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Beyond the Mistletoe: A Christmas Romance (Beyond Love Book 7)

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by Karice Bolton

  I should be flattered.

  My shoulders slumped as the elevator dinged, and we stepped inside. Bodie and I rode up in silence allowing the realization to settle over us that some in life really weren’t meant for the dating scene. Someone was going to have to literally show up at my door knocking, willing, and ready.

  I wanted nothing more than to take a bubble bath and stay far away from the mystery man my friends had surprised me with, but I knew that wasn’t possible. I would be an adult. I would face the humiliation Bodie had graced upon me, and I would rise above it.

  I opened the door to our room and dropped Bodie’s leash so he could scope out the place. All rooms were suites at the lodge and were gigantic by most hotel standards.

  The suite felt like home with its rustic decor and wood trimmed windows and doorways. An exposed beam ran down the center of the room and led me over to an oversized basket. Bodie had already found the goodies and was sniffing incessantly. Gabby had put together an amazing assortment of chocolates and snacks. I saw a piece of blue fabric draped over the back of the basket and pulled on it.

  Gabby had bought me a dress.

  If only she knew what I’d just managed to accomplish before even exchanging pleasantries with this poor, unsuspecting soul. I held up the dress and a note fell to the floor.

  Remember… have fun and don’t sweat tomorrow. Live for today!

  I shook my head and groaned as I flashed Bodie a dirty look. He looked up at me with his big, brown eyes, and I tossed my dress on the couch. Bodie was a man of few words, but his looks got him far in the world.

  “You’re just too cute for your own good and mine.” I scratched his head and let out a sigh. There was no point in pushing off the inevitable. Whether Eric knew who I was or not, he would soon enough, and it would be best to get through this as quickly as possible.

  A knock sounded at the door, and I told Bodie to sit, and of course, he complied with the command in an instant…

  Because he was a perfect dog.

  He was always a perfect dog, which made it so hard to believe he did what he did when he did it. I grabbed a five-dollar bill from my wallet and went over to the door to let the bellboy in, directing him where to put my bags. He was in his late teens at the most and a complete cutie.

  “Don’t be embarrassed about what happened,” he said smiling. “It really does happen all the time. They need to change out the ficus so dogs quit trying to mark their territory.”

  “I appreciate that. Bodie has never had an accident even at home so I think I’m still in a state of shock.” I slipped him the five and he grinned, pushing it into his pocket. He took all the luggage off the cart and put it in the bedroom and walked back out.

  “The guest from downstairs asked if you were with the bachelor party and wanted me to deliver this to you once he found out you were.” The bellboy picked up a bottle of champagne off the cart and handed it to me. “He thought you might need it after what happened in the lobby.”

  I laughed and shook my head. Maybe I wasn’t completely doomed after all.

  “Well, he is certainly perceptive. I’ll give him that much.”

  “Have a goodnight.”

  “You too, and thank you for bringing my things up.”


  The bellboy pulled the cart out of the room, and the door shut softly, leaving me to eye the bottle of champagne. A glass or two wouldn’t hurt. I unwrapped the foil and twisted off the wire before popping the cork. I turned over a glass that had been resting on the dining table and filled it to the top.

  I took a sip and then another, allowing the bubbles to do their work as I turned on the shower.

  This weekend was going to be fantastic. I’d gotten the embarrassing moments out of the way, and I could only go up from here.

  That was my new weekend motto: I can only go up from here.

  Chapter Four

  Whether it was true or not, I really didn’t want to find out.

  I stepped into the steaming shower and took in a deep breath.

  No matter what, this was going to be a weekend to remember, especially if Bodie had anything to do with it.

  I’d made it down to the hotel bar where my friends had pulled two large tables together near the stone fireplace. The space was rustic with exposed beams and slate floors, and in the center of each pine table sat a forest green candle, flickering in every direction. A large Christmas tree draped in silver and gold ornaments dwarfed a family of twig deer resting near it. I couldn’t imagine a better place to be trapped during a snowstorm.

