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Brides of the West-Part One

Page 15

by Hestand, Rita

  "No…I'm not leaving you. Why would I do a fool thing like that? We are a family, aren't we?"

  "We're married if that's what you mean. But I'm not dumb enough to imagine you hanging around forever. And I want you to know how much I appreciate what you've done for us. Somehow, someway, I'll repay you…" She choked out the words.

  "Bonnie for God's sake," He stood up now, turning away from her. He rolled his shoulders and glanced up at the sky. "Look up there Bonnie…do you see those stars?"

  "Sure." She stood up too. "They are beautiful. But let's not change the subject."

  "Okay," He turned around walked toward her and took her head gently into his hands, turning her face up to his, his thumb stroked her cheeks. "I don't want to leave you. I love you too much for that…"

  He saw the transformation in her expression and stared long and hard at her. He saw a shy smile curl her lips and wind around his own heart.

  "What did you say?" She asked breathlessly.

  "I-I said I love you…Didn't you know? Hadn't you guessed? My God, with any other woman it would have been so obvious. From the moment you walked into that pool hall and asked me to marry you, I couldn't stop thinking about you."

  "You love me?" She repeated softly her eyes going over him with a warm smile that lit his insides.

  "I have for quite a while. I just didn't know how to tell you." He said lowly. His thumb still absently stoking her cheek. "I wasn't sure how you felt about me, either. I mean when I kissed you, you seemed to like it well enough…but."

  "Oh Dal…" she cried breathlessly as she moved into his arms.

  "Does this mean you love me too?" He murmured pulling away.

  "Yes…I think I always have." She smiled into his face and kissed him again. "I still don't know how I got the nerve up to ask you to marry me. And then when you said no, so easily, I was devastated. Of all the men in Ashville, I wanted you the most, Dal."

  He held her in his arms and the kiss went on for a long time until they were both breathless. He felt her tremble when his lips touched hers. At first he merely feather-touched her lips, but when he saw the surrender in her eyes, the intensity of the kiss melted her lips against his and their hearts thundered in unison.

  Her arms went up and around his neck, pulling him to her for another kiss.

  He drew away slowly, as though moving away was the last thing he wanted to do.

  "I had to tell you…because I'm making us a bed, Bonnie." He said when they finally came up for air. "For us…I want to consummate our marriage, make it strong. I need you Bonnie, more than you will ever know. And somehow…it just isn't right to live with someone, this close and not consummate the marriage."

  Her mouth fell open. "A bed…for you and me…to sleep in…?"

  "Among other things, yes." He grinned. "I want us to live like a real married couple. I want us to be one big family and be together always."

  "That's what you and Daniel have been working on in the shed?" She asked breathlessly.

  "That's it…" He smiled and pulled her against him once more, liking how her body molded itself against his. "I've missed you the past few days. I wanted to see that pretty smile of yours again."

  She clung to him now. "Oh, Dal…that's so sweet. But…what about Becky, we can't sleep together with her in the room. That wouldn't be decent."

  "I been thinking on that. We'll move her in with the boys for a while until I can get another room built on. We'll need it anyway for our babies. Don't worry, I'll give the boys a good talkin' to."

  "Our babies?" She cried out.

  "Well, I figure that's the natural course of things." He smiled and held her in his arms a long while. "Do you think it will make Becky mad to move for a while?"

  "No…she's been asking me why we hadn't already been sleeping together. Like Ma and, Pa did. I think she'll be happy. For a seven-year-old girl, she sure figures things out a lot."

  "Good. I can hardly wait until it's finished." He murmured in her ear. "I go to sleep dreaming about it sometimes. I'll be gentle with you Bonnie. I promise…"

  "Oh Dal…" She sighed against him. "I thought I'd made you so mad you was ready to leave me."

  "I'd never leave you Bonnie. It never entered my mind. I might get mad on occasion and go have a drink, but I'd be back." He said with sincerity.

  "Are you sure Dal…that you want to stay married to me?" She asked.

  "Honey, all I can think about is that big bed, and you and me in it, together. For the rest of our lives."

