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The Krinar's Obsession

Page 9

by Melody Dawn

  She couldn’t believe this was Ralen’s friend.

  “Why would you say something like that?”

  “Because as you say, ‘the big bastard’ is in love with you, and if you can’t forgive him, then he doesn’t want to remember you.”

  “Tarek, you can’t let him go through with this.”

  “Well, who knows, maybe when they hear what he has to say, everything will turn out ok.”

  Jessie grabbed Tarek’s sleeve. “Tell me what you’re talking about.”

  “He’s going to ask for Laira, who usually does our mind rehabilitation, to try and reverse Edgar’s memory loss.”

  Hearing what he planned to do for Edgar made Jessie’s head swim. Just when she thought she had Ralen figured out, Jessie realized she didn’t.

  She knew there was a sweet guy inside the big bad Krinar Guardian, but she didn’t expect him to worry about anyone he didn’t care about, especially someone he saw as a rival.

  “Can you keep him from turning himself into until in the morning?”

  Tarek cocked his head. “Why?”

  “Because I need one more night with him.”

  “Yes, I’ll make sure he waits.

  “Thank you, Tarek, so much.”

  Relieved at his answer, she turned and began making a plate for Ralen. When she reached for the clear wrap, she noticed Tarek grinning at her.

  “What are you smiling at?”

  “You two are more alike than you know.”

  Leaving her with those cryptic words, he walked out the front door, whistling.

  True to his word, Tarek convinced Ralen to wait until the next day, and the three of them spent their time on the beach with the guys swimming and Jessie reading.

  She watched Ralen with new eyes, thinking he was so much more than he appeared to be.

  He had made a terrible mistake, but he was willing to make amends to his own personal detriment.

  Noticing her watching him, he gave her a beautiful smile, and Jessie’s heart swelled. Was she in love with him? She had spent so much time hating him, she didn’t know.

  You’re lying to yourself; you know you don’t do that.

  Ah, there was her inner voice keeping her honest.

  Ok, yes, she was in love with him although she knew it would take time for them to build their relationship.

  She couldn’t wait to tell him, and she would insist on talking to Korum and making sure Ralen was given fair treatment. And if there were a memory wipe, then she would make Mia have Korum tell her where Ralen was and she would reintroduce herself, in hopes they could start again.

  Standing to her feet, she called the two Krinar, “Come on, guys, I’m exhausted. We need to eat and then it’s bedtime. I’m not sure where you’re sleeping, Tarek.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Jessie. I’ll find some company.”

  Rolling her eyes, she made a fake gagging noise, sending him into gales of laughter.

  That night, Jessie and Ralen lay wrapped around each other. They talked into the night, rather than engaging in hot passionate sex. She hoped there would be a chance for that in the future, but tonight was for holding each other.

  Later, after Ralen had fallen asleep, Jessie remained awake, snuggled in his arms experiencing a dichotomy of emotions, all of which made her head spin. Love, hate, safety, vulnerability, affection, enmity; they were all-consuming, the good outweighing the bad.

  She still had some reservations, yet the negative emotions were starting to fade.

  As though aware of her conflict, Ralen’s arms tightened around her in his sleep. The gesture enveloped her in a sensation of absolute security. This was the beginning of letting Ralen all the way into her heart. He had long ago possessed her body, and now he would own her completely.


  The day he dreaded had finally arrived. For the last three months, he had been on suspension from the Guardians pending their investigation.

  Not wanting to go back to Krina or leave Jessie, they decided to stay in the little yellow cottage on the beach in Kauai where their relationship had really begun.

  The owners called the cottage the Love Shack, and secretly Ralen thought the cottage must have some magical powers because Jessie had fallen madly in love with him and he with her.

  Though the three-month suspension was meant to be a punishment, Ralen now saw it as a blessing.

  His and Jessie’s relationship had grown by leaps and bounds. Living together on an isolated island, they had plenty of time to talk and share their feelings as well as build the trust he had smashed back in New York with his actions toward Edgar.

  Now, it was all about to come to an end or maybe a beginning, depending upon the mercy of his judges.

  So, for what could be the last time, he dressed in his Guardian uniform and prepared for the meeting scheduled to begin in twenty minutes.

  Studying his reflection in the mirror, he asked himself, “Was Jessie worth losing everything he had worked for?

  As if he called her name, Jessie entered the room. “Oh my god, Ralen, you look ah-mazing in that uniform. I think you should keep it even if you lose your rank. We can roleplay where you’re the big evil Krinar Guardian, and I’m the naughty human girl who needs to be punished.

  She gave him an exaggerated wink, then wrapped her arms around his big body.

  “How are you feeling, my love?”

  In the past, Ralen would have kept a stoic face and insisted nothing could be wrong except that was the old him.

  Wrapping his arms around her in return, he answered, “Honestly, I’m scared shitless. I think Korum will be ok, but who knows with Jakar. I don’t care if he takes away my Guardian rank as long as they let me stay with you. If they want to exile me to Krina, then I would rather have mind rehabilitation. I know I’ve said it in the past, but I’m serious. I can’t imagine living life never getting to touch or see you again.”

