Book Read Free

To Claim His Girl

Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2016 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-126-7

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  The start of high school was always a big deal, but this time it was different. Eli Waters climbed out of his car, and stared out toward the lake where he knew his friends would be. They had all been banned from writing to him. He’d known his father had made sure no mail had come to him in the year since he’d been expelled from school. As punishment for being expelled, his father had decided to send him away to military school. That hadn’t worked out all that great.

  So, throwing money at the local high school, Blythe Ridge High, Eli was back, and the principal was going to overlook his record. Lighting his cigarette, Eli smiled as he listened to his friends screaming. Only Chris knew that he was meeting them. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

  Making his way through the clearing, he held back, watching the guys. Rachel, Mary, Branson, and Chris were in the lake, laughing and giggling, basking in the last few days before school started.

  By the fire, he saw Aria Dean laughing at their friends. They had been friends since kindergarten, always getting into trouble. He’d heard some people in the school question their friendship. Aria was a fuller girl, nicely rounded, and some called her fat. In fact, it was Wayne calling her “fat ass”, and a couple of other names Eli had rather she never heard that got him expelled.

  “I see you’ve started the fun without me,” he said, capturing their attention.

  Rachel and Mary squealed while Branson and Chris simply laughed.

  The only person he was interested in was Aria. She smiled at him but didn’t rush toward him. Rachel and Mary threw their arms around his neck, and jumped up and down.

  “You’re back. I can’t believe you’re back.”

  Chris came up to take Rachel back. “I told you I had a surprise for you.”

  “I thought the surprise was going to be something a lot harder,” Rachel said, pushing back against Chris’s dick.

  Shaking hands with his friends, and hugging the girls, Eli saw Aria standing back a little. She was biting her lip, which he always found a turn-on. It would drive him crazy as she had the plumpest lips he’d ever seen. He’d spent many times imagining those lips wrapped around his dick. He was eighteen, and most of his wet dreams featured this long haired vixen. She was a sweetheart, and he loved her.

  There, he’d said it. He loved Aria, and she was the reason he’d come back home.

  “You not got a hug for your friend?” he asked, giving her a smirk.

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re deadly, Eli. I had no idea you were coming back.” She moved toward him, and wrapped her arms around him. He basked in the feel of her soft body against his. Her large tits pressed against his body. Damn, she felt and smelled better than he remembered.

  “Wait, you knew?” Branson asked, pointing at Chris.

  “Hell yeah, guess I’m the real best friend.”

  Eli released her as Aria fought to be free. “And I’m back for good.”

  “Back, as in high school back?”

  “As in, we’re together, as a group.” He took a long draw on his cigarette and blew out the smoke.

  Aria’s nose wrinkled, and she moved away. He couldn’t look away. She wore a long, white skirt that flowed down to her ankles. Her feet were bare, and the strappy top covered up those nice big tits. He didn’t know what he was going to do to make her see that they were destined to be together.

  “You coming skinny dipping?” Rachel asked.

  “Maybe later.” He removed his jacket, stubbed out his cigarette, and made his way toward the blanket. Aria had her knees drawn up to her chest.

  Their friends rushed back into the lake to bask in the last of the afternoon sun.

  “They never change, do they?” he asked.

  “It’s fun. We’ve spent a lot of time here this summer trying to stay out of trouble.”

  “Okay, that doesn’t sound like my friends. What the hell happened?” he asked.

  “Simple. You left, and Branson decided the best way to deal was to steal Principal Redgrave’s car. We got caught, and if it wasn’t for my dad, we’d be in some kind of youth school. It was a nightmare. Dad nearly sent me to an all girls school.”

  “No,” he said.

  He would have been so pissed. Before he was forced to leave, he’d made Branson and Chris promise to take care of his girl, Aria.

  “Yep. We either hang out at the lake, or go shopping, or even see the movies. It has been an uneventful summer, and believe me, I’m glad about that.” She chuckled.

  They were pulled away by screaming near the water. He saw Branson was picking up the girls and tossing them in.

  “Are you going to do it?” Eli asked

  “Do what?”

  “Jump in, have a swim.”

  Aria stared out toward the lake and shook her head. “Nah, you know I don’t do that. Besides, you’ll never see me in a bikini.”

  This was what he hated. She had absolutely no confidence when it came to her body. She was a size sixteen, but to him, she was hot, beautiful. He loved her curves, and he’d even seen her naked a couple of times, by accident of course. She wasn’t aware of it, but it had happened. He’d been at her house, before he’d gotten into trouble, and he’d gone to check on her, only to find her getting changed. Of course, he couldn’t do anything about his desire for her. Aria was … different. She didn’t have boyfriends, or play any of the games they used to play. Now that they were older, and he’d been gone a year, he hoped that time had made her heart grow fonder.

