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Wicked Night before Christmas

Page 4

by Tierney O'Malley

  "No. I'm here to find you.” Lucas cupped her face.

  Cara looked away when her nose begun to sting. For the love of her, she couldn't understand why his words made her want to cry. “I'm not lost."

  "But you lost your pole and your hair is wet, which tells me you were covered with snow. Meaning you lost control and went down."

  "So? I manage to stand up again."

  "You could have hurt yourself, babe."

  "I'm okay, so you can go now. I need to find my pole.” Cara walked around him, but Lucas grabbed her hand.

  "I'm not leaving you here. Forget about the pole. You need to go home and rest. You've been skiing all day."

  "No. I'm not leaving here without my pole.” Her voice rose to a high pitch. She was acting like a child. She knew it, but she could care less.

  "Cara, what the hell is wrong with you? You've been—"

  "I want my damn pole! What is so hard to understand about that? If you don't want to help me find it, then leave."

  "Cara you don't have to yell."

  "I am not yelling. Just talking a bit louder, but not yelling."

  "You're mad at me."

  "What made you think that?” Cara snapped. She would have stomped her feet, too, if they weren't stuck in the snow.

  "Since I arrived here, you've been looking at me as if I just killed your cat. And you look ready to sock my gut."

  "I would never hurt you.” Her reply came out too quick for her taste.

  The wind blew, reminding Cara of her wet hair and exposed hand. She blew on her fingers but failed to warm them up.

  "Where's your glove?"

  "Don't know. I took it off to fix my hair."

  "Here. Wear this.” Lucas pulled his glove off and offered it to her.

  Cara looked at it. She wanted it, but she didn't want his pity. “No, thanks. I'll just find—"

  "Take the god damn glove. Want me to put it on you?"

  "No. Such a crab.” She took the glove and shoved her hand inside. It was warm and big, and lordy, it felt good.

  The sound of the snowmobile took her mind off the towering man in front of her. Cara was glad. She needed to control her emotions. Being alone with Lucas again after two long months weakened her armor. Her anger suddenly turned into wanting to wrap her arms around him, feel his body against hers. But with other people around, it would give her time to compose and raise her armor up again.

  One ski mobile with tracks at the rear and steered by skis at the front and two red snowmobiles with a white cross on the gas tank side pulled up. Ah, the emergency guys patrolling the area looking for knuckleheads like her, she thought. Cara recognized the usher. He was looking at her with obvious signs of worry on his face.

  "Sir, is she okay? Do we need to make an emergency call?” The man wearing a red jacket with white cross on the chest asked. A voice on his radio came on. The man pulled it and talked on the speaker. “She's found and seems to be okay, over."

  "Are you hurt anywhere, Cara?"

  "Did you call 911 on me?"

  "Are you hurt?” Lucas repeated.

  "No. I'm fine. Why did you have to call them?"

  Lucas ignored her and turned his attention to one of the medics. “Give her a ride."

  "Yes, sir. Ma'am, are you ready?"

  Cara glared at Lucas, ignoring the medic. “This is not necessary you know."

  "Don't make me carry you in front of them. I doubt you'll appreciate it."

  "Bully.” She crinkled her nose and took a step toward the snowmobile. Shooting pain from her low back prevented her from taking another. Cara grimaced, but corrected herself with a winsome smile that the medic returned. “Give me a minute."

  "God damn it, Cara! You're hurt! Baby, please. It's okay if you tell me."

  She didn't. She was being obtuse, but why tell him about her ankle and low back? What was he going to do? Shaking her head, she walked toward the snowmobile. “I want my pole, Lucas."

  "Don't worry, I won't come down without it. I don't know what's going on in that pretty head of yours, but I will find out."

