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Wolf Age, The

Page 47

by James Enge

  11. Victory.

  1st: Horseman rises. 13th: Trumpeter rises.

  12. Harvesting.

  1st: Horseman sets. 3rd and 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  6th: Chariot rises, noon of 281st day of year. Fall begins.

  13. Mother and Maiden.

  1st: Horseman rises. 8th and 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  14. Bayring.

  1st: Horseman sets. 13th: Trumpeter rises.

  15. Borderer.

  1st: Horseman rises. 3rd and 18th: Trumpeter rises.



  NOTE: This glossary doesn't include terms that are used only once and glossed in adjoining text. The descriptions include some data that might be considered spoilers.

  Aaluindhonu (“Born in bright call”): the Goweiteiuun gnyrrand.

  Aruukaiaduun (“Rope makers”): One of the original three treaty packs; they predominate on Nekkuklendon; their colors are blue and gold.

  Dhaarnaiarnon: volcano north of Wuruyaaria.

  Dhuskudheiu: Goweiteiuun cantor, later singer on the Innermost Pack.

  Ekhaiasuteiuun (“the border-runners”): name of the outliers on admission to the treaty; electoral colors are green and gold.

  gnyrrand (“growler”): leader of a pack's electoral band in a Year of Choosing.

  Goweiteiuun (“Ghost-hunters”): the original treaty pack (so they claim); they predominate on Iuiunioklendon; electoral colors are blue and red.

  harven coruthen (“chosen-not-given”): a Dwarvish term for voluntary associations as strong as blood kinship.

  Hlupnafenglu (“Steals-your-food”): insane never-wolf; irredeemable; later: Morlock's apprentice.

  Hrutnefdhu (“Skinmaker”): a castrato who served as trustee in the Vargulleion.

  Hurs krakna (untranslatable): a Dwarvish expression of surprise or dismay.

  Hwinsyngundu: cantor in the Sardhluun electoral band.

  Iacomes: non-werewolf who created the Vargulleion.

  Iolildhio: pimp in Dogtown.

  Iuiolliniu: easily bewildered outlier guard.

  Iuiunioklendon: second-highest mesa of Wuruyaaria; the Goweiteiuun predominate.

  Khretnurrliu (“Man Slayer”): bestial semiwolf killed by Morlock in the Vargulleion.

  Khretvarrgliu (“Beast Slayer”): the name given Morlock by the irredeemables for killing Khretnurrliu.

  Khuwuleion (“the Stone Lair”): prison for female citizens kept by the Sardhluun.

  Lakkasulakku: inept thief, later Morlock's apprentice.

  Lekkativengu (“Clawfinger”): irredeemable semiwolf; chosen as backup by Olleiulu.

  Liudhleeo (“Remembers-best”): healer of the outlier pack; mate of Hrutnefdhu; friend to Wuinlendhono.

  Liuunurriu: semiwolf book vendor in the Shadow Market.

  Luyukioronu Longthumbs: inept artist and murderer; capable forger.

  Naaleiyaleiu: Goweiteiuun cantor, later singer on the Innermost Pack.

  Neiuluniu: bookie who cheats Lakkasulakku.

  Nekkuklendon: third mesa of Wuruyaaria; the Aruukaiaduun predominate.

  never-wolf: (1) a human being (i.e., a non-werewolf); (2) a slur for werewolves who never assume the night shape.

  Neyuwuleiuun (“Lair-weavers”): One of the original three treaty packs; they predominate on Runaiaklendon; electoral colors are red and green.

  nightwalker: a werewolf unable to assume the day shape.

  Norianduiu: Aruukaiaduun gnyrrand.

  Okhurokratu: white-haired city watcher.

  Olleiulu (“One-eye”): Rokhlenu's right-hand semiwolf among the irredeemables.

  Orlioiulu: dog-faced bookie in Dogtown.

  plepnup (plural: plepnupov): a castrated werewolf.

  Rogerius: a bronze head in the workshop of Iacomes.

