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Revenge of the Akuma Clan

Page 25

by Benjamin Martin

  Class 3B had other problems to deal with. No one but the samurai knew why, but they all had to deal with increased homework and difficult assignments. Takaeishi was furious. Yukiko had explained that since David was to become a member of the Crown Prince’s family, Takaeishi would be honor bound to follow David’s instructions.

  Thanks to the Matsumoto training, it was easy for David and the others to spot the reporters and various investigators that began following them around. In accordance with David’s strategy, they all made themselves visible. They stayed later at school after practice, and even began making regular stops at the one of the nearby convenience stores, giving the reporters plenty of time to see them as normal junior high students. The only major change was to keep their morning runs to within the Estate’s walls.

  With a sheer lack of anything interesting to report, David noticed ever fewer unfamiliar faces. Eventually, even the most cynical journalists gave up. The second day after David noticed the last reporter was gone, Rie celebrated by ambushing him on his way to the forge.

  “Um, thanks,” he said as a baseball cap covered his eyes. Frowning, Rie stepped away from her hiding spot behind a tree and pulled the hat back off. She replaced it with a wide straw monstrosity.

  “You have too much hair,” Rie complained. After a bit more adjusting, she gave up and ditched both hats. “Your skin would give you away anyway. We will just have to risk it. Let’s go, my co-conspirator is waiting.”

  David stumbled a bit as she pulled him toward the Estate wall, but smiled to see her determination. Together they climbed the ancient rocks.

  ‘I hope she disabled the sensors.’

  ‘We’ll know if Masao or Yukiko show up.’

  Without a word, Rie led David through the forest, heading back to the main road. As he watched her weave through the trees, David remembered Kou’s words from days ago, but they now had new meaning for him. The thought hit like one of Masato’s old tree branch traps.

  ‘The Matsumotos aren’t going to adopt me. Rie’s not going to be my sister, is she?’

  ‘Took you a while, didn’t it.’ Just then Rie looked back, and he seriously hoped his face had not turned as red as it felt.

  About a mile from the Estate, they ran into an overgrown trail that David assumed had once been some kind of road. Rie turned onto it, heading straight for a bright pink mini-truck.

  David almost laughed aloud when he recognized the owner of the bald head in the front seat. Mikio the monk sat snoring, his arm dangling out the open window. Rie jumped in the back, and David followed suit.

  “Ready!” Rie called.

  Without warning, the truck stared up and they were moving. Rie laughed as David studied the cab warily. With a shake of his head, he followed Rie’s example as she lay below the bed’s sides.

  “Just in case any of those reporters are still around,” she said.

  “It is a risk,” David said. “Though it should take the Jeong brothers longer to get back anyway. Tatsuya-san, Nakahito-sama’s aide, assured me it would take even Takaeishi-sensei awhile to get Jess into the country without sending off every alarm.”

  “Let’s hope they set off at least one.”

  They spent the rest of the trip bouncing along with every bump as the little truck sped along as fast as Masao drove. From the very brief views of the trees he got, Kou figured they were heading toward the small village where the monk lived.

  ‘She’s going to notice if you keep glancing at her,’ Kou warned.

  ‘Fine. Distract me.’

  Kou proceeded to play a newly unlocked memory from the Zodiac Tiger. It was a battle from the warring states period that their history class on the subject had awoken. Kou almost succeeded.

  Mikio welcomed them into his home, but unlike before, he did not leave straight away. They shared uncomfortable cups of tea as the old monk watched every sip.

  “You’re quite the famous one nowadays,” Mikio said with a smile. “Next time you see your new dad, tell him he still owes me.”

  David’s smile faltered at the painful reminder that his father was stuck wrapped up like a mummy in some hospital bed. Mikio stood and left the room.

  “That was strange,” Rie whispered as they walked toward the back.

  By the time they made it outside, the sun had set somewhere behind the house, the stars just beginning to show in the sky. The night was warm, but David’s mind had strayed to memories of building solar ovens and frying eggs on concrete with his father.

