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Blood and Revenge: Under the Skin Serial Part 4

Page 6

by K. B. Ladnier

  Being with three men, I’ve learned, was quite a task to keep up with. Especially because all my men had insatiable appetites and cornered me to undress me any chance they got. I was pretty convinced that Claudia no longer felt so betrayed by the idea of my moving in with them, when almost every time she had come home after the night of the siege, I was pinned naked against or on some form of wall or furniture. She started knocking on our own door after that.

  I couldn’t help it, though. The Lucy Love Nest concept had grown on me and I was not about to lose another second of being with my men.

  Today, Vex, Sloan and I were in the process of moving a bed into the new apartment. Since they didn’t make coffins big enough for all four of us to fit in, we decided on forgoing on entirely. Instead, the room was permanently sealed light-tight and a bed was the agreement. It was the last piece of furniture to move in.

  “Hey, babe?” I heard Hollis say as he came in the front door from work, sliding off his vest and setting it on the floor.

  “Hey handsome. How was work?” I asked, giving him a quick kiss hello as I unpacked some boxes of my things.

  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Another day, another case. We’re hearing word of a possible vampire run, sex trafficking ring going on. Gossip among the informants is, humans are disappearing and some of the vampires we go to for tips have seen a few of them reappear on street corners in the industrial areas. They look drugged and have bite marks all over them.”

  My mouth gaped open. “That’s awful! Do you have any idea who’s behind it?” I asked, stopping what I was doing to give him my full attention.

  “Right now, it’s all hearsay. Yeah, there have been some disappearances, but who’s to say the rumors are true? Diego is working on it right now. Says he can probably find someone who can connect the two. If he does, it’ll be our next case.”

  “Well, for those human’s sake, I hope it’s not. Claudia was involved with something like that when she was human. That’s how she came to be turned by Abraham. If you find anything, let me know and I’ll see if she can help you out.”

  He smiled and kissed me hard and deep. “You’re amazing, you know that? I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I replied with a wide grin, reveling in hearing all my guys saying that at least five times a day to me.

  “We could so use some of that love back here!” Sloan shouted from the bedroom he and Vex had been setting the bed up in. “The bed is all finished and empty!”

  “But we are in the bed, how is it empty?” I heard Vex ask Sloan in confusion.

  “Oh my god! I meant empty of her! It needs a damn female in it or it’s just weird!” Sloan argued back.

  Hollis and I looked back and forth between the room and each other, both of us holding back the laughter that threatened to explode from us. Those two were always going at it like children fighting over a toy.

  “Betty is here, too. That’d be two females if she joins us.”

  “Betty is a tool! Not a her! Damn it! Lucy, tell Vex that Betty can’t come to bed!” Sloan groaned in aggravation.

  Here we go again…

  I looked at Hollis with a raised brow. He gave me an impish grin in return.

  “So, you going to come willingly or will I have to force you? Because I’m not going in there without you.”

  Oh yeah, life was definitely good for me now.

  The End…For now


  I’d like to thank a few people who helped me keep moving forward as I descend into writing without my lovely co-author Anita. To all my besties Nikki, Rebecca, Samantha and Nicole for having my back and brainstorming with me when I got stuck. You guys are the absolute best and I couldn't have kept going without you.

  To my beta readers Anna, Carli and Samantha; seriously you guys rock at editing. I love working with the three of you and just want to thank you for being so unbelievably awesome at being betas. <3

  My ARC Team is definitely in need of some acknowledgement, because seriously they are the best group of people I could ask for to read my books before they release. They are all extremely kind, fun and super helpful on every level.

  Author’s Note

  Lucy’s story is over, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end. Next set of the Under the Skin Serials will start in Claudia’s POV picking up not long after Blood has left off!

  Are you ready for a little…


  Want to know more about the future installments in the Under the Skin Serial and all other books from the confines of my brain?

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  About the Author

  K.B. Ladnier is from a small city in Southern Mississippi. She has one daughter and three cats who she claims are stealing her soul in only tiny doses so she won't notice. She is a cyborg and spends most of her time hiding from her tiny human so she doesn't have to share her snacks as she reads her favorite books. She hates the beach, yet lives only ten minutes away from it and daydreams of mountains and snow. She is married to a hot nerd and loves him dearly even though he hordes cookies and occasionally hides her prosthetic leg from her so he can get a quick escape when she’s mad. She plans to write as long as people continue loving what she does, otherwise she's going to say screw it and do her second dream of owning a coffee shop. Though, she may still do both.




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