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To Claim His Girl

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t get it. He hates me. I’m surprised he’s not tried to fight this long before now.”

  “Yeah, he’s a complete asshole. I bet it pissed him off when he learned the truth.”

  “I know I am.” Licking her lips, she stared up at Eli, even as her heart started to race. There was nowhere else she wanted to be but with him. “There is no one else in the world for me but you, Eli.”

  Chapter Seven

  Eli was going to take great pleasure in tearing that little bastard apart. From the moment school started, he’d known Wayne had been hiding something. He should have known it was going to be something like this. There was no way he was letting anyone else have Aria. She was his, and he would fight with everything that he was to have her. He didn’t care what their parents had organized at birth. No one, and he meant no one, was ever taking Aria away from him.

  “Wayne probably thinks he’s won something right now. It’s why he’s been goading me. He thinks he can take you away from me.”

  She started laughing, and that laughter soon died as she looked at him. “This has happened twice in one night.”

  “What has?”

  “Me thinking someone was joking. I laughed at Wayne when he told me the truth about our parents’ deal.”

  “Do you think he’s lying?”

  “No. The way he said it, and everything my father’s been doing, it all matches up. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s telling the truth. What I’m laughing at is Wayne thinking I’d be with anyone but you, Eli. I belong to you.” She folded her arms beneath her breasts, and eased down on the bed so that he could face her. They both rested their heads on their hands.

  “Do you mean that?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I do. I wish I could make all of this go away.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Right now I want to go and kick my dad in the nuts, and slap my mom.”

  “Wow, and you’re not prone to violence either.”

  “Why aren’t you going crazy?” she asked. “I was worried you’d get angry.”

  “Believe me, I’m angry. I’m pissed, and right now I want to hurt Wayne real bad, but I’ve got you, in my room, in my bed, and tomorrow, you’re spending the whole day with me, no questions asked.” He pulled her close and claimed her lips. “And you’ve just told me that you belong to me. How can I not be happy about that?”

  He loved the way she melted against him as if she couldn’t help herself.

  “Um, I like the sound of that. Will our friends let you get away with that?” she asked.

  “They have you every other time. Tomorrow, I’ve got something special planned, and I’ve banned them from trying to interfere.”

  He took her lips once again, and she snuggled down into him. After several seconds, he pulled away, knowing he only had so much restraint, and he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “We’ve got to stop.” He cupped her cheek, staring into her dark brown eyes. She really was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. “Let’s watch a movie.”

  “I never knew you could be a … gentleman.”

  There was a lot she didn’t know.

  Wayne whistled. “You got to admire the pig. She has got guts to walk around in a dress like that.”

  Eli stood a little away from the table, and heard what Wayne was saying. “Do you think they’re fucking her?”

  “Chris and Branson? No. They’ve got their eye on the pussies that are her friends. I bet Eli’s screwing her. No wonder he’s fucking everything else in sight. I wonder if her pussy has lard inside. If he gets her nice and open, maybe I’ll have a go.”

  He’d snapped. Not only had Wayne been saying awful shit about his friend, he’d not been able to handle the thought of Wayne even touching her. Eli had always had a temper, and he’d not been able to control it then.

  “I’m going to miss you,” Aria said.

  “I’ll be back home before you know it.” He pulled out the small present he’d gotten her. “Here, happy birthday.”

  “You’re going away to military school, and you still remembered to get me a present.” She shook her head. “I hope it’s not condoms.”

  “Who gave you those?”

  “Chris. He said if I don’t use them, he’ll take them back when he needs it.”

  Eli laughed, and shot a glare at his friend. He didn’t want to leave, but having smashed Wayne’s face against the table, breaking his nose, there was no other choice.

  Aria tore into the wrapping, and pulled out the long red scarf he’d bought for her. She was always cold, and he wanted her to be warm, especially as she wouldn’t have him to snuggle up against anymore.

  “I love it,” she said.

  “You’ll wear it?”

  “Of course, silly.” She wrapped the scarf around her neck, and stared up at him. He saw her eyes glistening with tears, and he hated it.

  “You don’t need to cry.”

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  Staring down at his girl, Eli had known then that she was going to be special to him. He had a present in mind now, and he knew it was going to blow her away.

  She looked up at him. “What are you thinking?”

  “I was thinking about your last birthday. The scarf I got you before I went away.”

  “I still have that. It’s at home with my jacket.”

  “I saw you wearing it yesterday.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to it. Why did you buy me a scarf, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  He stroked her cheek, smiling down at her. “Whenever we went out, and it was fall or winter, you’d snuggle up close, trying to steal my body heat. You’d always be shaking because of the cold. I knew I wasn’t going to be back after what happened, and so I wanted to make sure you were protected.”

  “You’ve always been taking care of me, haven’t you? One way or the other.”

  “I’d say we’ve been taking care of each other.” He kissed her lips. “Now, go to sleep. Tomorrow you get to wake up a year older.”

  “I don’t want to be old. It’s overrated.”

