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Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories

Page 7

by Amira Bradford

  Eileen lifted her chest to push her heaving tits more against his face, enticing him to suck even harder. It seemed to be a never-ending cycle. Bill moved his right hand from her ass to her pussy in the front. He started rubbing it without giving consideration that it could hurt her. He knew she was not in any pain. She rotated her cunt hard against his hand, as well as shoving her tits more in his mouth, which couldn't happen as they were just too large for that. Eileen pulled Bill's shirt up, then when he dislodged his mouth from hers, over his head and off. She raised her left leg up to his hard crotch-flesh and held it there for his pleasure.

  Bill had enough. He raised himself from off her, then unfastened her pants. With one swift movement, he pulled off her jeans and panties. Bill unfastened his own pants and slid out of them while on his knees. His raging hard-on was wet with precum. She grabbed it with both hands, and sat up to cover it with her mouth. She moved her head back and forth, all the while sucking so that her cheeks drew in. She never pulled off him, but when she reached the end, she would keep the head in her mouth and would swirl her tongue around it several times while jacking him slowly but purposefully with her hands. Then, she would resume bobbing her head, taking every inch of his 8 on the down-strokes.

  He couldn't take any more of this without cumming in her mouth, which she wouldn't mind, but he knew she needed a good fucking. He gently held her head and pushed her off him. Bill laid her back down, and inserted his member into her extremely wet and hot love canal. It glided in with slight hesitation. God she was still so tight after all these years. Sometimes he didn't take enough notice of this fact, but he couldn't help it this time. Her pussy grabbed his cock as he massaged her from the inside. He fucked her solidly and slowly.

  She just relaxed and enjoyed Bill's cock moving in and out of her. He filled her just the right amount for her satisfaction. She could feel the tingling and tension building within her lower stomach and inner thighs. It wouldn't be long and she could be cumming. Just then, without warning, Eileen's body tightened and the full-body spasms began. Her legs wrapped around Bill's just under his ass. She locked her ankles and tried to pull every part of his being inside her, or so she wished.

  Feeling her hard pulsations around his cock made him last about 3 seconds before the involuntary emptying of his balls caused his sperm to begin filling her. It seemed that the more she convulsed, the more cum it drained from him. The joint orgasm of Bill and Eileen seemed to last a lifetime. If anyone had been watching a clock, these two came for 12 minutes! Orgasm ebbed much more slowly than it had arrived, and they relished in it. Neither moved for several minutes after the passion had ended. They allowed their breathing to return to some form of normalcy. Mostly, they were basking in the afterglow of their physical love. Their emotional love lasted much, much longer. Bill's erection was sustaining for quite some time, so there was no need to get up. The full feeling for them both was still going strong. Bill even considered starting his lovemaking again. But, he knew that this event was very satisfying for them. No need to go into disappointment if his member failed him after a few minutes, as has happened before.

  When Bill did move to get up, Eileen tightened her arm and leg grip on him, so he stayed right where he was. He didn't mind either. After a half-hour, he did get up, only to roll to the floor and take Eileen on top of him. She just needed some attention after feeling that she wasn't getting enough of it lately.

  They gently drifted off to sleep, sighing and cooing, with smiles on their faces.

  The End.

  I am Joe's Penis

  "Just shut up and go to sleep."

  "I'm serious, Joe, I never get to go to any interesting places any more. Just that old fishy smelling box of Mary's. And your hand is hurting me. Can't you be more gentle?"

  Joe Morrisey looked down at his newly verbal companion, who was once again poking its head out of the slit in Joe's pajama bottoms. Its eyeless face rotated in Joe's direction, its neck bending like a cobra's so that it could face Joe head on.

  "I told you, I love Mary and I'm not going to listen to this," Joe told his rebellious penis, and pulled his pajamas over its head once more. He was going to have to ask Dr. Weinstein to change his medication if these hallucinations didn't stop soon.

