling how he was going to tear Ralen to pieces. He would take everything he owned, never to be a Guardian again. He would try to have him banished to some barren space outpost...

  Korum kept a blank l
ook on his face while remembering a particularly erotic session with Mia.

  Unfortunately, Jakar wanted some assurances Ralen would be dealt with.

  Putting on his most stern expression, he gave Jakar what he wanted. “Let me take care of the matter, Jakar. I will find Ralen, and he will be punished.”

  Jakar was pleased by Korum’s pronouncement, and soon the meeting was concluded. Moments later, Korum opened his eyes, back home in Lenkarda and went to wake Mia in the way she loved the most.


  Waking up slowly, Jessie was surprised to find Ralen curled up behind her. What was he doing here? She had told him to sleep on the sofa!

  Whatever, Jessie. Did you really think he would listen to you?

  Needing to go to the restroom, she tried to dislocate herself from his embrace, ignoring how much she liked the feeling of his body next to hers.

  Luckily, he didn’t wake up, and she was able to maneuver around his big body.

  Her bladder felt like it was going to explode at any second, making her wonder how long she’d been asleep?

  After finishing up in the restroom, Jessie looked outside and saw the moon high in the sky.

  Making her way to the kitchen, she saw the time on the microwave: 10:00 PM. Good grief, she had slept all day and into the night.

  That’s what happens when you’re kidnapped by an alien and your boy-, I mean, Edgar, was almost vaporized to death.

  Anger spiked through her as she remembered everything Ralen had done. She had been so scared for Edgar and seeing him lying on the floor, unmoving, turned her blood to ice.

  Trying not to think about it, she grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Guzzling it down, she couldn’t believe how thirsty she was.

  Having finished the bottle, she placed it in the recycling bin and started walking back toward the bedroom when her purse and tote bag caught her eye.

  Her phone was in there!

  She could call her parents or someone, not Edgar since he wouldn’t know who she was, but there had to be a friend she could call for help.

  No, what she needed to do was call the local police or maybe the FBI. Ralen had crossed state lines with her, that meant the FBI would get involved.

  Rushing to her bag, she rummaged through it until she found her phone. Turning it on quickly, she tried to dial 911. The local police could rescue her, then contact the FBI.

  She tried several times, but the call wouldn’t connect. It must be their secluded location. Maybe if she walked outside.

  Opening the door, she stood on the porch and dialed again. Still, nothing happened. No recording, no sound, nothing.

  Looking closer at the phone, she realized the familiar name of her cell company wasn’t displayed in the top left-hand corner. In fact, it said, “No service.”

  Jessie had a pretty good idea why her cell was on the fritz. Opening the back cover, the space for the SIM card was blank as well as the memory card.

  “Bastard,” she fumed.

  Walking back in, she slammed the door, then threw the phone on the kitchen bar. Now, not even Mia could contact her. There was no way for her to tell Korum what Ralen had done.

  Furious beyond measure, she stormed back into the bedroom and yanked the covers off Ralen’s nude body. God, he was gorgeous...and insane.

  “Wake up, you jerk!”

  Jessie forgot who she was dealing with. She didn’t even see Ralen move. He exploded from the bed and had her under him in seconds all without breaking a sweat.

  She tried not to notice how his hard cock was nestled between her open thighs. Why in the hell were her legs spread anyway? Apparently, she was just as crazy as he was.

  Looking straight into his eyes, she growled, “I want the SIM card back in my phone. I need to call my parents and Mia may try to get in touch with me.”

  Expecting him to argue or even comply, she was taken off guard when he dropped his mouth to her neck and begin to lick and suck the delicate skin.


  Jessie barely heard him deny her demand due to her eyes starting to roll back in her head. Her neck was a serious erogenous zone, and if he kept it up, she was going to agree to anything he wanted.

  Ralen slowly started licking his way from her neck toward her breasts.

  Oh, god.

  “I’m serious, Ralen, fix my phone.”

  At that point, he reached her breast and took one hard peak in his mouth and sucked, then the other.

  Jessie tried not to outwardly react.

  Shit, that feels so good!

  “What you’re doing is not going to distract me.”

  His hand skated down her stomach toward the juncture of her thighs. She was already soaking wet, so his fingers slid in easily.

  Please don’t stop.

  “Ralen, I need...I need you to listen to me.” Her words were breathy and in no way demanding.

