Book Read Free

Cosmic Cabaret

Page 77

by SFR Shooting Stars

  Stagehands darted here and there working on the lights. He made his way to the other side of the stage. Along the way he noticed the older woman he had seen talking with Candi slipping out of one of the maintenance closets. If he remembered correctly, the place where she had been housed the primary circuits that branched off to the different lights.

  The woman joined Candi then made a big to do about wanting the stage reset before her daughter went on. She even went so far as to call a few of the stagehands hateful names for not listening to her advice about resetting the circuitry.

  Finally, one of the hands called out from the back that he’d found the problem. The stage manger let Candi and her mother know one of the power regulators had been damaged so one of the spotlights wouldn’t work and she would have to make do with three. After much squawking and carrying on, the stage manager walked away telling them there was nothing more they could do with the limited time they had and her only options were to perform with the three spots, with all of the house lights on, or not perform at all.

  With a huff, Candi turned on her glittery heel and took her cue at the side of the stage. She shot her mother more than one hate-filled glance as she waited.

  Her mother lifted her chin, almost in defiance.

  Vordol whispered into his mic, “I’m beginning to think the mother of this last candidate had something to do with the spotlights shorting out.”

  “A stage mom going rogue?” Rege chuckled.

  “Maybe. I’m going to keep an eye on her until this is over.”

  “Copy that. I assume you want us to stick with Ruby until after the winner has been announced?”

  “Definitely. At least until I can get to her.”

  “Won’t be a problem. Amethe and Ruby have gotten pretty chummy. Turns out they’re fans of each other. Ruby heard Amethe sing on one of her trips and of course Amethe knows all about Ruby’s colorful history.”

  Vordol grunted. “Glad they’re getting along.”

  When the stage music began, Candi’s mother looked around then headed toward the dressing rooms. Vordol told Rege, “The mom is on the move. I’m going to follow her.”

  “Watch your back.”

  Vordol stuck to the shadows so the woman wouldn’t know she was being watched. She ducked into one of the dressing rooms then left almost immediately. As she continued on her way, she pulled something from inside her jacket and slipped it into her bag. It looked like a gift box. Much like the one Pitannah had received.

  Next, she stopped just outside the dressing room Pitannah had used. She assumed a bored expression as she watched people come and go. When the area cleared she ducked inside and, like before, reappeared a moment later. He couldn’t see anything in her hands this time but something had made her unhappy.

  She turned the corner and ambled along the passage leading to the contestant lounge on the other side of the stage as if she had all the time in the world. When she reached the lounge she attempted to enter but was stopped by the security officer guarding the door.

  “My daughter is in there. Let me pass,” she demanded.

  “If you aren’t a contestant, the Commander of Security, or Ms. Ruby Rose you are not allowed in.” He gestured to a small group of people standing off to one side. “You are welcome to wait with the others.”

  “Whose rule is this? I demand to see the manager.” The woman stomped her foot. “Now!”

  “It’s my rule and I’m not about to break it no matter how much you shout like a harpy,” Ruby said from behind the group. The crowd parted and she sailed through on Rege’s arm like an empress. Amethe flanked Ruby’s other side while Zak and Yranac trailed right behind.

  “Ms. Ruby,” the woman sputtered. “What are you doing back here? Shouldn’t you be overseeing the voting?”

  “You know nothing about this business, do you?” Ruby raked a cold gaze over the woman. “Vordol, would you be a dear and ask our competitors to join me out here?”

  The woman jumped when he brushed past her.

  “You.” Ruby pinned the woman with a glare. “Will do as this handsome security officer said and join the others family members and well-wishers.”

  With a sniff the woman moved to the other side of the room.

  Vordol knocked on the door and entered. The knot in his chest eased when he saw Pitannah sitting next to one of the contestants and chatting amicably. “Ms. Ruby would like each of you to join her.”

  The contestants filed out as he stood at the door holding it open. He winked at Pitannah as she passed. Her grin pleased him more than it should. Damn, but he couldn’t wait until the ceremony was over and he could whisk her away someplace quiet.


  Ruby urged the contestants around her. They formed a semi-circle in front of her but no one other than Pitannah would stand near Rege. Vordol chuckled. Pitannah had been around men of their ilk her entire life. Obviously she wasn’t intimidated by a man who scowled and growled more than he spoke.

  “I wanted to tell you how delighted I am with your performances.” Ruby said to the group. “We were fortunate to have so many talented performers this year. The judges are going to have a difficult time choosing a winner.”

  As Ruby addressed the group, Vordol allowed himself a moment to consider Pitannah and what might happen after this weekend. The idea that he might never see her again didn’t sit well with him. If she won the contest what did she hope to do next? He didn’t want her to just disappear from his life again. However, he did have business to run. One that kept him moving from galaxy to galaxy. His lifestyle was not relationship-friendly.

  He’d never had a reason to question whether his vow was realistic. Until now.

  Did he want a relationship with Pitannah? The idea certainly held appeal. Pitannah’s father found a way to make it work. And it appeared Rege and Amethe were making it work. Why not him?