  Sitting astride behind the driver, Cara looked at Lucas. She realized it was foolish to hide the truth from him. Why not just say it? He would never leave her alone until she did. Fine. She'd spill it all out. After that, she would move on.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  * * * *

  The drive from Whistler Lodge to the cabin was short, but for Lucas it wasn't quick enough. He wanted Cara home right that minute so she could rest. The medic had wrapped a cold compress on Cara's ankle, but he could tell it wasn't easing Cara's pain. It could be she was stiff from long hours of skiing or she had seriously injured herself and wasn't telling him or anyone about it. When he saw her lying on the small bed in the First Aid and Emergency Room, his heart had stopped beating. She had looked tiny, vulnerable, and utterly sad. About what, he had no freaking idea. Although the thought that maybe she was thinking about Rick came to mind, which he quickly dismissed. Fuck, he was freaking jealous of a man he never even met.

  As soon as they reached the cabin, Cara got out of the car and ignored his hand when he tried to help her. Before the night was over, he would find out what had changed her attitude toward him. And if she told him she was irritated because she missed her fucking boyfriend, he'd find him and shoot the man between his eyes.

  He watched Cara walk as if wearing a body cast. In one swift move, he picked her up. “Don't tell me you're fine. You're not. And stop narrowing your pretty eyes at me. Not working."

  "Feeling tired doesn't mean there's something wrong with me."

  "You're not just tired. You hurt your back. Stop denying it. I'm not blind."

  "No you're not. So you can see that I don't want to be—never mind."

  "What? Be around me, close to me, talk to me? Yeah, I noticed. But I want to know why. Give me enough reason why and I'll stay away from you. For now, you need to stay in your room. No skiing tomorrow. And you are not going to the Wish Tree Fundraiser tonight."

  "Fine! That's what I wanted anyway. I want to stay in my room. You all go and leave me alone."

  "You know what, Cara. You remind me of Amy when she was five. I won't be surprised if you call me poophead.” Cara buried her face at the crook of his neck. He felt her smile. And it felt damn good.

  The front door burst open and out came Amy, his mother and father.

  "Lucas! What happened? Is she okay?"

  "She's fine mom. I'll take her to her room."

  On his way to Cara's room Lucas told his family bits about what he believed had happened. When he added Cara was being stubborn for keeping the truth and what hurt, she pinched his chest. His family followed them all the way to Cara's bedroom.

  He let his mother fuss over Cara, listened to Amy blame herself for being such a horrible friend, and pretended to agree with his dad when he complained about the usher who let Cara ski without a buddy on a rough run.

  When he noticed Cara falling asleep, most likely from the combination of fatigue and painkiller the medic gave her, he asked his family to leave the room. They acquiesced right away.

  "This is embarrassing you know. You're treating me like an invalid."

  The bed dipped a little bit from his weight when he sat on the edge. He touched her sun and wind burned cheeks. The pinkish red hue gave her a healthy glow. “What happened, Cara?"

  "I fell. The tips of my ski caught the side of the jump. I flipped, tumbled and landed on my back. That's what happened.” Her voice was soft and sounded sleepy.

  The medic told him to watch Cara's foot for any sign of internal injuries because she refused to be taken to the nearby clinic for an x-ray. She'd be in pain tonight. Tomorrow, he'd take her at the clinic to make sure she didn't have any fractures.

  "Good to finally hear what happened at the Devil's run, but I am asking about us. What happened?” He should wait until she was rested, but he couldn't stop himself from asking.
r />   "You should know what happened.” Cara rubbed her nose on the pillow. “What did you give me? It makes me feel like I'm floating. I won't be able to walk. Amy and I are going to attend the fundraising event and I want to—” She let out a loud yawn. “See the Christmas Wish Tree and join the fundraising."

  "It's a strong pain killer. I already told you, you can't go to the fundraiser tonight. You can see the tree tomorrow. That is if your foot is better. Cara, baby. I know you just want to sleep, but tell me what changed your mind about us."

  Cara closed her eyes and let out a sigh the way a tired person would when finally finding a spot to rest. “I feel like a feather blown by the wind."

  "We'll talk tomorrow. I want to know why you turned your back on me."

  For a minute, he thought she was already asleep, but Cara opened her eyes to look at him. “To forget my pain."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I believed what you told me—we were going to talk when you got back. You came back all right, but to flaunt Rochelle. So I figured when you said we'd talk, you were just promising me something so I wouldn't cry all over you, especially since I surrendered my virginity to you."

