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Filthy Daddy's Taboo Erotic Sex Stories

Page 33

by Amira Bradford


  "I'm gonna get you a little drunk, then we're gonna play a 'Twister' tournament." She flashed her bright teeth at him. "Well, a kind of adult version. You know, best two-out-of-three? Won't hurt your floor if it gets oily, right?"

  He stared at her.

  She lifted her blue skirt in slow motion. As the hemline rose, it revealed stockings and their darker tops, bare legs and electric blue garter straps, and the briefest peek of her denuded vagina. Steven's mouth worked a couple of times but he made no sound. Stephanie giggled and dropped her skirt back into place.

  "Or we could forget the whole thing. You, me, food, wine, oily naked 'Twister.' We can forget all that and I could just leave."

  Steve closed the door. Then he locked it.

  The End.

  Her Scent

  I could hear her silently moving around the room getting her things together for class. She thought she was being quiet but I always knew when she got out of bed. Even with my eyes closed, I knew she walked out of the room because her scent faded. She wore this perfume that drove me crazy. It was a soft scent, smelled almost like flowers and vanilla or some shit like that. I could recognize it anywhere.

  I drifted back off to sleep. Just before I got too deep, it was back, her scent. She was back home. Did she forget something? I didn't open my eyes when she came into the room. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the sweetness of her aroma. I could hear her moving around. The more she moved, the stronger her scent seemed to get. Like every movement released a burst of sweetness.

  My body began to slowly awaken. Every time I inhaled her scent, my shaft throbbed, thickening & hardening. I was fully erect in seconds. She had to go to class though. I decided not to move.

  The thought was barely formed when I felt the mattress shift under her weight. The blanket moved and her warm body slipped into bed. As always, she snuggled close to me, laying her head on my shoulder. She draped a luscious thigh across me, settling her leg between mine. She slipped her hand up my shirt, resting it on my upper torso. I placed a hand on her thigh, caressing the smooth warm skin. I could feel myself getting harder still with every breath.

  She snuggled a little closer as my hand slid up her thigh to grip the softness of her behind. She moaned lightly and moved her hand higher up my shirt, caressing my chest. I dragged her on top of me, making her straddle my hips. She immediately rocked her hips against my erection, causing shockwaves of pleasure to shoot through my body. I put both hands on her hips and lifted mine, pressing firmer against her soft center. She moaned a little louder so I knew I must have rubbed against her clit.

  I finally open my eyes and looked directly into hers. Her lids were slightly closed but I could still those pretty brown eyes filled with passion. I put a hand behind her neck, bringing her lips to mine. She kissed me softly and flicked her tongue against the corner of my mouth. I parted my lips and she slipped her tongue in to wrestle with mine. I gave her ass a little squeeze before sliding my hands up her body, pushing her t-shirt up. When I reached her arms, she broke the kissing, sitting up while she pulled the shirt over her head. She tossed it to the floor along with her bra.

  I admired her C-cup breasts and tight, hard nipples for a moment. She leaned forward and brushed a nipple across my lips. I flicked my tongue across it before sucking it into my mouth. She moaned as I swirled my tongue and gently bit down. I reached up and massaged her other breast, rubbing my palm against her nipple. I felt her shiver.

  I flung the blanket back and rolled her onto her back. I was still palming her breast but moved my mouth up to her neck. I inhaled deeply. I couldn't get enough of that scent. I licked and kissed my way back down to her breasts. I returned my attention to her nipples as I slid my hand down her body. The only clothing she had on was the bright blue bikini underwear. I massaged her lips and clit through them, enjoying the way she rocked her hips and arched her back in response. I sat up, watching the pleasure on her face and the way she moved her body. When she reached up to pull on her nipples and rub her breasts, I couldn't help but smile. She was so damn sexy.