  “Sleep.” He pulled her into his arms, relishing the feel of her against him. This was what it was all about to him. Having her in his arms felt right. It was right. There was no mistaking that now.


  The sound of a cell phone ringing woke Aria up. She opened her eyes, and groaned against the bright light filtering through the curtains.

  “Is that your phone or mine?” Eli asked.

  His arms were still wrapped around her, and she didn’t want to leave him to venture into the cold of the room.

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s a girly sound. It’s yours.”

  “I don’t think so. I have mine on vibrate.”


  Her cheeks heated, but not for that.

  He groaned, and climbed out of bed, taking all the warmth with him. She rushed toward her own jacket, grabbing her cell, and seeing a couple of missed calls from home. She saw a few texts from her mom, and placed it on the drawer beside the bed.

  Eli answered his cell, and then climbed back in bed.

  There on his small screen were their friends, singing for her birthday.

  She smiled, and gave them a wave. “Thanks, guys.”

  “You do know he’s keeping us all away. It’s not fair. I love the way we hook up for your birthday,” Chris said.

  “Maybe Chris and I could take the hood of the car, and you guys take the back seat,” Rachel said.

  “Not going to happen,” Eli said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She snuggled against him, stealing more of his warmth. She really didn’t know how he stayed so warm all the time.

  “I’m not going to lose my cherry in the backseat of anyone’s car.”

  “Spoilsport. It’s a friends thing. We could give you pointers,” Branson said.

  “Ew, gross.
I’ve listened to you guys do it enough. Let me have my moment, my way,” she said.

  “Is it weird we can talk about this like friends, and it not seem gross?” Mary asked.

  “I don’t know. We used to go to the toilet in front of each other,” Eli said.

  “Yeah, that was gross,” Aria said. She chuckled.

  “We heard about what Wayne told you last night, creep,” Rachel said.

  “I think our parents are the biggest creeps,” Aria said.

  “I know. Who would organize an arranged marriage between babies? It’s sick,” Mary said.

  Aria sighed. “Did my parents call either of you?”

  “Your mom called me. I told her you were sleeping, and I wasn’t going to wake you,” Rachel said.

  “Are you going back home?” Branson asked.

  “I’ve got to. I can’t exactly go into hiding. I’ve still got school to finish, and besides, I’ve got to tell my dad where he can shove his arranged marriage. I mean, come on, it’s Wayne, and he’s gross.”

  “Even if he wasn’t gross, you still have me,” Eli said, stroking her neck.

  “Right, we’re going to let you two crazy lovebirds go.”

  The cell phone went blank, and Aria sighed. “We’ve got to see them.”

  “We will. I was only kidding last night. I’ve got a surprise set up for you later this afternoon. We’re going to meet up with them.”

  She kissed his lips, and he leaned back, opening one of the drawers.

  Aria paused as he held out a black velvet box.

  “Erm, Eli?”

  “Yeah. I want you to open my present.”

  She took a deep breath. The box was small, and square, and screamed something she really didn’t know about.

  As she opened the box, her nerves didn’t fade. There was a small diamond ring glinting at her.


  “I want you to marry me, Aria.”

  “We’re so young.”

  “I know, and I know what I want.” He took the ring out of the box and held her hand. “Do you believe in fate?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I do. If this ring slides on your finger, it means we’re meant to be together, no matter what.”

  “And if it doesn’t?” she asked.

  “Then I made a mistake, and I’ll get the right ring. I’ll win either way.”

  She let out a breath. “I don’t know what to believe right now. I’ve never thought of fate, or destiny.”

  He held the ring out to her. “May I?”

  She fisted her hand, and then opened it up. He slid the ring down her finger, and it went down perfectly, with ease.

  “Perfect fit,” he said. “I want to marry you, Aria. We’ve known each other our entire lives, and I know I love you.”

  Tears filled her eyes at his declaration. She had loved him her whole life, and staring at the ring, and then into his eyes, she knew it was the truth.

  “You don’t even know if I’m any good in bed yet. I may be useless, and not very good.”

  “Sex is just one part of it, babe. I love being with you, talking to you. You mean everything to me, and besides, sex just takes practice to be perfect.”

  She started laughing.

  Her heart was racing, and she couldn’t stop the tears. They were not tears of sadness but tears of happiness.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she moved to straddle his waist. He cupped her hips, moving her against his cock, which was very hard as it pressed against her core.

  “Our parents won’t approve.”

  “Don’t care what they think.” He ran his hands down her back, to grab her ass.

  “When did you know you were going to propose?”

  “A year ago.”

  “It doesn’t take you long to make a decision.”

  “Did you know that it took my dad three days to decide that my mom was a keeper?”

  “Three days?”

  “Yeah, we’ve had over fifteen years to know each other.” They had first met in nursery, which their parents had placed them when they were three years old. It was supposed to promote early stimulation and education.

  “My dad won’t allow this.”

  “He can’t stop you, Aria. He can’t force you either. That arranged marriage was without your consent, and that is what he needs for you to marry. I want to marry you, Aria.”