  He should have known she'd be jealous of Rochelle. “I'm sorry baby. There's a reason why I'm with her right now."

  "Yeah. You didn't want to upset your beauty queen.” Cara yawned. Her eyes were already half closed.

  "Did Amy tell you about me meeting Rochelle in Florida?"


  "How did you find out about Rochelle and I?"

  "Rochelle called Amy.” Cara let out a loud yawn, rubbed her nose on the pillow.

  "Cara, just a minute and you can sleep. Answer me. Did you go out with Rick because you heard about Rochelle?"

  "I'm sorry I wasn't friendly to you Lucas. It's just it hurts to see you..."

  "You shouldn't be jealous of Rochelle. You know why? Cara?” Cara's even and soft breathing told him she was asleep already. He wondered if she would remember tomorrow what he had just said. He leaned forward and kissed her. For a moment, he stayed in his position staring at Cara while she slept. “I love you, baby,” he whispered in her ear. “Hear me? I love you.” He waited for a reaction. Nothing. He loved her so much. It was too damn bad his job got in a way. He didn't want to leave that morning especially when things were going so much sweeter between them.

  The DEA gave him the case about Ramon Rivera, the cunning, heartless ass-hole suspected of supplying illegal drugs to young girls aspiring to become beauty queen or models. The drugs, he was told, were supposed to keep the girls’ bodies skinny. So far, those who admitted taking the drugs were not only blackmailed, but raped as well. The drugs were nothing but date rape pills. And then the victims, once used and degraded, were forced to take cocaine—to supply and use to keep them from talking. Rivera was one slick son of a bitch. Be that as it may, he'd find the asshole and truss him up like the pig he was. And through Rochelle, he'd find him.

  He watched Cara for a couple more minutes. After planting a kiss on her slightly parted lips, he left the room.

  * * * *

  Rochelle stepped back to hide behind the potted houseplant as she watched Lucas leave Cara's room. Through the bedroom window, she had seen how Cara clung to Lucas, without a doubt enjoying his hold on her.

  Bitch! Playing weak to get Lucas's attention. And Lucas's family believed her drama. Weak minded people.

  She hated Cara the first time she met her and she hated her more now. The woman was a threat to her, a rival for Lucas's attention.

  She won her Miss Washington title because she knew how to play the game. Whatever it took, she'd make sure by the end of the year she was the one wearing Lucas's ring. If she had to cut the bitch's throat, she'd do it. Just to get rid of her.

  Hmm, why not? And I know how to do just it.

  * * * *

  Cara woke up to the smell of fresh coffee, clam chowder, and fried fish. Her stomach rumbled at the thought of food. The cabin was big, but with its design—open kitchen, dining room, and living room in one spacious room—whenever someone started cooking the smell floated up to the upstairs where all the bedrooms were. She looked between the partly opened curtains. First, one star winked at her then another and another. Wow, she slept the day away.

  Sighing, she listened for someone to come, to ask if she needed anything or something to make her feel more comfortable as if she was queen of the Nile. But she didn't hear a sound.

  For the first time in two days since Lucas had carried her up to her room, she opened her eyes without anyone rushing to her side. No one was around.

  Thank god! It was nice to be pampered and be taken care of, but after a while, her condition felt like an imposition. The McLeod's had been nothing but good to her. She'd make sure to thank them. But first, she needed a shower. A long and hot one. Cara got up and went to the bathroom. A hot shower would be good on her back. The pain was almost gone. Just a bit of a soreness, but she could move. Her ankle however was still sore when she put pressure on it. She searched for a camisole and underwear in her suitcase then walked in the bathroom.

  The hot water felt wonderful on her shoulders. If it weren't so bad to stay for hours in the shower, she would have done it. But she believed in conservation and protecting nature. Cara washed and rinsed in a matter of fifteen minutes. Hair bound in a towel and wearing her underwear camisole, she walked back in her room.

  "I see you're up and about?"

