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To Claim His Girl

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to know.”

  “Your dad has been trying to marry you off, right?”


  “Do you think this is part of it?” he asked.

  “How do you mean?”

  “Wayne’s dad is rich, and he’s a businessman. He’ll get everything.”

  “There’s no way I’m ever agreeing to marrying a guy like Wayne.” She shuddered.

  Eli pulled her close. “I’d be careful though.”

  “My father is a piece of work, you know that. He’s old school though. He believes in keeping control of everything, and everyone.”

  “He can’t control you, sweetie. No one can. You’re the one that is in charge of your life. Never forget that.”

  He kissed the top of her head as she snuggled in for a hug. She loved that he had come to her without waiting around.

  “You’re so good to me, Eli.”

  Chapter Four

  “Well, well, well, look who they dragged on back,” Wayne said.

  Eli didn’t tense up. He didn’t say or do anything, knowing this was what the bastard wanted. He put his clothes back into his bag, and placed them in the gym locker before turning around.

  Eli didn’t have a shirt on, and he couldn’t help but chuckling to see Wayne was showing off his chest, looking like something out of an action movie.

  “What do you want?”

  “Not a lot. Just came to see you, Eli. We didn’t miss you.”

  They were nearing the end of their first week, and so far, he’d avoided this asshole. He didn’t know what it was that pissed him off so much. The fact Wayne had a bad mouth, or the fact he was using it to cover up his true feelings. Eli had been thinking about it a lot over the past year. Wayne was always an outsider of their little group. He was a jock, and none of their girls wanted anything to do with him.

  Something in his gut told him that Wayne was a bad seed. There was a cruelty to the guy in front of him, and there had been many times that he’d seen Wayne just lash out.

  “I bet you didn’t. I know my friends, Aria did. You know, the girl you thought you could talk shit about, and I showed you that you couldn’t. How is your nose?”

  Wayne twitched his nose. It was a damn good job.

  Eli pointed at his body. “You certainly worked out. You worried about something? You trying to prove something?”

  “Yeah, ‘cause we all know it’s down to steroids. You do know that those can make your dick shrink, go like really tiny, small,” Chris said, coming toward his side. Branson held up his fingers, showing off the perfect small dick.

  “Can’t really do a lot with a dick like that,” Branson said.

  He waited for Wayne to hit them, or do something. Nothing happened. Instead the bastard smirked. “Why don’t you tell Aria I had a lovely dinner?”

  This time, Eli smiled. “I already know you did.” He gave him a wink, and headed out of the changing rooms.

  “He’s up to something,” Chris said.

  “He’s trying to rile me up. Get me to snap. It’s not going to happen. Not now, not ever.”

  “You can’t let him,” Branson said, keeping pace with him.

  “I’m not. Believe me, I’m not. I’ve got too much to lose this time around, and I’m not going to risk it.”

  Entering the main gym hall, he found Aria standing in gym shorts and a large shirt that covered way too much. Rachel and Mary were on either side of her.

  “Hey,” he said, moving toward her.

  “Hey, what do you think this is all about?” she asked, pointing at the obstacle course in front of them.

  “I don’t know. They want us to have a party, and act like chimps?” Eli asked.

  “Why do they make us do anything these days in gym?” Rachel asked.

  “Torture.” This came from Mary. “They like to see us building up a sweat, and looking horrible at the end of it.”

  “Your new mom was nice,” Aria said.

  “Thanks. Dad already looks bored. She’ll be replaced in no time,” Chris said.

  Eli moved behind Aria, wrapping his arm around her waist, much like his friends were with their women. She didn’t pull away from him this time, and leaned against his touch.

  “If we need to partner up, you’ll be mine?” he asked.


  Wayne and the last of their class made their way into the gym room. The doors at the far end were open, and Eli had already figured they were going to be forced to complete an obstacle course together.

  He stroked her hip, wishing they were alone so he could say all the things he wanted to say without anyone interrupting them.

  Their man gym teacher blew a whistle, and told them to partner up. No one came near them, and he held Aria a little tighter. He noticed Wayne was watching them, and he didn’t like it. Kissing Aria’s head, he offered Wayne a smirk.

  Yeah, he was right about Wayne.

  “In pairs, working together, we want to test your strengths and your weaknesses. Complete this obstacle course as a team. Don’t leave anyone behind. Now, make a line behind Miss Phelps. We expect you to behave.”

  Taking Aria’s hand, Eli made his way behind Chris and Branson. Wayne moved up behind them with his partner.

  “Are you going to be able to make it through this course, Aria?” Wayne asked.

  Eli was about to shoot him down when she beat him to it.

  “I may have a fat ass, but I can still keep up, which is more than I’ve heard about you.” She released a little growl. “I hate that.”

  “What?” Eli asked.

  “When people think that because I’m chunky, I can’t keep up. I can. I may have a fat ass and thighs, but I’m not a couch potato. I’ll show them.”

  “You’re turning me on,” he said, wrapping his arms around her.