  Guided by the last of the fading sunset, Rie led David around the side of the house, away from the pond. There, a thick bamboo forest blocked their way. David followed Rie between two towering stalks.

  “I thought you might like a little peace and quiet after everything that’s happened,” Rie said, her voice melding with the quiet atmosphere and serenity of the place. “It always helps me.” A low thock reverberated around them as the pond’s bamboo cup tipped in the distance.

  There was little for him to say. Rie was well aware of his situation in all its intricacies. He laughed a little; their walk might have been a romantic stroll except he was dressed in his worst clothes having expected a night in the forge. Rie was in a comfortable outfit that she had somehow made stylish. Kou brought to his attention the fact she had done something new with her hair. David tried to relax and enjoy the simplicity of the bamboo stalks around them, but he was exhausted. Rie let him be. She walked beside him as they wandered various paths. Before long, they came to the same overlook where they had stopped at their last visit. David sat.

  “Dad was annoyed when he read the Crown Prince’s note,” she said. “He stayed annoyed right though the second one. He smiled when he read the last one. I tried to get a glimpse but he wouldn’t let me see it. He burned it after I tried to steal it.” David laughed at the image of Rie getting caught trying to get a peek at the letter. David was also impressed Masao had caught her. After all, he was the sneakiest of the Matsumotos. “He figured I wouldn’t let it go. He was waiting for me, of course.”

  “Kou and I have some ideas about what it might have said. But hey, things have been so busy. Tell us about your summoning.”

  Rie giggled and produced a small square of red origami paper. David watched as her hands began graceful folds. Her long slender fingers marked each crease. Soon she had an elon-gated diamond. With a brief flick of her eyes at him, she opened the tips of the point to reveal the wings of a paper crane. As soon as Rie completed the bird, it disappeared and an actual crane sat flapping in her hand. It was far larger than the paper had been.

  “Maybe someday I’ll be able to do it without the paper, but for now it helps me concentrate to bridge the gap between, what did Kou call it? The layers. I was making cranes at Natsuki’s for a sick relative and it popped out. Over the last few days, I’ve tried a few other basic shapes. You might find a few new frogs in the pond back home.”

  David’s eyes shaded orange as they watched the flapping bird.

  “How convenient, bird on demand,” Kou said. Rie punched David.

  “It’s not your dinner, go hunt a deer,” she laughed.

  “Can you make deer? Ooo, I’ve always wanted to try antelope.”

  “Hey cut it out,” David said struggling back into control of his body. “Sorry, we haven’t hunted in a while, he gets a little testy. But that’s awesome! Can you summon them at will?”

  “Watch this,” she said with an eager smile. Rie threw the bird into the air. It spread its wings and flapped hard, its long legs tucking behind. Rie closed her eyes and the bird turned through the air and dive-bombed David. He barely had time to duck before the bird was airborne again and circling overhead. The red-feathered crane spread its wings wide again and glided down to the pond where it started to peck after small fish in the shallows.

  “You can control it!” David said with a laugh.

  “Yep. Next time we are in a fight you’ll have some back up. From what I’ve been able to read about the animal
s, they are real enough. It’s like a vacation for the spirits that occupy the creatures, they’re already dead so if something happens it’s just like going back to sleep for them. Of course there’s still a danger I could summon something from beyond the Devil’s Doorway, but I think I would have to consciously do that.”

  Talking to Rie, seeing her so excited as they watched the crane play in the pond, David forgot about his own worries. His plans for the Jeong brothers faded from his mind and he relaxed in a way he’d been unable to for days.

  “Thank you,” he said with a sigh as the crane flew off into the night.

