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Closer: A Blind Date Bad Boy Romance

Page 26

by Cassandra Dee

  But they knew what I was trying to say and began a rhythm in my body, syncopated at different ends, stuffing me in and out, treating me like a total fuckslut.

  And I loved it. A tremor built in the base of my spine, weakening my knees, and if I hadn’t had two cocks spearing me on both ends, I probably would have collapsed because the tidal wave came at once. With a muffled shriek, I shuddered and shook, my cunt clenching down on Sax’s shaft while I sucked with renewed fervor on Stryke’s cock.

  “Mmmph! Mmmph! Mmmph!” I mumbled without abandon, the men’s heaving and pumping growing in intensity. With no warning, the dicks burst in me simultaneously, emitting sweet, hot man milk, spraying my pussy walls with fertile, hot seed while pumping viscous ejaculate down my throat. It only enhanced my orgasm, and I shook even harder on their poles, my body vibrating like a metronome gone crazed, rippling with waves of pleasure as I came again and again.

  As we recovered, I heard Stryke exclaim, “Fuck she’s a squirter!” as he looked down at himself. And I smiled because I knew it was true. I have the unique ability to ejaculate, my pussy spraying its female juice, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his thighs and abs were now coated in my cum.

  “Mmm, we’re lucky then,” growled Sax as he pulled his dick from my mouth, watching as the semi-flaccid pole emerged, drenched in saliva and sperm. I coughed slightly, my throat sore and dry, but it was totally worth it because that man meat had tasted good.

  “Girls who can spray are at a premium,” murmured Sax as the last of his dick came free, dripping wetly onto the floor. “Baby, you’re going to be one of our stars,” he rumbled, stroking my hair as I struggled to stand, my holes gaping, achingly empty all of a sudden.

  “It’s a lot of money, sister,” added Stryke, grinning as he wiped himself clean. “Trust me, you’ll love it.”



  The little girl had proven slutty beyond our wildest dreams. Who would have guessed that the shy mouse we’d met at lunch so long ago would turn out to be a total fuckslut? Dollar signs should have been flipping before our eyes.

  But the thing is we haven’t filmed Melly for production yet despite the fact that she’s an obvious goldmine. I mean, we should have put her to work that very first day, time is money after all. Instead, my brother and I hadn’t even had her sign a contract. We’d just petted her a bit, stroked her hair, acted like she’s a little girl we want to take care of.

  And it’s the weirdest thing. Despite not really knowing her, Melanie’s special to us judging from all the extraordinary treatment she’s getting. And it’s not just a fluke -- my brother and I haven’t been using protection for the most damned reasons.

  “Brothers,” Melly said after a hot session, panting a bit as she straightened, her boobies jiggling, semen running down her thigh. “Should we have used something?” she asked with a confused expression. “I’m not on the pill.”

  Saxon and I had stopped short. Not on the pill? All fertile women used the pill, this was the twentieth century.

  But Melly saw the looks on our faces and shook her head.

  “I don’t use it because I wasn’t seeing anyone at school,” she said shyly. “And I don’t sleep around, so there was no need.”

  Fuck, this little girl really was different from the whores we worked with. Melanie was unstintingly generous when it came to sharing her body, but she was uniquely naïve and still young. Not all dudes were getting such a great package.

  “Honey,” said my brother gently. “Do you want to be on the pill?” He gave her a searching glance.

  She flushed. “No, I heard it makes you fat,” she whispered.

  “Then we won’t ask you to use it,” he reassured her. “But are there other types of birth control you want to try? Stryke and I are totally clean, so it’s just pregnancy that we’re talking about.”

  Melly paused for a moment, swallowing a bit, moving her hips as if still feeling twin cocks inside.

  “Well … maybe you could pull out when it’s time?” she asked.

  Fuck yeah! That was my favorite method of family planning. I hate condoms and I know my brother does too. Same with diaphragms and that IUD shit. It makes sex bad, I can always feel something poking or prodding right when it shouldn’t be. But I had to be diplomatic.