  “Here’s how the winner announcements will be handled,” Ruby continued on but Vordol paid little attention to her instructions. After all, they weren’t for him.

  “There will be time for celebration afterward. Everyone understand?” Ruby asked the group and they murmured their agreement.

  She gestured to the woman standing off the side. “Does everyone—”

  “May the Federation live on!” A shot rang out from one of the catwalks overhead that made everyone jump.

  “Ruby!” Amethe shouted as Ruby toppled to the side.

  Rege caught Ruby before she hit the ground even as a dark stain appeared on her dress near her shoulder.

  Vordol dodged people as they screamed and ran for cover. His only thought was to get to Pitannah and Ruby. He wasn’t surprised to see Pitannah rushing to help Ruby instead of hiding.

  Rege and Amethe lay Ruby down on the floor.

  “Go find whoever did this,”Amethe ordered Rege just as Vordol joined him. She rolled a piece of fabric into a wad and pressed it against Ruby’s wound.

  “We’ve got Ruby. Go!” Pitannah told Vordol.

  “Zak, cover them.” Vordol pointed to the women. “Yranac, with us.”

  Zak moved into place almost standing directly over the two women while they tended Ruby. He searched the catwalks with his weapon drawn.

  Vordol led Rege and Yranac deeper backstage. “There are ladders here and here.” He pointed to places along the walls. “The other catwalk entrances are out front.”

  “I’ll take this one,” Rege pointed to the one closest to their position.

  “Yranac, you take that one,” Vordol pointed to the one on the other side of the stage. “I’ll go out front.”

  As he ran to the front he notified security what was happening and asked for backup to cover the exits. In a matter of minutes, they had the shooter cornered but before they could apprehend him, he turned his blaster on himself and fired.

  Vordol checked the shooter for a pulse but it had already faded to nothing. He stood over the male and waited for the security team to arrive.

Rege reached them first. “Bastard. He’s damn lucky I didn’t get my hands on him. Shooting an old lady like that.”

  “Yeah, no kidding,” Vordol muttered. Into his mic, he asked Zak, “How’s Ruby?”

  “There’s a doc here working on her. She’s hurt pretty bad but I think they have the bleeding under control. Man, she’s one tough cookie.”

  Vordol slumped in relief. “Yeah, she is.”

  “Did you get the shooter?” Zak asked.

  “Yeah, but he killed himself before we could capture him.”

  “Better than having a gun fight above a crowded room,” Zak said.

  “True. We’ll be down as soon as security gets here and takes over.”


  Yranac came up behind Rege. “If you guys want to head down to check on Ruby I’ll cover here.”

  “Thanks. Tell Commander Tangier to comm me and I’ll give him a report.”

  “Got it.”

  Rege and Vordol used the catwalks to return to the backstage area. Ruby was being moved onto a medical transport. Zak maintained his position near the attendants.

  “There you are,” Pitannah said with relief. “They’re ready to move Ruby to the treatment unit. We thought you would want to go with her.”

  “I do but…” Ruby was his priority but he didn’t want to leave Pitannah unguarded, either.

  Pitannah pressed her hand against his chest. “Don’t worry about me. You need to be with Ruby.”

  “We’ll keep her company,” Amethe said with a meaningful glance at Rege.

  “How about if we all come up to the treatment unit as soon as she’s done here?” Rege suggested.

  “Yes, definitely.” Pitannah grabbed the sides of Vordol’s head and pulled him toward her for a quick kiss. “I’m glad you’re all right after chasing after that crazy person, and I hope Ruby will be fine, too.”

  He blinked in surprise.

  “Go. Before they leave you behind.” She shooed him toward the medical personnel while Amethe and Rege looked on with expressions of amusement.

  He didn’t like it, but he knew what he needed to do. “Zak, treatment unit. We need to cover Ruby.”

  “Right behind you.”

  With one last glance at Pitannah, he followed after the medical team. Never before had he been so torn in his priorities. He had always put the client first. What was happening to him?

  “You know this isn’t your fault, right?” Zak told him as they marched behind the medical team.


  “Ruby. You couldn’t have known someone was hiding up there. None of us did.”

  “Yeah, but it’s my job to anticipate things like that.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s your job to protect the client to the best of your ability. You have. And I think Ruby would tell you the same thing. She didn’t want a fleet of bodyguards hovering around her, telling her she couldn’t step out in public. She has always been willing to accept a level of risk to maintain her freedom.”

  Vordol’s gut clenched with regret. “I know but, damn. If I hadn’t been backstage watching Pitannah—”

  “You would have been in the audience with Ruby and you still wouldn’t have seen the shooter up in the catwalks. Rege didn’t. Stop beating yourself up. Quantum Security had a better chance of spotting someone up in the catwalks than we did. I’m more concerned with how not one, but two guests smuggled a blaster on board.”

  “Commander Tangier and I both wondered the same thing.”

  “I damn well hope they are looking into that,” Zak groused.

  They were stopped at the entrance to the treatment room when they reached the unit. “We need to assess her condition before anyone will be allowed access.”

  “I’m her bodyguard and her friend,” Vordol told the medic. “We need to make sure she’s secure.”