  I stopped touching her long enough to pull off her underwear. I pulled her body closer to the center of the bed as I knelt in front of her. She was wet with passion. I dipped a finger inside and slid it up to rub her clit. She jumped and moaned. I pushed her legs further apart and flicked my tongue against her clit. She gasped and reached down to caress my head. I sucked her sensitive bud into my mouth, rapidly twirling my tongue around it. She started rocking her hips again, grinding her body into my face. One of her hands disappeared from the top of my head. Looking up, I saw she had gone back to massaging her breast. I pressed my tongue flat against her clit and she let out a long moan. She started wildly bucking her hips. I wrapped my arms around her thighs to keep her in place as I made firm circles with my tongue. Within a few seconds, she was crying out and shivering as she came against my tongue. I waited until she calmed down a little bit before I stopped licking her. I smiled as I looked down at her face, flushed and satisfied, knowing that I still had more for her.

  Her eyes were closed as she tried to catch her breath. She licked her lips and my dick pulsed. I needed those lips around me. I crawl towards her head, massaging myself. She opened her eyes and smiled up at me. She sat up, putting her weight on one arm while reaching for my dick. She massaged it for a second before flicking her tongue out, catching a drop of precum. She licked her lips again before wrapping them around the head of my shaft. I sighed, loving the feeling. When she licked all the way around the head, I felt myself get a little hard. She opened her mouth wide, taking as much of me as she could into her mouth. She pulled back slowly, making me moan from the incredible sensation. She kept doing this, her mouth getting wetter each time. I started rocking my hips with the rhythm, pushing a little deeper into her mouth.

  She sat completely up and wrapped both hands around my shaft. She started working both her hands in a circular motion while sliding me in and out of her mouth at a fast pace. She let my dick fall completely out of her mouth and started flicking her tongue against the head, still working her hands. I could only take a few minutes of that. I reluctantly pulled away.

  I leaned down and kissed her deeply while moving back between her legs. I broke the kiss long enough to make her lie down and position myself on top of her. I started kissing her again just as I slid the head of my dick into her hot, wet body. Her lips parted as she moaned into my mouth. I pushed deeper, going as slow as I could allow myself to go. She was tight, always fit around me like a glove. I paused for a second when I was all the way in. I grunted in appreciation. No woman could compare to her.

  I started stroking her long and deep. Taking my time because I wanted every stroke to make her moan. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, pulling me closer. I slid my hands under her hips, lifting her slightly so I could go a little deeper. She cried out in a way that almost sounded like a growl. Even though my body was screaming at me to pounded deep and hard, I loved the way she moaned and whispered in my ear when I went slow. I could tell from the arch in her back that she was feeling good but I knew it wasn't good enough. She was still speaking English. When it got really good, my baby started speaking Creole.

  I kept the slow, deep strokes but started going just a little faster. Her legs tightened around my back and she started faltering over her words. I could hear her accent coming out.

  Just a little bit faster and she finally screamed out, "Modi, ou frape adwat, bebe!"

  Once she told me that meant, "Damn you hitting it right, baby!" I smiled and kept hitting just that way. She kept talking the whole time, saying a bunch of shit I didn't understand but it sounded good. The more she talked, the harder and faster I stroked.

  "Sekonsa, bebe!"

  I didn't know what that meant but she always said that before she started yelling, "Vini," and that meant she was about to come. I slipped my hand between our bodies and rubbed my thumb over her clit. Her hips lifted off the bed while I pound
ed into her. She bucked hard and screamed my name before dropping back to the bed. Feeling her muscles convulsing against my hard flesh was threatening to make me loose it but I wasn't ready for that just yet. I pulled out of her a little bit, only pushing the tip in and out of her. When she stopped contracting her muscles so hard, I slid back in, but still only giving shallow thrust. I wanted her full attention when I started up again.

  She opened her legs wider and shifted her weight. Before I could move, she started rolling her hips and clenching me tightly inside of her. My head dropped to her shoulder. I could only lay there and take it. She was good at that and knew it sent me over the edge when I was on top and she worked her body like that. My body convulsed as I felt myself loosing the little bit of control I had left. She leaned forward and started nibbling on my ear. My knees felt weak and I couldn't hold out any longer. I moaned loudly as I felt myself exploding deep inside of her. She gripped me even tighter, flexing rapidly, making me come harder. I moaned one last time as I felt my body being drained and collapsed on top of her. She kissed the side of my neck and sighed contently.

