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A Hunt Among Vampires (The Angel Series)

Page 7

by M. Cheykota

  “Why would you do that?” I pull back to look into his eyes. “This is my problem, not yours.”

  He sighs. “Jessica, you have not been listening to me. I will do anything for you.”

  Unable to speak, I kiss him. He freezes for a moment in surprise before responding to my kiss. A few minutes later, I break the kiss with a smile.

  “I have no idea who he is meeting with. It could be the Master of the City for all I know.” I explain.

  “If it is, I will wipe his mind after the meeting and he will not be aware of my existence, or yours.” Christien says confidently.

  “Are you sure?” I look at him skeptically. “If you go, I’m going in too. I’m not letting you go into a situation like that and not be there to back you up.”

  “There will be no need for your presence, but...” He stops me before I can interrupt. “I can guard you both if you choose to join me. I am curious who is meeting and doing business with humans. It is against vampire law to allow humans to be aware of our existence without an adequate reason. This vampire might become a problem and would ultimately involve me since I choose to stay here. If he is not the Master of the City, it will be good knowledge to have for an advantage in order to stay. If another local master were involved, it would be the Master of the City’s responsibility to bring this vampire to justice.”

  “So, you’d be killing two birds with one stone.” I comment.

  He gives me a confused look then nods in understanding. “Protecting you and securing my place in the city. I would say that phrase would be accurate.”

  I take out my phone and call Timon back. He is surprised and relieved to hear that it will be me along with someone else that will guard him during his meeting with the vampires. We agree to meet later in the evening and ride together to the meeting. Christien decides to have a few of his most experienced vampires close enough to assist us as an extra precaution.

  After dinner, Christien drives my Mercedes to the predetermined rendezvous point. We exit the car as a lanky, pale, Caucasian man with graying, dirty blonde hair, climbs out of a waiting limousine with a look of relief on his face.

  “Olivia, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.” Timon calls out, offering his bony hand to me.

  Christien snorts telepathically. “Olivia?”

  I think back into his direction, hoping he hears me. “Do you really think I give clients my real name?”

  A twitch of his lips is the only hint that he heard my response.

  Timon takes my hand and brings it to his lips. I pull my hand out of his before his lips touch. “This is not that type of meeting. I am here to guard you, not fuck you. We should get moving. Vampires are notorious for being punctual. I have no idea why. They will not be pleased if you arrive late.”

  “And who is this?” He nods towards Christien.

  “This is my associate. You do not need to know his name. I know it. Now let’s go.” I demand irritably.

  We all climb into the limo. Christien and I take the seat across from Timon, facing the rear of the limo. The ride to the meeting place in Surprise takes almost a half hour. We arrive fifteen minutes before nine. The sun has set nearly an hour ago. Christien and I climb out of the limo and scan the area. The barn at the farmhouse we are meeting at is quiet. The area is dark from the lack of city lights. I can sense that we are not alone, but I cannot see anyone around, even with my enhanced eyesight. I look at Christien and he has a puzzled look on his face.

  “We are not alone ma chatte. There are at least 20 vampires in the immediate area. I believe a vampire nest is near, perhaps at the farmhouse.”

  “Are we in danger?” I send back to him.

  He looks around again and slowly shakes his head. “They are only watching us, for now.”

  I nod in understanding and cross my arms, resting my hands on my daggers for comfort. This many unfamiliar vampires in one area make me nervous, even with Christien right beside me.

  Timon gets out of the limo carrying a briefcase. I saw the briefcase on the seat next to him on the ride here, but refrained from asking him more information. Sometimes, the less you know can save you. We are here to guard Timon, nothing more.

  As time creeps closer to the appointed hour, the three of us walk slowly towards the large barn. The red paint looks almost black in the darkness. As we get closer, I can see a faint glow emanating from under the double doors. My mind is racing and my hands itch to pull out my daggers.

  “Easy chatte, the vampires have remained where they are. I do not sense any danger from inside. However, there is a strong vampire awaiting our arrival.”

  “More powerful than you?” I slide my gaze in his direction long enough to see him smirk.

  “Trust me ma chatte petite. I have nothing to fear from any of these vampires. Their master is strong, but I am much older. Regardless, you need to stay alert and keep your anxiety in check.”

  I school my facial features before we walk through the barn doors. Christien is on the left side of Timon, me on the right. Quickly, I perform a visual sweep of the room to find several vampires squatting on beams near the ceiling. We walk several feet inside before a vampire hidden by shadows demands that we stop our forward progress.

  “Who are your friends, Timon?” The vampire asks.

  It feels as if a breeze is inside my head. The vampire’s attempt to enter my mind is sloppy and obtrusive. Emptying my mind, I bolster my mental shields, locking the vampire out, even though vampires can’t gain control of my mind.

  “These are my guards.” Timon answers quietly.

  The man stays in the shadows while I hear the barn doors shut behind us. Trusting Christien to warn me, I keep my attention on the unknown vampire in the room.

  “Everything is in order. Shall we complete our business?” Timon asks more confidently than I believe he should.

  A hissing sound, which I interpret as laughter, comes from the vampire.