  My eyes darted around the table searching for Eric, and when I found him, I wasn’t let down. He looked as attractive as he had in the lobby. Laughter erupted around the table, and I realized Eric had been relaying Bodie’s idea of a good time as all eyes fell on me. Finding an empty seat next to Lily, I plunked down and breathed a sigh of relief.

  At least the man had a sense of humor.

  “It sounds like you two have already met,” Lily whispered.

  “I can’t believe Bodie did that,” Gabby said, wiping away tears. “He’s the most well-behaved dog and—”

  “That’s exactly what I said,” I replied exasperated, reliving the horror of the moment.

  “It happens to the best of us.” Eric gave a slight nod and took a sip of his beer. He sat across the table, two seats down, and his gaze caught mine. He was definitely an intriguing male.

  “I’d like to think you have better control when it comes to marking your territory.” Lily grinned and sipped her hot chocolate. She was literally glowing. Lily and Ayden married only weeks ago in Bermuda, and she’d finally announced she was expecting. Even though we’d all known for months, we pretended to be surprised.

  The server made her way over, and I noticed most at the table needed refills. The server was chipper and wore a bouncing ponytail high on her head. Her blue eyes quickly took in Eric before she turned her attention to me. I ordered a hard cider with a cinnamon sugar ring around the glass and snuggled into the chair.

  “Perfect choice.” She scribbled down a few other orders and made her way to the bar.

  “So is Bodie okay up in the room all by himself?” Jason teased. “Or will the place need a deep clean?”

  “He was sleeping on the bed when I left so I’d like to think that’s where he’ll stay.”

  I noticed Eric taking me in, and I unintentionally sat up straighter and glanced out the window at the blizzard-like conditions.

  “Is Brandy here?” I asked Lily as the conversation picked up again.

  “They got in a few minutes ago and are putting their bags away in the room. Aaron’s just getting over a cold, but he wanted us to know he’s not contagious,” Lily relayed.

  “He better not be contagious,” Gabby laughed. “I don’t want to be sniffling my way down the aisle because I caught my brother’s germs. It’s been hard enough staying healthy around Katie. I swear she catches everything at preschool.”

  Jason nodded in agreement and wrapped his arm around Gabby’s shoulders. Katie was Jason’s niece, and they’d begun raising her only a short time ago.

  “I just hope you’re able to actually get to the aisle,” Lily said, pointing out the window.

  “What’s meant to be will be.” Gabby shot her a dubious look.

  The server delivered my hard cider, and I felt Eric’s eyes on me as I took a sip. My cheeks flushed, and I focused on setting the glass down without spilling. I wasn’t used to this kind of attention.

  “So what’s the plan for the weekend?” Brandy’s voice surprised us, and I turned my head to see Aaron and Brandy walking up to the table. Gabby’s eyes brightened as Aaron went around and hugged her, nearly pulling her out of the chair.

  “The wedding’s so close. There’s no backing out now,” her brother teased.

  Brandy tapped his back lightly and shook her head.

  “Hey, now. Don’t go putting any ideas in Gabby’s head,” Jason laughed, st
anding up to give Aaron a hug. They’d been best friends for years, and everyone at the table knew Gabby would never get cold feet and neither would Jason. It was a union meant to be.

  Brandy and Aaron found seats down the table and the conversation became even livelier.

  “So Bodie was a bad dog,” Gabby informed Brandy and Aaron.

  “No way. What did he do?” Brandy asked, her eyes connecting with mine.

  “He had a little accident in the lobby,” I muttered, dismissing the topic with my hands.

  “What kind of dog is Bodie, anyhow?” Eric asked.

  “He is a chiwoodle.” I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, and Eric grinned widely.

  “A chiwoodle? I’ve got to hear the mechanics about that rendezvous.” A man’s voice from behind coated my entire body with warmth. He made the word chiwoodle sound sensuous.


  I turned in my chair to see an incredibly sexy man walking over to us. He looked somewhat familiar, even though I couldn’t place him for the life of me. When he smiled, a few lines formed around his dazzling brown eyes, giving him a certain ruggedness, and his lips looked extra plump and pouty. I never noticed a man like this before, not at this level of detail, but I couldn’t get enough.

