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The Ship: The New Frontiers Series, Book One

Page 32

by Jack L Knapp

  “Strike that. I don’t want any mention of a UFO in this report, you read me, captain?”

  “Yes, sir. I understand.”

  “But you had occasion to believe that your weapons system might be needed, perhaps in self defense?”

  “Yes, sir. I was made aware that the possibility existed that units engaged in the maneuver might be fired upon by the Texas Air Guard. The governor of that state had made certain public statements to cause me, as aircraft commander, to be concerned.”

  The general covered his microphone with his hand and leaned back. After conferring briefly with the other officers on the panel, he spoke. “I think we’ll leave that in the record. It’s needed to explain why the crew armed their weapons.

  “Now then, captain, had you been engaged to that point?”

  “No, sir. We had no threat warning. Arming the missiles was precautionary.”

  “And did you select missiles in preparation for firing?”

  “No, sir. I also observed that my copilot had made no such selection.”

  “This report,” the general picked up another paper, “indicates that subsequent testing of the fire control module by a depot inspection team found an intermittent fault, involving the ground return system. This was further isolated to the power plug. Are you aware of this?”

  “No, sir. We made the usual checks before takeoff, but there was no indication of a fault.”

  “What do you conclude from this, Captain?”

  “Sir, I believe that the missiles launched without a specific command from myself or my copilot. I believe it was an accident, sir.”

  “Are you aware of what happened subsequent to the unintended launch?”

  Yesss! We’re off the hook! “I believe that one of the missiles struck the helicopter. It suffered a hard landing and three persons, two of whom were later identified as Russian officers, were arrested. The pilot of the helicopter was also detained, but he was subsequently released. I don’t know whether the other missile hit the...other aircraft.”

  “Strike that, it’s hearsay, and anyway I don’t want it part of this record. We’re keeping this unclassified, other than For Official Use Only. Do you have anything more to add?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Lieutenant? Any comments you wish entered into the record?”

  “No, sir.”


  Chuck met Lina in Andrews, and they headed for the ranch.

  “Any problems?”

  “No. There were people on the ground with guns, but they gave up when that Osprey landed. One of the government people called the sheriff’s department and the men were taken into custody for trespassing. I think the FBI picked them up, along with two Russians on the watch list. Have you heard from my dad?”

  “I talked to him this morning. He thinks things are under control, for now. Some of the engineering staff is already here. Joe got the oxygen system fixed, it was a misconnected tube, so the Farside is operational. He’s working on installing fairings over the stuff we moved outside the fuselage, but he doesn’t need me for that. You either.”

  “Oh. Well, shouldn’t we be doing something?”

  “Actually, I think there is. We need to stay out of sight for a while, just in case. Your father is avoiding contact too, just in case. He’s waiting to see whether there’s going to be a subpoena, but for now the lawyers are dealing with things. The plant is shut down, I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to reopen it. Anyway, I’ve been expecting you. I’ve got something for you, and we’ll be at the ranch house in a minute or so.”

  “Something for me, eh?” Her tone was flirtatious.

  “Not that. Okay, that too. But something else.”

  Chuck parked the car, then escorted Lina into the house. “Hang on a second.”

  Moments later, he returned. “I had an idea. Let’s start with this. It was my grandmother’s, and I think she’d like the idea of my passing it on to you.”

  “Oh, Chuck. It’s lovely. But it’s small, I don’t think it will fit.”

  “We can have it resized in Hawaii. I’m sure we’ll have time during the honeymoon to take care of that.”

  The End


  Book One, the New Frontiers Series

  The Series will continue

  Books by the author:

  The Wizards Series:

  Combat Wizard

  Wizard at Work


  Veil of Time

  Siberian Wizard (forthcoming)

  The Darwin’s World Series:

  Darwin’s World

  The Trek


  The Return (forthcoming)

  The New Frontiers Series

  The Ship: Book One, The New Frontiers Series



  Short Stories


  About the Author:

  Jack Knapp is a former soldier and science teacher, now a novelist and blogger. He’s a member of Mensa and the Society for Creative Anachronism.

  He’s reinvented himself a number of times over the years. Currently, he’s an amateur scientist, musician, bird enthusiast, and commentator on national and international affairs.

  Jack spends far too much time on Facebook, but still manages to write. He expects to complete three novels in 2016. one in each series. The second novel in the New Frontiers Series does not yet have a name, but the Farside and other ships will spend a lot more time in space!

  Jack also writes (sporadically!) two blogs: (nonfiction essays) (topics in writing and publishing)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Books by the author:

  About the Author:




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