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Her Type of Guy

Page 8

by 5 Author Anthology

  "Oh I doubt that you know. I just think you've never had to chance to try. You need to be sure it's perfect for you. Any old flower just won't hack it. We go up here." She started to walk up a wide staircase, still holding his hand tightly.

  Marcus was somewhat bemused. Surely you'd arrange flowers in the kitchen? Or the utility or somewhere like that? He was fairly sure these stairs only led to the… He stopped as they reached the landing. His abrupt halt made Cammie turn around and look at him with puzzlement in her eyes.

  "Don't you want to learn?" The devilment—in the eyes of a vicar for heaven's sake—made him blink. And stutter again.

  "Ahh … we… damn it."

  Cammie took his head between her hands and he watched, mesmerized, as her head moved toward him.

  Her lips got closer and closer to his and he held his breath, until… like a feather that fluttered on the wind, he felt a gentle pressure on his mouth.

  Marcus's cock jumped and his pulse jerked. He opened his lips to say something and Cammie slipped her tongue into his mouth. The sensation brought goose bumps all over Marcus’s body. He groaned.

  Cammie lifted her head and smiled.

  "Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" she asked, as she stroked his cheek. The delicate touch was like water to a thirsty man.

  "You have?" Marcus gulped. Was his hearing defective?

  "You just don't see, do you?" Cammie leaned against him. "I've thrown out so many lures I should have owned a fishing tackle shop, not been a minister. "You, Marcus Snowden, can be so dense."

  I can? "Um, how?"

  "You never see how women look at you. As if you’re god, and coming from a vicar that's nigh on blasphemous, I tell you. Ohh Marcus, can you … will you … shall we…?" She shook her head. "Thank the lord, oh and I mean that properly, you just smiled and ignored them. So I decided to do things my way."

  Marcus was perplexed. Women had come on to him? He had no idea. Yes, some had asked for his advice. How to change a washer on a tap, could he help put air in a tire, oh and he remembered the girl at the gym who couldn't adjust the seat on the exercise bike. But surely they were genuine requests for help—weren't they?

  Cammie was still looking at him, with that quizzical expression he'd often noticed on her face. As if she was waiting for him to do or say something.

  "Oh…er…well, good," he said eventually. Lame Marc, can't you do better than that?

  "You had no idea, did you?"

  He shook his head. "I never saw any one show any interest in me."

  "Not even me?" She raised her eyebrow in a gesture he realized was her way of trying not to blush.

  "Of course not. All I could do was worship you from afar." He blushed at his words. Not the thing to say to a member of the clergy. His cock was so hard it threatened to poke over the top of his jeans and introduce itself to Cammie whether she wanted it or not. Marcus shoved his hands into his pockets in the hope Cammie wouldn't see them tremble. It was unfortunate all it did was emphasize the long line of his dick as it pushed against his zipper.

  He watched as she lowered her eyes to where his jeans were stretched to their limit.

  "Well if that's worship, can I join your congregation, please?" Cammie's deep-throated laugh surrounded him, like a warm bath. Not soothing but arousing, and hinting of delights he'd never even dared hope for. She, join my congregation? Surely that’s the other way around?

  "I never realized," Marcus said honestly. "I thought you were way above me."

  "Oh Marcus," Cammie rolled her eyes and giggled. "You're the only person who interests me. But boy, I had to resort to mega-subterfuge to get to this point. I didn't know what else to do. Am I right in thinking you might, just might, reciprocate?"

  "Well yes, yes I do. But I never thought you felt like that."

  "Oh I know, hence these shenanigans."

  Now he was confused.

  "Er, I'm sorry?"

  Cammie giggled. He'd never heard her so happy. Not even when she’d officiated at a christening or a wedding.

  "Flower arranging. Come on." She grabbed his hand. Marcus let himself be tugged along the corridor and into a room at the end.

  A bedroom? What am I missing here?