  As he walked over, his long stride only made his approach grander, larger than life. I imagined him in the woods, chopping down trees to build his own cabin. Everything about him oozed sex appeal and strength. Even his broad shoulders filled out his tan wool sweater in a way that said, “don’t mess with me. My ax is out back”. His dark jeans hugged his thighs all too well, and the sound of his boots hitting the slate floors produced an imposing rhythm that announced we needed to pay attention.

  He caught me taking him in and flashed another incredibly sexy smile my way, which made my belly do a gymnastic routine in his honor. I bit my lip in embarrassment and turned my attention back to the table. I needed to get a grip.

  “Hey, Derek. It’s so nice to see you.” Ayden stood up and shook the stranger’s hand.

  “I’m so happy you made it,” Gabby gushed. “I know things have been super busy with work and all.”

  “I’m never too busy for friends.” He gave Gabby a hug and found the last empty seat at the table, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him, which he sensed. His eyes came back to mine, and his gaze intensified as his grin widened. “This is a momentous occasion.”

  When his brown eyes refused to leave mine, a euphoric sensation flowed through my veins, feeding my mind with crazy ideas about spending the weekend with this perfect specimen. I’d never felt this amount of heat roll through my body off an innocent look.

  Or maybe that was the issue. There was nothing innocent about the way he was looking at me.

  “So tell me about this alleged chiwoodle.” He sat back in the chair and cupped his hands together, not taking his gaze off me. “First thing’s first. Was the poodle miniature or standard sized?”

  I licked my lips, and Lily chuckled under her breath as I nervously glanced around the table, attempting to gain my bearings before bringing my eyes back to Derek’s.

  “Standard by all accounts.” I swallowed.

  Derek shook his head and laughed. “I don’t buy it.”

  I shrugged. “It’s the truth. Bodie’s mom was a standard-sized poodle, and his dad was a chihuahua.”

  “That doesn’t even make sense,” he laughed and so did everyone else. “It can’t be. The lays of physics—”

  “You mean the laws of physics,” Lily giggled.

  A dimple formed in Derek’s left cheek and he winked.

  “It is. I swear it’s the truth. He was a rescue dog, and his rescuers found him at a puppy mill. The story is actually quite sad and very well documented. There is proof.”

  “If you say it’s the truth then I don’t doubt it.” Derek nodded, his expression softening.

  “Bodie’s been through a lot,” I added.

  “Well, finding out Bodie is half poodle and half chihuahua explains a lot,” Eric said.

  Guilt immediately swam in my blood. I completely forgot about Eric, and Eric was kind of my date. The man who looked like he’d just stepped from the pages of a magazine. I had to collect my wits and focus on the man at hand, Esquire Eric.

  “What does that mean?” I teased, taking the last sip of my cider.

  “Well, his hair is curly, but his tail is bare and wiry,” Eric answered. “Not to mention really skinny.”

  “He just has the best of both worlds,” I joked.

  “And his ears don’t stand up or stay down,” Gabby added. “They just kink in the middle.” She used her fingers to demonstrate and Brandy laughed, while I felt insulted on behalf of Bodie, and every chiwoodle out there.

  “Let’s not forget his bark,” Gabby said, grinning.

  “What about his bark?” I asked, completely puzzled. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Bodie’s bark. It was friendly and commanding with just one yap.

  “It’s a warble with a squeak.” Gabby glanced at Eric and then at Derek before returning her gaze to me.

  “How is a dog supposed to bark? I didn’t think there was an official language.”

  “Don’t forget the hiccup sound at the end,” Lily teased.

  “He only hiccups if he’s excited.” I grabbed my napkin and unrolled it to occupy myself from the onslaught of chiwoodle injustice.

  “Well, your chiwoodle sounds like he found himself the perfect place to call home,” Derek said, his voice completely layering me with desire I hadn’t realized I’d bottled up for the last six years.

  “Thank you. I think he’s a keeper. And just remember we all come in different packages.”

  “Indeed. But I still can’t quite picture what took place to create a chiwoodle.”

  “And you know…” My voice trailed off in a whisper.