  “I’m afraid that will have to wait until after she’s been stabilized. One of us will let you know.” The medic tried to close the door but Vordol was having none of that.

  “No, this is how it’s going to work.” He forced the door open, pushing the medic backward. “I’m going to stand in the back of the room, out of the way, but where I can see her. And if another attacker comes in, I’ll deal with them while you all take care of Ruby. Got it?”

  “Sec-security?” The medic called out has he backed away.

  “Yes, please do call for more security. It will make my job easier but it doesn’t change a damn thing. Or, perhaps I should call them for you since I’m on their frequency.” He tugged on his shirt collar where his comm unit’s mic had been wired.

  “Ah… yes, well. That would be fine too.” The medic hurried away while Vordol found an out of the way spot in Ruby’s treatment room.

  “I’ll cover the main hallway,” Zak told him.


  Vordol alternated between checking the machines for Ruby’s vital signs and watching the people working on her. They seemed to be a competent bunch but Vordol trusted very few with meds and needles. Ruby was out cold. Hopefully that was because they had medicated her and not due to her injury.

  Finally, one of the medics approached him. “She’s doing well. She bled more than we would have liked but her vitals remain strong and we think she will be fine.”

  “Good. It was just one blast, right?”

  “Yes. And luckily someone kept her from hitting her head or hurting anything else when she fell, so, she’ll be spared any other injuries. Like I said, our primary concern is her loss of blood. We can give her synthetic blood but her medical records indicate she doesn’t want that unless it’s life threatening.”

  He nodded. “She’s never trusted synthetics.”

  “We’ve held off on that, but it was a close call. She’ll be weak for a while as she recovers but her overall health seems good, so it shouldn’t be a long-term problem. She just won’t be able to lift anything with that arm for some time.”

  “So, the shot missed her heart and lungs then?”

  “Yes, but it did hit the brachial artery. That’s why she bled so much. We’ve repaired that as well as the muscle tissue that was damaged.”

  “Good. How long will she need to remain in the unit?”

  “We will need to discuss when she wakes up. I assume you’re responsible for her transport?”


  “I would like to keep her in the unit overnight. After that, she could be moved back to her guest room. I don’t, however, recommend extended travel for several more days.”

  “Okay. We’ll make the necessary arrangements with Quantum.”

  The medic nodded. “We’re going to move her into one of the rooms in the back for her overnight stay. Once there, she may have visitors but I recommend keeping them to a minimum for the remainder of the day.”

  “Understood. Just so you know, either I or one of my associates will be in the room with her at all times.”

  “I figured as much. Just keep any other visitors down to one or two. She needs rest more than anything.”

  “Got it.” Vordol looked over at Ruby. “I assume you gave her something to sleep?”

  “Yes. The fuser can be quite painful and the patient must remain perfectly still when it’s in use. We find it easier for all to medicate the patient. The effects should wear off in another hour or so.”

  Vodrol nodded. “Thank you.” When the medic left he radioed Zak, Yranac, and Rege. “Ruby is stabilized. She’s still under and they want to keep her overnight in the unit but they think she’ll recover fine.”

  All three of them expressed their relief.

  “Yranac, what’s the status on the attacker?” Vordol asked.

  “The attacker was confirmed dead on the scene. Tangier said he would contact you later, after the other witness reports had been collected.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks. If you’re clear to go, why don’t you get some food and rest and be prepared to take the late shift guarding Ruby?”

  “Can do.

  “Zak, you good for now?”

  “All good. Just enjoying the view of a hot little medic out front.”

  Vordol chuckled. “Just don’t enjoy it too much. Those medics come armed with sharp objects.”

  Rege chimed in. “They have the contestants on hold down here. Anything you want me to tell anyone?”

  “Yes. Have Suresh comm me. She’s Ruby’s contest assistant. She would have been sitting just below Ruby. I need to give her an update on Ruby’s condition.”

  “Got it. She took control of the group before it spun into chaos but I think she’s waiting for word on what to do about the winner announcements.”


  Rege must have been near Suresh because shortly after Rege ended their conversation his comm buzzed. Vordol updated Suresh on Ruby’s condition and briefly discussed the options for the winner announcements. Vordol reminded Suresh that Ruby hired her for a reason and that she trusted her to do what was best for the contest.

  Ruby was his concern, not the contest. If the whole damn thing folded he wouldn’t honestly care. But, it was important to Ruby and a great many others, including Pitannah, so he left it in the hands of those Ruby had chosen to work with.


  While they waited for word about Ruby’s condition, Pitannah went to the dressing room and changed out of her costume. Security had already questioned her and Amethe. Rege assured them they were free to go once the contest personnel made a decision on the winner announcements.

  Daloya and Trenna had been among the group backstage when the attack happened. They helped her pack her costume and things and kept her from freaking out over the fact that Vordol was protecting a woman who had already been attacked twice.

  When she exited the dressing room Rege was speaking with someone on his internal mic. Amethe mouthed that it was Vordol.

  Pitannah had been glad to learn that Rege was the brother Vordol had mentioned. Amethe had introduced herself and explained her and Rege’s relationship to Vordol after the medics had taken over Ruby’s care.


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