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by Mistake: (Poison & Wine, book 1)

Page 11

by Sigal Ehrlich

  And the intensity is back as he slowly tilts to blow on the candle, eyes locked with mine.

  Now, what I don’t understand is what stupid game we are both playing and why we are on this bench instead of behind some janitor closet jumping each other like two crazy hyenas in heat, just like we clearly do in our minds? An enigma, really.

  Breaking the intensity once more, I dig out a metallic pink birthday whistle and blow on it. Liam takes one long look at me, with my silly birthday hat, and the now deflated whistle in my mouth and lets out a healthy chuckle. His eyes are pure happiness as he shakes his head, utterly amused.

  “Could you be any sweeter, Anna?” He finally takes a healthy bite of the cupcake and murmurs with a full mouth. “I need more photos of this.”

  We take goofy photos of each other with Liam’s phone. Together and alone. Biting into the cupcakes, laughing, sticking our tongues out. Liam with the lame whistle, then me. He then smudges some fondant on my nose and quickly snaps a shot.

  “Oh hi, Anna?” A feminine voice coming from nearby halts our playfulness.

  We both turn to a smiling redhead. Liam sends her a quick nod of familiarity and I smile at her. “Hey Daphne, haven’t seen you in a while.”

  She eyes Liam for a stretch and turns to me. “Yeah, I know, it’s been crazy busy.”

  “I understand. Hope to see you soon.” I say, smile intact.

  Before leaving, she smiles at Liam. “See you later, Liam. And I guess, happy birthday?”

  Liam responds with a nod and a small smile that looks a little confused.

  “How do you know Daphne? She works with me in the ER,” he says as soon as she leaves.

  Searching for Liam’s birthday gift, I say to my bag, “I took her virginity.” The simple act of breathing seems to be a bit tricky for Liam for a moment, what with the short gasp and the hard cough that follows.

  I raise my face to him and roll my eyes. “She’s a client.” And then cheekily add, “Good that there are many doctors around. Looks like you’re about to suffocate.”

  Liam coughs a few times more and finally gives me a devilish smile. We grin at each other like two morons for a kitschy little moment. “Okay, I know you need to go back soon, so just a little something—” I hand him the wrapped book.

  “Anna, seriously, this is too much. You really didn’t have to—”

  “Liam Brody, shush already.”

  He nods, “Yes, ma’am.” His smile grows as he studies the cover of the book I bought him. 1001 of the Best Humorous Quotations.

  “You seem to really like these, so I thought—”

  “It’s perfect, Anna. Thanks! Thanks for everything, it’s really. It means a lot.”

  “Okay, I guess it’s time to let you get back to work.”

  Liam checks his watch and sighs. “Yeah, I need to get back.”

  I turn to gather my things.

  “Hey,” Liam says. He stretches his hand to mine, and I link it with his. He tugs on my extended arm and pulls me closer to him. He drops his hand from mine only to properly hug me and say, “You’re the best.” Then he leans back to look at me and leans back in intending to give me a peck on the cheek. Something in our choreography is out of sync. He tilts this way and I that and his lips end up on mine.

  Our lips touch softly for a long, pregnant beat in which we both seem to hold our breath like if we move an inch the universe will cease its rotation. It’s way far beyond a brief peck when we finally break apart. Instead of stepping back from whatever it was or wasn’t, Liam opens his arms to cover me in an embrace that lasts many more seconds. A connection that’s long, quiet, intimate, and full of thrilling undercurrents, healthy lungfuls of scents, and two wildly pounding hearts.

  “I’m so thankful for having you in my life,” Liam whispers to my hair, pressing a soft kiss to the center of my head.

  Kids Always Tell the Truth

  “Of course, I’d love to. But, do you mind dropping by Billy’s place first, it’s a stone’s throw away from your sister’s. I promise we won’t be late to your sister’s housewarming. It’s just, my best friend’s daughter is having a birthday party today and I promised—”

  Anna stops my excuses with, “Liam, hey. Sure, no problem. See you seven-ish, then?”

  “Thanks, Anna,” I reply with a smile.