  "Oh Dal…I do love you…!" She cried and kissed him this time. This kiss was her answer. This kiss was her submission, this kiss was her love, and he knew it.

  He could easily get carried away, right here in front of the house, on a moonlit night, with her in his arms.

  They sat and talked a while longer, hugged and kissed a lot more and then they went in the house and went to bed in separate beds. But not for long…he vowed silently.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "I'd like to look at the bed, Dal!" Bonnie said that next morning as everyone finished breakfast.

  "Nope, not yet. I want this to be a surprise for you. For all of you. Becky, when I get done, you will sleep in the room with your brothers, only temporarily until I can get another room built on. Is that okay with you?" Dal asked.

  Becky looked over at him, and jumped to her feet and hugged Dal's neck. "That's fine with me," She cried and kissed him on the cheek.

  "She's sleeping in our room?" Martin cried out.

  "'Fraid so, but only temporarily until I can get another room built. And since I've got a fence to build it might be longer than what I expect. But…yes, she is. And I don't want you guys griping about it. It's only natural, like your Ma and Pa did. It's settled. Bonnie and I are gonna live like other married folks." He informed them. "Boys, we have lots of work to do, so I want you all three to go into town with me. And we'll bring Becky back some peppermint, how's that?" He winked at Becky.

  "Thanks, Dal," Becky grinned.

  "You'll have to sleep on the top bunk then," Martin told her.

  "That's okay. I don't mind." Becky winked at Dal.

  "Don't worry Becky, I’m gonna have a long talk with your brothers before all of this takes place."

  "When we starting on the fence, Dal?" Daniel asked.

  "Today we are going into town and get some barbed wire, and the things we'll need. Then tomorrow we'll begin. We've got a lot of things to get done before the dead of winter sets in. We gotta patch the roof and finish the beds.

  "Beds?" They all looked at him.

  "Well, I wouldn't dream of makin' a new bed for me and Bonnie and not makin' new ones for you too. Those beds are so hard you might as well pull up some ground to sleep on. The fence will take some time 'cause we don't have much help. Martin and Samuel, I'll expect you two out there every day too."

  "Sure." The nodded.

  Daniel frowned, "Barbed wire? Lots of folks don't take to barbed wire around here."

  "That's right, but it's the only sensible solution for a fence that big." Dal informed him. "And you two boys are gonna help."

  "We are?" Samuel smiled. "Great."

  "But, I don't know how to build a fence!" Martin wailed.

  "You'll learn." He rubbed his head. "Daniel, hitch up the wagon we're going to town."

  "Yes sir." Daniel smiled and dashed out the back door.

  Martin and Samuel followed him, Dal heard Martin asking all kinds of questions and smiled to himself.

  "What can I do?" Becky looked at Dal for answers.

  "You, young lady can help Bonnie as always. If we run into any real problems, we'll call you two out there, how's that."

  "I'll be ready," Becky said helping to clear the dishes from the table.


  "Do we have the money for a fence?" Bonnie asked looking at him in question.

  "We'll get it. It's got to be done." He insisted. "In fact, it might solve our problem with Banister."

bsp; She nodded and began cleaning the kitchen.

  He kissed her on the back of the neck as he walked out of the room. "See you later."

  Her face was beaming and she blushed as Becky looked at them.

  "So," Becky joined her at the sink to dry the dishes. "You and Dal made up, didn't you?"

  "Yes, I guess we did." Bonnie beamed.

  "I'm glad. And I'm glad you are going to be sleeping together. That's what other married people do, and you should too." Becky decided.

  "So if I should close the door, you won't be offended?" Bonnie asked her as she handed her a dish to dry.

  "Nope. I'll be happy." Becky smiled. "I do remember Ma and Pa shutting me out of their room a few times."

  "You were just a baby."

  "Mabye that's why I remember it so well. I wanted to sleep with them all the time."

  "Say, when did you get so smart about married people?" Bonnie laughed.

  "Well, my friend Phyllis, her sister got married and she went to visit them and she said they were always kissing and going into the bedroom and closing the door. But she didn't mind, 'cause she knew they were happy together. Like Ma and Pa's."