  “Well, it’s been hard to get the famous Mr. Matthews alone.” Rie smiled, her face was calm, but her eyes were bright behind the colored contacts. “And if you ever leave me behind while you get to go to Tokyo again I’ll pull a Natsuki and hunt you down with a pack of paper animals. If you think getting adopted by the Crown Prince is going to-”

  David could not stand it any longer. Beside him was the girl who had helped him when he was at his worst. The friend who always seemed to know what to say to him. Where minutes ago, he had been depressed and on the brink of tears, his life now seemed filled with potential and purpose. He knew it was a mistake, he felt a thrill of fear, but acted anyway. He turned, and before his nerve failed, kissed her gently on the lips.

  Seeing her stunned face was worth every bit of the nervousness he had gone through steeling himself for the move.

  “Now we’re even,” he said, his cheeks coloring red in embarrassment and thrill.

  They were both quiet during the drive back to the Estate. David was happy he had acted, if only a little. There was a sense of peace between them again. The tension that had built up over the last weeks, the tension he had not even realized was there because it had grown up so slowly, had passed. Rie sighed beside him as Mikio’s pink truck bounced over a rut in the road.

  “We can’t tell anyone,” she said.

  “Tell anyone what,” he asked, his eyebrows raised. She punched him. He knew what she meant. They were going out. Then a thought caught him unaware, and it was as if the ice-pick had been stuck back into his heart.

  ‘Yes, the Jeong brothers will strike at anything they think will hurt us.’

  “Definitely can’t tell anyone,” he choked.



  Back in Japan, back on the main island, back in the place where I endured the inescapable fire, trapped in that shell no better than my hide. At least this time half the company was good. Jessica was fun to date, and her new life seemed to suit her well. She took to it with an unexpected enthusiasm that I could see made Chul Soon ecstatic. Unfortunately, the more pleased he was with her, the less he was with me. The closer we got, the more guarded he was with his plans. The vaguer he became about my concerns and his promises…

  Kou leapt back, dodging Takumi’s bamboo sword. It was the evening after their trip to Mikio’s house. Kou and Takumi had opted to try for another bout of sparing without telling the elders. Though Masao had forbidden it, Takumi did not want to let the last disaster keep them from practicing. Kou had promised not to use his claws or teeth. Despite the concentration they had to exert on the fight, David could not help but think about Rie.

  ‘It’s crazy. I’m happy, excited, thrilled. I mean, she likes me too. In all the movies and TV shows, boys ask girls out and the girls turn them down. Except now it’s out there, that we like each other, I’m so freaked out I can’t think straight.’

  ‘Tigers do not get so attached, though all I have is the Zodiac Tiger’s memories to go on. We bonded with Natsuki but that was different from what you feel. Natsuki saved us. Your relationship with Rie has been slow to form, but long in coming.’

  Takumi took advantage of Kou’s distraction, smacking him in the side. The roar of indignity shook the trees as a ferocious orange paw swiped the bamboo out of Takumi’s grasp. Natsuki threw him another.

  ‘You’re afraid Chul Soon will find out and take her like he took your father and sister. Be silent for a second.’ Kou growled again as Takumi smacked his head.

  “Distracted much?” Takumi taunted. Together, David and Kou lunged, bringing their full weight on Takumi. Takumi grunted as he fell back. “Ugh. Lose some weight.”

  Kou opened his jaws wide, fangs flashing, Takumi flinched as Kou ripped the red helmet off him. Pinned, Takumi could do little as the blue-eyed Kou smiled over him. A long string of tiger drool began to leak down toward his face. Just before it could hit, Takumi disappeared. Reimi popped into place and ignited the underbrush all around Kou, signing his fur. Natsuki and Rie dashed out of the way, giggling as Kou ran growling after the flaming bird.

  “Boys,” Natsuki said with a laugh.

  “Yeah,” Rie answered with a sigh. Kou caught Natsuki look at David’s new girlfriend in suspicion as he circled around a tree after Reimi. Rie covered her lapse by pulling out a square of paper from her pocket. “Let’s see how they deal with this.”

  Rie’s hands began to fly as her slender fingers made the complicated folds for an origami animal. When she finished, a slightly misshapen but very large hawk, popped into her hands.