  I drop the phone on the bed and hit the shower. Breakfast is a banana and a protein bar as I jog to the hospital with one shoe untied just barely making it on time. Lunacy must be the theme today. The day passes by like a fast-paced action movie minus the explosions, thankfully. I feel like I’ve been tearing off one surgical gown only to be scrubbing in and replacing it with another in some manically moving assembly line. This day. One second, I leave the apartment to go to work on a high and full of energy and the next I’m heading home in the dark, my energy levels well near the red line, only to find Anna and Freddie laughing at our kitchen counter. “Shit,” I murmur under my breath. I’m late, Anna’s already here. I have less than 10 mintues to grab a shower and make myself somewhat presentable or we will be late to Billy’s.

  I drop my backpack on the floor, still shaking this day off, and walk over to the kitchen. “Hey, I’m so sorry I’m late. It was hectic and we had a late admit and . . . Wow, you look—” I say as I finally really look at Anna.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Anna says with merriment.

  I shake my head, better focusing. “You look really great.” Christ, does she. Attire wise it’s pretty basic, tight black jeans and a tight black one of those tank tops that close around the neck. Forgot the name of the damn thing . . . Alter-something. But with a body like Anna’s it looks lethal. Also, it’s the first time I’ve seen her with noticeable makeup on. Holy hell. It’s not just sexy, it’s borderline illegal. The whole smoky eyes never looked so damn sensual. I’m dying.

  And so is my roomie by the look of it. Freddie is seconds from drooling. Can’t blame him, really.

  “I’m just gonna grab a shower and we’ll head out, okay?”

  Anna nods. The way she looks at me – I feel much taller than my six feet.

  I gesture with my hand to my sturdy vehicle. “Anna, Thanos. Thanos, Anna.” And open the door for her.

  “Nice to meet you, inanimate object,” she sasses. I grin and drop my eyes to my phone as it dings with an incoming message. I read the text from Freddie, rounding the car for the driver seat.

  YOU FUCKING IMBECILE. HOW ARE YOU NOT ALL OVER HER? YOU HAVE SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE. Are you gay, man? Cause that’s the only reasonable explanation I can come up with. And if you are, it’s okay, we’ll support you. I’ll even join a support group to help you come out to the world. No harm in embracing your sexuality. But if you’re not, then YOU’RE A FUCKING IMBECILE WITH SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE.

  I snort a laugh. “Just Freddie, reminding me of something,” I casually say, pocketing my phone. Reminding me that he’s an idiot. I crank the car and we’re off to Billy’s.

  “How old is she? Billy’s daughter.” Anna asks when we arrive. We shuffle out and I beep the car closed.

  I grab the gift out of the back seat and pocket the key fob. “She’s three.”

  “Quite the present for a three-year-old.” Anna eyes the huge wrapped gift in my arms.

  I shrug. “Goddaughter.”

  Anna seems to like the answer what with the way her eyes caress me.

  I knock once and open the door, not waiting for anyone to answer. “Hey, where’s the birthday girl?” I call out.

  Anna and I grin at each other to the sound of quick, light footsteps nearing followed by an elated, “Uncle Yiam!” Not long after the little nugget arrives in a sweet little, puffy white dress, her brown curls decorated with a unicorn birthday crown, and her chubby little hands spread wide. She hops into my extended arms and I lift her and twirl. Her giggles are the sweetest thing.

  “Hey nugget!” I hug her tightly. “Happy birthday!”

  She gives Anna a side glance and
then her little eyes land on the huge present. She smiles at me. “Where’s my present.”

  “Izzy, you don’t go asking for presents, that’s not polite.” Casey, in jeans and a white tee, says as she nears us.

  “I’m not asking, mommy. I was just—”

  “Here you go, it’s from Anna and me.” I say, sliding the gift forward.

  “Hi, I’m Casey.” Casey leans a little to shake Anna’s hand, her sleek ponytail swaying with the tilt.

  “Anna, nice to meet you,” Anna counters with a soft smile.

  Casey gives her a wide smile, her green eyes dancing. “Heard so much about you. I’m glad to finally meet you.” She turns to me. “C’mere, you.” She hugs me tightly. “Billy told me you got it. Congrats. I’m so happy for you. I know how much you wanted it.”