  "I see. Well, Phyllis is just full of information, isn't she?" Bonnie giggled.

  "That and…." Becky rolled her eyes. "I live on a farm, I see what goes on. It's…n-natural." She said.

  "Oh…it is, is it?" She felt herself bubbling inside with excitement. Just knowing that Dal loved her was enough to keep her content.


  After talking with the banker, Dal ordered his barbed wire and got a few supplies. The general store manager told him to go over to the feed and grain and see if they had any on hand too, so Dal went.

  That's when he ran into Lee Summers, one of Banister's top guns.

  "So you're a farmer now, are you?" Lee chuckled.

  He shot him an eagle eye. "I guess you could say that."

  "I guess you thought it was okay to shoot Mr. Banister's cattle last night, didn't you."

  "I wouldn't call one cow his cattle, besides, they were trespassing on Odom land." He remarked as he loaded some feed for the chickens.

  "Odom land, I thought that was McDaniel land." Lee snarled.

  "We're married, in case you didn't know."

  "Maybe…but it's still McDaniel land. Isn't it. Is that why you married that kid of a woman?" Lee chuckled.

  "For your information, that kid is more woman than you can imagine. And that's not all…she's my wife." Dal protested as Daniel, Martin, and Samuel all stood aside watching the two of them.

  "She's right pretty, that little gal. She doesn't look like she's been ridden much either. I might have to go an introduce myself." Lee laughed again.

  Some of the other cowhands gathered about, laughing.

  He walked slowly up to Lee, grabbed him by the collar and shook him good. "Don't you ever, ever talk about my wife like that again. And you won't be introducing yourself either, do you understand? Are we clear?"

  "Shore, shore…don't get me wrong. I think she's a fine little gal. If you like them young and innocent."

  "For your information, my wife has supported four youngins, alone and by herself for four years. I think that qualifies her as a full-fledged woman, don't you?"

  "Excuse me, maybe I should pay more attention to her. Maybe I didn't realize just what you got there…I thought you just married her for the land…"

  "Why you…." He ran up to Lee this time and socked him in the jaw. Lee fell to the ground, stunned.

  "You won't be doin' that again mister. And you better wear a gun the next time I see you…" Lee spouted as he got up and walked off holding his jaw.

  Daniel came over and chuckled. "You handled him good."

  "Yeah, but I'm afraid that won't be the end of it." He wiped his brow.

  "I wanted to kill him." Samuel spouted his face as red as his hair. "Nobody can talk about Bonnie like that."

  He grabbed Samuel by the shoulders. "Think before you act. I didn't back there, but you should. Always know your enemy well before you decide to tackle them. He goaded me and I let him. Next time I'll know better. You see Samuel, when you get angry, is when you start making mistakes."

  "Yes sir," Samuel backed away a bit.

  "This isn't a game of who can draw the fastest. This isn't a game at all. And from now on, I want you boys to help me protect Bonnie and Becky, you understand? Men are supposed to protect women."

  "Yes sir," they all chimed in.

  "Now let's get us some barbed wire if Mr. Douglas has any." Dal told them.

  After getting a start on the barbed wire, Dal looked at the boys. "I want Samuel and Martin to go to the store and buy some peppermint for Becky. I promised her."

  "What are you gonna do?" Samuel asked.

  "Daniel and I are going to the Sheriff's office."

  "Can we come too?" Samuel asked his eyes widening.

  "I'd rather you get Becky her peppermint, but if you get through then you can come on over there." He told them and saw the sparkle in their eyes. They ran off.

  They walked over to the Sheriff's office, as some of Banister's men were hanging around watching them from outside the saloon.

  "Sheriff?" Dal called as he entered the office.

  "Dal, Daniel, what can I do for you?" The Sheriff looked at them keenly.

  "Just wanted you to know what we've done so far about Banister."

  The Sheriff nodded. "I've heard about the missing cow."

  "Banister's men tell you?"

  "No, Banister himself. I'm glad he did. It gave me a chance to try to talk some sense into him. Banister is a hard head, and he don't think things out much. I told him you were within your rights. He didn't like that. But he knew I meant it."

