Book Read Free

Just Friends?

Page 7

by K E Osborn

  ~ WILL ~

  That was fucking amazing, as it has been with Kat every single time we’ve fucked. And I can’t believe she agreed to being ‘friends with benefits’. I was sure she’d freak out after last night, but she didn’t. She completely surprised me by agreeing to us being together, but not officially. I’ve had other ‘friends with benefits’ but not one that I’ve really wanted to explore the friend's side. I actually want to spend time with Kat outside the bedroom. I want to be around her as much as I can. She does something to me, makes me happy and content. More than that, I can’t stand the thought of anyone else touching or being with her. She’s mine and I want her more than I’ve ever wanted another. These feelings are very different for me, so fucking different.

  I stare at Kat’s sexy naked body when she gets out of my bed and gets dressed.

  “Enjoying the view?” she asks, laughing at me ogling her.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” I say honestly. I could watch her getting dressed or better yet undressed all day. She throws her top at me and I catch it. I chuckle at her. She crawls up the bed and on top of me while I clutch at her top.

  “Can I have my top back, please?” she asks nicely.

  “Come and get it.”

  She laughs and tries to grab it from me, but I hold on tightly. I pull the bed covers ever so slightly, making her fall on top of me. She giggles and the sound is like music to my ears. I love her giggle; it instantly makes me hard.

  Then again, every… fucking... thing about Kat makes me hard. I’m a walking hard on.

  “Will,” she protests with a smirk.

  “If you give me one thing, I’ll give it back,” I say. She straddles me putting her hands on my chest, sitting there in her jeans and white lace bra. It’s so hot I actually get harder, if that’s even possible.

  See what I fucking mean.

  “Hmm, okay, what?” she asks hesitantly.

  “Kiss me,” I say before I hand it back to her. She smiles and leans down to kiss me. I grab the back of her head and hold her forcefully to my lips letting her know the effect she has on me. This is hot, I love kissing her; she’s such a good kisser it drives me crazy.

  She takes her shirt from me and slowly pulls her lips from mine; she looks as breathless as I feel.

  “You really are amazing you know that?”

  “I do try to be amazing,” she jokes, laughing while she stands up, legs on either side of me on the bed. She walks to the end jumping off the mattress and landing easily on the floor.

  I sigh and watch her perfect tits being covered by her shirt.


  “I better go. I have a class to get to,” she complains as the realization hits that she’s going to leave.

  As much as my brain is telling me I don’t want a relationship, the feelings that stir in me tell me differently. I want her to stay and never leave. I want her here in bed with me forever, even if it’s just kissing and cuddling. I could live with that as long as she doesn’t leave me.

  What the fuck? I sound whipped!

  “Have a good day, then,” I croak out trying not to sound too desperate. A frown appears on her face as she walks over, leans down and kisses me goodbye. I hold onto her tightly, my cock rock hard, and if she didn’t have a class to get to, I’d bend her over and take her here, again, right now.

  I want this woman so fucking bad; I want her to be mine and belong only to me.

  “When do you want to practice again, and I actually mean practice, not get carried away and end up in your bed,” she says with a giggle.

  I smile and kiss her nose. “Tonight?” I ask, mainly because I need to see her again. I don’t even care about practicing. I just want her here with me.

  She bites her bottom lip and nods and I just about lose it. She’s so fucking hot, but somehow I keep my cool.

  “Sure, I’ll come over after my last class.”

  “Yeah, cool, I’ll see you then.” I lean in to kiss her once more before she rushes out of my door and off to her acting class.

  Chapter Seven

  I eventually get out of bed and once dressed make my way to the kitchen where Olsen and Dan are sitting. Olsen has a stupid goofy grin on his face.

  “So, Kat just did the walk of shame. Guessing you had a good night?”

  I laugh and Dan looks at me waiting for my reply.

  “Yeah, guess we sorted things out.” I walk to the fridge to take out some milk for a coffee and cereal.

