Who I Am (FireNine)

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Who I Am (FireNine) Page 4

by Williams, S. Q.

  Reaching the door, I knocked and heard stumbling and footsteps on the other side. No one came after waiting for two minutes, so I knocked again and then heard a deep voice yell from a distance. “Rose, answer the fucking door, will ya!?” he shouted.

  Footsteps started toward the door, and I narrowed my eyes as the locks clinked, chains rattled, and the door was pulled open. My eyes then expanded because who I was seeing couldn’t be real… at least I hoped not.

  She was just as beautiful as I remembered, if not more. She wore a long-sleeved grey dress, revealing a hefty amount of cleavage. Her platinum hair was curly and stopped at her chest, and as she saw me standing outside her door, she looked up, gasped, and took a step away.

  “R-Roy?” she whispered and then glanced over her shoulder.

  “Who the hell is it?” the same man yelled.

  “Uh… no one!” she yelled back. “Just a package!” She stepped outside and shut the door behind her, peering up at me as if I were a fool.

  “Roy… what in the hell are you doing here? Are you insane? You can’t just show up and see me… and how the hell do you know where I live anyway?” I swallowed thickly, confused about this whole situation.

  “I… didn’t know where you lived, Rosemarie. I came to deliver something to Red Round.”

  Her eyes thinned to slits. “Oh, God,” she groaned, palming her forehead and rolling her eyes. “Just when I thought I met someone who knew nothing about them…”

  I frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “How do you know about Red Round?” she asked.

  “I… work for someone who works with them.”

  “You mean you sell drugs?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t sell. I deliver. There’s a difference,” I stated angrily. I wasn’t angry with her. I was just upset about the fact that I probably looked like a damn dealer.

  “But you’re still associated with drugs…” She stepped away, looking me over.

  “Rosemarie,” I sighed. “No… I’m not. I don’t do any of this shit. I just deliver for the money because no one will hire me around town. He pays me pretty good… enough.”

  Blowing out a breath, she looked over my shoulder and then over hers. “Roy… I really wanted you to be different.”

  Her statement made my heart fail to beat a little, and nothing outside of her sentence mattered. Not the drugs. Not Corey. Nothing.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

  “It means I wish you had nothing to do with this drug world. Delivering, selling… whatever. I thought you would just be a sweet guy who played your guitar at parks. Someone to take my mind away from all of this… madness.”

  “But I am that guy… I can be that guy.” Now she was really confusing me, and I was getting worried—worried that she’d want nothing to do with me. But then it came to me, like a rock being thrown at the heart of my chest. “Can I ask you something?”

  She nodded cautiously.

  “Why are you here?”

  She was silent for a moment, debating on whatever answer she was going to provide. “My daddy is the boss of Red Round. This is his place.”

  Wow… now I was having second thoughts about her. I wanted nothing to do with Red Round. Nothing. These fuckers were crazy. I knew messing with any of their family was a risk, but messing with the boss’s daughter… hell no! That was a big hell-to-the-no!

  “Wow,” was all I could manage.

  “Look… I know we’re both having second thoughts, but don’t. I was going to tell you about him tonight. My daddy won’t know a thing about you. If things work out, I’ll keep us a secret until I’m ready to tell him. Roy...” She cupped my face, smiling gently. Sweetly. “I really, really find you interesting. And I really want to go out with you tonight. I wanna have fun. I need it. So please… give me what you’re delivering and leave now, before he sees you. I overheard him saying he was going to teach the delivery boy a lesson, but now that I know it’s you, I can’t let him do that. We’ll talk more tonight… I promise. We’ll get to know each other. I can overlook you delivering drugs… I guess.” Releasing the hold from my face, she took a step backward, still smiling as I slowly took off my bag. It was best to let her keep it. I didn’t need it, and it would’ve been too much of a hassle to try and take it all out.

  “I can’t believe this shit,” I muttered, taking a step down the stoop.