  My eyes dart to Christien who looks almost bored by the expression on his face.

  “Come forward Timon. You have no reason to fear your safety.”

  Timon looks at me. I quickly glance at Christien who nods once. Trusting Christien, I nod my head indicating that it will be safe for Timon to approach the vampire.

  Showing the first sign of his fear, Timon hesitates on the first step and nearly trips. He catches himself clumsily. Straightening his spine, he continues forward until he is standing in front of a large table. He places his briefcase on the table and rests a hand on top of it.

  The vampire finally moves out of the shadows, giving Christien and me our first glimpse of him. Judging by his looks, the vampire must have turn while he was in his late thirties or early forties. Gray sprinkles his short dark hair near his temples. The business suit he is wearing looks expensive, but badly tailored. Instead of sitting behind the table, he walks around it and stands in front of me. Expecting his scent to be unpleasant, I am surprised to find him smelling fresh with a hint of some type of citrus. I avoid his gaze, focusing more on his nose. He raises his hand to touch my face and I smack it away without saying a word.

  The vampire laughs, his voice echoing throughout the spacious barn. When he has finished laughing, he gives me a purely lustful look. I’m sure everyone in the barn hears Christien’s growl of disapproval, but the vampire ignores him.

  Taking a huge risk, I give him my most irritated look. “Go do your business so we can leave. I have plans that I would like to keep.”

  It must have been the wrong thing to say, because I can hear Christien’s knuckles popping in restraint.

  The vampire snarls. “I do not like to be dismissed, little girl. What is your name?”

  “Olivia. What’s yours?”

  He laughs again.

  This is one jovial vampire. Either I amuse him immensely or he likes to laugh. I think to myself.

  “Timon, this guard you have is lovely. Maybe we can make a deal for her after we have concluded our business.” />
  Timon smartly keeps his mouth shut.

  “Oh well, let’s conclude our business.” The vampire gives me one more appraising glance before he returns to his side of the table.

  I roll my eyes in disgust and look around the room.

  The vampires squatting above us are unmoving like statues. Whatever business transaction they do, lasts about ten minutes. Once business is complete, Timon backs away from the table to stand between Christien and me. We slowly turn towards the door when the master vampire stops us.

  “Wait.” He moves to stand in front of us. “How much do you want for the woman?”

  “I am not for sale.” I walk around him towards the barn doors.

  The vampires around the room begin to come to life and drop to the floor all around us. My daggers are in my hands before they land.

  Christien chuckles aloud. It is the first sound he has made since we climbed inside the limo. “Ma chatte petite, will you ever keep yourself from harm? How you managed to do your job without trouble before amazes me. I love your sharp wit and clever tongue, but I had hoped you could control your nature for this one meeting.”

  “What did I do?” I think back at him. “I thought I was being good.”

  “You and your other guard may go. Olivia will stay here with me.” The master vampire announces confidently.

  Timon shudders and looks helplessly at me.

  Christien sighs. “She is coming with us. I will not leave her here.”

  Timon takes another step towards the door. Christien blocks the master’s path, effectively putting Timon and me at his back. He then backs us towards the barn door. I watch the vampires surrounding us mirror our movements. There is no way they will allow us to leave.

  “Halt.” The master commands.

  I can feel his power crawling over my skin. Christien urges me faster towards the door. Timon is almost to the door when the master unleashes his full power. I can tell because my knees buckle, causing me to stumble. Clenching my daggers, I push myself to my feet in preparation of a fight.

  The master’s power dissipates instantly. Christien’s gentle powers replace the oppressive vampire’s powers. Whereas the vampire’s powers feel like a tidal wave, Christien’s power feels more like gentle waves lapping at my toes.

  “I apologize for the use of force. I must not allow you to harm my mate. We will leave your presence immediately since your business with Mr. Timon has concluded.” Christien diplomatically apologizes as he helps Timon to his feet. All the vampires in the barn look as if they are stuck in mid step, except for the master vampire. Ushering us out the door towards the waiting limo, Christien waits by the barn doors until we get inside.

  I can see Christien say something to the master vampire, but I am too far away to hear him. Christien joins us inside the limo moments later and the driver darts down the road back towards Phoenix.

  “What happened back there? How did all those vampires freeze like that?” Timon asks.

  “We did not ask you about your business, so you should respect our privacy and not ask about ours.” I reply quickly.

  Christien nods in agreement. Timon sits back in his seat and lets out a frustrated breath of air.

  “We did our jobs so I expect to be paid.” I am expecting some type of refusal, but instead, I am surprised to hear Timon’s agreement.

  Chapter 8

  My car is still in the empty parking lot that we left from when we get back. As soon as I check the car for explosives, I climb behind the wheel while Christien opens the passenger door.

  “Mr. Timon.” I call out to him. He approaches my window. I hand him one of my business cards with my account number and fee. “I expect to be paid in the next hour.” He nods his head and walks towards his car.

  I wait until we arrive at Christien’s house before asking any questions. We are safely in his bedroom sitting on his couch when I give him my full attention.

  The corners of his lips rise slightly. “I cannot hope you would just let it go without me explaining, could I?”