  “So, she agreed to your ‘fuck buddies’ thing, then?” Olsen asks with a chuckle.

  “No, ‘friends with benefits’, not ‘fuck buddies’. I do actually like her. We’re not just fucking,” I berate putting him back in his place.

  “Be careful,” Dan mumbles under his breath.

  I look at him and nod. “I know, thanks.”

  He nods and continues to tap away on his computer.

  I make my way to acting class and during the walk I can’t think about anything other than Kat. She’s getting to me. It’s like she’s under my skin. I’ll have to watch these feelings because in the long run it’ll end up hurting either her or me.


  In the months that follow, Kat and I become closer and spend as much time together as possible without actually officially being together. She’s taking to it much better than I ever thought she would and I fucking love being able to fuck her and not have a label attached to us. Every now and then I feel that she wants to say something, but she holds back. I know she wants more from me, but I just can’t. It’s not how I operate. The more time I spend with Kat the sweeter and more attractive she becomes. I really like her and she’s having quite an effect on me. What effect it is exactly I’m not sure, but I do know that I’d do anything to keep her in my life.

  It’s close to the end of the first semester at college. It’s been six months since I met Kat and I’m so glad to have had this time with her. She stayed over last night, but she left early this morning to attend her acting class. It’s a shame we’re not in the same classes because I miss her, but at least we still have vocals together. I get up out of bed and get ready for my class. I’m running late because I spent too much time lingering over her pillow, breathing in her beautiful perfume.

  Sappy, I know, but when it comes to Kat, I’m doing all sorts of things I normally wouldn’t do.

  I walk into the class and announce my presence in my usual cocky manner.

  “Have no fear, Will is here.”

  All the ladies giggle and I love the way they flock to me like little lost sheep. I know I shouldn’t be so cocky, but damn when you look as good as I do, it’s hard not to be cocky about it.

  “Thank you for your announcement Mr. Sanders, but will you please take your seat like everyone else,” Mr. Simon Stevenson grumpily announces.

  I walk to the back of the room and sit down. I can’t help but notice that there are some suits standing at the front of the classroom watching. There’s also a woman jotting things down in a notebook. I quickly dismiss them and start to concentrate on the job at hand.

  “Welcome to class everyone. Today we are joined by the Director and Producer of an up and coming and very exciting Indie movie franchise. I personally know these two gentlemen and I’ve asked them here today to view the acting potential in this and Miss Sylvestry’s class. They’ll be watching your acting skills and there may be an opportunity for some of you to be extras in their film. Actually, there will be four films in total. The films are based on the series of books by B J Williams. You may have heard of the Nightwalker series?”

  The whole room gasps. Even I’ve heard of the Nightwalker series, it’s a fantasy series about vampires, slayers, and hunters, all that stuff that the teen girls love nowadays. It has the romance element, but is a bit darker than the ones that have been in the cinemas recently. It’s certainly not a sparkle and glitter type movie. This could be the start of something amazing if I was lucky enough to get a part.

  “I want you to sho
w them how talented you all are, but don’t get too excited because if you are cast, it’ll be as an extra in a ‘bit part’ so don’t be disappointed if you’re not in the lead roles like I know you all want to be,” Mr. Stevenson states looking directly at me.


  This could be amazing and they’re looking into Sylvestry’s class too. That’s Kat’s class.

  “Okay everyone up and let’s start our warm ups. I’d like you to pair into boy girl couples and we’ll run through some scenes from the movie’s script.”

  I get up and walk straight toward Jess. She’s the best actress in this class so I want to be paired with someone who can showcase me as much as them.

  “Jess, wanna partner up?” I ask with my boyish grin, knowing she will fold as soon as she sees it.

  “Su…su… sure,” she stutters and smiles at me giddily.

  ~ KAT ~

  “Class, some of you may be aware that I have some friends of Mr. Stevenson’s coming in today to watch you act. They’re looking to cast extras for the Nightwalker series of movies. Now I don’t want any of you getting your hopes up too high, so just do the best you can and we’ll see how it goes from there,” Miss Sylvestry says making the room giddy with excitement.