  "Er, Cammie, where's the flowers?"

  Cammie looked at him with what he thought might well be love. His heart was pounding as if he'd run a marathon.

  "Well now." For the first time Marcus decided Cammie looked nervous. "Let me tell you a story."

  He nodded and tried to adjust his dick. He was well on the way to having zipper teeth marks along its length.

  "I, er, I'm a virgin," she blurted out.

  He let out a deep breath. "Well, so am I."

  Oh, wow. Then in some ways that makes it easier."

  It does?

  Marcus, do you want me?"

  It was no time for levity. He nodded. "Oh yes."


  His eyes widened and he was darned sure his jaw must have dropped. With the smile of a houri, Cammie grasped the hem of her flimsy dress, pulled it over her head and stood in front of him stark naked.

  "You know, Marcus, some women have names for their special places. I was brought up calling mine daffodil. So I thought maybe we could enjoy a lesson in flower arranging."

  . The End

  Other Books by Raven McAllan:


  Michaela Rhua

  Copyright © 2013

  The street ahead seemed a blur of motion. People rushed from one place to the next, the frantic movements of those who were late for work. He watched people weaving in and out to get to their destination first, ahead of another. A quick look at his watch told him he did not need to rush. Adam continued his relaxed pace to the bookshop, where he got out his keys and unlocked the wooden door. The bell jangled on opening which always made him smile, recalling his mother's delight when she found the little brass bell in a flea market. He had placed it over the door to please her when he had reopened the shop. Somehow, even though she was no longer alive, he always felt her presence in the place.

  Walking to the back, he switched on the lights and surveyed his kingdom. There were low bookshelves lined with books, cushions in the children's corner and comfortable chairs near the windows for customers to sit and enjoy their choice.

  The bell jangled again, causing Adam to drag his thoughts away from the past into the present.

  "Morning, Adam," her cheery voice called out to him.

  "Good morning, Sophie. How are you this morning?" Adam watched her look up at him briefly, smile and walk into the back to take off her coat.

  "Great, thanks. June texted me to say she'll be late in, something about the kids’ bus being late." As she walked past him he caught her floral scent that she often wore. He knew she was covering up for June who was always coming up with some excuse or another. However, he liked them both and they were good with the customers.

  "No problem," he called out to Sophie, who was now tidying up the children's section in readiness for the Toddler Time taking place later on this morning.

  Adam watched Sophie work from behind his glasses as he had done many times. He knew her routine well: tidying the shelves, restocking the popular titles, fluffing the cushions and sorting the toys. Her movements were swift; she brought order to whatever she touched. He longed for her slender hands to touch him and for those long legs to be wound around his waist as he ground into her. Her round breasts looked like they would overfill his hands.

  The jangling of the bell awoke him from his daydream, because that was all it was.

  June rushed in and began her round of apologies. Adam smiled to himself after she had finished. Some things never changed.

  Later on that morning, Adam sipped his coffee in the back room while trying to focus on the accounts before him. The sound of children's laughter punctuated Sophie’s melodic voice as she r
ead animal poems to her audience. Giving up on the paperwork, he walked to the counter and watched Sophie with the toddlers. Her green eyes sparkled as she read the book. She looked at each child sitting or crawling around the carpet. She shook her head and her golden hair flew around her face. The children laughed at her lion impression, making him smile, too. It had been Sophie's idea to have a toddler story time and it did bring in business, because the mothers perused the shelves making purchases, enjoying their coffee and muffin while Sophie held their children captive.

  If only she would hold me captive.

  "Books done, boss?" asked June.

  "Err…well…almost," Adam replied, pretending to look for something around the till area. He glanced up at June who had a cup of coffee in her hand and a mischievous smile playing on her lips. He quickly went back into the office. Damn it! Had she seen him looking at Sophie?

  For the rest of the day, images of Sophie's golden locks bouncing around as he fucked her from behind would not leave him or his cock, which seemed permanently hard today.