  “Are you sure?” I asked gently. “Saxon and I are great at controlling ourselves, but pulling out isn’t a perfect technique. Even bits of pre-cum can slip into your cunny and do the trick, especially because you’re a fertile eighteen year-old.”

  “I know,” she said softly, looking us in the eye. “But it just seems yummier to go bareback,” she confessed. “If you pull out right when you’re about to spurt, it’ll be warm and I don’t mind getting sprayed with semen … it makes me tingly inside and is good for the skin,” she said with a sweet smile.

  Mmm, facials were good for a girl’s complexion, I’m glad she brought that up.

  “Okay baby, we’re more than happy to pull out when the time comes,” I rumbled, stroking my dick again. Shit, the thought of taking her raw again was making me hard already. “But just remember … we’ll be fucking you a lot, so the chances of you getting pregnant are actually pretty high.”

  She smiled at us with a light in her eyes.

  “Don’t worry brothers,” Melly said sweetly. “I trust you.”

  Trust us to do what? Pull out at the right moment or do the right thing if she got pregnant? But at that moment I didn’t care. I needed to be in her again, and with a growl, we descended on that nubile, willing female form.



  “Oh my god, where have you been Mel?” demanded Lauren. “I haven’t seen you in two weeks, are you okay?”

  I smiled to myself. Where to start? Lauren knew I’d flown off to LA for some in-person tryouts, but she had no idea that the owners of the production company were my very own stepbrothers. Hmmm, how to explain this to her? I decided to be vague.

  “Well, I had such a good time out there I decided to stay a little longer,” I hedged, avoiding answering directly. “I hope the directors pick me, but it’s still up in the air, the competition is so tough on the West Coast.”

  “Yeah,” commiserated Lauren. “There are so many pretty girls, plus everyone’s tan and skinny in LA, it’s intimidating. Well don’t worry,” she reassured me. “I’m sure you’ll get the job at the Donkey Club.”

  I laughed to myself. The Donkey Club was the last thing on my mind these days. Instead, I’d spent a huge portion of my time in bed with my brothers, fucking their brains out. It was raunchy and wrong, but oh my god, my body literally shakes when I’m in the room with them, my cunny gushing wetly, lubing itself for their rods.

  And Saxon and Stryke can’t get enough either. I’d moved into their pad in Malibu, and it was a palace. Floor to ceiling windows that looked right onto the ocean, plus a deck and swimming pool perfect for sunning myself. Exactly why people go to California and never leave.

  “How’s it going out here?” asked Saxon, dropping a kiss on my shoulder as I sun-bathed in a teeny bikini. “The view’s nice, isn’t it?” he said suggestively, waggling his eyebrows as he took in my creamy, curvy body.

  “Oh you!” I giggled, swatting his thigh, purposefully brushing his package with my tiny hand. I felt his groin twitch gratifyingly and reveled in the power I had over my brothers.

  “Aren’t we going to start filming soon?” I asked. My brothers were still going to Intercon every morning, doing their jobs. But oddly, they hadn’t asked me to star in any productions yet although I knew they’d begun filming the “Naughty Schoolgirls” video. Wasn’t I sexy enough?

  “We’re going to bring you in slowly,” Sax reassured me, stroking my hair, dropping a finger down to trail against my shoulder. “Not quite yet though, the time’s not right.”

  “Okay, just let me know when,” I said with a sunny smile. “Because I’ve got to get back to Virginia for mid-terms soon.

  “No worries, little sister,” he murmured, this time his finger creeping under my bikini top and rubbing the underside of my breast. “Fly back east if you need to, we can always splice your scenes in later,” he reassured me.

  And I quit talking because Saxon had popped my boobs out of my bikini top and was stroking my nipple now, making me moan and writhe in ecstasy on the lounger. Unsurprisingly, the session devolved into another joining of our bodies, hot cum and vaginal juice dripping everywhere, smearing us, the deck, the chair.

  But Lauren’s voice on the phone later that day brought me back to reality with a jolt.

