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A Cowboy Worth Claiming

Page 21

by Charlene Sands

  Heat burned below her belly. She squirmed and squeezed her legs together as he suckled her gently. Her sensitized body seemed to move on its own accord now, following him wherever he would take her.

  She gasped aloud from the tormented pleasure and put her hands on Chance’s chest, her palms flat on his hot skin, her fingers gripping him.

  “Touch me, Lizzie. Anywhere you want,” he said urgently.

  And she did. As he toyed with her, she explored him. She found joy and solace in letting her hands roam over his shoulders and back. She didn’t know how strong and powerful he really was, until she’d been allowed to do her own uninhibited exploration.

  He grunted as her fingers slid below his navel to the top of his waistband. He murmured for her to be careful. It was dangerous and thrilling to see Chance react to her touch as if he couldn’t get enough of her caresses. As if, he, too, was on the brink of something much more powerful.

  She kissed him freely now, moving her mouth over his body, licking his flesh with tiny strokes of her tongue in the same way he had done to her.

  The warm gleam in his eyes changed then to a glint of raw desire. He pressed her down onto the bed with a gentle shove and she landed easily on her back. He moved his palms over her small breasts to fondle her over and over, causing a wonderful ache of need to shoot clean through her body as he kissed her.

  Something was building inside, a new sensation that left her desperately wanting.

  Anticipation grew stronger as he caressed her. His fingers splayed wide on her stomach then traveled lower and lower. Her female center burned with scorching immeasurable heat.

  The throbbing intensified.

  “Lizzie, stay with me, darlin’.” He kissed her again as he wove his fingers through the soft curls that protected her center.

  Her breaths were rapid, almost out of control.

  She ached so badly.

  And then he touched her. Where, she knew by natural instinct, he needed to be.

  He stroked her once, twice, and the third time, a wonderful tension-filled moan escaped her lips. “It feels…so good.”

  “That’s it, sweet princess,” Chance said, reassuring her. “Let go.”

  And Chance continued his ministrations, stroking her, gliding his fingers in and out, building heat, building pressure until Lizzie thought she would completely burst from the glorious sensations gripping her.

  Her breaths came out in little pants. She arched her hips and moved in harmony to his stroking. When she thought she couldn’t take another second, Chance stopped suddenly and rose to remove the rest of his clothes.

  He stood for a second, bare skinned and beautiful. She caught a glimpse of him below the waist and took another swallow of air. She’d never before seen a man fully unclothed. She was struck with awe.

  As he approached the bed, he looked at her, the hot gleam in his eyes replaced by concern. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

  She craved him and yearned to know what it was like to have that craving satisfied. Her body pulsed in need of him. But first, she had to ease the look in his eyes. She breathed on a bare whisper, “You know I’m not really a princess.”

  He smiled softly as he returned to the bed and kissed her soundly on the lips. “You should be treated like one.”

  With that, Lizzie fell even more in love with him.

  “Are you still with me?” he asked, parting her legs and stroking her again.

  She reacted to his touch with a drawn out sigh. “Yes.” She squeezed her eyes closed.

  Chance positioned himself over her and spread her legs wider. The tip of his manhood nudged at her entrance and she felt her skin stretch. He waited and she impatiently spread her legs wider in invitation. He moved slowly, allowing her to adjust to his size and strength, the restraint on his face proof of his keen willpower. He held back for her and she wanted so much to please him. With his teachings, she would soon learn how.

  “Try to relax, darlin’,” he murmured. Then he inched farther and farther with utmost care. Having him inside her and being connected like they were was strangely wonderful. Sharing their bodies this way, was better than she’d ever imagined.

  The fire inside her kept building.

  When he gently started to thrust farther, a shot of stabbing pain seized her. She flinched, holding back a scream, and then it was over. Her breaching had ebbed. Chance watched her carefully and she lifted up to kiss him, his concern warming her heart.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered, meeting his gaze.

  He nodded and whispered her name. “Elizabeth.”

  Calling her by her real name was the best gift he could have given her.

  He moved more freely now and she met his rhythm. They were in harmony with each other. Lips to lips. Hips to hips. Skin to skin.

  Sweet hot sensations swept through her body. Seeing Chance above her, seeing his face tense with pleasure and knowing she could give him this, made each moment precious and sacred.

  When his thrusts deepened, she arched her hips off the bed, straining for some unknown precipice. Her heart raced as she heaved short breaths, and when Chance gripped her waist higher, to drive deeper, long, sweet, unexpected sounds slipped from her throat as her body splintered apart.

  Chance pumped into her one last glorious time, his face releasing tension, his body shaking in unabashed satisfaction.

  The moment froze in time as Chance peered into her eyes. Sated and newly schooled in the bedroom, Lizzie could only stare at him in wonder. She knew then that she’d never give herself to any other man. She’d never lie with anyone else. Chance was all she’d ever need.

  He lowered himself down onto the mattress and took her into his embrace. He kissed her a dozen times before relaxing on his side. “Are you alright?”

  She was sore, but it was a wonderful kind of pain.

