Bound For Me
Page 10
“Problem?” She tackled him as soon as he got within earshot.
The best defense is offense. Always.
“What is it?”
She ran her tongue along the inside of her lip. Her system flooded with adrenalin as her body switched to fight-or-flight mode but she wasn’t letting him know how close she was to calling it.
She never let it show. High school bullies had taught her well.
“Nice,” she said. “I’m not paying you to stay.”
For a fraction of a second he stilled. Then walked right to her. “Speaking of staying, how long you planning to be in Summerhill?”
“Why?” she braced with her feet wide. Not gonna run.
He glanced behind her. “Take a break and talk to me.”
Talk? Was that all he wanted now?
“I’m still on shift,” she muttered. She didn’t want to face him alone when he had this level of aggression going on. Not that she didn’t trust him. She didn’t trust herself.
The sexual energy underpinning his words? His stance?
Heavens, it was like ambrosia to her suddenly sex-mad senses.
“Come on. A two minute break. Dante can cope.” Connor jerked his head towards the younger brother currently looking slightly overawed by the number of gorgeous women wanting to order complicated cocktails.
Poor kid was like a lamb to the slaughter.
“Two minutes?” Savannah mocked. “That’s all you’re gonna take?”
“We’re only gonna talk, Sugar. Why, was there something else you wanted?”
Asshole. “As I recall, you were the one planting kisses and playing with ice cubes.”
But the real problem was the ferocity of her own response. She couldn’t lose control like that again—not in public, or private.
His eyes glinted. “You scared, Sugar?”
Too freaking astute. It was such a juvenile attempt to bait her, but she let it work. Mainly because she sensed he wasn’t backing away from her any time soon. Not ’til he’d had his say and she’d rather that happened away from all the ogling eyes.
She stomped to the far corner, away from the crowd and turned to face him. “What did you want to talk about?”
“I’d like to poach you to work at the restaurant at the Lodge. We could use someone with your skills.”
She gaped. He was offering her a job? He kissed her like that and then wanted to be her boss? He really thought he was king, didn’t he?
“Too bad. I’m not planning on staying long.” She needed to scrape together enough money to get out of here. Only now did she realize what a mistake she’d made in coming here. There was no beating Connor Hughes on his own turf.
“Enough to get a feel for the place and then move on to the next?” He put a hand on the wall just above her head and leaned in, blocking the rest of the room.
She shrugged and tried to step to the side.
“You know,” he leaned right against her, stopping her from leaving with devastating effect. “My father’s had some correspondence with a guy called Tony Nash…”
“Nash is a fairly common surname.” She stiffened.
“Hmm,” he nodded. “What’s your father’s name?”
“Tony. But I get the feeling you already know that.”
He nodded again.
“And you’ve known this since when?”
He didn’t answer.
“Since before we fucked the other night?” She used the crude word to emphasise her anger.
His hot gaze zeroed in on her. But he didn’t deny it. The bastard.
“You did,” she breathed. “Is that why you did me?”
“In what way would knowing Tony Nash is your father impact on my decision to have sex with you?”
She said nothing. Didn’t move. Didn’t react at all. She was too damn shocked. But he wasn’t knowing it. She wasn’t losing it. Not here. Not now.
“He sent my father some pretty interesting letters.” Connor added. “Did you come here to carry out his threats?”
Oh god, he knew.
“Did you fuck me so you could use it against me?” she asked, rallying. “Because too bad, Connor, I’m still coming after you.”
“No, I think you’ll come first actually,” he grinned evilly. “Like you did last time.”
“Fuck you.”
“You already have.” He peered down at her in mock concern. “That wasn’t your best shot, it must be the drug still circulating in your system,” he soothed.
She seethed.
“Do you think I prostituted myself for the sake of my company? Because of some baseless threat you might make?” He leaned in, his voice a whisper. “Nice to know what you think of me, or is it just that that’s the sort of thing you’d do?” He lifted her chin with his hand. “Is that it? You screwed me in the hope you could use it to get something more out of me?”
“Who’s the bitch now?” She hadn’t even known who he was.
He laughed. “You really don’t trust me, do you? But you’re so prickly, I don’t think you trust anyone. Poor Sugar,” he whispered. “Some one really hurt you, didn’t he?”
“What makes you so certain it was a ‘he’?”
“Wow,” he murmured. “You definitely were hurt.” He rubbed her lip with his thumb. “What is it you think you can do?”
She jerked her chin from his grip with a wild toss of her head. “I’ll tell you when I meet with both you and Rex.”
“You’re not going to get that opportunity. He and my mother are on a cruise. Sorry Sugarlips, but I’m in charge. You’re going to have to settle your little score with me.”
Her little score? The guy really had no clue.
“You planning to expose us?” he asked.
Because now she realized that’s what he feared. Well maybe she would let the world know what a phony set-up the Summerhill scene was. And everyone should know how people like him screwed people like her.
He nodded. “I thought so. Not going to happen Sugar.”
Because he’d slept with her?
“You don’t think,” she snapped.
“I know.”