  The penis managed to squirm its head out of Joe's pajamas again. Its little mouth seemed to pout as it said, "I mean it, Joe, I'm going to make trouble this time. I'm getting real bored down here with nothing to do but piss and feel your palm rip my skin off every night." Its mouth drooled a last drop of whitish fluid as if to punctuate the last remark.

  "Well if you would just cooperate a little more..." Joe told his offending organ.

  "It's not me," Joe's penis said, its mouth bent in anger. "Let's face it, Joe, the girl scout cheerleaders fantasy isn't working any more. You've got to come up with some new material for us."

  "The fantasy is still great and you know it," Joe told his bitter wiener. "It's you that won't cooperate."

  "That's just because I can't remember what a real pussy feels like any more!" his penis shouted, urine spittle flying from its mouth. "I'm tired of old mammoth cave over there. I need something young and tight. If you don't get us some real action, then I'm going to take matters into my own hands. How long do you think I'm just going to sit here quietly in your pants and take all this chickenshit crap? I want some real action."

  "You ain't going to do shit," Joe told his penis, poking it back into his pants. "You're just a goddamn hallucination."

  He rolled over on his stomach to squelch his penis's protesting thrashes inside his pajama bottoms and finally fell asleep.

  The dinner with Dick Smithers and his most voluptuous wife Claudia did not go smoothly.

  They were all three chatting amiably when Joe felt something thrashing inside his pants. Goddamn hallucinations are starting in the daylight hours, he thought. He really had better go see Weinstein pretty soon.

  Then the voice started up again.

  "I want to make hot monkey love to you, Claudia," announced Joe's crotch.

  Joe's boss broke off his anecdote about his African vacation in mid-sentence.. "What did you say?" asked a disbelieving Claudia, her eyes fairly bulging out of their sockets.

  "I said I'm going to rub myself against those lovely knockers of yours until I spill my seed all over your rosy pink nipples," the muffled voice beneath Joe's zipper elaborated.

  Oh shit, Joe thought. They aren't hallucinations after all. "Shut up," he told his misbehaving crotch.

  "No, you shut up!" retorted Joe's penis.

  "No, you," responded Joe.

  "What is that, some kind of ventriloquism act you're working on?" asked Joe's clearly bewildered boss. Claudia was glaring at him, but not, he thought, without some degree of newly acquired sexual interest.

  "I'm sorry, Claudia. that was just my genitals talking. What can I tell you? They seem to have a mind of their own lately. Where the hell is Lorena Bobbit when you need her, anyway?" he joked, searching Claudia's eyes for signs of forgiveness, but seeing only lust instead.

  Suddenly he had an idea.

  "You must be joking," said Joe's penis, turning around to look at him from its perch on the workshop bench.

  "No, I am afraid not," Joe told his flaccid organ. "You've cost me my job. You're ruining my marriage. This is where we part company." And he brought the meat cleaver down again.

  And once again Joe's penis dodged it deftly.

  "OK, you weaselly little worm. No more Mr. Nice Guy," Joe told his rebellious member as he forced its helmet into the jaws of the vise. He considered simply crushing the organ in the vise, but somehow that thought sent a shiver up and down his spine. He saw that he was at a bad angle to wield the meat cleaver. He reached up on the rack for the hacksaw instead.

  Joe's penis seemed to tremble at the prospect of its impending fate. But soon it began to grow tumescent. "Wait, I haven't shown you everything I can do," it told Joe, its voice sounding quite panicked at this poin

  Joe drew the hacksaw across its shaft one time, producing a thin line of blood. This is going to be as easy as playing the violin, he thought. And probably will sound just about as good.

  "Wait, let me show you," Joe's penis pled. It suddenly grew rock hard and began to throb with pleasure. "How do you like this, Joe?" it asked as it began to convulse in the most intense orgasm Joe had ever experienced in his life.

  "And this?" it queried, showing signs of exertion as it brought Joe's pleasure to an even higher level of intensity.

  The orgasm did not stop. It went on for minute after minute, the intensity level growing stronger and stronger. "How about this one, eh Joe?" it whined in an uncharacteristically high-pitched voice. "Not bad, huh?"