  Me on the other hand, I’m kind of embarrassed to act in front of these people. I mean they know good acting when they see it and I’m sure, when they see a bunch of amateurs like us they’ll be secretly laughing. A woman in a business outfit walks in along with a tall man in a suit. The woman sits and starts to take notes on her little notepad, the suit stands and watches.

  “Alright. I’d like everyone to pair up into a male and female combination and we’ll rehearse some of the lines from the script.”

  I’m paired with Olsen, damn it. I’m curious as to why Olsen and Will didn’t take the same acting class, but anyway for now I’ve been paired with him so I better make the most of it.

  The suit, hands out a sheet of paper with various scenes from the script for us to act. We practice our scene, which is unfortunately a fight and a makeup scene between the two lead characters, Zaylie and Cohen. They kiss at the end of the scene and I now realize that I have to kiss Olsen.

  Yuck, this is gonna be mega weird!

  After everyone else performs their scene, it’s our turn to act in front of the suit. I can feel myself getting a little anxious about having to kiss Will’s best friend, but if I want to act, that’s what acting is all about. We stand up in front of the class and wait for the man in the suit to be ready.

  “Action,” he calls out.

  “I don’t even know who you are anymore Cohen. He was my brother! How could you?” I ask and pretend to cry.

  “Zaylie, don’t you understand that once he was bitten, he’s no longer one of us? He’s turned and nothing, not even your love can save him.”

  I go to walk away, but he pulls me back into his arms so I am against his chest. I pound on it to get away, but he won’t let me go.

  “Zaylie, I know how it feels to lose the only family you have left. Remember, that’s why I became a hunter in the first place. Zaylie, don’t fight me. I… I love you.”

  I stop fighting and stare up at him, with strong eye contact and a yearning look, imagining it’s Will I’m going to kiss. He leans down and takes my head in his hands and we stare into each other’s eyes and then his lips are on mine with a tender kiss.

  “Cut,” the suit calls out, but Olsen doesn’t end the kiss. I open my eyes and frantically pull away from him. His eyes are shining brightly against his mischievous grin. I purse my lips and furrow my brows. The room starts to clap including the suit and the lady with the notebook.

  “Thank you everyone for your efforts today. We’d like to see the following students after the class session has finished, Katerina Barrett, Edmund Olsen, Rebecca Croft and Luis Renaux. Thank you everyone for your time and good luck with your future endeavors,” the suit calls out.

  I must admit I’m more than a little excited that they called my name.

  I wonder if it’s a good thing or not? I wonder if anyone from Will’s class will also be asked to stay back.

  Once the class finishes, Olsen stands next to me with an enormous smirk on his face. I shake my head and he chuckles while we wait for the rest of the class to exit the room. I sit down on the edge of the stage. Will and a few other students come in from the other class, obviously they’ve been chosen to stay back as well. I can’t help but smile when I see Will leisurely walking in.

  Oh my God. He’s got that saunter going on and his hands are firmly planted in his pockets.

  He walks over and sits down next to me.

  “Hey dude. You’re right, Kat is a wicked kisser,” Olsen provokes Will.

  Jeez, is he stupid or what. He must have a death wish!

  I gasp and cover my mouth when I see the look on Will’s face tighten. He’s totally pissed off, I can see his hands ball into fists and his eyes are cold and hard.

  “How would you know?”

  “We played a scene together where we were the main characters and at the end we kissed and– ”

  “It was just acting. There was nothing in it,” I interrupt before Olsen can get any more stupid words out of his mouth.

  Will scrutinizes my face. I make strong eye contact and place my hand on his leg trying to show him that it meant nothing to me.

  “Okay, as long as it was just acting,” Will says, looking directly at Olsen, who’s still grinning like a Cheshire Cat from ear to ear.

