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Viper's Kiss

Page 17

by Shannon Curtis

  “Thank you for the job, Reese,” she said. After the university had terminated her employment as a result of the security breach, she’d been worried about the little things, like a roof over her head and the next meal. Reese’s generous offer had come at an opportune time.

  She glanced around his office. One wall was constructed entirely of glass, giving an impressive view of the Chicago skyline.

  A new job, a new city, a new beginning. She should have been excited. Well, she was. Really. So what if she wanted to share her delight with someone. Not just anyone, though, someone special. It was her stupid idea in the first place to insist on some time and space away from Luke. Idiot.

  She’d wanted to find out if the love she’d discovered was real, or whether it was just a natural desire for emotional security during a dangerous and intense time. She’d burned her copy of that particular study approximately three days after Luke had left. Idiot.

  It was a delay tactic on her part. She realized that now. After living her whole life with caution and thrift, she’d clung to security, to maintaining the status quo, and it wasn’t until she packed up her mother’s belongings that she realized how much. She was so used to being the responsible one, the person in control, that handing control of her life and her heart to someone else was damn frightening. She’d wanted excitement and passion in her life, and had run from it at the first opportunity. Run from Luke. Idiot.

  “Uh, is Luke in the office today?” she asked Reese hopefully. They hadn’t spoken since that night at the hotel. She’d tried a couple of times, but her courage had failed her and she waited instead for his call. Which hadn’t come. Well, if Luke wouldn’t come to the mountain, this mountain was going to him.

  Reese closed the folder he’d placed the contract in and surveyed her for a moment. Then he shook his head.

  “No, he’s not. He said he had something to take care of.”

  Maggie ducked her head. “Oh.” He was avoiding her. “Okay.” Damn. In the two months since her life was turned upside down, not a day had passed when she didn’t think of Luke. When she relived every conversation they’d had, every look they’d shared. Every kiss and caress as they’d made love. She took a deep breath. Yep, that’s the kicker. She was in love with Luke Fletcher. Had been since the first day they’d met. But, being the thinker she was, she’d insisted on them figuring out their emotions first before any kind of commitment—because emotions were just so logical, right? Idiot. Well, she guessed she had her answer. He’d avoided being in the office when she came in. He didn’t want to see her. Didn’t want to talk to her. She sighed. It was her own fault.

  She pasted a brittle smile on her face and met Reese’s compassionate one. She just hoped the McCormack Security Agency was big enough that she wouldn’t run in to Luke often. Maybe just a couple of times, though, just to get a booster shot of Luke Fletcher. She’d try to live with that.

  “Uh, well, I guess I’ll see you Monday.”

  Reese nodded. “I’ll look forward to it.”

  They both rose and Reese escorted her back to the lush reception area. A woman with vibrant red hair looked up and smiled brightly at them.

  This time Maggie’s smile was genuine. She’d met Vicky Hastings on a previous visit and had spoken to her over the phone on several occasions. They’d already become fast friends.

  “Hey, girlfriend. Heard you’re crazy enough to work here,” the redhead said with a cheeky grin, her green eyes sparkling.

  Maggie nodded. “I start Monday.”

  Elevator doors pinged, and a tall man with russet brown hair and handsome features stalked into the reception area, wagging his finger at the receptionist.

  “You are so dead, Vic,” he growled at her.

  Vicky’s eyes widened as she pulled the headset off her head and backed around the desk.

  “Now, c’mon Ryan, it was a mistake. Honest.”

  His eyes narrowed to a steely gaze and he held up one finger. “First, it was the red-eye flight.” He held up a second finger as he approached her. Vicky shuffled to the side, maintaining the desk between them like a barrier.

  “Next it was the baggage. I could handle the floral pink shirts, but honestly, G-strings?” He held up a third finger. “Then it was leaving that message with my date about some phony test results.” Ryan shook his head and held up a fourth finger. “But the last straw was the vegetarian meals.”

  He darted to the side, and Vicky took off running down the hall, squealing as the man chased after her.

  Maggie turned to Reese and raised an eyebrow. Reese sighed.

  “That was Ryan Brennan. I’ll introduce you properly on Monday.” He shook his head. “The vegetarian meals were low. Ryan is definitely a steak man.”


  Another squeal sounded from down the hall, but Reese didn’t bat an eyelid, so neither did she. Maggie pressed the button for the elevator and turned to Reese.

  “Thanks again, I really appreciate the job,” she said, sincerely.

  Reese held up a hand as the elevator doors slid open. “Wait until you’ve worked for me a couple of months, then tell me that.”

  She turned to step into the elevator and nearly bumped into a surprised Noah.

  “Hey, Maggie, how are you?” he asked warmly.