  Anna looks at me curiously. Oh, right. I didn’t tell her that I got accepted to Doctors Without Borders. Nor did I tell her that in less than a month I’ll be off for a while. It wasn’t intentional – not telling her – but now it feels like it’s a big deal.

  I nervously thank Casey and turn to Anna who is eyeing me curiously. Guess there’s no time like the present. I bring my hand to the nape of my neck. “Oh, didn’t I tell you, I got accepted to Doctors Without Borders?”

  Anna’s smile is a fake one when she says, “No, you didn’t. But, wow, I’m happy for you.”

  The awkward moment ends with Isabella’s yelp. “Unicorn!”

  “You nuts, man?” It’s Billy, stepping closer, drying his hair from a shower with a towel. “That thing’s massive! Really? Talk about spoiling my only spawn rotten.”

  “Liam, you really didn’t have to, it’s too much!” That’s his wife backing him up.

  “I only have one goddaughter and she wanted a unicorn.”

  “Uncle Yiam is the best grownup!” Isabella says and squeals when I tickle her.

  Smugly grinning at the other not best grownups, I say, “Kids always tell the truth.”

  Anna rolls her eyes at me, however in utter amicability.

  As I help Isabella climb the white, ride-on, horned huge-ass toy, Billy greets Anna. “And you must be Anna.” Hands shake. “I’m Billy.”

  “Oh, I thought your name was Francis, that’s how Freddie and Liam—” Anna feigns confusion with wicked glee in her humored eyes.

  I snort laughter, crushing on her even more.

  “Ha, ha. You’re one of them now?” Billy shakes his head humoredly.

  Anna grins. “Nice to meet you, Billy.”

  “Cake!” Isabella orders next with her sweet voice.

  “She insisted we wait for Uncle Liam with the cake,” Casey says, leading the way to the dining room.

  “Man, you really didn’t have to. These things cost a fortune. We said something small!” Billy says walking next to me.

  “You lost your right to tell me what to get her when you made me her godfather,” I reply. Case closed.

  As we take our places around the table holding a, you guessed it, unicorn-shaped cake, Isabella says, “Can I sit next to Anna? Mommy said we will never see you again after today.”

  Casey blanches while Billy looks like he’s attempting to trap in a laugh. I bite on the inside of my lip and my eyes hesitantly crawl to Anna.

  In the voice of a news broadcaster, my idiot friend says, “A dramatic silence falls over the Smith residence. Tada-da-da dam, Liam’s fucked.”

  “Billy!” Casey scolds, tilting her head at her daughter, signaling child hazard. “Language!”

  Anna tilts her head back a little with a laugh. She grins at me. “Kids always tell the truth.”

  At this point, Billy can’t hold it anymore and his wicked chuckle frees. Casey, looking embarrassed, mouths, “sorry” my way.

  “Anna, consider yourself lucky. You’re the first girl young Liam brought home.” Billy air-quotes home.

  It’s all in good humor. When the snides subside, we eat cake and then say our goodbyes to head over to Victoria’s house.

  “Consider yourself lucky, you’re the first boy I’ve brought to Vicky’s home,” Anna says as we stand at her sister’s doorstep.

  “Didn’t she just move in?” I ask.

  Anna grins wickedly. “Exactly.”

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the notorious doctor,” Anna’s sister says by way of introduction.

  I smile at her.

  She turns to Anna. “Yep, I can see the QB thing.”

  I cock my head, looking at Anna and she shrugs cheekily.

  When I extend my hand to Victoria, she dismisses it and kisses both of my cheeks instead. “Charmed,” she says leaning back.

  “Likewise. An immense pleasure meeting you.” We definitely click. With some people, you just know. “And, here, this is for you.” I hand her the champagne I got her.

  “Thanks, Doc.” Victoria winks at me. You can immediately see that they’re related, no doubt about it. However, while they do resemble each other, they’re pretty different. Victoria is all lean, tall, sharp features, like a skinny artic queen while Anna. Oh, Anna. Anna is soft curves, plump lips and huge blue eyes. Somewhat angelic but in a sinfully sexy angel sort of way.