  “Trust me, I can’t either,” she whispered, grabbing the strap of the bag. “I just… hope you’re telling me the truth… about only being a deliverer. Nothing more. I can deal with that.” She bit her bottom lip and then grabbed the doorknob. “Daddy has the money in the safe in the kitchen. I’ll go get it. You wait outside the gates.”

  That was the best thing to do. I couldn’t be seen and shot by any of those men. Rosemarie turned around, and I did as well, hurrying down the rocky path and exiting the gates. I waited in front of the brick wall, drawing in measured breaths, still trying to formulate what the fuck was going on. It was all like a dream—no, a nightmare. The girl I was interested in was the daughter of the boss of Red Round. This was the worst coincidence to ever happen to me, and it was risky, but she was willing to take the risk for me. Why couldn’t I do the same?

  Wait… why couldn’t I do the same? Maybe because I was too worried about my well-being to drag her and myself through this situation, or worse, my mom… my band. Red Round could figure out anything they wanted to about me. This secret of ours could’ve gotten us both killed.

  Backing out felt like the best thing to do. I didn’t need any more drama. I didn’t need any more stress, and I definitely didn’t want to worry about whether I’d be safe to walk the streets without being watched or killed by some member of the mafia.

  Just as I thought about backing out, Rosemarie daintily walked through the gates, and seeing her made me do a double take. I was too worried before to really take her in, but as she walked toward me, her long, creamy legs glistened with oil beneath the sun and the cool wind. Her high cheekbones lifted up even more as she smiled at me. Her immense amount of cleavage made my dick throb with nothing but desire. Nothing had changed. I still wanted her… and I wanted her something serious.

  As she met in front of me with a brown paper bag of money in hand, she grabbed my hand, placed the money in the palm of it, and then stood on her toes to kiss my cheek. That kiss struck me like lightning. I lit up like a star, oblivious to the fact that I was ever concerned about her safety or even mine. As her velvety, plush lips touched my cheek and she wrapped her free arm around my neck, I melted and smiled down at her, our lips almost touching.

  “Go before Daddy finds out you were here.” She then kissed my chin. I wanted so badly to tilt my head down and be greedy by devouring those full lips, but I held off. She could wait until tonight, but I wasn’t sure if I could. I wanted—no, I needed, a taste of her. I had the urge to pin her against the brick wall behind me, spread her legs, crush her lips with mine, and slide my cock into what I assumed would be a sweet, wet, and eager pussy, ready for me to dominate it. These thoughts got me riled up so much I struggled to control the boner begging to be put on display. I had to control myself. I couldn’t treat her like the rest. She was different. Dangerously different.

  Luckily, before I could get too horny, she pulled away and twirled around, grinning over her shoulder.

  “I’ll see you later, Roy.”

  “Yeah…” I said, watching her walk through the gates, stuck in my tracks. “Later.” And although this was a big risk to take—me daring myself to go out with her, knowing exactly who her father was and what harm he performed to the people who came across him or his family the wrong way—I couldn’t fucking wait to spend the rest of my night with her.

  Corey was pretty shocked to see me walking through his office door unharmed and clear of any beatings. With a smug smile on my lips, I slammed his bag of money on the table and turned for the door. I didn’t want shit to do with him.
He’d let me walk into my own trap and if it weren’t for Rosemarie being there I would’ve been dead… and Corey wouldn’t have given one shit. He would’ve found someone else to replace me.

  “Hold up,” Corey said. His chair scratched the floor, and I glanced over my shoulder, holding back on a grimace. “Forgot you get paid today?” He flashed a smile at me, turning for the safe in the wall. After unlocking it and counting a stack of money, he turned around and sat again. “Here.”

  Swallowing thickly, I marched for his desk and reached for the money, but I should’ve known this was another one of his little tricks. Before I could pick it up and stuff it in my pocket, he asked me, “How’d you get outta that?”

  “Outta what?” My tone was dry. I wanted him to know he was a waste of my time.

  “You know… delivering Red Round’s shit without getting beat down.”

  I cocked my head and smirked. “I have my ways.”