  After serving a customer, he began to walk through to re-shelve stock and heard both girls talking. Their words stopped him in his tracks.

  He heard Sophie giggle then say, "Mr. Slow is about right for him."

  Who were they talking about?

  "Can you imagine what it would be like to have sex with him? Take bloomin' ages, he would!" June laughed, and then continued. "I bet he wouldn't even know what to do."

  "Come on June, he's not that bad," Sophie said.

  "Well, why don't you find out what Mr. Adam Sloely is like for yourself?" June challenged.

  Adam stood not knowing what to do. They were talking about me! Do they think I am that ridiculous?

  He walked back into the shop area and began randomly sorting out some books. He gritted his teeth and almost flung the books to the other side of the shop.


  Sophie looked at the clock: almost closing time. June had left already to pick up her children from school. Sophie tidied the cushions, pulled the blinds down and picked up her coffee cup to wash up. Adam was standing at the till cashing up. His brow furrowed in concentration and his brown eyes focused on the task. She often watched him working. Slow and steady was his style but he was a good boss and gave her the space to show him that her ideas were worth pursuing. Only now, she had had an offer from one of the larger chains for a branch manager job. She had not intended to look for another job but at a trade fair a few months ago, the area manager had begun chatting to her and took her details. She had not thought anything of it until a phone call came, followed by an invitation to visit the branch. It all went from there.

  Sophie looked at Adam. His brown hair fell across his brow, glasses on his nose and his fingers working deftly. She would certainly miss him. It was now or never! She took a deep breath.

  "Adam, may I have a word?" Sophie asked.

  Adam looked up at her, his brown eyes holding her gaze for a moment before he looked away. "Of course. Is anything the matter, Sophie?" he asked, walking around the counter.

  His body seemed to fill the space as he came towards her and suddenly she was lost for words. He motioned to the comfy chairs and she sat down, looking at her lap.

  "It's okay, Sophie, whatever it is." The deep timbre of his voice made her heart clench. She would miss that reassuring sound. Then she felt a warm hand on her shoulder, gently patting her. Looking up at his angular face, she did something she had longed to do. She reached out and stroked his beard. It felt bristly, yet soft to touch. Then she dropped her hand.

  "I'm leaving," she said.

  His eyes dimmed and dulled before her. She knew he was disappointed, but what else could she do? He was never going to look at her as she wanted him to…with desire.

  He sighed and glanced away momentarily, and then he smiled his polite smile at her, the one he reserved for customers who were being awkward.

  "Where are you off to?" he asked.

  "Bridges Books have offered me a branch manager job in the city." Sophie stopped.

  "They are a large chain so lots of opportunities for you. Well done. When do you start?" he said.

  "As soon as you can let me go," she replied.

  "Let you go?" His gaze held hers for a few seconds. In that time she willed him to ask her to stay. She just needed hope.

  "Give me two weeks if you can. I will try my best to sort a replacement."

  He stood up and began to walk to the back. "Maybe things are too slow for you here? Maybe I am…" His voice drifted off.

  Sophie swallowed hard, biting her lip to stop the tears that threatened to fall. Damn the bloody slow man!

  Getting up, she went to the back area to get her bag and walked quickly to leave. She reached to unlock the door but Adam's large hand grabbed her and swung her around, pressing her against the cold glass of the door.

  "You in a hurry to leave?" His voice was tinged with a hard edge she had not heard before.

  "I... I…" She couldn't go any further because his mouth swallowed her words in a blazing kiss that tugged her very soul from her body. His tongue licked her lips and she opened her mouth to accept it. She felt his tongue delve into her mouth, filling her completely. His hands pinned her arms by her head, holding her captive in this delicious moment.

  All thoughts were lost except the magic of his mouth as he claimed hers. She wanted him, needed him.

  Suddenly he stopped and pulled away. Sophie's brain seemed to jolt into position. No, he was not going to get away now.