  She tensed up, and he realized what he’d said.

  Before either of them could say anything, they were handed their bands, and sent off together.

  Holding her hand, they stood up on the log, and walked across it. Up in front he saw their friends working together as a team. They’d been dating so long that they knew each other’s body so nothing seemed to faze them.

  “I can’t believe you said that,” Aria said, breaking through his thoughts.

  “I’m only speaking the truth.”

  “It seems out of place.”

  “Why? We’re friends. I’d say it seems more fitting for us to speak like that to each other. I’m not dating anyone, and I know you’re not.”

  “Did I really turn you on?” she asked.

  He climbed over the wall first, and helped her over, holding her hips as she jumped down. Neither of them was out of puff just yet.

  Aria’s face had to be red because he’d told her that he was turned on.

  Going down on their hands and knees, they went through opposite tunnels, coming out around the same time. He didn’t like that Wayne was following close behind them, but instead of being behind him, he’d gone behind Aria. The bastard was doing it to rile him up.

  The next five minutes neither of them could talk as they worked through one obstacle after another. When Aria nearly fell, Eli had to grit his teeth as Wayne caught her, using the opportunity to feel her up, and smirking over at him. Wayne was being an asshole.

  “Thanks,” she said, pushing his hands off her body.

  Eli caught her, helping her over, and they were through the main doors. Aria whimpered. The whole of the track course was filled with more implements of torture.

  “Let’s go,” she said, taking his hand. “So you weren’t kidding around?”

  “No. I wasn’t.”

  There was a sign telling them they had to run the track first.

  “I hate running,” she said.

  He held her hand even tighter as they started to run.

  “I came back for you,” he said.

  “I know. You’ve said that twice, but I really don’t know what it

  “It means that I want you, Aria.”


  They finished running, and then had to grab a length of rope, going over some water. Together, they pulled the rope, moving across the water, and clearing it without much trouble. Going through some tires, they kept up.

  Every now and again, he was distracted by her tits bouncing, but she didn’t once slow down.

  When they made it over the finish line together, she collapsed onto the ground, and taking his chance, he moved over her.

  He somehow managed to move between her thighs, pressing his very erect cock next to her.

  “I mean that I want you, Aria. I want you to be my girl. You’re the one I thought about. The one I’ve been wanting for a long time.”

  Her eyes were wide, and when he leaned down to take the kiss he’d been wanting, he groaned as a teacher cleared their throat.

  “This is gym class, Mr. Waters, not a lesson in reproduction.”

  “I know that, sir. I was just stretching her legs out.” He grabbed her thigh, and pushed against her chest.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked.

  “Trying to stop you from being embarrassed.”

  “Too late.” She pushed at his chest, and together, they got to their feet.

  “Even though you two worked well, I can’t have this sort of behavior. Wayne, swap partners with Eli.”

  “No, it’s fine. He’ll be good,” Aria said, tapping his chest.

  “I know, which is why he’ll be helping Stacey. Now, chop chop.”

  Eli glared at Wayne, who looked smug as they were forced to swap partners.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her.”

  Handing over the same colored band, Eli was going to make sure that he was hot on Wayne’s tail.


  “Do you need me to rub it better?” Wayne asked, later that day.

  Aria was rubbing her thigh while she stood at her locker. After gym she’d not been able to catch any time with Eli, and it made her nervous. She didn’t know how to face him after what he said, and it made everything even more confusing.

  One week he’d been back, and she was all over the place.

  “Fuck off, Wayne,” she said.

  Partnering up with Wayne was the worst moment of her life. He couldn’t keep his wandering hands to himself, and when they had been on the rope, he’d squeezed her breast. If a teacher hadn’t been there, she was so going to nail him in the balls. Each time he touched her, Eli was watching them. It was like they were competing for something, but she just didn’t know what.

  “Is that any way to speak to me?” he asked, moving up close behind her.

  “Ew, what is your deal?” She slammed her book closed, and turned toward him. “I don’t know what kind of sick game you’re playing, but leave me out of it.”

  “Come on, Aria, you’re not that stupid. You know why I was at your house the other night.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t. Whatever my dad has planned, it’s on him. Nothing to do with me, just like you’re nothing to do with me.”

  “I’d guess again if I was you,” he said. “I may not have wanted you, but I can make it work, especially if it means Eli doesn’t get you.”

  Closing her locker, she folded her arms, and stared at him. “You’re an idiot. What do you want, Wayne?”

  “Well, you see, my dad told me that your father is looking to partner in business. He doesn’t have a son, and rumor has it, his little girl wants nothing to do with his empire. So he’s looking for a son to hand it to. I could be that son.”

  Her stomach turned. “Ew, I think I just threw up in my mouth.”

  “You could get to know me quite intimately.”

  He went to tuck some of her hair behind her ear, and she caught his hand. “I don’t think so. You’ve spent most of your life calling me names, and making life really shitty. It’s not going to happen. Not now, not ever. You don’t even like me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got somewhere to be.”