  Corey released a dry laugh and picked up his glass of whiskey. “You have ways, huh?” He took a sip and then placed the glass down, running his thick, dark finger across the rim of it. “Nah… you just got lucky as hell. I know them,” he said, pointing a finger up at me. “I know them, and I know they wouldn’t have let you go without a warning in the least.”

  “If that’s what you wanna believe.” Shrugging, I took a step back and sighed. “I guess they didn’t feel like dealing with anyone today. Who knows?” I was gloating now, and I could tell Corey was starting to get pissed. He wanted to know why Red Round let me off, and I wasn’t about to tell him. He could stay curious for all I cared. He could assume I was working for them as well… anything. It really didn’t matter, as long as he didn’t know everything about me. As long as he was questioning some part of me, I was safe. I had to hold back on a laugh as I slid my money in my back pocket. “Am I good to go now?”

  “Yeah… go.” He tore away his gaze, staring down at the mess of paper on top of his desk.

  Turning and smirking, I exited his room. As soon as I was outside his home, I ran to Montana’s place, ready to start my night with the woman who’d just saved me from a severe ass beating.

  “Wow, this is nice!” Rosemarie exclaimed as she plopped into the passenger seat. I smiled at her before shutting the door behind her. After hopping in and clipping my seatbelt, I faced her, and she stared into my eyes, biting on her lower lip after a few seconds had passed. “What?” she whispered.

  “Nothing,” I said quickly. “You just look… amazing. Smell amazing… everything about you right now is amazing.”

  Her cheeks turned as red as cherries. I wanted to leave her on that, with a compliment, so I started the Mustang and pulled away from the park. Yes, the park. She had to sneak out and meet me here in order to go on this date with me. They had men watching at the front gates, and I wasn’t about to be investigated… maybe killed.

  The ride was fairly silent as I drove downtown. I wasn’t sure what to say. I wondered if my compliment made her feel awkward. At the moment, as I took a brief glance at her, it seemed she didn’t like it… or maybe she just wasn’t used to it. Was this the way to start off a date? I really had no fucking idea.

  I took another look at her, and she was staring out the window, her fingers linked and locked in her lap, her glossed lips pressed tight. What was she thinking?

  “So… what kind of music do you like?” I asked, breaking the silence. She whipped her head to look at me.

  “Good question… um… I listen to almost everything.”


  “Yep.” She popped her lips. “Alternative, pop, country, rock, jazz, indie… anything. What about you?”

  I shrugged as I approached a red light. “Ever since me and my band started making music, I’ve sort of… stopped listening to other music.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Really?”

  “Yeah… I mean, whenever music is on, I don’t really mind. I get some of my inspiration from other music, but to me, it’s just like any other person with a dream or a goal: when they’re inspired, they focus solely on what they want to chase after. Their dream. I’ve realized my whole band hasn’t listened to a radio station in months unless we have some free time on our hands. Why? Because we make so much of our own music that, if we listen to others, we begin to get insecure of our own.”

  “Wow… insecure, huh?” She was pretty much staring a hole through the side of my head. I clutched the wheel, staring ahead at the brake lights of the car in front of me. “You didn’t seem so insecure when you played for me.”

  I laughed a little. “Trust me, I was. More nervous than anything.”

  “Why? You did great. I could tell you play your guitar every chance you get.”

  “Yeah. I do.”

  The light flashed green, and I pulled off. We arrived downtown in little to no time with some minor chitchat about what we were going to order and what movie spiked our interest most.

  I helped Rosemarie out and escorted her to the front door of the restaurant. It felt odd escorting this girl, but then again, it felt good. I couldn’t believe I was even doing this.

  After ordering our food and drinks, I looked up at Rosemarie, and she placed the palms of her hands beneath her chin. “You stare at me a lot,” she said.

  “You intrigue me. Can’t help it.”

  She bit on a smile and looked away.