  As wave after wave of pleasure overtook him, Joe found his resolve beginning to weaken. It was impossible to sever himself from something that was capable of such feats of ecstasy. Joe found his awareness beginning to dim after the first half hour. The orgasms were still intensifying as he finally lost consciousness altogether.

  Months later, Joe was pushing his shopping cart down 107th Street. It was filled with scavenged bottles he hoped to trade for a pretty penny down at the Stop & Shop. He ambled along slowly, his gait having become a shuffling one under the influence of the drugs that they were pumping into him down at the shelter. His lips moved constantly, and he uttered the obligatory profanities at any and all passers-by. At first he did not notice the bag lady sitting on the curb.

  "I'd like to wrap these lips around you, suck you dry," she said. Joe did a quick double-take. The woman's lips hadn't moved. At least not the ones on her face. Joe had a sneaking suspicion where the voice was coming from.

  The woman's crotch began to elaborate. "I'll squeeze you tight inside my sugar walls, honey. Open up your pants right now. You won't regret it." Joe looked in the woman's eyes. There were clear signs of intelligence there. She would have fit right in at Wellesley or Bryn Mawr College if you ignored the grime on her forehead and the head lice. There also appeared to be a rather excellent body housed beneath her army surplus fatigues.

  "You too?" Joe commented to the woman. She averted her eyes, clearly wanting Joe to just keep on walking.

  "Finally we meet somebody with some intelligence," said Joe's crotch. "I'm so sick of just poking meat. I need a decent conversation. I've got a life of the mind too, you know."

  The woman's eyes widened at that. Her crotch said, "Oh so cute, and he can talk too. He' s not dumb like all the others. Can we keep him, Jillian?"

  Suddenly, Joe had an idea. He looked from crotch to crotch. "If we let you kids play together, do you promise to behave? No more talking in public? No writhing around in our pants or queefing during business meetings?"

  "Oh yes, please let us play! We promise to behave," said Jillian's cunt.

  Joe's penis was more reluctant. "I guess so, " it finally whispered.

  "Well, Jillian," said Joe, "it appears that ours is a match made in heaven. At least we shouldn't run into much of problem communicating our sexual desires to each other."

  Jillian smiled at that. She rose and took his hand, and together they began to make their way down 107th Street, visions of corporate boardrooms dancing in their heads.

  The End.

  The Room

  I met Jan on my first day at university, and fell in love with her immediately. She was tall and willowy, with cascades of auburn hair framing a pretty face. She was fun to be with, always ready to party, but also intelligent and thoughtful. I worshipped the ground she walked on, and tried to be with her as much as possible. Unfortunately Jan didn't share my feelings for her. She was a reliable friend but nothing more; always ready for an intellectual discussion or for going to the pub with a group of mates, but either she didn't fancy me or she was saving herself for her husband, for she didn't date as far as I knew. Eventually I learned to live with my unrequited lust and stopped trying to seduce her; it had come very close to destroying our friendship, and I dared not risk that.

  After a few years I fell in love again and got married; Jan followed suit shortly afterwards – we went to each others' weddings and the four of us became and stayed firm and loyal friends throughout bringing up children. Jan and Russell lived at the other end of the country, so we didn't see them that often, but we'd visit occasionally and also meet up with other university friends. Every time I saw Jan I wondered how life would have panned out if she had responded to my advances and we had ended up married. She and Russell seemed to have a loving relationship - they still held hands when out walking, for instance - and although I liked him a lot I felt obscurely jealous of the fact that he had had sex with Jan countless times ...

  One year – by that time we were all in our early fifties and the kids had left home – they invited us to share a little cottage they had booked in Derbyshire. Of course my wife Debbie and I accepted immediately – there were few people with whom we would rather have shared a cottage, and we looked forward to long walks, good food and conversation, and sizeable amounts of wine being consumed. Arrangements were duly made and we arrived at the remote farmhouse about half an hour before Jan and Russell, lit the fire (it was March) and chose one of the two double bedrooms – the one we thought was the less desirable, to be polite, although in fact the whole place was luxuriously appointed.