  "Class was canceled," she whispered.

  I grunted in response. Not really caring but happy it brought her back to bed.

  The End.

  Mushrooms from Outer Space

  It was far fuckin' out.

  Of course, Apple Annie was missing it as usual, having long ago gone inside to burn her incense and chant her incessant mantra.

  But not Billy Deerfriend. No siree Bob. He was lying out here under the stars enjoying the show. The clouds had finally cleared and the best Leonid meteor shower in three decades was in full bloom.

  Billy took another deep hit off his joint. There must be a thousand of them coming down an hour now, just like that manicured weather dude on TV said there would be.

  Some weather. Rocks falling from outer space right onto your doorstep. Another one of Billy's patented shit-eating grins came over his face, as the weed permeated his brain, shutting down those troublesome higher centers once again. Those centers seemed to be reviving with alarming frequency between tokes lately. Billy was beginning to think that Captain Happy might be starting to step on the dope he was selling Billy. The weed did seem to exude a troubling aroma reminiscent of eau de oregano. Billy thought he might be better off putting it on his salad than into his brain. He was going to have to confront Captain Happy about this. Either that or look for a different connection.

  But those troubling higher centers were basically all shut down now, and Billy felt that he was communing with those shooting stars from outer space, that he was reading their thoughts and they were reading his. He sent out a mental greeting to his asteroid friends and felt a warm glow as his greeting was returned in kind. Right on your damn doorstep, he thought. Wouldn't that be the cat's pajamas. Even better yet right into your skull, man. There would be no troubling signals from his brain's higher centers then. No siree Bob.

  Suddenly one of the shooting stars seemed to turn in Billy's direction.

  "Far out," Billy whispered in appreciation to the night sky.

  The meteor grew even brighter.

  "Far out," Billy reiterated, his verbal capacity, never large to begin with, further diminished by the weed.

  Unlike Billy, the meteor grew brighter and brighter. Somewhere deep in Billy's limbic system, a primal brain center finally activated. Suddenly Billy knew where his meteor pal was headed.

  "Oh shit!" said Billy in a rare moment of enlightenment. He rolled quickly to his right as the scream of the meteor finally reached his ears. There was a tremendous crash to his left, at the approximate location that his head had just occupied. A spray of dirt and turf clumps covered Billy's face and chest.

  Billy slowly rose to his feet and crawled to the small crater in the lawn where he had just been lying. Smoke and steam were still rising from the ground. Billy looked at the glowing rock that lay in the middle of the crater. It seemed somehow alive. He thought he could see things moving in its pores. The rock seemed to send out a mental greeting that warmed his brain, once again happily suppressing those nasty higher centers.

  "Far out," said Billy, and reached down to lift his new friend from outer space out of the hole it had dug for itself. He was rewarded with an intense pain and the smell of burning flesh as the two thousand degree heat of the rock incinerated the flesh on the palms of his hands.

  "Oh shit," Billy said.

  Later they sat as usual on the kitchen floor, both naked as the day they were born, a candle burning beside them. Apple Annie sat in full lotus position, Billy with his legs and ankles crossed. Beside them, the meteorite still steamed in the wheelbarrow they had used to drag it into the house.

  Also as usual, Apple Annie had Billy's throbbing shaft firmly grasped in her right hand, squeezing it while she traced the fingernails of her left hand up and down its length. Billy sighed helplessly as her left hand reached down to grasp his balls firmly, squeezing them alternately in turn as her right hand began to pump his stiff organ mercilessly.

  "I want to test your control tonight, Billy," she said in the pseudo-spiritual whispering voice she saved for such occasions. "I want you to take my breasts in your hands while I try to milk you tonight. Don't disappoint me, Billy. We are never going to get to the next step if you don't progress."

  Obediently, Billy reached out to seize both of Apple Annie's firm and magnificent globes with his bandaged hands. His palms ached at the touch of her flesh, but he slavishly began to knead her tits with his relatively unscorched fingertips as best he could.