  "Don't stop, Adam, not now," she pleaded.

  "I don't intend to, Sophie. I'm going to show you what slow and steady really looks like." He pulled her to the cushions behind the bookcase. "Wait there," he commanded.

  Sophie was rooted to the spot. Adam went to the back and switched off the shop lights but left the back room lights on, which created a soft, warm glow where she was standing.

  He came to stand behind her. Sophie made to turn but his two strong hands held her shoulders still.

  "No. I said we are taking it slowly." Adam's warm breath fanned her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

  She felt his hand brush her hair to one side, then his wet mouth began to kiss her neck. Adam continued to nibble and kiss his way around the back to the other side where he continued. She wanted to melt into him, to feel his body against hers.

  He stopped and she opened her eyes. Adam turned her around and all she could see were his lips. She wanted him to claim her again. A smile played on his mouth, as if he knew her thoughts, then he gradually lowered his lips, but only to brush against hers. Damn the man! He was playing with her!

  He began to unbutton her shirt and he kissed the skin he exposed with each button that he opened. Sophie moaned and arched her back, hoping he would massage her breasts that longed to join in the fun. Adam tugged at her blouse, pulling it out of her skirt, and after opening it, he lifted his head to gaze at her. She opened her mouth to say something only to find a finger tapping her lips. Adam pushed her shirt off her shoulders and it fell onto the floor. He stroked her from her shoulders right down her arms and back up again, scraping his nails as he did so. She moaned again and with each touch, her pussy clenched and tingled.

  "I'm dying here, Adam, hurry up." She needed him to fuck her right now.

  "You will have to die a little longer," he said softly.

  She felt his hands go to her back and unclip her bra. It loosened, and then he slipped the straps off her shoulders and took it off. Her breasts were free of their confinement, and her nipples were hard, wanting him to suck them. Adam did not touch them. Instead he looked down at her skirt and then unzipped it, letting it slide to the floor. Sophie stepped out of it and kicked it away. All this time he was still dressed. She looked down and saw his trousers bulging at the front. She moved her hands to his zip but they were grabbed and he tutted at her.

  "Why so fast, Sophie?" he whispered.

  "Because I have waited
for this moment for a long time, Adam, and now you are playing with me.” She was getting more and more frustrated.

  "Shhh, just a little longer to wait, Sophie, be patient," he said as he tugged at her undies, pulling them down to her ankles. He helped her out of them and she slipped off her shoes at the same time. She was completely naked now and did not care one bit, because she wanted him now, like this, here.

  Adam stroked her legs from her ankles to her thighs then back again. Each time he did so he went a little closer to her pussy. With each stroke moisture seeped from her. He came closer and closer still, until finally he touched her pussy lips. She groaned with need.

  "So wet for me, Sophie. This is all for me, yes?" he asked.

  "Yes," she breathed.

  "Then let me taste," he said.

  She looked down as his mouth began to kiss her nether lips. Sophie shook with need.

  "I need to come, Adam," she pleaded.

  Adam pulled her onto the cushions so she was lying down.

  "No, not yet," he said.

  Then he began to undress. He took his time, not taking his eyes off her. He was exactly as she had imagined him, the right balance of muscles and leanness. Then he released his cock and it sprang to life. Hard, it pointed at her, larger than she had imagined, for she had fantasized about that part of him, too. She looked up at him in all his naked glory, with a cock that she was not sure would fit, but damn it, she was going to try.

  "I haven't tasted you fully," he said, lowering himself down to the floor. He then buried his head in her aching core.

  Instead of his lips she felt warm breath fanning her and she quivered with need. Then his tongue nudged her lips open and he licked her slowly up and down. Sophie arched her back to him so he could get further in. He obliged this time by covering her clit with his mouth and sucking gently.

  Sophie grabbed hold of the cushions and writhed in delicious agony, panting and groaning with need. Adam licked and sucked again and again, not letting go of her hips.


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