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Cosmic Cabaret

Page 75

by SFR Shooting Stars

  He palmed her breast then flicked his thumb across the hardened tip. With a growl he pulled the shirt she had borrowed up and over her head and sent it sailing over his shoulder. “You are so fucking beautiful,” he said with a touch of awe.

  She didn’t even have time to react to his praise before he lowered his head and drew one of her nipples into his mouth. Her breath caught. She dug her nails into his hair. The coarse, dark blond strands slipped through her fingers as she urged him on. He switched his attention to the other breast, then back again.

  The way his thigh pressed against her center drove her mad. She rubbed against him, relishing the delicious friction until he kissed and licked his way down her belly. When he reached her hip he paused. Then, in one swift movement, he pulled her panties off and tossed them aside. With no warning he buried his face between her legs and latched on to her swollen clit. She gasped in shock but he gave her no chance to dwell on what he was doing. His tongue swirled and flicked over her sensitive bud. The delicious sensations he created were almost too much. Every inch of her body craved him.

  He slipped one finger into her slick channel adding yet another sensation. She moaned out his name and thrust her hips upward, seeking relief. As if he knew instinctively what she needed, he sucked her clit between his lips with the perfect amount of pressure. That final sensation sent her spinning as pleasure rushed over her.

  Before her world even righted itself, Vordol settled his hips between her legs and guided the tip of his cock to her drenched opening. His eyes closed as if he were savoring the feeling of sinking into her. When he could go no farther, he paused and opened his eyes. Their gazes locked on each other and then he began to move. Ever so slowly he eased out, then back in. The muscle in his jaw jumped and tiny beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

  “Fuck me, Vordol. Don’t hold back.”

  His hips pulled back and he slammed inside her. She grabbed onto his shoulders and held on. The harder penetration ratcheted her need for him up once again—every thrust taking it higher and higher. His movements soon turned primitive and she became nothing but a bundle of sensation. His cock stretched the walls of her channel. His chest rubbed against her breasts creating a delightful friction on the sensitive tips. Yet, it was the scrape of his teeth on her neck that drove her over the edge once again.

  He gripped her tighter and groaned as her pussy rippled around his cock.

  It might have been a while since she had been with a man, but that wasn’t the reason for the feeling of total bliss that crept over her.

  “Damn, woman. I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”

  She chuckled against his neck. “Yeah, well, me either.”

  He lifted his head. “Give me a few minutes and we’ll see if we can do even better.”

  “If we do, it might just kill me.”

  “I’m willing to risk it if you are.” His boyish grin both surprised and charmed her. He needed to wear it far more often than he did.

  “All right, big boy. Let’s see if we’re up to it.”

  He proceeded to prove that not only were they up to the task, but that they could blow the doors off that challenge.

  The next morning, Pitannah woke to an empty room. She squinted at the timekeeper on the bedside table. Midmorning. Her head flopped back against the pillow. She needed to comm Daloya and Trenna before they came looking for her. If they found out about last night’s incident with security from someone else, there would be hell to pay later.

  She groaned as she rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Once she had taken care of personal business she returned to the bedroom. She debated going back to bed but in the end, her need to stay busy won out. So, she showered and dressed in the clothes she had been wearing last night. When she went out to the sitting area she found Ruby reading the news and enjoying a light breakfast.

  “Good morning, my dear. How are you feeling?” Ruby asked.

  “Um...fine, I guess. Do you know where Vordol is?”

  “Not presently. He left about an hour ago but didn’t say where he was going.” She patted the space on the couch next to her. “Come join me for breakfast. I don’t often get to enjoy the company of young ladies anymore.”

  Pitannah hesitated. “Did he ask you to keep an eye on me?”

  “What a ridiculous notion.” Ruby scoffed and poured herself a cup of java. “Vordol knows it’s pointless to tell me to do anything.” After taking a small sip she asked, “Why would you think he would?”

  “Well…” She hesitated. Should she say anything to Ruby? Lying to her wasn’t an option. Vordol would probably tell her everything, if he hadn’t already. But she didn’t want Ruby to think ill of her. “I was accused of several crimes last night. I’m sure he must have some doubts about me by now.”

  “If he had doubts about you he would have never brought you to his room much less have left you here alone.”

  “But, you’re here.”

  Ruby waved her hand in the air. “Of course, I am. Which is another reason you shouldn’t worry. He would have never left you with me if he didn’t trust you.”

  The knot in Pitannah’s gut eased. “I guess there’s that.”

  “See? Now...” She patted the couch again. “I have my own reasons for stealing a few moments with you, my dear.”

  “You do? What for?”

  “I want to know where you learned to dance the way you do. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. I’d had hoped to pry your secret out of you with the promise of food.”

  Ruby passed her a small plate of assorted chocolates.

  Pitannah sat next to the grand dame but held her hand up to refuse the chocolates. “I’m allergic to most chocolates so I avoid all of them just to be safe.”

  “What a horrible notion.” Ruby’s face registered true horror. “I don’t know what I’d do without my favorite indulgence.”