  Rokhlenu (“Dragonkiller”): born Slenkjariu in the Aruukaiaduun Pack.

  Ruiulanhro: runs a smoking den among the outliers.

  Rululawianu: yellow semiwolf who escapes on New Year's Night.

  Runaiaklendon: fourth and lowest mesa of Wuruyaaria; the Neyuwuleiuun predominate.

  Runhuiulanhu: ape-fingered irredeemable.

  ruthen coharven (“given-not-chosen”): a Dwarvish term for blood relatives.

  Rywudhaariu: the gray eminence of the Aruukaiaduun, who framed Rokhlenu.

  Sardhluun (“Bear-killers”): the fourth treaty pack; electoral colors are black and green.

  Skuiulaalu: First Singer when the novel begins.

  Slenginhuiuo (“Fur-like-silk”): Wuinlendhono's mother.

  Slenkjariu (“Fur-like-wires”): Rokhlenu's name before he killed the dragon.

  Snekknafenglu: thug-for-hire.

  Snellingu: scar-faced City Watcher.

  Spilloiu (“Spot”): pet human in an easy reader.

  Taakhyteiu: a fast werewolf, irredeemable.

  Ullywuino: prostitute in Dogtown.

  Ulugarriu (“Ghosts-in-the-eyes”): legendary immortal maker of Wuruyaaria.

  Uyaarwuionien (“third half-lunation of the second moon”): Brenting, the third month

  Vargulleion (“the Beasts' Lair”): prison for male citizens; kept by the Sardhluun.

  vifna: a term in Moonspeech meaning roughly “gall; nerve; an impressive disregard for norms.”

  werowance: presides over internal pack affairs.

  Wuinlendhono (“Born-in-dark-call”): first wolf of the outlier pack (later the Ekhaiasuteiuun or “border-runners”).

  Wurnafenglu (“Moon-stealer”): prison-commander; gnyrrand of the Sardhluun electoral band.

  Wuruklendon: first and highest mesa of Wuruyaaria, where the Well of Shadows and the Stone Tree are located.

  Yaarirruuiu: irredeemable; later Rokhlenu's campaign reeve; still later a singer on the Innermost Pack.


  James Enge lives with his children in northwest Ohio, where he teaches classics at a medium-sized public university. His short fiction has appeared in Swords and Dark Magic (Eos, 2010), in the magazine Black Gate, and elsewhere. His previous novels are Blood of Ambrose (Pyr, 2009), which was listed on Locus Magazine's Recommended Reading for 2009, and This Crooked Way (Pyr, 2009).

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One: Council of the Gods

  Chapter Two: Death by Water

  Chapter Three: The Vargulleion

  Chapter Four: Undying

  Chapter Five: Visitors

  Chapter Six: Dragonkiller

  Chapter Seven: Words

  Chapter Eight: Eyeless Night

  Chapter Nine: Madness

  Chapter Ten: Method

  Chapter Eleven: New Year's Night


  Chapter Twelve: The Outliers

  Chapter Thirteen: The Sardhluun Standard

  Chapter Fourteen: Fund-Raising

  Chapter Fifteen: Quarry

  Chapter Sixteen: Offers Made; Offers Refused

  Chapter Seventeen: Fight and Bite

  Chapter Eighteen: Wisdom at World's End

  Chapter Nineteen: Electrum

  Chapter Twenty: A Long Night

  Chapter Twenty-one: Night Shapes


  Chapter Twenty-two: The Shadow Market

  Chapter Twenty-three: War in the Air

  Chapter Twenty-four: Shadow and Substance


  Chapter Twenty-five: Friends and Foes

  Chapter Twenty-six: Death of a Citizen

  Chapter Twenty-seven: Long Shots

  Chapter Twenty-eight: The Stone Tree

  Chapter Twenty-nine: Election Results

  Chapter Thirty: Makers Meet

  Chapter Thirty-one: Plans and Devices

  Chapter Thirty-two: Last Words

  Appendix A: Calendar and Astronomy

  Appendix B: Names and Terms

  Enge, Wolf Age, The




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