  Derek’s brow arched, and he leaned into the table, waiting for me to finish.

  “I think it’s best if you stop trying to imagine the deed.” I winked, and his laughter filled the air, and I swear I wanted to bottle it up.

  I had no idea what was coming over me. I never ever felt this for my ex-husband.

  Maybe that was one of the many problems.

  The server came over to take Derek’s order, and I placed another order as well. The happiness circulating around the table was infectious, and I felt completely at home with this group.

  “So in other news, we’ve got a fun schedule planned for the weekend, some of which can include Bodie. We know he’s the main squeeze in your life,” Brandy said.

  “Hopefully not for long,” Lily whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear as both Derek and Eric looked over at me and smiled.

  I stepped on her toe, and she squirmed only slightly. I needed better aim.

  “Tomorrow, depending on the storm, we’ll be doing a sleigh ride around some of the trails, and we’ll end the night with a murder mystery dinner show and drinks in the lodge after. The following day, we’ve got a treasure hunt planned that includes contests on the way for best s’mores, hot chocolate creations, ornament decorating, and a few other surprises.”

  “Is there a prize?” Brandy asked.

  “Lots of them,” Gabby assured her.

  “And to top it off, we’ll be dividing into three teams for a chili cook-off, judged by the chef here at the hotel,” Jason added. “And you better make it good since that will also be our dinner.”

  It sounded like a blast.

  Lily and Ayden began devising a plan about the chili recipe to use, and I noticed Derek studying me.

  “What?” I asked, pretending he had absolutely no effect over me.

  “So you don’t remember me, do you?” Derek asked, resting his arm on the table as he moved closer.

  I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head. “I feel like I should know you, but I’m not sure.”

  Derek placed both hands over his heart and winced. “I’m crushed. Completely crushed that I’m tha
t forgettable.” His lip curled slightly and my stomach did a dip. No man had ever made me feel like I was on a Ferris wheel before. And he made me feel like not only was I on one, but I was about to fly off the bench.

  And then it hit me. Lily and all of us had crashed Ayden’s bachelor party, and he’d been there. We’d been briefly introduced, but I’d just had an online dating fiasco and had my blinders on.

  “Aren’t you Ayden’s trainer?” I asked.

  “Was Ayden’s trainer. He doesn’t fight anymore. Isn’t that right?” Derek raised his beer toward Ayden.

  “Not a chance in hell I’d step in another ring and risk this.” Ayden planted a kiss on Lily’s cheek, and Brandy and Gabby moaned a hum of happiness.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you again,” he said. His eyes connecting with mine.

  Lily stepped on my toe this time, but I didn’t flinch and didn’t respond.

  Derek picked up his beer and raised his glass. “To Bodie.”

  I flicked my gaze from Eric to Derek and my cheeks warmed, realizing they were both waiting for me to say something. This was going to be an interesting weekend.

  “To Bodie,” I repeated, as we raised our glasses in honor of the sleeping chiwoodle upstairs.

  Chapter Five

  I peered out the window of the hotel lobby and watched the snowflakes gently swirl midair as the light breeze carried them along. Soon, we’d be out braving the weather sitting in a sleigh, feeling the ice crystals pelting any exposed skin. But it was better than allowing myself to stay in my self-contained bubble.


  Instead of picking and choosing how festive I wanted to be this year, I found myself thrown into an unbalanced storm mixing equal parts of wedding, holidays, and men. Three items I’d tried to stay a safe distance from over the past six years, and now each of the categories came at me from all sides. I held in a shiver and tamped down my sudden desire to be with Bodie, a book, and my favorite fleece throw draped over us both.

  I heard giggling behind me and turned to see Gabby, Brandy, and Lily walking up to greet me. Lily was bundled in a white goose down jacket with grey faux-fur trimming the hood, grey leggings, and an aqua sweater sticking out from underneath her jacket. Gabby wore an ankle-length goose down coat that looked more like a bathrobe than anything, since I couldn’t see what she was wearing underneath, and Brandy had on a blue flannel shirt, jeans, and a black unzipped jacket.


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