  “If your face puffed up and your tongue swelled to the point that you couldn’t speak, you’d avoid them too.”

  “Quite right.” She set the plate on the other side of her, well out of Pitannah’s reach. “Please help yourself to whatever you like. I assure you everything else is chocolate-free.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So...” Ruby reached for her cup. “You were just about to tell me your secret.”

  Pitannah smiled. “I don’t know that there is any secret to tell.”

  “Your movements are smooth, polished, and graceful. That doesn’t come naturally to most.”

  “I took lessons in classical ballet until I left for University. Later, when I needed a way to make a little extra money, I met a woman who taught me the art of burlesque. Something her Old Earth grandmother had taught her.”

  “Ah, yes. Classical ballet. Beautiful craftsmanship. That must be what seemed familiar to me.” Ruby passed a plate of food to her. “You know, burlesque’s origins are rooted in ballet.”

  “It is?”

  Ruby nodded. “When I first learned the dance I studied the early masters so I could learn what drove them to greatness and where their inspiration came from. Many records have been lost to time, but what I was able to gather indicated that ballet dancers looking for a way to better themselves and their living conditions turned to the more risqué entertainment venues. They were still able to draw upon their training and, more importantly, their love of the dance, but reach a different audience. One that paid handsomely, even then.”

  “I never realized.”

  “Few do.”

  They spent the next hour chatting like old friends. Ruby regaled her with stories from her youth, of the Terridian Wars, and of her late husband and their mad affair. Pitannah found herself sighing with longing.

  Oh, to have lived such a life of adventure. And love.

  It sounded as if Ruby and her husband had loved each other truly, madly, and deeply. What would it be like to find someone who brought out the best in her and yet accepted her the way she was?

  The on
ly word she could come up with was bliss.

  Absolute bliss.


  Vordol stopped by Quantum security office to find out what evidence they had collected through the night about Pitannah and the incident. He also verified nothing had come up that might impact the evening’s show or Ruby’s safekeeping.

  After finishing with security he dropped by Rege’s cabin. He and Amethe had checked in sometime during the night. Vordol delivered the tickets in case he wasn’t able to get away later. Over a cup of java, Vordol gave Rege a run-down of everything that had happened that weekend.

  As expected, Rege offered his assistance. Amethe surprised him by echoing the sentiment. What happened to women shying away from confrontation and dangerous situations?

  Ruby probably never ran from danger, though. He needed to think more about that.


  When he let himself into the suite he found Ruby and Pitannah laughing and seeming to have a good time.

  “What did I miss?” he asked as he drew closer.

  “Ruby was just telling me about the Prime Minister from Twonwor,” Pitannah said.

  “A lovely man. Just not much of a singer,” Ruby added.

  “I bet he wasn’t.” Pitannah and Ruby laughed at some shared joke.

  “Is there any food left?” He picked up one lid and peeked underneath.

  “I’m sure there is.” Ruby assured him. “If there isn’t enough left for your appetite, we can order more.”

  He grabbed several of the bite-sized sandwiches then flopped into the seat across from Pitannah. He gave her a wink as he popped one of the morsels into his mouth. After swallowing he asked Ruby, “So, you decided to stay in today?”

  “Why would I go downstairs when I have such delightful company right here?”

  “I can never predict what you’ll do from one minute to the next.” He gave Ruby an affectionate grin. “I just hoped you’d still be here when I got back.”

  “I assume you’ve checked in with Quantum Security by now. Is everything okay?” Pitannah asked.

  “I have.” He reached for a couple more sandwiches but Ruby slapped his hand away. He frowned until she handed him a plate. With a chuckle he loaded the small dish with a little bit of everything on the tray.

  “What did you find out?” Pitannah asked.

  “Quantum Security has no interest in pressing charges against you. They plan to keep the whole thing under wraps, so you shouldn’t have any problems with your supervisor.”

  She slumped in relief and mumbled, “Thank God.”

  “But…” He stuffed one of the sandwiches into his mouth and chewed.

  Ruby held the pot up and lifted a brow in question. He nodded the swallowed the bite he had been eating.

  “But?” Pitannah pressed.

  “But, I think you need to consider dropping out of the competition,” he told her.

  “What?” Ruby nearly dropped the cup she had been passing to him.

  “Why?” Pitannah asked at the same time.

  He took the cup but set it down so he could explain. “Someone wants you out of the competition. And, based on last night’s events, it appears that person is willing to go to great lengths to do so.”

  “Just because someone broke into my cabin last night? That could have been anyone backstage looking to make a quick buck.”

  “No, because someone sent a note to security implying you had something to do with a missing necklace owned by Mr. Morgonz.”

  Pitannah sat up. “What?”

  “A missing necklace?” Ruby asked.

  Pitannah turned white. “Mr. Morgonz is the man who was killed last night, isn’t he? That’s why the Commander was asking me questions about him and whether or not I knew him.”

  “Yes,” Vordol told her.

  “But, I didn’t know him. I’d never even seen him before the Commander showed me his picture.”