  “Are you coming back for the Anthro 1 exam?” she asked. “I hear it’s going to be pretty easy, probably A’s and B’s for everyone.”

  Oh shit, I’d forgotten. But I was actually somewhat prepared for that one, so it should be okay.

  “I’ll be back in town Wednesday,” I affirmed. “Pick me up from the airport?”

  “Sure no problem,” said my roommate. “And Mel,” she added. “There have been some frat boys acting weird, asking questions about you. Do you know Matt and Rick from Sigma Chi?”

  Hmm, that was odd. I’d been to one of their house parties a month or two ago, but those names didn’t ring a bell.

  “No, but who knows?” I said with a shrug. “Maybe they just wanted to borrow notes or something.”

  “Okay, just wanted to let you know,” she replied. “Cool, I’ll see you Wednesday,” she chirped before hanging up.

  I didn’t want to leave California and my brothers. But now that Saxon and Stryke were covering my tuition, it was even more important to do well and graduate.



  Ah, Virginia. It was nothing like California, the sun mild instead of bright, the quad filled with leafy trees and imposing stone buildings. I liked it. I’d forgotten how regal Trinity was, the elite, private school feel permeating my bones.

  I logged onto my computer and immediately received a “ping” in gchat from a user named johnc1995.

  “Hey girl,” the message read. “Shake that a$$, luv seeing you on-screen.”

  Whatevs. Probably just some horny dude in Indonesia spamming whoever and whatever, hoping to get a reply.

  But another anonymous chat request came in minutes later, this time from Bobbyboy321.

  “So is your stage name MelMelMel?” read the text. “Or was that just a random tag?”

  What the? Who were these dudes and what were they talking about?

  “Lauren,” I called. “What were the names of those two frat boys you mentioned over the phone?”

  “Matt Parker and Rick Donovan,” she replied, glancing up from her textbook. “Why? Did they contact you?”

  “No,” I replied. “But two anonymous dickheads just spammed me. Probably just randoms,” I sighed.

  To be sure though, I flipped over to Trinity’s online facebook and looked up the two Sigma Chi guys. They were meatheads, typical frat boy types wearing backwards baseball caps with sloppy grins. Good-looking in their own cocky way, but definitely not desperate enough to be sending misspelled, poorly punctuated gchat texts.

  But things just got weirder as the day went on. As I walked to campus for the exam, people stared at me, standing in huddles, stopping to whisper as I walked past. Wtf? Maybe it was my imagination.

  But it was even worse when I walked into the classroom. A hush descended over the crowd, and people literally turned around in their seats to look at me, craning their necks my way. Fortunately, the exam was about to begin, so I took a seat in the back and pulled out my blue book, reminding myself to focus on the task at hand.

  But the whispers and weird looks started up again after the exam was over. Walking back to my dorm, again I noticed hushed voices and curious looks from total strangers, people I didn’t know. Okay, this was definitely not my imagination and was getting seriously creepy.

  When I got back, Lauren stopped me at the door, her face pale.

  “Mel,” she said slowly. “There’s something you need to see.”

  She swiveled her monitor so that it faced me, and surfed over to a website called Nubile Girls. Oh my god. She scrolled down to a still, and all I could see was a cunny held apart by fingers, the folds dripping and wet. Frankly, it looked kinda hot.

  “So what?” I asked. “What does this have to do with me?”

  Instead of answering, Lauren pressed play. Moans began to filter out … breathy, sexy, feminine, and all too familiar. I froze in shock, desperate to stop this from happening, telling myself this was some kind of horrific nightmare. But the camera panned up, tracing over that creamy body, lovingly zooming in on the brunette’s breasts before capturing her face. It was me! There was live video of me on the internet, masturbating for the world to see!

  “What the fuck!” I screamed. “This is my audition video for the Donkey Club! How could it have gotten out?” I shrieked.