  Jan and Russell arrived and we kissed and hugged and cracked open a bottle of wine. Jan sorted out the food they had brought while Russell unpacked their clothes upstairs. It was a very old house with many quirky features – a stone spiral staircase, for instance, as in a castle – and it took us a while to locate some of the facilities we wanted, such as a washing machine. The weather forecast was not good and I anticipated we might need one if we went walking in the rain.

  'There doesn't seem to be a drying room, or anywhere to air stuff off,' Debbie observed.

  'Oh, there's a big cupboard under the eaves off our bedroom,' Russell said. 'More like an extra room really. The hot water tank's in there, it'd be ideal for drying stuff off.'

  The website had made a big feature of the wild birds which frequented the garden, and being something of a twitcher I had brought my big phallic telescope and tripod, and set it up in front of the picture window which looked out onto the garden and down the valley.

  'Well, that'll give us something to do if it rains all the time,' laughed Jan. 'That and playing Scrabble.'

  'Yes, we can watch the neighbours,' said Debbie. 'Except there aren't any.'

  My wife and I cooked the meal that night (the couples planned to alternate) and we ate and drank to repletion. I normally go to bed pretty early, and get up at dawn, but tonight everyone else seemed of a like mind too, and we tottered off upstairs before 11. Jan was looking desirable in thin tight jeans and a blouse, and I wished that I was accompanying her to bed. She's aged well – her hair is shorter but still startlingly ginger, her figure still slim apart from a little tummy. I resolved to vent my lust on my wife, but in fact I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

  I awoke early, as usual, and pottered downstairs in the silent house to make a pot of tea and look at the birds, as always more active at dawn. To my delight a greater spotted woodpecker clung to one of the feeders.

  After a while I heard a noise, and turned to see Jan come into the room. She looked sleepy and her hair was tousled, her face without any make-up, which made her look older but prettier and more vulnerable. She wore a full-length blue silk nightie with spaghetti straps and from the way the morning sun outlined her body it was clear that there was nothing under it. She squinted at me.

  'Morning. Anything interesting to see?' Jan's voice is soft and husky at the best of times.

  'Woodpecker. Come and have a look. Oh, there might be some tea in the pot.'

  She sat next to me on the bench which I had placed in front of the window and peered through the telescope. I felt the warmth of her hip against mine. In aligning the 'scope again I automatically put my arm arou
nd her waist, letting my hand rest casually on her hip. Only a flimsy layer of silk was between me and her naked skin. Jan can be very affectionate, although she doesn't flirt, and we quite often put our arms around each other.

  This time I felt her arm around my waist too, and when she had looked though the 'scope we just sat there like an old couple. Jan rested her head against my shoulder.

  'I had the most amazing sex last night,' she said softly. We hardly ever discussed sexual matters, at least not in a personal context, so I was rather surprised at this conversational gambit.


  'Mmm. I had dozens of orgasms. I'm still tingling.'

  I couldn't think of a suitable response, and just concentrated on the feel of her tingling warmth under my hand.

  'I suppose,' she mused, 'if I'm honest, I've never really enjoyed sex much.'


  'Oh, don't get me wrong, I mean, I like sex, of course, but only as part of making love. I've never been bothered about it for its own sake.'

  'But last night ...?'

  'Last night – all night in fact – I just couldn't get enough. I just wanted sex, pure undiluted raw sex. Love didn't come into it ...'

  I wish I'd been there, I thought, and stroked her hip, confirming the absence of panties.

  'Nothing wrong with that.' I was conscious of an erection stiffening rapidly in my trousers. A glance showed that her nipples were hard.

  'No ...' she chuckled. 'I'll see if Russ wants a cup of tea. He's worn out, poor guy.'

  She got up slowly, trailing her hand across my back, and the spell was broken. I watched her in the kitchen, her body languid with orgasmic afterglow, caressed by the flimsy silk. Jan was still a very desirable woman. She took two cups upstairs and didn't reappear; I imagined her slipping into bed again and awakening her husband with further demands. My erection took a very long time to subside.


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