  It’s a blur of introductions. The room is a medley of humans of different kinds. There are a couple of people in business attire which I learn quickly are Victoria’s coworkers. Then there are a few guys that look like they just rolled out of a dive bar. Those, I learn, are some of the members of Kayla’s band. One of the guys doesn’t stop devouring Victoria with his eyes. Then there are Kayla and Pandora. Finally, I can put faces to the names and endless stories. It’s an eclectic mix, but it seems to work well. People are gathered around either in couples or groups, conversations no doubt lit by the many beer bottles and wine glasses floating about the room.

  As time passes, the apartment feels less suffocating. Some people leave and those who seem closer to Victoria stay. Not a large group, but big enough to fill the living room. I’m talking to Pandora who tells me about the time they all celebrated Thanksgiving at Anna’s. In the middle of talking to me, she tells Victoria who’s a few seats away. “Hey Vic, remember that time when Anna decorated her home for Thanksgiving, all fall colors, and cute ornaments. Worked for hours on holiday vegetarian snacks and when we came in and told her Happy Thanksgiving she said “not for the Indians” and we were on the floor.”

  Grinning, I turn to Anna who stands near the door talking to Kayla. Our eyes catch and it’s a still yet loaded moment. Looking at her, I wonder if anyone in this room really knows her like I do. I know it’s presumptuous given her sister and best friends are here, but I wonder if they recognize what a gem she is. I wonder what moments they have experienced with her that revealed her true inner self. Moments I am jealous of not being a part of. And then she smiles at me from across the room and it feels like an unseen force hitting my chest. My heart speeds at such an alarming rate it almost hurts. Never have I ever felt this way about anyone. Not to mention anyone I didn’t have a physical connection with. This is utter insanity.

  Someone replenishes drinks and the group is even smaller now. It’s a couple of the rock band people and some others. The one who was eating Victoria up with his eyes, Ricky, now takes a seat next to her. There are Pandora and her guy, I still didn’t get his name, some people call him Danny and I heard Pandora call him Jonathan. Kayla is here, the drummer friend. Pretty cool person. And that’s pretty much it.

  I’m not sure how we got here, but the conversation turns into a “what’s your most embarrassing moment?” Hilarious.

  “Ooh, I’ll go next. Most embarrassing, I guess getting my paws on this one.” Pandora says, leaning on Danny/Jonathan with a goofy smile.

  “Nu-uh!” Victoria and Anna yell in unison. They trade amused stares, doing some kind of a sisters’ mindreading thing. Synchronized, they turn to their friend. “Your parent’s 20th anniversary!” They say at the same time and break into rolling laughter.

  Pandora seems to consider Anna and Vic
toria’s counterargument. Her brows pull in, “you think so?”

  “I’ll tell this one, okay?” It’s Victoria. Pandora smiles and gestures with a raised hand for Victoria to go ahead and tell the story. “So, it was at the Wallkins, Pandora’s parents,” She tells the group. “It was their 20th anniversary. Lovely couple, just like the fruit of their loins, here. However, a bit less open-minded.”

  Victoria can’t hold herself back and lets out an amused snort. Anna echoes from right beside me, prompting my smile to widen even though I’m not familiar with the story.

  “Towards the end of the party, one of Ms. Wallkin’s friends suggests opening the gifts in front of everyone. Panda was somewhere in the kitchen when the decision took place and when she came back, everyone was sitting in the living room with their drinks, her parents in the center. Panda sat down next to Anna and me and we filled her in on the development. So, her parents are opening presents and thanking people. Everyone is having a jolly good time. We go in a circle and when it’s Panda’s turn, she gets this huge beautifully wrapped box and as she’s about to hand it to her mom, something clicks. She looks around the room, looks at her parents, seeming to be in some internal battle. Her mom, with a little awkward smile, attempts to pull the box away from her daughter. Then Pandora says ‘Umm, maybe later,’ with this weird smile, then adds, ‘ in private’.”

  “A few good seconds pass with the mother-daughter tug of war game. Eventually, Abe, Mr. Wallkins for you, grabs the damn box and tears it open, mumbling something about being among friends. Panda then murmurs something in the vein of whatever, shrugs, and takes a seat. The whole room is in shambles no less than seconds later when Mrs. Wallkins retrieves a huge, tan dildo from said box.”


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