  “I have no idea,” rushed Lauren. “I swear, I don’t know. It must have been that skeeze Ralph … but Mel, I have no idea why. I mean, he sees dozens of girls a week, he’s gotta have hundreds of these videos. Why would he leak yours?”

  The blood drained from my face and I hyperventilated, an iron vise constricting around my chest, my heart beating so loud that it thundered in my ears. I sat on my bed, trying to think straight while images of my naked, flushed body continued to twist on screen.

  Holy fucking shit. This is why people had been staring at me. I’d been outed as a stripper, or even worse, as a porn actress. How had this happened? I started crying, my shoulders heaving uncontrollably, the sobs so hard and fierce that they made my chest hurt, my throat squeezing shut so I could barely breathe.

  “I’m going to be labeled a stripper and a whore! My life is over,” I wailed, not caring who heard in our dorm.

  Lauren came to sit beside me.

  “Mel, calm down,” she pleaded. “I mean, I’m sure we can get the tape back, ask the site to take down the video, whatever. It’s not that bad.”

  That didn’t make me feel better and I turned on her in a rage.

  “Not that bad? What the hell are you talking about? This is your fucking fault!” I screamed. “I only did the audition because you said everything was going to be fine! And now look what’s happened … I’m a whore for the entire student body to see!”

  “I know, I know, I know,” she soothed, trying to calm me. “I swear I had no idea. Ralph has a tape of me as well, I don’t know why he leaked yours.”

  But I was inconsolable.

  “What do I do now?” I shrieked, the hysteria making my voice shrill and harpy-like. “Tell me! Tell me what I do now with my life since I’m the official Trinity fuckslut!”

  “We’ll call Ralph,” she said hurriedly. “I’m sure he can pull some strings and get that video taken down.”

  I sat on my bed, sobbing as my head spun. Ralph was a mid-level manager, seedy and disreputable. The people that I needed were my brothers … stet.

  “Get out,” I snarled at Lauren. “Get out of my sight, now.” And she scrambled away, trying to get out of the line of fire, giving me my space.

  When Saxon picked up, I was already hiccupping into the receiver.

  “Melly? Sister?” he rumbled, his voice concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Brother,” I said pitifully. “Someone … someone leaked my audition tape for the Donkey Club to some porn site, and now everyone at school thinks I’m a porn star,” I cried into the phone. “People were looking at me like I was some kind of slut, a dirty ho,” I sobbed pitifully.

  “Shhh, shhh,” he soothed over the phone. “I’m sure it’s not that bad. What site is it again?” he asked.

  “Nub … Nubile Girls,” I sniffled, the tears still coming hard and fast. “Brother, it’s so embarrassing! I thought it was just my imagination that people were staring at me today. But strangers are pinging me on email with dirty messages, asking questions like “how does
your pussy taste” and texts like that,” I wailed. “How am I going to finish my degree here?”

  I could hear my brother typing away as he looked up the site.

  “Damn that motherfucker,” he growled. “I’m going to take care of this. Melly, don’t worry,” he said. “Stryke and I are on it. Just sit tight and don’t worry about a thing.”

  I hiccupped and said goodbye, weary and mentally exhausted, getting in bed despite the fact that it was only 5 p.m. I could hear pings on my laptop, the relentless dings becoming a veritable storm of chimes until in a rage, I got up and slammed the lid shut.

  I knew what it had to be. Thousands of dudes reaching out, commenting on my tits, ass or worse. Now that my body was in the public domain, it seemed that the world owned me, shaming me, groping me with its metaphysical hands.

  Oh god I moaned, burying my head in my pillow, hot tears starting again. How could this have happened? I was an innocent girl, a freshman at Trinity, trying to earn money for tuition. How had it gone so wrong? How would I ever face my peers again? I cried myself to sleep, the devastating revelation only subsiding as the darkness of sleep took over.

  But things were only worse the next morning. As usual, a copy of USA Today was delivered to our door and I opened it up to find the headline screaming: “IVY LEAGUE STUDENT TURNS PORN STAR: Have tuition increases driven our girls into a life of sin?”


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