  It was so romantic, and she wanted to as much as he did.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He leaned down, and pressed his lips against hers.

  “When do you want to tell our parents?” he asked.

  “Whenever you want.” She cupped his cheek, and leaned up, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I love you, Eli.”

  He took possession of her lips, and for Aria, every worry seemed to fade away under the onslaught of his kiss.

  Chapter Eight

  For the morning, Eli made her breakfast and took his time making her some pancakes.

  “How long have you been able to cook?” Aria asked.

  “I’ve been practicing a long time.” He flipped the final pancake, and put it on her plate. Sitting on his side of the counter, he watched as she dug in, dipping her butter pancake into the sauce.

  “This is amazing.”

  “I know.” He took a whole pancake, swallowing it down.

  “Wow, you really know how to eat,” she said, laughing.

  “So, I’ve bought you some clothes as well.”

  “Oh, you have.”

  “Yeah. It’s nothing much. Just a pair of jeans and a shirt. I saw you admiring them a couple of days ago. I figured you could use them to head to the lake.”

  “What if they don’t fit?”

  Eli smiled. “They’ll fit.”

  “You’re very … confident.”

  “I know you.” He leaned over the counter. “Trust me about that. I know what you want.”

  “Even if I don’t know it myself?”

  “Pretty much, babe.” He took her empty plate.

  “I’m going to head up and get dressed.”

  “Okay.” Leaving the kitchen, she made her way up to his bedroom, where she found a wrapped package on his bed.

  Removing his clothes, she flipped open the box, and changed into the designer jeans, and shirt. When she looked in the mirror, she loved the way they molded to her curves. She didn’t feel fat, or frumpy. In fact, she felt sexy.

  She was pinning her hair atop her head when Eli walked in.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “I like them.” She walked toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you so much.” Going to her toes once again, she pressed her lips against his.

  He groaned, reaching to grab her ass, and pull her close. Her body heated under his touch, and she wanted another birthday present from him.

  Fingering his shirt, she started to work on the buttons. He caught her hands.

  “Not today?”

  “Why not today?”

  “Because I want you to be ready.”

  “I am ready.”

  “I’m not rushing you, babe. No matter what you say.” He pressed another kiss to her lips.

  She was ready, more than ready. At first she hadn’t trusted him because of the other girls he’d been with. Talking with Rachel and Mary, they had convinced her that he was a changed guy, and she saw it herself, too.

  “You’re not rushing me.” Holding her hand up, she flashed him the engagement ring. “I’m ready.”

  “What if I’m not?” he asked.

  “This isn’t your first time,” she said, completely confused.

  “No, it’s your first time, and I want to be ready for that.” He sank his fingers into her hair, holding her steady. “I want to make your first time so explosive, and amazing, you can’t even think straight. Give me time to make it perfect.”

  “How do you always say the nicest things?”

  “Simple, I know what to say to make
you happy, and I believe what I say as well.” He stroked her cheek. “The time with the other girls, it meant nothing to me, and it still doesn’t. Putting that ring on your finger, it made you mine, and that’s what I believe in. I believe in you, and me, and us.” He kissed her lips again, and it sent a fluttering throughout her body that she had never experienced before. “Besides, I want to face your parents. Tell them that Wayne is not getting anywhere near you. You’re mine. Always have been, if you don’t believe me.”

  Pressing her head against his, she nodded. “Dad’s not going to take it well.”

  “My dad will think I’m too young to make this kind of decision.”

  “Don’t you feel it?”

  “No. I feel ready with you. I’ve wasted long enough. I don’t want to look back with regrets.”


  “However, just because I’m not ready to make love to you, doesn’t mean I can’t give you a little something extra.”

  He moved her toward the bed, and unbuttoned her jeans. He slid his hands inside, and pulled them down her thighs.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Eli was moving so fast that she couldn’t keep up. One moment she was in jeans, in the next, they were gone, along with the panties that he’d picked out for her. “Now that is prettiest pussy I have ever seen.”

  She stared into his eyes, seeing the need that mirrored her own.

  “I want you to trust me. Can you do that?”

  “I do trust you.”

  “Good.” He spread her thighs open wide, and moved down so that he was kneeling on the floor. She went to her elbows and watched as he ran his thumb down her slit. “So wet for me.”

  His head lowered toward her pussy, and she gasped as she took the first swipe through her slit.

  She cried out from the pleasure. Never had she felt something so amazing. His tongue didn’t stop there either. He ran his tongue over her clit, circling the nub, and then down toward her entrance. Before she could protest, he moved her back up, and sucked on her clit.

  Closing her eyes, she collapsed to the bed, overcome by the most exquisite pleasure. She had never known it could feel like this. Reading about it in books could never have prepared her for his touch. She wanted him badly, and ached for more.

  Eli had been part of her world all of her life. She’d watched him go through girls, knowing she’d never be one. Everything had changed. He’d changed, and so had she.


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