  In the meantime, Apple Annie leaned forward to take Billy's earlobe in her mouth. She tugged it back and forth and then ran her tongue around the inner workings of his ear, all the while pumping his stiff organ harder and harder with her right hand and squeezing his balls brutally with her left.

  "Remember, Billy, the secret to tantra is control. If you want to progress to the next step, to have your lingam in my yoni, you must exercise complete control."

  Billy's cock was throbbing now and his balls, squeezed ever more tightly in Apple Annie's teasing hands, aching for release. He did not know how much longer he could hold out.

  Despite his best effort, Billy felt a drop of precum emerge from the tip of his shaft. It was immediately detected by Apple Annie's right thumb, which was rubbing its way back and forth over the offending opening in Billy's tool, monitoring him for the first signs of a spiritual transgression.

  She immediately withdrew both her hands from Billy's genitals and her tongue from his ear, then held her right thumb in front of his face so that he could witness the offending drop for himself.

  "I am very disappointed, Billy. I thought you were progressing faster than this," she told him harshly. She rose and stormed from the room, her naked butt swaying tauntingly back and forth as she climbed the stairs.

  Billy's balls ached and his pulsing organ throbbed, pleading for full release.

  Suddenly, Billy heard a high-pitched voice somewhere to his right say, "Eat me."

  "Excuse me," Billy said, turning his head to the right. He saw a small group of mushroom-like fungi standing next to the meteorite, apparently growing directly from the metal of the wheelbarrow.

  One of the mushrooms opened a tiny little mouth. "I said, 'Eat me!'" it yelled in a tiny little voice.

  Billy was reminded of Alice in Wonderland and the dangers inherent in eating things that invited you to do so.

  "What did you say?" he asked incredulously.

  Suddenly, the mushroom was transformed into the fictional redhead that was the perpetual subject of Billy's masturbatory fantasies.

  She rose from the wheelbarrow, her firm breasts jutting out, her finely defined calf and thigh muscles flexing as she stepped down from the wheelbarrow. She lay down on the kitchen floor and spread her legs, splaying herself wide open for Billy's entertainment and enlightenment.

  "What part of 'eat me' don't you understand?" she asked him.

Billy thought he got it now. She was like that mushroom-induced hallucinatory god Mescalito who was the subject of that renegade anthropologist Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan tetralogy. Billy knew a little something about anthropology, having spent two months as preanthropology major over at Clearwater Community College before that bastard Professor Thornstein had failed him on the third retake of the first hour exam, forcing Billy into his present career as a Delivery Associate at Pizza King. Billy thought he knew a few things about hallucinations, too. And at this point, there was little about the phrase "eat me" that he didn't understand given the present context.

  He crawled over to his masturbatory fantasy made flesh, dragging his still-throbbing genitals along the tiles of the kitchen floor until he reached the object of his masticatory desire. He took her mound in his mouth without hesitation, as she reached down to grab the sides of his head, shoving his mouth more tightly against her crotch.

  She swung her hips up over him to ride his face, grinding her mound into him as he eagerly lapped her cunt. That cunt was so sweet and so warm and so wet and tasted so delicious (dare he say mushroomy?) in his deprived state, that he began to eat it as if there were no tomorrow.

  The girl began to rock on his face as he tongued her, lapped her, sucked her and chewed her for all she was worth. She came several times, gushing a pungent fluid all over his face before she lowered herself on him.

  Billy could feel the protruding erect nipples of her breasts as they contacted his lower abdomen, sending an electric thrill running through his body.

  Then she took Billy into her mouth and began to suck him as he had never been sucked before. Her hunger seemed insatiable, and her mouth strangely talented. It was as though she had two or three tongues, each one capable of independent and very rapid movement. And each one very skilled and thoughtful in what it did. And her mouth seemed impossibly long as she took in Billy's full length and then kept it in without even gagging once. The walls of that mouth seemed to adjust to the exact size of Billy's prick, squeezing it and caressing it alternately as he began to fuck the redhead's sweet mouth for all it was worth. And after Apple Annie's torture, it was worth a great deal.


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