  “Hmm, still needs work,” Natsuki said. Rie released the bird, which dashed into the trees overhead. Soon it was high above the forest, swooping to attack both Kou and Reimi.

  Kou scaled the closest tree while Reimi flapped to gain altitude. The bigger bird was faster. From above the trees it dived, catching Reimi in is sharp talons.

  “Now Kou!” Reimi called. From out of the tree, Kou sprang catching the big bird in a puff of feathers.

  “Nife,” David mumbled around the bird as they plunged toward the trees. Reimi flapped once then plopped onto Kou’s back as they tumbled. Kou twitched his claws out, slowing their fall as they dug into the wood. David cringed within Kou as long gashes opened in the bark. At the bottom, Kou sat and started enjoying his hawk. Rie and Natsuki found them just as Takumi transformed back into his armor.

  “Dang, that didn’t take you very long,” Rie complained. Takumi looked around confused, and then made a face at the flying feathers.

  “It was two on one. Reimi left herself as bait,” Natsuki said. Kou ignored them, preferring to focus on Rie’s plump hawk.

  “Compliments to the chef,” he said between bites.

  “You’re impossible,” Natsuki said as she readied another sword for Takumi. It was hard for David to smile along with the others, even Kou, as they finished practice. His dad had stabilized, but each message made it more certain he would be in a prolonged coma. He had yet to get any news on Jessica’s whereabouts, and he had immediate concerns for Rie’s safety.

  His eyes kept betraying him. David tried not to watch Rie. He was determined to keep her safe, but that meant staying both close enough to act if something happened, and far enough away so he did not give Chul Soon’s spies any ideas. Worst of all, he could not abandon the impulses from his unruly mind. Kou was absolutely no help.

  ‘I could pounce on her if you want,’ he thought. “Or lick her again.’

  David caught a glimpse of a smile from Rie, as if she knew exactly what they were talking about as she walked back to the main house with Natsuki. Takumi stopped him with a serious look.

  “Don’t forget to clean up your bird.”

  As June ended, Nakano’s first semester started winding down. The tests approached as they had every semester before. Teachers began reviewing and handing out worksheets, while badminton practice was put on hold with the expectation that they all study instead. David spent as much time as he could with Rie. She provided a sense of comfort and a ready smile despite the fact he expected an attack any day. The Imperial Household had yet to find any trace of the Jeong brothers or Jessica, but he was sure that every day brought them closer.

  The difficult thing about spending time with Rie was that there was always someone else around. David’s fame had created an unlooked-for side effect that did not disperse with
the reporters.

  ‘I can’t believe I have groupies,’ he thought, reminding himself to keep an outward smile for those around him. He wanted to yell at them, or better yet escape into the forest for a walk alone with Rie as he had planned. ‘It’s like someone replaced them. Mizuki is like my biggest fan now. I’ve used the Eye on her twice. I was sure she’d been possessed.’

  ‘You’re legally the Emperor’s grandson now. Even you got all gooey when you met the Crown Prince the first time. You can’t complain. Being bait was your idea.’

  ‘Watch me.’ Kou obliged by forming a perfect mental image of his eyes looking back from the mirror in their room.

  ‘If you were to go grab her hand and walk off like you want to, everyone would know you are together. That means Chul Soon would know you are together and that would put her in even more danger than she is now.’

  With a shudder, David clamped down on his impulse to run. Instead, he went back to his English notebook, writing out the answers before those around him could even finish one. His work complete, he settled into the stiff library chair to field questions about the homework. David figured Takumi’s suggestion they study in the school library was part strategy, part entertainment for him. David translated the brief look Takumi gave him from his secluded corner as a smirk though few others would have been able to tell. Natsuki of course, knew Takumi well enough and punched him.

  When he was finally able to escape the library, it seemed everyone who lived in the area had waited just to gather around him. It had gotten to the point that Tsubasa and Natsuki walked home on their own and then snuck onto the Matsumoto Estate after the crowd dispersed.


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