  There was such worry in his eyes that Lizzie couldn’t be fully truthful. She touched a hand to his face. “You didn’t hurt me. It was…glorious, Chance.”

  He nodded, spent and seemingly satisfied with her answer.

  She set her head against the pillow and gazed at the ceiling, allowing the aftermath of lovemaking to wash over her. “I never want to get up from this bed,” she murmured on a sigh.

  Chance wound an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “I was thinking the very same thing.”

  * * *

  Lizzie had never known joy like this. She hadn’t known that her body could sing with pleasure and the hum of it could vibrate inside of her all day long. She hadn’t known what love was truly like until Chance came into her life. She was filled with it and her bliss threatened to overflow in her smile and the bounce in her step.

  Last night Chance had been protective of her and refused to touch her again until she’d had time to rest. They’d slept awhile in each other’s arms and she’d gotten up briefly to bring supper to the bedroom, while he’d bedded down the horses and checked on the livestock. But this morning, they’d woken in each other’s arms and his good-morning kiss had ignited another bout of lovemaking.

  Now, he sat at the kitchen table, his eyes on her as she handed him a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. She buttered a few biscuits and put a basket of them in front of him, next to a mug of steaming coffee.

  “Looks mighty good,” he said. “I’m hungrier than a bear.”

  “Feels mighty good,” she said, and when his gaze narrowed in puzzlement, she added, “having you talk to me at breakfast.”

  “You know why I didn’t, Lizzie.” He put a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

  “I suppose,” she said, wondering about his code of honor. He’d been set and determined to push her into Hayden’s arms. “I was lonely, and sick and tired of your please an
d thank-yous.”

  Chance glanced at her with a grin. “Were you now?”

  “I was.”

  Just as she was ready to take a seat, he grabbed her hand and tugged. She fell onto his lap. “Oh.”

  Her arm naturally went around his neck. “You want to have breakfast like this?” he asked.

  Lizzie was lost when he touched her. She was lost and never wanted to be found. “Sitting on your lap?”

  “You won’t get lonely.” He said with a devil of a smile. Then he cupped the back of her head and leaned in to nuzzle her throat.

  Stirrings awakened quickly as his lips traveled along her neck to her chin, then to her lips. He gave her a long, sweet kiss and when it ended, the look in his eyes made her breath catch.

  Her immediate reaction made him hesitate.

  “On second thought, that’s not the best idea.” He lifted her off him, his eyes smoldering as his gaze roamed over her.

  “I thought it was a pretty good one,” she said, regaining her breath to taunt him with the dare.

  “Lizzie, we just… Your body needs a rest.” He put a forkful of food in his mouth and chewed. “Someone’s got to be sensible around here. Lord knows, you make me crazy with want.”

  “You’re forever protecting me,” she said softly, without complaint. He was right. They’d made love less than an hour ago and her body was still adjusting to him. She ached but she welcomed the pain and treasured his concern over her. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t make me crazier by thanking me for anything, darlin’. I’ll wonder what’s going on inside that pretty little head of yours.”

  They laughed and finished the meal with pleasant talk. Lizzie washed the plates in the sink and Chance came up behind her. He circled her in his arms and set her hair to the side to kiss the back of her neck. “I’ll be out on the range most of the day.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be going into town this morning.”

  “I’ll see you at supper.”

  She turned around and found herself locked in his embrace. He brushed a quick goodbye kiss to her lips, but the second their lips met, the pull was like two gale winds joining force and it was impossible to stop. The kiss went deeper and lasted long enough that they finally had to draw apart to take a sustaining breath. Chance backed up a step, displaying more willpower than she had, but his look of regret told her how difficult it was for him.

  “If I don’t go now, I’m likely to haul you back into the bedroom.” He grabbed his hat from the peg on the wall and plopped it on his head.

  The sweet strumming in her body intensified as she watched him walk out the door. She stood there for a few minutes, reliving yesterday and the delicious, desirable way Chance made her feel. For once in her life, she had no regrets.

  Later that morning, Lizzie packed up her dolls, then hitched up Melody to the wagon and rode into town. She had several important calls to make this morning. Her first stop was at the Swenson house. She had a special doll for little Sarah.

  The Swensons were home, and replacing Sally Ann with the new doll went better than expected. Mrs. Swenson was overjoyed with Lizzie’s visit. Sarah had taken one look at the new doll, clothed in shimmery blue silk and lace, pristine and perfect, and she gladly handed back Sally Ann without too much fuss. She did place a sweet kiss on the old doll’s head before turning her over. Both Mrs. Swenson and Lizzie were proud of her for taking such good care of the doll.

  Her visit with the Swensons was brief. She had other stops to make in town, but Lizzie, coward that she was, avoided the millinery shop, in fear of running into Hayden. She didn’t want to rehash the argument they’d had yesterday. So much had happened since then, and she feared if he took one look at her, he’d know the truth, that she’d fallen in love with Chance Worth. It would probably crush him if he learned that she’d slept with Chance in the real sense, and that she was immeasurably happy.