  I tilt my head to the side and give him an ‘I’m waiting’ look.

  He sighs. “I suppose not.”

  “What happened?”

  “The vampire was intrigued with you. He would have you for himself and had every intention to take you. I had to stop him. You are mine.”

  “Take me, as in...?”

  “You intentionally or unintentionally challenge everyone you meet. Most vampires love a challenge. He saw you as a beautiful toy to be broken and submit to his will. I will never allow that to happen. I took over his vampires’ minds and stopped their attack.”

  “I didn’t do anything!” I exclaim, jumping up to pace. “All I told him was my fake name and not to touch me.”

  “Yes, but the fact that he could not make you bend to his will, as I am sure he tried to do, intrigued him. It made him more curious about you. This is why you should not deal with vampires. They will either think you are very old or just unique because they cannot access your mind to control you. Either choice makes you interesting. You already know what could happen if they find out why you are so different. How did you ever manage to be around vampires before and them not finding about you?”

  “I told you when I met you that I don’t date or work with vampires. There has been only one vampire in my past that has been around me and that was Austin. He was curious about me too, but not curious enough to do anything about it. I had many stipulations while I hung around him and his vamps. He knew I would leave and never come back if he broke one of my rules.”

  “I would like to hear more about this Austin sometime.” His tone doesn’t disguise his rising jealousy.

  Rolling my eyes, I sit back on the couch next to him. “He’s dead, so stop with all the macho crap.”

  Christien face shows concern, but he wipes the emotion away quickly. “Were you ever intimate with him?”

  I blush, unable to hide my guilt. Ignoring his question, I ask another question. “What did you say to the master vampire while we were getting into the car? I couldn’t hear you.”

  Christien sighs and lets his previous question go unanswered. “I informed him that he should not try to seek you out in any way. If he did, he would regret it. I also mentioned to him that it is against vampire law to expose our nature to humans.”

  “What did he say?”

  “I do not think he will try to seek you out, if that is what you are asking. I made my point very clear.”

  “What did you do to him?”

  “I did not do anything to him. It is the knowledge that I could do something to him if I choose, that will prevent him from seeking you out. I made sure he understood that you are not worth his existence.”

  “Why didn’t he freeze when all the other vampires did? Is he that powerful?”

  “Non, ma chatte petite. I did not stop him deliberately. I did not want him to feel the extent of my power. Any strong vampire could stop his young ones on the spot. If I were to show my hand at how powerful I truly am, word would no doubt spread quickly about a powerful vampire coming to take over the master of the city.”

  “You are the strongest vampire around. You kind of will be taking over the city.” I state knowingly.

  He smiles. “They do not know that. You are young in the knowledge of vampires. I have been playing their politics for over a thousand years. In time, you will learn about vampire politics the more you are around me.”

  “You assume I’m gonna stick around.”

  “Come ma chatte petite. It is getting close to dawn.” He stands and offers his hand to me.

  I accept his hand and stand. “Now that I have my car keys, I could return to my house and sleep in my own bed.”

  He pulls me flush against his body and presses a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. My heart is hammering inside my chest, making my blood rush through me, flushing my bronze skin. Christien spreads kisses along my jaw, down my neck to my shoulder, then back to my lips. His f
ingers stroke my arms, causing the hair on them to stand up. He kisses me gently, at first. His tongue penetrates my mouth and I do little to resist. He lifts me off my feet and carries me to his bed. He undresses me deftly before climbing off the bed to undress. The sight of him undressed sends my libido into overdrive.

  He positions himself over me and kisses down my body, starting at my lips, ending near my bellybutton. My hands find his shoulders and my fingernails dig into his skin. He growls in approval and moves between my thighs. Nibbling, biting and raking his fangs over my sensitive area send me into a violent orgasm. His fangs pierce my inner thigh, forcing another orgasm to shake me. He continues to feed until my orgasm subsides. Our lips collide as he lays his claim on me. Sliding between my legs, he pushes his hardness deep inside of me. I throw my head back wantonly as my fingernails rake his back. He grabs my ankles and raises them to his shoulders, exposing me fully to his affection.

  My oncoming orgasm begins to build fast as he pounds my body furiously. I scream his name as my body bucks off the bed in ecstasy. Unable to resist, he plunges his fangs into my neck. The sensation of my orgasm forces his release. My legs drop to the bed in exhaustion. He collapses on top of me and licks the trickle of blood running down my neck.

  Using whatever strength left in his body, Christien lifts himself off me and drops to the bed beside me. His arm wraps around my waist possessively.

  We lay there catching our breaths for several minutes.

  When I am able to speak without panting, I look into his eyes. “I need to take a shower.”

  I push myself out of his bed and walk into the bathroom, closing the door for privacy. I turn on the shower and before the water has a chance to heat up, I shower quickly, careful not to wet my hair, wasting no time to linger under the water. Minutes later, I dry off and pull on a robe hanging on the back of the door. I work my way to the walk-in closet and dress in loose black slacks and red silk shirt. The red stilettos with silver spikes complete my look. I comb my hair with my fingers and reposition the silver stakes in my hair. I am picking up my purse and clothes when Christien’s hand touches my arm.


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