  “We could go in together,” he said.

  She wrinkled her nose. “You go ahead. I’m happy to be here, watching.”

  “Then I’ll stick around with you.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “It’s what I want to do.”

  “You’ve been away for a year. Go, have some fun.” She pointed toward the lake.

  He reached out, taking hold of her hand. “I’m having fun right here.”

  “Hey, guys, come on, the water feels great,” Mary said, screaming as Branson wrapped his arms around her.

  Eli adored his friends. He’d missed them, and it was why he’d gone out of his way to make sure he could get back home.

  “So what was military school like?”

  “It was long, hard, and a lot of shouting.”

  “I bet. Chris told us that your father put a ban on writing to you. I wish I could have. It would have been nice.”

  “Your dad still being an asshole?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Providing I stay out of trouble, I won’t be going anywhere.”

  Harvey Dean was an asshole. He was a businessman, owning some kind of shipping corporation. From what Eli remembered, he was trying to mold Aria into the perfect daughter to marry her off. Even when they were sixteen, Eli recalled business partners coming to her home to check her out.

  Kind of freaked him out a little, but he’d do anything for Aria. She belonged to him. She just didn’t know
it yet.

  “Your mom’s on your side, right?”

  “Yeah. She wants me to have a normal life, away from his crap.”

  “Why doesn’t she divorce him?”

  “Because she does love him. Not everything is just about money.” Aria smiled. “It’s good to have you back. Are you going to get into trouble?”

  “Nah. I’ve promised to be a good boy. You know me. I don’t have time to cause trouble.”

  She giggled. “You’re going to cause trouble. I can see it in your eyes.”

  Getting to his feet, he grabbed her hands, and didn’t give her a chance to pull away from him.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked.

  “We’re going to have fun.”

  When she tried to pull away from him, begging for him to stop, he didn’t. Shoving his shoulder into her stomach, he lifted her up, and carried her toward the lake.

  Their friends started screaming and cheering for him to dump her in.

  “Put me down, Eli. You’re going to break your back or something.”

  When he pretended to drop her, she gripped his back, and held on tightly. “Please, don’t make me fall.”

  He went to drop her, and finally, he lowered them both into the water, and then dropped her.

  Breaking to the surface, he watched as she lifted up, and swore. Her shirt was clear enough for him to see the outline of her large nipples. They were mouth wateringly big, and he wanted to touch.

  “You ass,” she said.

  Grabbing her waist, he pulled her close. “Oh come on, it’s me. You know I was going to dunk you. It’s too good to miss.” He ran his thumb beneath her shirt, stroking over her flesh.

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine, Waters. I’ll give you this one.”

  She pulled away from him putting space between them that he didn’t like. He would deal with that soon. There wouldn’t be any space.


  Aria had missed Eli, she really had, and seeing him after a year, it was hard for her to hold back. He was as sexy as she remembered, only now there was something different. He didn’t seem like an immature teenager anymore. The military school, even for a year, had changed him.

  “He’s hot, right?” Rachel asked, swimming toward her.

  Aria loved her friends, and all five of them were close. They had stuck by each other in kindergarten where a lot of other friends had changed, and broken apart. She’d witnessed it in high school, scarily so. They weren’t the popular kids like the jocks and the cheerleaders. Aria didn’t know how to describe them. Their little group didn’t take any shit, and everyone gave them a wide berth.

  “Please, that man is so buff. I know Branson is going to be working out just to match those muscles,” Mary said.

  Her friends were also together. Mary and Branson had a thing. Rachel and Chris had been together since they were kids. Whereas she and Eli, she didn’t know what they were. He’d been gone for a year. She was just going to have to wait and see. He’d never made her feel like a spare part in their group. In fact, he was probably her closest friend.

  “It’s nice to have him back.”

  “Have you seen the way he’s been looking at you?” Rachel asked. “I’d say he missed you.”

  “Nah. He’s probably just surprised to see me out.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Please, the way he was looking at you is not about being friends. He wants to get dirty.”

  Aria sighed. Her friends talked constantly about sex, and about getting dirty. She was still a virgin, and knew out of their group, she was the only virgin standing.

  “Ah, she’s blushing. It’s so cute,” Mary said. “When are you going to concede?”

  “When I want to. I don’t want to know what I’m missing out on.”

  “She does have to be careful. My first time with Chris was a nightmare. It was painful.”

  She covered her face, and then pushed her fingers inside her ears. “I don’t need to hear this.”

  “You know, if you ended up pregnant, and with a guy, your dad couldn’t threaten to marry you off,” Rachel said.

  “I’m not going to get knocked up. I’m not ready for kids, and he’s not going to force me to marry anyone.”