  “I’m sorry… is that bad?” I asked. I didn’t even realize I looked at her so much, but how couldn’t I? She was striking. Whenever her blue eyes locked with mine, I’d feel a chill running down my spine, reminding me of what her penetrating gaze could do to me. It turned me on, which was rare from a single look alone. She didn’t even have to touch me. One look into my eyes was all it took to get me aroused.

  “N-no, it’s not. I… like it. I really do. I’m just… not used to having a guy stare at me so much… or take me out. Or open my doors for me… shit like that.”

  My eyebrows stitched. “So every guy you’ve dated is a jackass?”

  She giggled. “Basically.”

  “Well I’m not a jackass. I was raised with manners, courtesy of my mom.” Smiling and then winking at her, I took a sip of my Coke, and she slightly tilted her head, biting on yet another smile. “I don’t get why you do that.”

  Her smile fell. “Do what?”

  “Hide your smile.”

  “I—I don’t—”

  “It’s beautiful. You shouldn’t have to hide it,” I said, interrupting her.

  Her mouth instantly clamped shut. She stared into my eyes, not daring to blink. Our eyes were locked for a fairly long time, and I wanted to say something, but the way she looked at me—the way her mouth slightly fell open—I thought it was better if I didn’t. I realized then, that maybe, this was all new to her. My own thoughts left me stunned. How could someone as striking as Rosemarie be a stranger to honest flattery?

  Our trance was powerful; neither of us could look away, that is, until someone slammed their hand on the table and Rosemarie jolted, snatching her eyes away from mine and staring up.

  I frowned, looking up at the boy who had to be at least a year or two younger than us. His icy eyes were staring right into mine, and his hand was locked around the edge of the table. There was no trace of a smile on his lips. There was more of an agitated twitch at the corner of his mouth.

  “The fuck is this, Rosemarie?” he asked, still staring at me.

  “The fuck are you?” I retorted, preparing to stand. Before I could, Rosemarie motioned for me to stay put by shaking her head and holding her hand in the air. Grabbing the arm of the lanky boy in front of me, she turned him in her direction and frowned at him as she stood.

  “Rocky, you’re ruining my date.” Her voice was heated, but calm… however that was possible.

  “Date? What the hell do you mean? You aren’t supposed to be dating. You have—”

  “No, I don’t have anything,” she snapped through her teeth, giving me a brief glance
before meeting his eyes again. “It’s not like that right now, so go away.” She released his arm and dropped in her seat again. The Rocky kid laughed as he took a step back and folded his arms across his broad chest.

  “Dad isn’t gonna like this shit… you with some random ass guy he hasn’t even met.”

  “Which is why you aren’t going to tell him. I will… when I’m ready.” She grimaced at Rocky.

  “Whatever, Rose. Suit your fucking self. But when he fucks up and gets his ass handed to him, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Dad’s gonna find out somehow, and you know he always has people watching out for you. Always.”

  “Fuck him,” she seethed.

  I don’t know if it was just an internal gut feeling, but it seemed like they were no longer talking about their dad when they said “he” and “him.” It seemed like it was someone else, someone much more dangerous.

  Rocky’s laugh overpowered the music of the restaurant, and then he looked at me, shaking his head. “Enjoy her while you can, buddy.” Capping my shoulder roughly, he marched toward the bar. Rosemarie and I both watched as he paid for his order, took a look over his shoulder at her, and shook his head while laughing again.

  Both of us released a sigh as he walked out the entrance door.

  “Should I even ask?” I asked, wincing a little.

  “My little brother.” She rolled her eyes with another sigh. “I hate how he’s always where I am. I’m starting to think he’s watching me.”

  I shrugged and pressed my lips. “I guess that’s understandable. He’s your brother. He might just want to see that you’re safe, especially since you’re the daughter of the boss of Red Round. It doesn’t really seem safe for you to be out much, now that I think about it.”

  “I’m fine without them hounding me—actually, can we just get outta here? I know how my brother is, and he might not tell my dad, but he will tell someone else.”

  “Uh… yeah… sure.” I stood from my seat and met at her side.


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