  Cara stopped in her tracks. Lucas stood in the middle of her room. As usual, he looked rugged in his shoulder length wavy hair, long sleeved shirt and faded low rider jeans. He stared at her unsmiling. “Yes. If I stay one more day in that bed, I'll go nuts. I came here to celebrate the holidays not to eat and sleep like a cow on a pasture. There are only three days before Christmas and I want to enjoy every minute of them. So, if you don't mind, please leave so I can get dressed and go downstairs to join everyone."

  "Aside from Rochelle, there's only you and me left in the house. They all went to see the Christmas Wish Tree."

  "Oh, it must be covered with paper wishes now."

  "Yeah. A lot of people are hanging their wishes on the tree. You're looking forward to hanging yours?"

  "Amy and I are supposed to do it together."

  "Well, you'd better put on your warm clothes. I'll walk you there."

  "You don't have to. I know where to find the tree. It's standing in the middle of the village shining bright with Santa and his elves guarding it."

  "Being stubborn again, are you?"

  "No. I just hate to impose. Don't worry I have a cellphone. If I tumble again and break another part of my body, I'll buzz Amy."

  "Cellphones are as useless as a priest's balls if the owner doesn't answer it."

  Cara was so close to rolling her eyes. Lucas was talking about his three calls on her cell that were left unanswered. “Answering machines are useless if the caller doesn't use them to leave his messages. Well, you go on ahead. Looks like the moon is full tonight. Perfect for a romantic walk. You and your Rochelle are probably looking forward to a moonlit walk."

  A faint light twinkled in the depths of his eyes the color of deep blue sea. “We're all going to walk together."

  The idea of seeing the two walking, holding hands or with Lucas's arm wrapped protectively around Rochelle's shoulders produced a severe pain in her whole being. Cara bit her lower lip to prevent herself from wincing. She knew it was just a dream when she heard Lucas whisper I love you to her. But that dream was stuck in her head, keeping her from hoping that it would someday become a reality for him to say it to her. Why? Because she was stupid.

  "Seeing you are ready, why don't you go on—"

  "Be downstairs in ten minutes. Like I said, dress in something warm. You'll need more than a camisole and a thong to go out in the snow."

  Cara looked down at herself then gasped. Her nipples were puckered and pressed against her camisole, but her thong was all together differen
t. She was practically exposed. “Out!"

  Lucas's laughter echoed in her ears. “Ten minutes or I'm coming back in here."

  His mere presence made her forget she stood practically naked in front of him. “Leave if you want me downstairs."

  Wearing a thick black Northface coat, black bonnet that she knotted under her chin, and black snow boots, Cara walked behind Lucas and Rochelle. While the two were arm in arm, whispering in each other's ears, Cara was busy trying to stay upright and ignoring the two. Even with her snow boots on, snow, when compacted, was slippery. The duo crossed the street and was getting farther away from her, but she didn't care. She'd rather walk alone anyway. Cara stopped when a patrol snowmobile drove by. She was about to cross when her sore ankle gave in beneath her and she landed on her butt.

  "Take my hand. I don't bite."

  She looked up and met a pair of dark eyes. Lovely, of all the places to slip, it had to be here. Cara took the man's offered hand and smiled. She noticed his rock-star hair. Awesome, she thought.

  "Thanks. So embarrassing landing on my tush like that."

  "Don't worry about it. It happens to me all the time."

  Cara laughed. “All the time, huh?"

  "You're not hurt?"

  "Just my ego.” Cara looked back at Lucas and Rochelle. They were almost out of her sight and didn't even notice she wasn't following them anymore. Who cares.

  "I'm Karsen with a K. I ski here a lot."

  Where was this hot skier when she was alone on the Devil's Jump? She bet any woman wouldn't mind being stuck somewhere as long as he was around. Cara looked at Karsen's offered hand. Yeah, she waited for her pulse to leap the way it normally would when Lucas was around. Nothing. She knew why. Karsen wasn't Lucas. “Please to meet you Karsen with a K. I am Cara with a C."

  "It's my pleasure meeting the woman who captivated the attention of the staff here."

  Cara frowned. “How did I manage to do that?"

  "Heard you had a bit of an accident at the Devil's Jump."

  "How did you know it was me?"


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