  I neglected to tell him the part where Olsen continued the kiss after ‘cut’ was called. I think it’s better if he doesn’t know. I mean I still don’t know why he did that. I thought he was perfectly happy with Charlie. I’ll have to tell her to be careful with him.

  “Would Will Sanders and Katerina Barrett come up to the stage, please,” the suit calls out.

  We both stand and take our positions on the stage.

  “Alright, so, Miss Barrett the scene you did with Mr. Olsen, could you please repeat it with Mr. Sanders?”

  I nod my head in agreement. The suit, hands us the script and we start to act the same scene together.

  “I don’t even know who you are anymore Cohen. He was my brother! How could you?” I ask and pretend to cry.

  “Zaylie, don’t you understand that once he was bitten, he’s no longer one of us? He’s turned and nothing, not even your love can save him.”

  I go to walk away, but he pulls me back into his arms so I am firmly against his chest. I pound on it to get away, but he scrunches his face like he’s hurt and holds my wrists to his chest tightly.

  “Zaylie, I know how it feels to lose the only family you have left. Remember, that’s why I became a hunter in the first place. Zaylie, don’t fight me. I… I love you.”

  I stop fighting and stare up at him. My heart is hammering in my chest and my knees go weak. He leans down and takes my head in his hands and we stare into each other’s eyes, a lone tear runs down my face. Then his lips smash onto mine with such passion and lust that I almost forget we’re acting and I surrender completely to his kiss. My heart flutters and the butterflies in my stomach swirl.

  “Cut,” the suit says.

  Will slowly takes his lips from mine and gently kisses the tip of my nose. I exhale and feel bereft when he finally lets go of my face. The students in the room clap, even the production people from the film smile and nod. I blush and hide my face in Will’s chest. I eventually look up at Will and I see in his face that he felt it too.

  “That was amazing! The chemistry you two have is exhilarating. People are going to love you,” the suit exclaims.

  Will entwines his fingers in mine and squeezes. I gaze up at him and he gives me a quick wink. It’s amazing how something can happen so quickly. The suit then proceeded to watch the others act out different scenes from the script and they were all pretty good. We take a seat at the back of the room waiting for them to talk to us. I can’t help but look at Will c
ontinuously. My feelings for him are growing way beyond friendship and if somehow, miraculously we end up doing this movie together, it could be awkward playing lovers when in real life he doesn’t want me like that. The lines could get blurry and I don’t know if that is something I even want to do. I always thought music was my first love, not acting. But as time has progressed, I realized how much I actually love it.

  Will is sitting with me while we watch the others perform and I can’t help wondering if he’s feeling the same emotions and concerns that I am.

  “Right, well, thanks everyone. Will and Katerina can we see you both now, please?” the Director calls out. Will smirks and we hop down from the table, we were sitting on and walk over to the Producer, Director, Mr. Stevenson and Miss Sylvestry.

  “We absolutely love the chemistry you two exude and we want you to use that chemistry throughout the entire Nightwalker series of movies. We’ll provide you both with some workshops to hone your acting skills and talents. So with that in mind, what would you both say about acting in the lead roles of Zaylie and Cohen in our movie?”

  What the fuck?

  “Oh my God! I would love to be in your movie, sir. When you Directed Blaze of Inferno, I watched it, seriously about forty times. It was what made me want to be an actor,” Will admits.

  I’m a little hesitant, I mean I don’t think this will be a massive blockbuster, but am I really ready for people to know who I am?

  “Do you want to do it Kat?” Will asks, raising his eyebrows and offering a questioning gaze.

  How strange will this be, being his leading lady on, but not off screen?

  I know I probably should say no, but I can’t look into his eyes and disappoint him.

  “Yes,” I say.

  He pulls me into an embrace and twirls me around. My feet lift off the ground and I can’t help but laugh as do the Director and Crew.

  “Alright, we’ll be in touch, but in the meantime, we want you to continue your studies here,” the Producer says while he takes down our contact information.


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