  Vordol reached for her hand. “I figured as much and obviously the Commander believed you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let you go last night. My point is, someone is trying to pin this on you to get you out of the competition.”

  “Murder and theft are two different things,” Ruby reminded him.

  “They are, and that’s why security is looking at this as separate issues now. I couldn’t get all of the details about the murder but something now makes them think the theft occurred after the stabbing.”

  “Like whoever stabbed him decided to steal the necklace after they were finished?” Pitannah asked.

  “More like Mr. Morgonz was stabbed then someone else came along and stole the necklace from his pocket.”

  “And you think that person tried to blame Pitannah for it?” Ruby asked.

  “No one said anything about a necklace last night,” Pitannah said.

  “Of course not. They wanted to see what you knew.”

  Pitannah wrapped her arms around her middle and groaned

  “That’s why I think you need to drop out,” he told her.

  Pitannah shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s too important.”

  “What’s so important that you need to risk your life?” He gestured at her as he ranted. “A title? Fortune? Fame? How is that more important than your safety?”

  “You don’t understand—”

  “No, I don’t.” He leapt to his feet. “Because you know damn good and well your dad would tell you the same thing I am. It’s not worth the risk. We have no idea how far this person will go to win this competition.”

  “Maybe but—”

  “No buts! It’s crazy and I just don’t get how something like this could ever be worth your life.”

  Pitannah jumped to her feet. “I have to do it for Momma!”

  He froze. “How is this about your mother?”

  Pitannah slumped onto the couch. “Momma is sick. She has been since Papa died. But since his benefits never kicked in, we’ve struggled to cover all of our expenses. If Papa hadn’t paid off the house before he died we’d be in an even bigger mess.”

  Vordol stepped closer. “What’s wrong with your mother?”

  “The doctors aren’t sure. At first they thought it was some kind of virus. Then they thought the virus moved to her lungs. And now they keep throwing around all the big scary sounding diseases that neither me nor Lexiani know anything about.”

  “Oh, my dear girl.” Ruby patted Pitannah on the knee.

  “The last doctor said he knew of a treatment that might help but he won’t even run the necessary tests unless we can pay half the cost for the whole the treatment up front. That’s why I entered the contest. If I win, I could pay for the entire treatment and still have a little left over.”

  “You said your dad’s benefits hadn’t kicked in?”

  She shook her head.

  He frowned. “Why not?”

  “We have no idea. We keep getting the run around with the benefits office. Their last excuse was that there had been an audit and the records were tied up but that it shouldn’t be much longer.”

  “That sounds rather peculiar to me,” Ruby said.

  “Me too,” Vordol agreed. “But that’s beside the point.” He took a deep breath. “Nothing is going to change your mind about this is it?”

  She looked him in the eye. “No. I’m afraid not.”

  “Then we need to come up with a way to keep you safe but still allow you to compete the way you need to in order to win.”

  Her eyes sparkled with tears and she launched herself into his arms. “Thank you,” she whispered against his neck.

  “Don’t thank me just yet, you haven’t heard what my requirements will be for your safety.”

  She bit her lip as she pulled away.

  “Don’t worry, dear. It won’t be too unreasonable.” Ruby refilled her cup and took a sip. “And you can always tell him to stuff it, if you think he’s gone too far.”

  Pitannah’s lip twitched.

>   “Just because you get away with that doesn’t mean she will,” Vordol protested.

  “I know you mean well, dear, but sometimes you men forget that we women aren’t completely helpless.”

  Vordol grumbled under his breath.

  “So, what are you thinking?” Pitannah asked.

  He pointed to Ruby. “You are getting two guards for the next two days. Three if I can get it. I don’t want any backlash on you if this competition doesn’t go the way this crazy person wants it to.” Next, he pointed to Pitannah. “And you have to put up with me shadowing you everywhere you go. Backstage. On stage. Into the audience. Rehearsal. Dressing rooms. Everywhere.”

  “Does that include the bathroom, too?” She raised one brow in challenge.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Pretty much.”

  “What about working my shift?” Pitannah asked.

  He took a bottle of water from the cold box. “Easily taken care of.”

  Pitannah lifted her chin. “How so?”

  “Apparently, when security took you in for questioning, a notice went to your supervisor that there had been an incident and you would not be available for your shift today. We can just leave that in place for the evening.”

  “But, that means my pay will be docked,” she protested.

  “Don’t worry about that.”

  She got to her feet. “But, I am worried about that. I need that money.”

  “Not if you win tonight,” he reminded her.

  “That’s a big maybe.”

  He shrugged. “I think your chances are good.”

  “So do I,” Ruby added.

  Pitannah dropped back onto the couch. “Okay.” She touched the side of her head and muttered, “Worry about one thing at a time.”

  “Precisely.” Ruby patted her knee.

  Vordol returned to his seat across from her. “We need to work out details of how this will go tonight.”

  Ruby picked up her cup and saucer and stood. “I strongly suspect that you won’t need me for this part.” She crossed the room to the door to her bedroom. “If you need me I’ll be catching up on my daily dose of drama on the viewer. I just love The Reckless and the Romantics.”


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