  Thrusting his fingers in and out, he began massaging her clit with his thumb all while licking and sucking her nipples.

  Jessie gave up trying to appear unaffected and thrust against his hand, moaning.

  “Fuck my fingers, Jessie.”

  She took him at his word and moved faster against his hand.

  Jessie could tell the orgasm coming her way was going to exceed any other she had ever experienced.

  “Oh god, Ralen, I need to come.”

  Desperate for it to happen, she shoved her chest upwards, trying to get more of her breast into his mouth while canting her hips forward as far as she could.

  When she felt like she was going to die from sex overload, Ralen twisted his hand and brushed his fingers against the place Jessie swore didn’t exist and scraped his teeth across her nipple.

  And just like that, she was flying, screaming his name as her inner muscles contracted over and over.

  Oh my god, what was that?

  As she came down from her orgasm, Jessie tried to make sense of how her body could respond to Ralen when she was so angry with him.

  Ralen rolled away from her, onto his back, the sheet tenting his enormous erection.

  She looked up at him, and he smiled, which was the wrong thing to do.

  He had just manipulated her using her body against her.

  “I still hate you,” she said spitefully.

  His smile disappeared and throwing back the covers, he slammed his feet on the floor and stomped out of the room, his rock-hard ass on display.

  Wow, he’s got a fine ass.

  Are you high? Look what he just did to you, what he did to Edgar.

  Jessie wished her internal thoughts would turn the hell off. She was going back to sleep. Sleep was her friend. There were no aliens in her dreams, no stun-gunned boyfriends, just sweet oblivion.

  She started to roll over when Ralen was back with a washcloth. Yanking back the covers, he started cleaning her upper thighs and her pussy.

  Trying to close her legs, she yelled, “What are you doing?”

  “You got very wet. I didn’t think you could sleep with arousal fluid all over you.”

  Then with no other words, he covered her back up and stomped back out of the room.

  I can’t believe he just did that for me.

  Whatever; you hate him, remember?


  Too tired to argue with herself, Jessie burrowed under the cool sheets and fell back to sleep, unaware of the smile lingering on her face.


  The next morning, Jessie woke to an empty bed. Secretly, she was disappointed because although she was mad at Ralen, she felt safe sleeping with him.

  Pulling on the t-shirt he had discarded, she searched the house looking for him. As it was a small place, she soon had her answer: he was gone.

  A chill went down her spine. Had Ralen left her? She had been a major bitch to him last night, constantly saying she hated him.

  Not knowing what to do, she decided to get ready for the day. Quickly taking a shower and brushing her teeth, she put her hair i
n a ponytail and tried to figure out what to wear.

  All she had in her tote bag was her toiletries, several pairs of panties, and a bathing suit. She had grabbed it when Ralen said they were going to Kauai.

  You’re a horrible person, Jessie Lin.

  Her pesky internal voice reminded her she had been packing her bathing suit while Edgar was unconscious on the floor.

  She could never get over that image. How could Ralen expect her to?

  Angry at herself as well as him, she stomped into the kitchen, hoping he would come back. She was spoiling for a fight.

  And you let him into your body last night.

  Nausea rose up in her throat, remembering how he had taken her to a plane of ecstasy she didn’t know existed with just his fingers and mouth.

  Now, she hoped he didn’t come least for a while. She needed some space from him today.

  Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be. Ralen opened the door, his hands full of various fruits.

  “Good morning, Jessie.”

  “Whatever. Where have you been?”

  A blank look dropped over Ralen’s face.

  “Here, I brought something for us to eat. I have papayas, bananas, pineapples, and coconuts.”

  “Who cares, I’m not hungry.”

  Of course, her stomach growled louder than a Mack truck engine, making her blush furiously.

  To his credit, Ralen didn’t comment. He grabbed a knife and started preparing the fruit for their breakfast.

  “You know, just for once, I would like some goddamn bacon for breakfast. I’m sick of fruit and vegetables all the time.”

  She was so full of shit. Even before the K’s came, she never ate pork and rarely any meat at all, but she hated the fact it was no longer an option.

  “I’m surprised, Jessie. With your soft heart, I didn’t think you could bear killing an animal to eat it.”

  Jessie gasped in shock. How fucking dare he act like she was a monster because she wanted meat now and then.

  Snidely, she shot back, “It’s apparent who has the heart between the two of us and it’s certainly not you. You have no problem leaving a guy lying unconscious on the floor while you flit off to Kauai with his girl...”


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