  Jessie squeezed him tighter as though she was trying to infuse strength into his body.

  Then she spoke in a stern voice. “Listen to me, Ralen ‘I can’t pronounce your long ass last name,’ you will not ask for mind rehabilitation. If you are exiled to Krina, then I will annoy Korum until he brings me to you. Do you understand me? I’ve spoken with my parents, and while they disagree, they support what I want, which is you. After all, I could study to be a Krinar doctor. How cool would that be?”

  Thinking back to his earlier question of whether she was worth losing his life’s work was no longer a question. She had unknowingly answered it for him. She was worth it all and much more.

  Dropping his lips to hers, he kissed her gently. “I love you Jessie Lin, and one day you’re going to have to learn to pronounce my last name because it will be your own.”

  “I love you too, alien boy.”

  He grinned at her term of endearment.

  Then his smile faded; it was time.

  Tipping her chin up so she could see he was serious, he said in a stern tone, “I want you to stay in here. You can’t be a part of the proceedings. If I know you’re there, I’ll be even more nervous.”

  “All right, baby, if that’s what you want.”

  Ralen peered down at her suspiciously. He had quickly learned when she acquiesced quickly, it meant she was going to do the opposite of his order.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  With those words spoken, Ralen walked into their bedroom, placed the white dot on his forehead and shut his eyes.

  Seconds later, he reopened them to find himself on Krina in the antechamber used for Guardian meetings.

  Looking around, he saw his Guardian comrades including Tarek seated on floating Krinar planks. Above them, on a raised platform, sat Jakar, Korum and two other members of the Guardian High Command.

  “Guardian Ralen, step this way, please.”

  Ralen followed Jakar’s aid who lead him to the spot where he was supposed to stand in throughout the proceedings.

  Taking his place, Ralen assum
ed the usual Guardian stance and waited for his judgment to begin.

  He didn’t have to wait long.

  Commander Jakar spoke loudly, “I call this meeting of the Guardian High Command along with Councilor Korum to order.”

  “Master Guardian Ralen, you have been charged with dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming a Guardian, endangering the welfare of humans, kidnapping, coercion, and illegal use of mind rehabilitation. How do you plead?”

  Hearing the charges brought against him made his head swim. Had he really done all that? Yes, he had, and it was time to own up to it.

  Loudly, for everyone in the room to hear, he answered, “I plead guilty to all charges.”

  There was not a sound in the room, which was astonishing due to the number of people gathered there.

  “What do you have to say in your defense?”

  Ralen had thought long and hard about what he could say to make them understand. There was only one way to accomplish such a feat.

  “I fell in love with Jessie Lin, and because I was afraid she wouldn’t love me back, I took her away. I also endangered the life of a human male because I saw him as my rival. I have no defense other than that. I’m aware I’m guilty of the charges, and I assume all responsibility. I don’t need a trial. All I need is to know my punishment.”

  This time Korum spoke. “And if your sentence is banishment to Krina, will you comply?”

  Before Ralen could answer, a familiar voice spoke up. “If you banish him, then I will find my way to Krina. Where he goes, I go.”

  Jakar stood, “Young woman, you have no say in this trial. Furthermore, you should not be here.”

  “And why is that so? I am the one who was taken. My friend is the one who was hurt. If anyone should be here, it’s me.”

  Jakar opened his mouth to speak, but Korum was faster. “I believe you’re right, Ms. Lin. Let’s hear what you have to say.”

  Jessie took her place next to Ralen, inserting her hand into his clasped ones hidden behind his back.

  “I’ve fallen in love with Ralen. He’s a changed man. I believe in second chances. None of us here are perfect and if I can get past it, then so should you. And as I said before, if you send him back to Krina, I will go with him. If I’m not allowed to, I believe Mia has certain ways of convincing you.”

  Her last sentence was directed at Korum, who quirked his lips in a faint grin.

  Jakar looked around, not knowing what to say. “Thank you for your testimony. If there are no more witnesses, we will confer regarding your punishment.”

  The four men spoke between themselves, not loud enough for Ralen to hear. He felt like ants were crawling all over him. He only wanted it to be over.

  “Master Guardian Ralen, we have reached a sentence. You will be confined to Krina for one month, you will lose the rank of Master, and you are required to pay restitution to the young man whose memory was altered in the Earth sum of $10,000. Do you have any questions?”

  Ralen breathed a sigh of relief. A month wasn’t so bad; he could handle thirty days away from Jessie.

  “No questions, Commander Jakar.”

  The Commander nodded, then pronounced the proceedings to be over.

  Ralen turned to Jessie. “How did you get a virtual reality disc?”

  Looking over at Korum, she winked, “I’ve got friends in high places.”

  Linking her arm with Ralen’s, she asked, “So, when do we leave for Krina?”

  “I love you, Jessie Lin.”

  “I love you too, Ralen, I can’t say your name, but it will be mine someday.”

  Ralen looked around, then decided he didn’t care and swept Jessie up in a passionate kiss. She was finally his. He was still obsessed, but no one ever said, “Love couldn’t begin with obsession.”

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