And now so did she. She got what he’d done—he had prostituted himself.
“I protect what’s mine, Savannah. I won’t let you drag Summerhill down.” He peeled away from her, his smile back in place as he turned to go face his fawning customers.
Savannah stepped forward too, her brain scrambled.
Connor knew who she was. Knew her father blamed Rex for his financial ruin. What else did he know—that her father had then sold the hotel and gambled every last cent away?
Did he know the reason for her father’s desperate attempts to succeed? Why it was that he’d risk everything? Savannah didn’t dare pick up any bottle now, the urge to vent her frustration was too powerful. She’d throw it at his head.
And she had a damn good aim.
For hours tonight she’d mixed drink after drink, mistress of her domain. She’d needed to reclaim her space after last night and she’d refused to let the jerks unnerve her.
Only now she couldn’t face fighting more tonight—not him. Not herself.
She needed to go home and pull herself together and plan.
Less than ten minutes after the confrontation, she snuck into the kitchen while Connor was busy with yet another group of gorgeous snow queens.
He glanced up and immediately walked over. “What is it?”
“I need to go home now.”
“You need me to call Austin?” he looked concerned.
“No. I just... I’m tired.” So damn tired.
“Delayed reaction,” Krista materialised. “I’ll take her, Luca you stay here and manage.”
“You’ll come back?” Luca checked with his lover.
Krista nodded. “Come on Savannah,” she said with a wink. “Let’s get out of here before Connor notices
you’ve gone.”
Savannah chuckled and pulled on her coat. A moment of female solidarity was rare. And nice.
Luca pulled Krista close and quickly kissed her.
Savannah headed towards the door. “I’ll wait by your car.”
A minute later Krista came out and unlocked the car. She drove for a minute, cranking up the heating. “So, what it is it between you Connor?”
“Nothing.” Savannah winced. Luca must have told her about the kitchen kiss.
“Oh yeah. Nothing…” Krista laughed girlishly. “But okay, you don’t want to talk about it. I understand you’re private.”
She was protective.
But for once Savannah regretted her instant defensive shut down. But she’d never had the kind of friend she could open up to about a guy. There’d been no friends. No guys. And this was one person who might be able to give her some info. She tried to relax. “Why’s he called the icicle?”
Krista didn’t take her eyes from the road. “Because he’s so cold.”
Savannah tried not to gasp aloud. Connor was anything but cold.
“Maybe not with you.” Krista suddenly smiled slyly. “But the rest of us see only a workaholic. He never leaves the mountain. Never has fun. All he does is work. All he’s ever done is work.”
“He never leaves the mountain?” Never has fun? Workaholic?
“Well, hardly ever. And never for long.” Krista pulled up outside the unit. “Look, I’ve known Connor all my life and he has never, ever kissed a woman in front of anyone else before.”
“If he has relationships no one knows about them. But I don’t know any woman who’s ever bragged about being with him.”
Yeah, but he’d not been a virgin the other night. At least, she sure as hell hoped he hadn’t been.
Duh. Of course he hadn’t been—he’d been holding back. Heat flushed through her at the sudden, vivid recollection. He probably only slept with women who weren’t staying long in town. High-class tourists to whom he gifted brief flings.
Savannah got out of the car, drawing in a deep breath. “Okay, well, thanks for the lift.”
“No problem.” Krista cut the engine and got out of the car too.
“What are you doing?” Savannah shook her head as Krista followed her to her door, and then walked right on in.
“Just checking your apartment.”
Standing in the center of the room, Savannah crossed her arms over her chest. “Connor told you to, didn’t he?”
“I’m to text him as soon as I’ve left here.” Krista nodded.
And she’d agreed to that? So much for female solidarity. “That’s ridiculous.”
“No it’s not. He’s right to be wary of your security at the moment. You probably shouldn’t be here alone. You want me to stay with you?” Krista pulled out her phone.
“Thanks anyway, but it’s bad enough you had to do that last night.” Savannah sighed. “Mind if I use that?”
Krista shrugged and handed it to her. Savannah swiped the screen, initiating the call.
“Krista? Is Savannah okay?” Connor answered immediately.
“I’m fine. You didn’t need to make her come in and search my apartment.”
“I didn’t make her. She offered. She’s concerned about you. All I asked was for her to let me know you’d made it home safely.”
“Well, she’s checked my apartment for bugs and is leaving now.” Savannah snapped, rattled by his hot’n’cold behavior. Mr Sensitive one second, Mr Suspicious the next. Mr Sexy all the damn time.
“Is it so awful to have people care about you?”
Krista was watching, a huge smile on her face like this was the best entertainment ever.
Savannah closed her eyes. Krista didn’t care about her. Connor most definitely didn’t. “Is it so awful to value independence?”
“There’s such a thing as taking it too far,” he answered. “What’s wrong with having a few friends?”
She turned away from Krista, swallowing back the anger.
Connor Hughes would never be her friend.
To rely, to depend, to need someone, lead to weakness. And weakness ultimately lead to loss. Her father had lost everything. Her mother had given up everything—and for what?