  She smiled as they swapped positions. “Good, and you? How’s the arm?” she asked, gesturing to his left arm.

  He moved it, grinning. “Near as new,” he answered.

  She waved as the doors slid closed.

  Reese watched as Noah raised his cuff to his lips. “She’s on her way.” Noah turned, only to catch sight of his boss.

  Reese cocked an eyebrow.

  Noah ducked his head and strode past him to the offices.

  Reese shook his head as he turned and followed.

  “Sometimes I feel like I’m working with a bunch of kids,” he said to himself, shaking his head and fighting off a grin as a bellow sounded from the direction Vicky and Ryan had taken.

  Maggie stepped through the large glass doors of the building onto the pavement outside. She pulled the strap of her handbag up to her shoulder and surveyed the traffic. She needed to get a cab back to her hotel. She could cry in private there. Luke. She wished she’d had the guts and gumption to throw her caution to the wind and just jump into the man’s arms when he’d offered. She bit her lip. She knew her insistence for space had cut deep. The wind blew a lock of hair across her face, and she raised a hand to tuck it behind her ear when she felt something wet against her calf.

  She jumped and turned. A brown-eyed beagle puppy sporting a big red bow sniffed at her shoes.

  “Oh, aren’t you a darling,” she crooned as she leaned down to pat her. The dog licked her shoe, and she laughed.

  “What’s your name, sweetie?” Did the puppy have a name tag? Maybe she could contact the owner and return her.

  She checked the red ribbon, but found no tag.

  “What in the world—?” Maggie frowned as she looked around. She heard a whistle, and the puppy bounded off to her right. Maggie turned as a tall blond man stooped to pick up the dog.

  Her breath caught in her throat.


  He met her eyes as he approached, the dog doing its best to climb up his broad chest and lick his face.

  “Hey, Kincaid,” he said to her, his blue eyes intent.

  “Hey, yourself,” she said right back, her breath in her throat. He was here. He was right here. He wasn’t avoiding her.

  He jostled the puppy. “What do you think of her?”

  Maggie smiled as she scratched the dog behind the ears. Brown eyes gazed up at her as the dog tried to jump from Luke to her. “She’s a beauty,” she replied. “What’s her name?”

  Luke smiled. “Diana. After some warrior chick. She’s yours, if you want her.”

  Maggie’s eyes darted up to his. Hers?

  “Oh?” She’d always wanted a dog. She remembered telling him that.

  He nodde
d. “She comes with conditions,” he informed her, his eyes serious.

  Maggie swallowed. “Oh?” she croaked, afraid to hope.

  He nodded. “Yep. If you want the dog, you have to take me too.”

  Maggie sucked in a breath. God, was she dreaming? Was he—? Did he just say—? She trembled.

  He leaned closer, and the dog wiggled in his arms. “What do you say, Kincaid? And I’m not talking temporary. A dog is a lifetime commitment, you know. So, how about it? You want to take us both on?”

  Maggie felt as though her heart was bursting from her chest. She threw back her head and laughed as she hugged him.

  “Yes. Yes!”

  His arm slid around her waist as he lowered his lips to hers, and he kissed her. Thoroughly.

  Until the dog joined in. They both laughed as the dog licked their faces.

  Luke tilted his forehead against hers.

  “Damn, you’ve put me through hell, woman.”

  Maggie lifted a hand to his cheek, hardly daring to believe he was there, that they were talking, touching. He wasn’t avoiding her after all. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I was an idiot.”

  “Me too. I agreed with your damned experiment. I should have realized I was rushing you.” He held her tightly. “God, it feels so good to hold you. I’ve missed you so much.”

  Maggie closed her eyes. She was in his arms, but it could have been heaven. “For the record, I love you.”

  She tightened her hold on him. “I love you too.”

  He pulled his head back, and her body warmed at the look in his eyes.

  “Margaret Elizabeth Kincaid, will you marry me?”

  “With pleasure, Luke Fletcher.” She beamed back at him.

  He let out a whoop and whirled her around, the dog yipping between them.

  She laughed, and he kissed her again, their love and jubilation an intoxicating taste.

  Smiles broke out on the faces of people passing by as they stepped around the kissing couple.

  And a beagle puppy named Diana.

  About the Author

  Shannon Curtis has worked in diverse roles such as office admin manager, customer service rep, logistics supervisor, distribution coordinator, dangerous goods handler, event planner, receptionist and switch operator and betting agent. She lives with her wonderful and ever-patient family in Sydney, home of sizzling summers, mild winters, beautiful beaches, harbors and national parks and great coffee! She loves reading, loves writing and loves hearing from her readers, so visit her at and say hi!

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  ISBN: 978-1-4268-9192-2

  Copyright © 2011 by Shannon Curtis

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