  “I bet he already has an old guy lined up for you,” Mary said. “Wrinkly, too.”

  “What are you girls discussing?” Branson asked, swimming toward them.

  “The size of your dick,” Rachel said. “Yeah, Mary says it’s like tiny.”

  “Shut up, Rachel. You know I wouldn’t do that. We all know Chris has the smallest dick.”

  “Do not!” Chris said, throwing water over them.

  Dunking under the water, Aria cleared the hair off her face, and felt someone come up behind her. Turning around, she found Eli there. She smiled up.

  “Actually we’re discussing Aria’s asshole dad, and how we can stop him from marrying her off.”

  “When she’s at the altar, we can go in, and shout we object. Hey, it could be a total scandal. All three of us could stake a claim to her.”

  She was struggling to focus as Eli wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back. There was no point in fighting him. It was like the past year hadn’t existed.

  “No one is taking her from us,” Eli said.

  “Whoop, whoop,” Rachel said. “Our gang is finally back together, and I bet Wayne doesn’t have a clue you’re going to be with us tomorrow.”

  The start of school. Yay.

  “Wayne’s still breathing? I’m surprised he hasn’t been taken out by now,” Eli said.

  “You smashed his nose. I’ll never forget that. The way you just walked up to him, asked him a question, and bam, you slammed his face against the table.” Chris whacked his hand out, pretending there was a head in his palm. “Pow!”

  Aria cringed, recalling the crunch of bone as he’d broken Wayne’s nose.

  “He stays out of my way, and I’ll stay out of his.” Eli shrugged.

  “You never said what he said to you to make you snap,” Branson said.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Aria pulled away from his hold, and headed out of the water.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Mary asked.

  “I’ve got to get back home. Dad told me to be home by ten.”

  “You’re nearly eighteen. His ass should leave you alone. I bet he was out screwing every single chick he could,” Branson said.

  “Either way, he’s not eighteen now, and he can make life really difficult.” Everyone grumbled. “I can walk home. You guys can stay here.”

  “I’ll take you home. I got my car, and you won’t get into trouble,” Eli said.

  “It’s no bother. I can walk.”

  “You think I’m going to let a psycho take you away from us. Not a chance.” Eli followed behind her, and they waved toward their friends. “I’ll be back, guys.”

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Chris said.

  She rolled her eyes, gave them a wave, and grabbed her bag. As she followed behind Eli, they made their way toward his car. She pulled a towel out of her bag, and tried to dry her clothes off. “I’m going to ruin your car.”

  “No worries. It’s just a car,” he said, opening the door.

  Placing her hand against his temple, she frowned. “What have you done to my friend?”

  He caught her wrist and kissed her knuckles. “He grew up.”

  “Did anything bad happen to you?”

  “No, nothing.”

  “Then how did you grow up?”

  “I realized what I wanted, and I know what I need to do to keep her.”

  “Her? So you came back for a girl?”

  “I came back for a lot of things, babe. Get in the car.”

  “Can you turn the heating on or something? My dad is going to kill me if I go home like this.” She looked down her body, and sighed. “You really shouldn’t have dunked me.”

  “I couldn’t resist, and you’ve got to learn t
o have fun. Lighten up a little.”

  She got into the car, and he closed the door. It was still warm out, and her clothes had already started to dry. When he was behind the wheel, he turned the heat up, and started to blast her.

  She pointed the heat at her clothes.

  “Are you looking forward to tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Not so much. There’s going to be a lot of questions, but Redgrave’s said it’s fine providing that I stay out of trouble.”

  “Please do. It wasn’t the same as last year without you.”

  “No one gave you shit did they?”

  “Not so much. If anyone tried to say anything Chris and Branson was all over them.”

  “Good, I was worried that some people would piss me off.”

  She chuckled. “You’ve always been so good to me. I really do appreciate it.”

  He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. “I’m going to be here now, and no one is going to give you shit.”

  She liked the feel of his touch, and how he couldn’t seem to stop.

  “I won’t let your dad marry you off.”

  Aria chuckled. “You know he probably wouldn’t do it. He comes across as being an asshole, but he’s actually not so bad.”

  “Still don’t like him.”

  “Your dad is an asshole. He sent you off to military school when he could have made a simple donation to Redgrave’s,” she said.

  “Yeah, well, we all have issues with our parents. It’s why we cover for each other.”

  The drive was over too soon, and he was pulling up outside of her home.

  “Thank you for the ride, Eli, and I’m so pleased you’re here.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be picking you up.”

  “You will?”

  “Yep. Be ready.”

  “I will.” She climbed out of the car, and walked toward the door, giving him a wave before entering her home. It was a large home with ten bedrooms. Her father was wealthy. All of her friends’ parents were wealthy, and it was one of the reasons her father hadn’t sent her away.


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