  "No, I don't imagine he liked it." Dal smiled. "So how did he take your advice?"

  "Believe it or not, he's considering paying like the rest. Especially since the other ranchers won't go in with him on this little war he's designed. And he did try to persuade them. I think if you back off a bit he might sign up like the rest of them, and this will all be over." The Sheriff said as he sat down in front of them.

  "Maybe, but I just run into Lee Summers, he didn't act as though he wanted to back off."

  "Aw, yeah, Lee Summers, he's a mean one. Banister hired him a few weeks ago. But Lee seems to have a mind of his own about things. You'll need to watch out for him. And remember one thing, Banister is a hard man to deal with, but he ain't in the same league as Lee. Lee can handle a gun."

  "I plan on watching out for him. Just so you know all the signs are up, and I've warned them off three times now. If he wants me to pay for the cow, I will. Just to smooth things over a bit. I'd like to think we could settle this between us peaceable."

  "I'll tell him." The Sheriff smiled.

  "About Lee…" Dal began.

  "He has no wanted posters on him, yet. I checked that first thing. And he's used to calling men out, and them drawing first so he can get away with murder. I'd watch him if I were you."

  "I plan to. He's tried to goad me into a fight this morning. I know that. And I wanted to tell you, straight." Dal eyed the Sheriff. "And he came real close. Bonnie McDaniel Odom is my wife, and I won't let anyone, anyone, hurt her or talk out of turn about her."

  The Sheriff's brow went up and he smiled. "Little Bonnie turned out well, didn't she?"

  "She did!"

  "You know when her folks died, well, the community wanted me to take them to one of them orphanages like over in Waco, but Bonnie was determined to support her siblings, no matter what. And she did too. I gotta admit I'm proud of that little gal. Even though just before the two of you hooked up, I was getting worried about her and the kids. It looked as if they were starving. They were all so skinny. But not now. You must be doin' somethin' right out there. Daniel's filling out and looking more like a man every day."

  "You're right. He is a man!" Dal smiled.

  Daniel nodded.

  "Well, 'b
out all I can do is warn you about Lee. Like I said, there weren't no wanted posters on him."

  "I know. And I'm not going to encourage a gunfight, Sheriff, but I won't run from one either." He promised. "And he's itching for one."

  "Why's he got it in for you, do you know?"

  "Yeah, I know. I was working as a deputy up in Hays City, Kansas one year. The bank was robbed, and the Sheriff killed. I was there, and I killed the one who done it. Turned out it was Lee's brother. So it's personal with me and him."

  "I didn't know you worked for the law. I could use a good deputy."

  "Not unless I'm desperate for money, Sheriff. I had my fill. Lee's brother was only seventeen."

  The Sheriff nodded, and looked over at Daniel who was taking their conversation in with interest.

  "Thanks for stopping off and telling me Dal. Makes me feel good to know you feel as though you can come to me. And like I said, be careful." The Sheriff warned. "No matter how it looks, I'm on your side."

  "I plan on it. Good day Sheriff." He tipped his hat.

  The Sheriff nodded and watched them leave.

  Daniel stood nervously on the boardwalk watching his brothers approach them. "Do you think he'll call you out?"



  "Sooner or later…" He sighed.

  The boys joined them. "You already through?"

  "Yeah, let's head for home, boys." Dal encouraged them.

  On the way home, Dal thought about the Sheriff's warning, and about the way Lee was talking about Bonnie. He'd kill Lee if he even tried to touch her. That was a promise!

  Chapter Nineteen

  "How did it go in town today?" Bonnie asked as they sat on the porch discussing the day. Funny how they always seemed to do their talking on the porch. Since Dal had repaired it, everyone seemed to gather there several times a day.

  Another thing Dal wanted to make was a couple of rocking chairs to set on the porch. The one thing he did remember about his youth was having rocking chairs.

  He nodded.

  Daniel was behind them on the porch. "Dal laid into a cowboy in town."

  Daniel glanced around, then realized the younger kids were in playing in the backyard, so they wouldn't hear the conversation. He was glad. Now if he could only shut Daniel up about it.


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