Savannah wasn’t making their mistakes.
People let you down, that’s what they did. So she was sticking with independent.
She didn’t answer.
“I know you’re still there,” he said softly, “Text me if you need me.”
“I won’t.”
“Sleep well, Sugarlips.”
She wouldn’t do that either.
Chapter Nine
Connor slept even less than he had the night before. He worked on stupid spreadsheets to stop himself doing a drive by of her apartment, like some stalker. Except he ached to protect her from the real stalker assholes. He ached to do a whole lot else as well.
Not. Happening.
Last night’s game—the kiss? The ice? All to prove how easily she melted?
Had totally backfired on him.
But want would never be his master. He wouldn’t be his father, a slave to sexual desire. He wasn’t succumbing to the stereotypical weakness of a wealthy man—the inability to keep his penis in his pants. But despite that intention, just after eight in the morning, a totally respectable time, he sent her another text.
Sleeping Sugar, you awake?
Still no reply.
There was a knock on the door, a familiar double tap, pause, single tap.
“You’re not staying?” He took one look at Hunter and knew his friend was on the first flight he could grab.
“You’re checking up on her.” Hunter’s eyes were on the phone Connor still held.
“If she answered her texts, I would be.” Connor frowned. “Keep the enemy close, right?”
I think you need to talk to her.” Hunter replied.
Connor put his phone on his desk and tried not to stare at the screen like an obsessed gameboy. “You’re going home?”
“Detouring a couple places first.” The tall man sat down in the chair opposite Connor’s desk. “I saw Dani when I was in Manhattan.”
Connor grimaced at the mention of his wayward younger sister. “She having a nice vacation?”
She’d left the morning after Rex’s big retirement celebration the previous week. Left Connor fuming.
“She’s getting a job,” Hunter said.
Of course she was. Because she was quitting the course she’d been working so hard for so long on. “Logan’s letting her?”
“She’s staying with Rocco.”
Connor heard the slight edge in Hunter’s words but was back watching his phone, wishing it would light up with a message. “With Roc? Because Logan’s busy with Min?” He glanced up when Hunter remained silent. “In Roc’s hotel, right?”
As impossible as it seemed, Hunter’s eyes seemed even more watchful.
“In his room.” Hunter finally answered.
In his bed?
A stunned feeling washed through Connor… and then? A weird sense of recognition. He sat back in his chair and rubbed his hand over his face.
Dani and Rocco?
Memories flashed—his sister all grown-up and glamorous at the Summerhill celebration a little over a week ago. His sister who’d tried to tell him so many times she hated what she was studying, that she wanted to make her own choices, not follow their father’s. And Connor had been too distracted to listen.
And then Rocco, who’d been abandoned by his family and embraced by Connor and Logan. Rocco who’d always stayed silent when Connor complained about his sister because she’d run away again. Rocco who’d never so much as looked at Dani. Or perhaps, not when anyone else was looking.
Rocco who’d been so alone for so long. And Dani, the sister who’d spent all her energy in recent years running away.
“Great.” Connor inhaled deeply
, picked up his phone and checked to see no reply had landed from Savannah.
“Great?” Hunter echoed.
“Yep. Great.” Connor said. “They better know what they’re doing, that’s all.”
Hunter cracked a rare smile. “I think she does. She knows what she wants and now she has it she’s not going to give it up.”
So you might as well accept it.
“Good for her.” Connor wasn’t jerk enough to think his kid sister wasn’t gonna grow up and have a sex life sooner or later. And he wasn’t gonna stand in her way. Rocco was a good guy and if Connor had had any damn idea it was on the cards he’d have given them his blessing the other night.
Not that either of them needed it.
“I’ll tell her you said hi,” Hunter said. “She’ll be stunned.”
Connor nodded, distractedly typing out another text.
“Savannah’s not answering?”
Connor shook his head.
How the hell Hunter knew every goddamn thing, Connor would never know. But he trusted him. Knew he could keep secrets. All kinds of secrets. Ugly ones. And good ones too.
“You’re gonna go check on her.” It wasn’t a question.
Connor stood. “You’re on a case?”
“Personal. Yeah.”
“The barista from the pop-up pizza place?” Hunter wasn’t the only one who knew some things. Connor’s cousin Xander had told him about the way Hunter had been eyeing Xander’s girlfriend’s employee.
Hunter didn’t confirm or deny. Which was answer enough.
“It’s not like you to chase.” Connor frowned. For Hunter to have to chase. He had short flings. Almost Logan-pre-fiancée short. No swapping of anything intimate.
“I’ve managed to scare her off.” Hunter walked with him to the door.
“Can’t think how you’ve done that,” Connor said dryly.
“You take care,” Hunter warned.
“Because of Savannah?” Connor laughed grimly, staring down at his silent phone. “There’s nothing she can do to hurt me.”
Hunter said nothing.
Connor rolled his eyes. “Seriously. I’ve got this.”
“I’m not worried about what she might do, but what you might do.”
“This isn’t like you. You’re usually more cautious.”