  No, she didn’t look at the shop or slow the wagon as she drove by. And after she finished making doll deliveries, a great sense of pride swelled in her heart as she finally managed to fill all her orders despite that drastic episode at the lake. She’d also received orders for half a dozen more dolls, which meant extra earnings for the ranch.

  Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Lizzie had to visit an old family friend. Lizzie had a bargain of sorts to make with her, and she only hoped the woman would comply.

  When Lizzie returned home with cash in her pocket, she unhitched the wagon and led Melody to the barn. She stood on a stool to currycomb the mare then wash her down. The tail end of a dust storm had caught her by surprise on the way home, and both she and the horse were layered with a thin coat of Arizona dirt.

  She corralled Melody and was surprised to see Joyful was back in the pen, too. Her heart raced hard in her chest, knowing Chance was back already. She liked the days when he worked at home and she could see him fixing things around the house or dealing with the livestock as though he truly belonged here.

  Lizzie went in search of him. She grinned when she found him around the back of the barn, washing up by a water trough, his head down, hands covering his face.

  She snuck up beside him and reached down into the water, scooping out two handfuls and tossing it at him. The water splashed his neck and shoulders.

  His body shot upright. Stunned, he reached for his gun, which he didn’t have holstered, and she backed away, cackling with laughter. The back of his hair and shoulders were soaked

  When he saw her, his face split into a smile. His eyes twinkled devilishly. “You think you’re gonna get away with that?” Before she could turn and run, he grabbed her wrist with one hand, trapping her, and reached down into the trough.

  “No, Chance! Don’t do it! Don’t you dare!” She laughed, trying to squirm away but his grip was firm. He splashed water onto her hair, her face, her neck and her chest.

  “Come to think of it, I think you need a bath.”

  Lizzie looked down at the water trough and began shaking her head, giggling. “No! I’m not going in that trough! I’m not.”

  “Oh, yes you are, Lizzie.” His laughter loosened his hold on her and Lizzie broke free of his grip. She dipped her hand into the trough one more time to splash his shirt before she took off running.

  Chance chased her and she ran as fast as she could around the corral and barn. When he finally caught up with her just outside the barn door, she was breathing heavily and was too exhausted to fight him. He grabbed her around the waist and she didn’t try to squirm free. His hands on her felt too good.

  With a triumphant smile, he lifted her in his arms. “Gotcha. Question is, princess, what am I gonna do with you?”

  “Anything you want,” Lizzie whispered, her body tingling from his touch. Every second she was with Chance, her heart pounded and every nerve in her being became sensitive and alive.

  He arched a brow and a hot gleam of desire sparked in his eyes. “I think we’ll have us a bath later.”

  Chance carried her inside the barn and laid her down on a soft batch of straw. It was dark and cooler inside. The scent of damp earth and freshly mucked stalls filled her nostrils. She was cushioned on all sides with new hay and as she peered up, Chance met her eyes as he gently covered her body with his. They were both wet and breathing hard from the silly chase.

  He looked into her eyes and then at her mouth. Her lips parted in anticipation and the gleam in his eyes intensified. Then he crushed a sweetly demanding kiss to her lips. She drank in his scent, his taste and kissed him back with the same such demand.

  Soon their bodies were entwined with heat and passion. Chance touched her through her clothes and she bared his shirt to touch his chest. Her breaths came harder now and that yearning that deepened at the very sight of Chance surfaced with full force.

�This is crazy,” he said, kissing her throat, neck and chin. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  Lizzie felt power and pride that she could satisfy such a man. “I can’t get enough of you, either,” she breathed. Chance stopped for a second to gaze into her eyes. Then he grabbed her around the waist with both hands and rolled her over, so that she now was on top of him and his back was against the bed of straw. She straddled his legs and Chance murmured commands, stroking her beneath her dress, until moisture pooled between her thighs and she ached for welcome release.

  He coaxed her with gentle words and taught her how to please him. Without shedding her dress, she took Chance inside her, guided by his hands on her hips until she found her own rhythm. She moved on him and the hint of soreness that had remained from last night lent itself to great pleasure. She moaned as she rocked up and down, feeling their exquisite joining to the hilt of her womanhood.

  Chance rose up then, wrapping her legs around him and pulling her closer, to drive his manhood deep until they simultaneously splintered with thrilling, earth-shattering spasms. “Elizabeth,” he murmured as he held her tight and fell back against the straw.

  She could only smile, with a glow that beamed from the inside out.

  * * *

  A short time later, Lizzie sat in the bathtub Chance had brought into the kitchen. She’d warmed pots of water over the cookstove and scented it with lavender and he’d filled the tub for her. Now, he kneeled behind her and washed her hair, fingering the long strands and scrubbing them clean.

  “The first time I saw you, all this pretty hair was sticking out every which way.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Lizzie said, “of that day at the lake.”

  He leaned over to kiss her cheek. “You hated me.”

  “I, uh…” Lizzie couldn’t think straight with Chance grazing his fingers over her neck and shoulders. He was so careful with her now, his touch so gentle. “You were a brute.”

  He laughed and tugged at her hair. “You deserved my brutish ways. You were a brat.”


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