  She made her way toward health class, also known as sex ed, and she was nervous. Eli wasn’t known for his outbursts of actual affection. She’d known him all of her life, and his father was a tough guy who didn’t believe in emotions.

  The classroom only had a few students inside, and so she took a seat in the back.

  Seconds later, Eli walked in, and he didn’t even take his time to talk to anyone else. He went straight for her.

  Neither of them spoke for several seconds, and she really didn’t know what to say. The band on her wrist reminded her that she still had her hair down. Quickly pulling it back, she wrapped it in a messy bun to keep it out of the way.

  “I love your hair,” he said.


  “Hear me out. I know I just spilled my guts to you, and you’re a little freaked by it.”

  “Well, yeah, it’s out of the blue. You’ve never even looked in my direction before.”

  “I’ve looked, Aria. I’ve looked a lot, but I didn’t think you’d go for a guy like me.”

  “Why?” she asked, glancing over at him.

  “Look at me. I’m not exactly a good guy.”

  “Eli, you’re one of my best friends. I care about you a lot.”

  He sighed, and pulled his cell phone out, handing it to her. He leaned over, and clicked on the pictures. “You were the one that kept me going. You’re the reason I promised to be a good boy, so that I could spend time with you. I came back to be with you.”

  She scrolled through the pictures. Many of them were with friends, and there were a couple of videos as well. She didn’t press play as they were private, shared together.

  When she finished, she handed him back his cell phone. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Then don’t say anything.”

  “Do the others know? Chris, Branson, Rachel, and Mary?”

  “They all know, and offered to help me win you over.”

  Staring into his blue eyes, she closed hers. Over the years there had been feelings. Of course there had. He was Eli Waters. He was this sexy guy that was over six foot, and his arms were covered in the tribal ink he’d gotten when he paid a tattoo artist to ink him up. She had a little tattoo herself on the base of her back that she kept covered.

  They all had a tattoo because of some stupid dare that they’d all lost on. She couldn’t even remember why, only that whenever she saw it, it made her smile.

  Eli had been in her life for so long that the year he was gone, a small part of her felt like she was dying. She’d hung out with friends, and made the right noises, but whenever they were together, it only served to remind her that Eli was missing.

  His hand was resting palm facing up, and she placed hers against his, locking their fingers together like they had been doing so often recently.

  “What kind of deal did you strike with your dad?” she asked.

  “I promised to be a good boy, get good grades, and the offer of studying was for the both of us.”

  “Did you beg?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I did. I started out as the problem child, and when I spoke to the sergeant in charge, he told me how I could get out of there. What I needed to do and how he would be willing to help.”

  “You did all of that for me?”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  Before they could say anything more, their teacher was in, and to start off health class, it began with a diagram of both male and female bodies, with inner organs showing, and such.

  There were several chuckles, and some jokes.

  Everything faded into the background as she focused on Eli’s touch. His thumb stroked over her hand. At that moment, she didn’t know if she could believe what had happened between them.

  Were they dating?

  She wasn’t sure.

  Instead, she sat, and did her hardest to listen. She had to have good grades, and if what Wayne said was true, she needed a miracle.

ter class, they waited until everyone had gone before leaving the room. “Skip last period with me. I want some time alone with you without our friends listening in.”


  “I didn’t want to tell you all of this at gym, or in the beginning of health class. I actually wanted to show you how I felt. Please.”

  She looked around the corridor. So many students were coming and going. “Sure, why not?”


  Once again they were joining hands, and making their way out toward his car. Dumping her bag into the back, she got into the front, and within seconds they were off school property. She knew they were heading toward the lake. It was the place they always went, together, alone, with friends. She found it was the one place that made sense, and it was like their little domain off the beaten track.

  He parked the car, and without waiting for him, she climbed out, and headed toward their spot. Eli was by her side, and she sat down on the park bench that was there. She sat on the main table, resting her feet on the chair. Eli did the same so they were both staring out at the lake.

  “You were going to try and win me over?” she asked.


  “Is that why you took my tray all week, carried my books, kept touching me?”

  “You noticed the touching?” he asked.

  “It wasn’t hard, Eli. Every chance you got, you were holding my hand, or wrapping your arms around my waist. It wasn’t exactly like you.”

  “I’ve always touched you.”

  “There was a difference though.”

  “Yeah, there was. Before, I didn’t know what I wanted. I knew that I liked you, and I loved being around you. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from you at times. I always thought you were the most beautiful thing in the world.”

  “Thing?” she asked, with a chuckle. “I’m human you know.”

  “I know. I was a kid. At times a real jerk.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder. “Not to me, you weren’t. You never shouted at me, or called me names. You were always so sweet to me.”

  “I know I called Rachel and Mary a bitch a lot.”

  “At least once a week.”

  “You were never a bitch to me, Aria. Never.”

  She licked her lips, staring at the calm water. There were so many happy memories here. Every time they came here, she never wanted to leave. “I hated that you left, Eli. Will you tell me what Wayne did to make you so angry?”


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